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OF 90-0474. NEVADA. Results of rock property measurements made on core samples from Yucca Mountain boreholes, Nevada Test Site, Nevada: Part 1, Boreholes UE25A-4, -5, -6, and -7; Part 2, Borehole UE25P#1, by L. A. Anderson. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 43 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, SF, U; Nevada Bur. of Mines and Geol., Univ. of NevadaReno, Reno, NV 89557-0088.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $6.75.

OF 90-0527. Consultancy services in platinum-group mineral exploration for the Directorate of Mineral Resources, by M. L. Zientek and N. J Page. Prepared in cooperation with the Directorate of Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia. 1990. 332 р., 17 over-size sheets, scales 1:25,000 (1 inch = about 2,000 feet) and 1:5,000 (1 inch = about 400 feet). (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $16.75; paper copy $87.

OF 90-0569. NEVADA. Preliminary permeability and water-retention data for nonwelded and bedded tuff samples, Yucca Mountain area, Nye County, Nevada, by L. E. Flint and A. L. Flint. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1990. 57 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $9.50.

OF 90-0592. CALIFORNIA. Hydraulic properties of a fracturedrock aquifer, Lee Valley, San Diego County, California, by C. А. Kaehler and P. A. Hsieh. Prepared in cooperation with the San Diego County Department of Planning and Land Use. 1991. 94 p. (NC, Da, M. SF; USGS, WRD, Federal Bldg., Room W-2234, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825; and 5735 Keamy Villa Rd., Suite O, San Diego, CA 92123.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $15.

OF 90-0633. CALIFORNIA. Preliminary contour map showing elevation of surface of Pleistocene alluvium under Santa Clara Valley, Califomia, by E. J. Helley. 1990. 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). (NC, Da, M, SF; California Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, CA 95814-0131; 367 Civic Dr., Suite 16, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-1997; and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012.) Microfiche $1.50; paper copy $2.50.

OF 91-0010. ALASKA. Undiscovered locatable mineral resources of the Tongass National Forest and adjacent lands, southeastern Alaska, by D. A. Brew, L. J. Drew, J. M. Schmidt, D. H. Root and D. F. Huber. 1991. 370 р., 12 over-size sheets, scales 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles) and 1:500,000 (1 inch = about 8 miles). (NC, Da, M, A, S, SF; Alaska Div. of Geol. and Geophys. Surv., 3700 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709; U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Alaska Resource Library, 701 C St., Box 36, Anchorage, AK 99513.) Microfiche $13; paper copy $101.75.

OF 91-0015. SOUTH CAROLINA. Geochemical data for 608 heavy-mineral concentrates from the northeast part of the Greenville 1° x 2° Quadrangle, South Carolina, by semi-quantitative emission spectrography, by J. C. Jackson and B. M. Adrian. 1991. 25 p. (NC, Da, M; South Carolina Geol. Surv., 5 Geology Rd., Columbia, SC 29210-9998.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $4.

OF 91-0069. OREGON. Hydrothermal systems of the Cascade Range, north-central Oregon, by S. E. Ingebritsen, R. H. Mariner and D. R. Sherrod. 1991. 217 p., 2 over-size sheets, scale 1:500,000 (1 inch = about 8 miles). (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025.) Microfiche $5.50, paper copy $37.25.

OF 91-0185. NEVADA. Physical, chemical, and biological data for detailed study of irrigation drainage in and near Stillwater, Fernley, and Humboldt Wildlife Management Areas and Carson Lake, west-central Nevada, 1987-89, by T. G. Rowe, M. S. Lico, R. J. Hallock, A. S. Maest and R. J. Hoffman. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 1991. 199 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, SF, U; USGS, WRD, Room 224, Federal Bldg., 705 North Plaza St., Carson City, NV 89701; and 1500 East Tropicana, Suite 201, Las Vegas, NV 89119.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $30.75.

OF 91-0202. SOUTH CAROLINA. Effects of sediment depositional environment and ground-water flow on the quality and geochemistry of water in aquisers in sediments of Cretaceous age in the coastal plain of South Carolina, by G. K. Speiran and W. R. Aucott. 1991. 79 p. (NC, Da, M. Wb; USGS, WRD, 720 Gracem Rd., Stephenson Ctr., Suite 129, Columbia, SC 29210.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $13.25.

