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B 1990-F. ALASKA. A new Tolypella from the Ocean Point dinosaur locality, North Slope, Alaska, and the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene nitelloid charophytes, by Monique Feist, Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, France; and E. Μ. Brouwers, U.S. Geological Survey. 1991. p. F1-F7. $1.25.

Characeae (nonmarine algae) are used to document the age of the dinosaur localities of the Alaskan North Slope. Relationships of the North Slope Characeae with species from Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene localities of Utah and Wyoming are analyzed in the context of the post-Paleozoic charophyte phylogenetical lineages.


Water-supply papers include reports on the geology, hydrology, quality, recoverability, and utilization of water resources. They include also several series of statistical reports on streamflow, floods, ground-water levels, and water quality.

W 2355-B. DELAWARE, MARYLAND, VIRGINIA. Analysis of available ground-water-quality data through 1987 for the Delmarva Peninsula; Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, by P. A. Hamilton, R. J. Shedlock and P. J. Phillips. 1991. p. B1-B65. (National Water-Quality Assessment; Delmarva Peninsula.) $4.

Regional ground-water quality on the Delmarva Peninsula is assessed on the basis of data housed at 3 Federal, 5 State, and 14 local agencies. Data on trace element and organic compound concentrations in ground water in the Delmarva Peninsula are scarce, whereas data on nitrate, iron, and manganese concentrations are relatively abundant. The data indicate that elevated concentrations of nitrate, iron, and manganese are prevalent in water throughout the surficial aquifer, an aquifer that not only is important in recharging the underlying confined aquifer system, but in supplying drinking water to the majority of residents.

W 2362. Floods of December 1982 to May 1983 in the central and southern Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico basins, by R. B. Stone and R. H. Bingham. 1991. 96 p. 1 plate in pocket. $5.

Floods of December 1982 and April-May 1983 were the greatest of record on many streams in the Arkansas, Big Black, Little, Mississippi, Ouachita, Pearl, Red, and Yazoo River basins, in the states of Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Missouri. Peak discharge exceeded the 100-year recurrence interval in many places. Damages reportedly exceeded $200 million. Twenty-five lives were lost in the December floods. The report includes analyses of the storms and rainfall distribution, peak stages and discharges, reservoir contents, flood-crest stages, and flood-hydrograph data.

W 2380. CALIFORNIA. Geochemical relations and distribution of selected trace elements in ground water of the northern part of the western San Joaquin Valley, California, by N. M. Dubrovsky, J. M. Neil, M. C. Welker and K. D. Evenson. 1991. 51 р. (Supersedes Open-file report 90-108.) $3.25.

Data from wells completed in the semiconfined and confined zones of the ground-water flow system indicate that trace elements have similar concentrations and distributions in the two zones. In contrast, concentrations were significantly different between ground water from Coast Range sediments and ground water from Sierra Nevada sediments in both zones. Tritium and stable-isotope data indicate infiltration of the upper and lower zones with post1952 irrigation water.


Circulars present technical or nontechnical information of wide popular interest in a format designed for distribution at no cost to the public. They are published to disseminate administrative information or important scientific information of an ephemeral nature.

C 0645. A procedure for evaluating environmental impact, by L. B. Leopold, F. E. Clarke, B. B. Hanshaw and J. R. Balsley. 1971 (1991). 13 p. 1 plate in pocket. (Reprint.)

Miscellaneous and Special Books


GNIS, developed by the Geographic Names Information Section, Branch of Geographic and Cartographic Research, National Mapping Division, is the basis for Professional Paper 1200-The National Gazetteer of the United States, which is being published as a series of individual state gazetteer volumes. Prior to publication of any volume, the interim materials described may meet the needs of potential users. The information contained in GNIS is interactively available at the U.S. Geological Survey's information offices. Special searches of the system may be requested for a modest cost with the results available in bound listings and on magnetic tape.

Volumes of the National Gazetteer

This product is available only in book form and only for State files that have undergone the second phase of data compilation. The second phase of data compilation entails the inclusion of names found in Federal, State and other sources as well as historical material. In addition to official names, known variant names of features are listed cross-referenced to the appropriate official name. A variant name is any other known name or spelling applied to a feature. Official State Gazetteers must be ordered from: USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225.

[blocks in formation]

Alphabetical listings reflecting the first phase of data compilation (information obtained only from large-scale topographic maps) are available for the following States and territories as bound listings and on magnetic tape. In addition, many are available on microfiche.

Interim products and specialized searches may be ordered from: Earth Science Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey, 507 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. (703) 648-6045.

Prepayment is required. Please make check or money order payable to: Department of