OF 91-0223. Technical review of water-quality laboratories providing analytical services for the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey, by D. E. Erdmann. 1991. 19 p. (NC, Da, M, WB, Db.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.50.

OF 91-0232. IDAHO. Radionuclides, chemical constituents, and organic compounds in water from wells and springs from the southern boundary of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory to the Hagermian area, Idaho, 1989, by S. J. Wegner and L. J. Campbell. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy and Idaho Departinent of Water Resources. 1991. 49 р. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 230 Collins Rd., Boise, ID 83702; and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, CF-690, Room 164, Idaho Falls, ID 83403.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.

OF 91-0234. MISSISSIPPI. Water resources activities of the Mississippi District, 1990-91, by C. P. Moss. 1991. 25 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $4.25.

OF 91-0253. CALIFORNIA. Multichannel seismic-reflection data collected in 1983 off Central California, Monterey Bay, by D. M. Mann and G. H. Greene. 1991. 5 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). (NC, Da, M. SF: California Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr.. Sacramento, CA 95814-0131; 1145 Market St., 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103; and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $4.

OF 91-0285. UTAH. Oil-shale resources of the Mahogany Zone in eastern Uinta Basin, Uintah County, Utah, by J. R. Dyni, J. R. Donnell, W. D. Grundy, W. B. Cashion, L. A. Orlowski and Courteney Williamson. 1991. 82 p., 10 over-size sheets, scale 1:100,000 (1 inch = about 1.6 miles). (NC, Da, M, Db, U; Utah Geol. and Mineral Surv., 606 Black Hawk Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1280.) Microfiche $11.50; paper copy $39.

OF 91-0310. Experimental studies of the synthesis of pyrite and marcasite (FeS2) from (0^-200°C and summary of results, by M. R. Stanton and M. B. Goldhaber. 1991. 27 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $4.50.

OF 91-0313-A. COLORADO. Caldera-related lava flows and intrusions of the south-central San Juan Mountains, Colorado; analytical data, by D. B. Yager, P. W. Lipman and D. A. Sawyer. 1991. 19 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:50,000 (1 inch = about 4,200 feet). (NC, Da, M, Db, U; Colorado Geol. Surv., 1313 Sherman St., Room 715, Denver, CO 80203.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy


OF 91-0313-B. COLORADO. Caldera-related lava flows and intrusions of the south-central San Juan Mountains, Colorado; analytical data, by D. B. Yager, P. W. Lipman and D. A. Sawyer. 1991. One 5 1/4 inch diskette. (NC, Da, M, Db, U; Colorado Geol. Surv., 1313 Sherman St., Room 715, Denver, CO 80203.) $6.

Chemical and mineralogic data are included on a 5 1/4 inch DS/DD IBM compatible floppy diskette in. WK1 format.

OF 91-0333. HAWAII. Cruise report, Hawaiian GLORIA Leg 7, F10-88-HW, by B. A. McGregor, E. S. Kappel, J. B. Wilson, Fabio Trincardi, R. J. Whittington, Wolf Mayer and John Campbell. 1991. 52 p. (NC, Da, M, SF.) Microfiche $4: paper copy $8.

OF 91-0335. KANSAS, OKLAHOMA. Principal facts for 1747 gravity stations in southern Kansas and central Oklahoma, by S. L. Robbins, Courteney Williamson and Meridee Jones-Cecil. 1991. 80 p. (NC, Da, M, Db; Kansas Geol. Surv., 1930 Constant Ave., Campus West, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66046; Oklahoma Geol. Surv., Univ. of Oklahoma, 830 Van Vleet Oval, Room 163, Norman, OK 73019.) Microfiche $4: paper copy $12.50.

OF 91-0341. NEVADA. Bibliography of publications related to the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project prepared by U.S. Geological Survey personnel through April, 1991, by V. Μ. Glanzman. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 52 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, SF, U; Nevada Bur. of Mines and Geol., Univ. of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557-0088.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.50.

OF 91-0342. UTAH. Stratigraphy of Lake Bonneville deposits along Grouse Creek, northwestern Utah, by C. G. Oviatt. 1991. 22 p., 2 over-size sheets; sheet 1, scale 1:39,370 (1 inch = about 3,300 feet). (NC, Da, M, U, Db; Utah Geol. and Mineral Surv., 606 Black Hawk Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108.) Microfiche $5.50, paper copy $7.50.

OF 91-0352. National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, summaries of technical reports; Volume XXXII, compiled by M. L. Jacobson. Prepared by participants in the National Hazards Reduction Program. 1991. 707 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4.50; paper copy $107.25.

OF 91-0359. NEW YORK. Estimates of sediment movement and resuspension in the New York Bight; implications for dredged material disposal, by R. P. Signell and Bradford Butman. 1991. 24 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.75.

OF 91-0361. MASSACHUSETTS. Average near-bottom currents in Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay measured with Woodhead drifters; progress report for drifters released Sept. 1990 through May 1991, by F. S. Hotchkiss and R. P. Signell. 1991. 13 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $2.25.

OF 91-0365. Branch of Petroleum Geology bibliography, 1990, compiled by H. Y. Colburn. 1991. 25 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $4.

OF 91-0373. UTAH. Preliminary stratigraphic and lithologic data from the Delhi-Taylor Oil Company, Shafer No. 1 corehole, San Juan County, Utah, by O. B. Raup and R. J. Hite. 1991. 34 р. (NC Da, M, Db, U; Utah Geol. and Mineral Surv., 606 Black Hawk Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1280.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $5.25.

OF 91-0375-A. Station locations and grain-size analysis of surficial sediment samples collected on the continental shelf, Gulf of Farallones during Cruise F2-89-NC, January 1989, by N. Μ. Maher, H. A. Karl, J. L. Chin and W. C. Schwab. 1991. 42 р. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $6.50.

OF 91-0375-B. Station locations and grain-size analysis of surficial sediment samples collected on the continental shelf, Gulf of Farallones during Cruise F2-89-NC, January 1989, by N. М. Maher, H. A. Karl, J. L. Chin and W. C. Schwab. 1991. One 3 1/2 inch diskette. (NC, Da, M.) $10.

The report is issued on a 3.5-inch double-sided diskette requiring a Macintosh Plus, SE, or II with any word processing and spreadsheet applications.

OF 91-0376-A. CALIFORNIA. Principal facts for gravity data compiled for the Bakersfield 1 by 2 degree sheet, California, by V. E. Langenheim and J. B. Plescia. 1991. 131 p. (NC, Da, M, SF: California Dep. of Conservation. Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, CA 95814-0131; 367 Civic Dr., Suite 16, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-1997; and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $20.

OF 91-0376-B. CALIFORNIA. Principal facts for gravity data compiled for the Bakersfield I by 2 degree sheet, California, by V. E. Langenheim and J. B. Plescia. 1991. Two 5 1/4 inch diskettes. (NC, Da, M, SF; Califomia Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, CA 95814-0131; 367 Civic Dr., Suite 16, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-1997; and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012.) $12.

The diskette version of the data requires an IBM PC (or compatible) using DOS 2.0 or higher versions.

OF 91-0377. CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASINGTON. Assessment of undiscovered porphyry copper deposits within the range of the northern spotted owl, northwestem California, westem Oregon, and western Washington, edited by M. F. Diggles. 1991. 58 р., 27 over-size sheets, scales 1:500,000 (1 inch = about 8 miles) and 1:1,000,000 (1 inch = about 16 miles). (NC, Da, M, S, SF, Db, U: California Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, CA 95814-0131: 367 Civic Dr., Suite 16, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-1997; and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012: 910 State Office Bldg., Dep. Geol. and Mineral Industries, 1400 SW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97201-5528.) Microfiche $24.25; paper copy $82.75.

Executive summary, by M. F. Diggles. p. 7-11.

Introduction, by M. F. Diggles. p. 12.

Geologic setting, by S. E. Church. p. 12-14.

Ore deposit model for porphyry copper, by D. P. Cox and D. A. Singer. p. 14-17.

Known copper deposits, by J. A. Peterson. p. 17-21.

Geophysical interpretations, by R. J. Blakely and Donald Plouff. p. 21-30.

Gamma-ray radioactivity, by J. A. Pitkin. p. 30-31.

Geochemistry, by S. E. Church. p. 31-42.

Quantitative resource assessment, by G. T. Spanski, D. A. Singer, S. E. Church, D. P. Cox, R. P. Ashley, W. C. Bagby, M. F. Diggles, L. J. Drew and D. D. Menzie, II. p. 42-47.

OF 91-0379. MAKESHARE.COM; a VMS utility for creating shareable images from object module libraries, by L. M. Baker. 1991. 24 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.75.

OF 91-0381. Partitioning of elements between two size sediment fractions in samples from nineteen areas of the Western United States, by R. C. Severson, K. C. Stewart and T. F. Harms. 1991. 18 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.25.

OF 91-0382. Analysis of a seismic anomaly in Georges Bank basin, Atlantic continental margin, by W. F. Agena and M. W. Lee. 1991. 23 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $5.75.

OF 91-0383. A study of flow development in mass movements of granular materials, by G. B. Crosta, P. S. Powers and W. Z. Savage. 1991. 69 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $11.25.

OF 91-0384. Quantitative assessments of the energy and mineral resources within eighteen wilderness study areas in the states of Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah, edited by R. B. McCammon, W. D. Menzie, III, R. F. Mast and M. D. Carter. 1991. 47 p. (NC, Da, M, U, Db, SF, S; Utah Geol. and Mineral Surv., 606 Black Hawk Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108; Nevada Bur. of Mines and Geol., Univ. of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557-0088; Dep. of Geol. and Mineral Industries, 910 State Office Bldg., 1400 SW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97201-5528.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.25.

OF 91-0388. CALIFORNIA. Preliminary isoseismal map for the Sierra Madre, California, earthquake of June 28, 1991 UTC, by C. W. Stover and B. G. Reagor. 1991. 16 p. (NC, Da, M, SF; California Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, CA 95814-0131; State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012; 1145 Market St., 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $2.75.

OF 91-0392. Ground failure produced by the 29 April 1991 Racha earthquake in Soviet Georgia, by R. W. Jibson and C. S. Prentice. 1991. 5 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 91-0393. CALIFORNIA. Aeromagnetic map of the Santa Ana 1:100,000 scale quadrangle, California, by R. C. Jachens and E. T. Dixon. 1991. 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:100,000 (1 inch = about 1.6 miles). (NC, Da, M, SF: California Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, C'A 95814-0131; 1145 Market St., 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103; and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012.) Microfiche $1.50; paper copy $4.25.

OF 91-0460. CALIFORNIA. Trace metals in clams (Macoma balthica) and sediments at the Palo Alto mudflat in South San Francisco Bay; April, 1990 - April, 1991, by S. N. Luoma, D. J. Cain, C. L. Brown and E. V. Axtmann. Prepared in cooperation with the City of Palo Alto, California. 1991. 47 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.

OF 91-0461. ARIZONA. Field conditions at the Maricopa Agricultural Center, Pinal County, Arizona, June 26-28, 1990, by S. J. Owen-Joyce. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of

Reclamation. 1991. 15 p. (NC, Da, M. Wb; USGS, WRD, 375 South Euclid Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719; 1545 West University Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281: 1940 South 3rd Ave., Yunia, AZ 85364; and 2255 North Gemini Dr., Flagstaff, AZ 86001.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.

OF 91-0553-A. Map projections, by T. R. Alpha and daan Strebe. 1991. 91 p. (NC, Da, M.)

OF 91-0553-B. Map projections, by T. R. Alpha and daan Strebe. 1991. Three 3 1/2 inch diskettes. (NC, Da, M.) $10.

Requirements for the 3 1/2 inch HD Macintosh diskette version of this report are: Apple Computer, HyperCard 2.0 software (not supplied) and Apple Macintosh Plus, Classic, SE, or II.

OF 91-0567. CALIFORNIA. Hydrologic changes associated with the Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Lorenzo and Pescadero drainage basins, by S. A. Rojstaczer and S. C. Wolf. 1991. 21 p. (NC, Da, M, SF; Califomia Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, CA 95814-0131; 1145 Market St., 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103; and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.75.

OF 91-0568. Estimates of some physical/mechanical properties of Martian rocks and soillike material, by H. J. Moore. 1991. 22 р. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.50.

OF 91-0575-A. GEOINDEX database on geologic maps accessible using GSSEARCH search and retrieval software, by H. K. Fuller and G. B. Gunnells. 1991. 21 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.25.

OF 91-0575-B. GEOINDEX database on geologic maps accessible using GSSEARCH search and retrieval software, by H. K. Fuller and G. B. Gunnells. 1991. Fourteen 5 1/4 inch diskettes. (NC, Da, M.) $84.

Hardware requirements: IBM-compatible microcomputer (AT style or newer recommended), high-density 5.25 inch floppy disk drive, hard disk with 16MB (16,000,000 bytes) space available, EGA color monitor, 512K RAM; system configuration: 20 files, 20 buffers. Software requirements: DOS 3.20 (or higher).

OF 91-0601-A. Earthquake data report, January 1991, by National Earthquake Information Center. 1991. 349 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $53.25.

OF 91-0601-B. Earthquake data report, January 1991, by National Earthquake Information Center. 1991. Three 5 1/4 inch diskettes. (NC, Da, M.) $18.

The EDR data are written on 1.2MB, high density, 5 1/4 inch diskettes and are rendable by IBM PC or compatible computers running DOS version 2.0 or higher. All files are ASCII and the documentation is given in file AAREADME.DAT on the first disk. Succeeding disks are a continuation of the data file which starts on the first disk. Each disk contains a title page file, named AATPAGEn. DAT, and a data file OFEDRmmn.DAT, where n is the disk number and mm is a two-character code for the month (JA, FE, MR, etc).

OF 91-0602-A. Earthquake data report, February 1991, by National Earthquake Information Center. 1991. 266 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4: paper copy $40.75.

OF 91-0602-B. Earthquake data report, February 1991, by National Earthquake Information Center. 1991. Three 5 1/4 inch diskettes. (NC, Da, M.) $18.

The EDR data are written on 1.2MB, high density, 5 1/4 inch diskettes and are readable by IBM PC or compatible computers running DOS version 2.0 or higher. All files are ASCII and the documentation is given in file AAREADME.DAT on the first disk. Succeeding disks are a continuation of the data file which starts on the first disk. Each disk contains a title page file, named AATPAGE.DAT, and a data file, OFEDRmmn.DAT, where n is the disk number and mm is a two-character code for the month (JA, FE, MR, etc.).

OF 91-0603-A. Earthquake data report, March 1991, by National Earthquake Information Center. 1991. 312 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $47.75.

OF 91-0603-B. Earthquake data report, March 1991, by National Earthquake Information Center. 1991. Three 5 1/4 inch diskettes. (NC, Da, M.) $18.

The EDR data are written on 1.2MB, high density, 5 1/4 inch diskettes and are readable by IBM PC or compatible computers running DOS version 2.0 or higher. All files are ASCII and the documentation is given in file AAREADME.DAT on the first disk. Succeeding disks are a continuation of the data file which starts on the first disk. Each disk contains a title page file, named AATPAGE.DAT, and a data file, OFEDRnımn. DAT, where n is the disk number and mm is a two-character code for the month (JA, FE, MR, etc.).



Maps on planimetric or topographic bases; regular and irregular areas; various scales; a wide variety of format and subject matter. The series also includes 7 1/2-minute quadrangle photogeologic maps on planimetric bases which show geology as interpreted from aerial photographs. Series also includes maps of Mars and the Moon.

1-1959-D. WYOMING, MONTANA. Cross sections showing coal stratigraphy of the central Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana, by C. L. Molnia and F. W. Pierce. 1992. Lat 42°40′ to 46°, long 104° to 107°30′. Scale 1:500,000 (1 inch = about 8 miles). Sheet 55 by 41 inches (in color). $3.50.

1-2187. Controlled photomosaic of the MTM 45062 Quadrangle, Tempe Fossae region of Mars. Prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 1991. Lat 42.5° to 47.5°, long 60° to 65°. Scale 1:502,000 (1 mm = 502 m) at 70° long. Sheet 22 by 37 inches. (Transverse Mercator projection.) $3.50.

1-2284. Satellite image map of Antarctica. Prepared in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Remote Sensing Center, England, with support from the National Science Foundation. 1991. Scale 1:5,000,000 (1 inch = about 80 miles). Sheet 57 by 40 inches (in color). $5.25.


Multicolor or black and white maps on topographic or planimetric bases; quadrangle or irregular areas; various scales. Pre-1971 maps show bedrock geology in relation to specific mining or mineral-deposit problems; the

majority of post-1971 maps are preliminary black and white maps on various subjects such as environmental studies or Wilderness mineral investigations.

MF-2155-B. ALASKA. Maps showing the distribution of anomalous concentrations of selected elements determined in stream sediments from the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, by J. G. Frisken and B. F. Arbogast. 1992. Lat 54°45′ to 56°, long 158°30′ to 162°. Scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 51 by 34 inches (in color). $3.50.

MF-2155-C. ALASKA. Maps showing the distribution of anomalous concentrations of selected elements and minerals determined in nonmagnetic heavy-mineral concentrates from the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, by J. G. Frisken and B. F. Arbogast. 1992. Three sheets. Lat 54°45′ to 56°, long 158°30′ to 162°. Each sheet, scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 1, 51 by 41 inches; sheets 2 and 3, 51 by 27 inches (all in color). $10.50.

MF-2155-D. ALASKA. Maps showing the distribution of gold determined in various sample media collected from the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, by J. G. Frisken and D. L. Kelly. 1992. Two sheets. Lat 54°45′ to 56°, long 158°30′ to 162°. Each sheet, scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 1, 51 by 40 inches; sheet 2, 51 by 27 inches. $7.

MF-2184. NEVADA, UTAH, IDAHO. Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Wells 1o by 2° Quadrangle, Nevada, Utah, and Idaho, by J. C. Dohrenwend, M. Α. McKittrick and B. C. Moring. 1991. Lat 41 to 42°, long 114° to 116°. Scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 36 by 30 inches. $2.50.



Articles by Geological Survey personnel in non-Geological Survey publications that came to our attention in February 1992. Non-Geological Survey personnel who share authorship in articles with U.S. Geological Survey personnel are indicated by an asterisk (*) immediately following the name. These publications are not available from the U.S. Geological Survey.

OP-1. Y. B. Acar*, R. C. Chaney*, H. W. Olsen, Thierry Sanglerat* and T. F. Zimmie*. Long-term in-situ/laboratory testing in contaminated soil-water systems, in International symposium on Environmental geotechnology, proceedings; Volume 2. (Hsai-Yang Fang, editor). Bethlehem, PA: Envo Publ. Co. 1987. p. 313-335.

OP-2. Μ. Κ. Alam*, A. K. Hasan*, M. R. Khan* and J. W. Whitney (compilers). Geological map of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Geol. Surv. Bangladesh, 1990. 1 sheet.

OP-3. A. M. Alamri*, F. R. Schult* and C. G. Bufe. Seismicity and aeromagnetic features of the Gulf of Aqaba (Elat) region. Journal of Geophysical Research, B, Solid Earth and Planets. v. 96, no. 12, November 10, 1991. p. 20,179-20,185.

OP-4. G. W. Andrews. Morphology and stratigraphic significance of the marine araphid diatom Lancineis gen. nov. Proceedings of the International Diatom Symposium, in Proceedings of the Tenth international diatom symposium. (Heikki Simola). 10, 1990. p. 127-137.

OP-5. J. D. Bales. NORTH CAROLINA. Data-collection program for Pamlico River estuary model calibration and validation, in Estuarine and coastal modeling; conference proceedings. (М. L. Spaulding, editor). New York, NY: Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. 1989. p. 492-501.

OP-6. P. M. Barlow. Delineation of contributing areas to public supply wells in stratified glacial-drift aquifers, in Protecting ground water from the bottom up; local responses to wellhead protection; proceedings. Oklahoma City, OK: Underground Injection Pract. Res. Found. 1989. p. 145-164.

OP-7. J. A. Barron. Workshop on marine diatom stratigraphy. Proceedings of the International Diatom Symposium, in Proceedings of the Tenth international diatom symposium. (Heikki Simola). 10, 1990. p. 573-575.

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OP-8. P. C. Bateman, F. C. Dodge and R. W. Kistler. CALIFORNIA. Magnetic susceptibility and relation to initial Sr/Sr for granitoids of the central Sierra Nevada, California. Journal of Geophysical Research, B, Solid Earth and Planets. v. 96, no. 12, November 10, 1991. p. 19,555-19,568.

OP-9. S. M. Benson*, A. F. White, S. E. Halfman*, Steven Flexser* and Moshen Alavi*. CALIFORNIA. Groundwater contamination at the Kesterson Reservoir, California; 1, Hydrogeologic setting and conservative solute transport. Water Resources Research. v. 27, no. 6, June 1991. p. 1071-1084.

OP-10. J. E. Bowers. ARIZONA. William A. Cannon; the Sonoran Desert's first resident ecologist. Madrono. v. 37, no. 1, 1990. p. 6-27.

OP-11. J. E. Bowers. A debt to the future; scientific achievements of the Desert Laboratory, Tumamoc Hill, Tucson, Arizona. Desert Plants. v. 10, no. 1, 1990. p. 9-47.

OP-12. Κ. Β. Brady*, M. W. Smith*, R. L. Beam* and C. A. Cravotta, III. Effectiveness of the addition of alkaline materials at surface coal mines in preventing or abating acid mine drainage; Part 2, Mine site case studies, in Proceedings of the 1990 mining and reclamation conference and exhibition. (Jeff Skousen, editor and others). Morgantown, WV: W. Va. Univ. Publ. Serv. 1990. p. 227-241.

OP-13. M. A. Chaffee. The international dissemination of scientific information; the AEG connection. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, in Geochemical exploration 1989; Part 1, Selected papers from the 13th international geochemical exploration symposium. (A. W. Rose, editor and others). v. 40, no. 1-3, August 1991. p. 1-8.

OP-14. W. H. Chapman. Impact of the North American vertical datum of 1988 on the National Mapping Program. Technical Papers of the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, Fall Technical Meeting, in 1990 ACSM-ASPRS fall convention; technical papers. 1990, 1990. p. A.42-A.51.

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OP-17. C. F. Chung*, C. W. Jefferson* and D. A. Singer. A quantitative link among mineral deposit modeling, geoscience mapping, and exploration-resource assessment. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. v. 87, no. 1, February 1992. p. 194-197.

OP-18. E. D. Cobb and W. O. Thomas, Jr. Streamflow monitoring in the United States and its relation to hydrologic modeling, in Computational modelling and experimental methods in hydraulics; HYDROCOMP '89. (C. Maksimovic, editor and others). London: Elsevier Appl. Sci. 1989. p. 40-47.

OP-19. J. E. Conrad and E. H. McKee. 40 Ar/39 Ar dating of vein amphibole from the Bayan Obo iron-rare earth element-niobium deposit, Inner Mongolia, China; constraints on mineralization and deposition of the Bayan Obo Group. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. v. 87, no. 1, February 1992. p. 185-188.

OP-20. Α. Κ. Cooper. P. J. Barrett*, Karl Hinz*, V. V. Traube*, German Leitchenkov* and H. M. Stagg*. Cenozoic prograding sequences of the Antarctic continental margin; a record of glacio-eustatic and tectonic events. Marine Geology, in Evolution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic continental margins. (A. W. Meyer, editor and others). v. 102, no. 1-4, December 1991. p.


OP-21. C. A. Cravotta, III, K. B. Brady*, M. W. Smith* and R. L. Beam*. Effectiveness of the addition of alkaline materials at surface coal mines in preventing or abating acid mine drainage: Part 1, Geochemical considerations, in Proceedings of the 1990 mining and reclamation conference and exhibition. (Jeff Skousen, editor and others). Morgantown, WV: W. Va. Univ. Publ. Serv. 1990. p. 221-225.

OP-22. C. G. Crawford. Estimation of suspended-sediment rating curves and mean suspended-sediment loads. Journal of Hydrology. v. 129, no. 1-4, December 1991. p. 331-348.

OP-23. Benedetto De Vivo*, R. A. Ayuso, H. E. Belkin*, A. Lima*, A. Messina* and A. Viscardi*. Rock chemistry and fluid inclusion studies as exploration tools for ore deposits in the Sila Batholith, southern Italy. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, in Geochemical exploration 1989; Part 1, Selected papers from the 13th international geochemical exploration symposium. (A. W. Rose, editor and others). v. 40, no. 1-3, August 1991. p. 291310.

OP-24. J. L. Domagalski and N. M. Dubrovsky. CALIFORNIA. Pesticide residues in ground water of the San Joaquin Valley, California. Journal of Hydrology. v. 130, no. 1-4, January 1992. p. 299-338.

OP-25. W. W. Dudley, Jr., W. E. Wilson and D. T. Hoxie. NEVADA. Hydrologic framework of the Yucca Mountain area, Nevada, in Proceedings; International symposium on Unique underground structures. (R. S. Sinha, editor). Golden, CO: Colo. Sch. Mines. 2, 1990. p. 57.1-57.20.

OP-26. J. T. Dutro, Jr. and P. E. Isaacson*. Lower Carboniferous brachiopods from Sierra de Almeida, northern Chile. Proceedings of the International Brachiopod Congress, in Brachiopods through time. (D. 1. MacKinnon, editor and others). 2, 1991. p. 327-332.


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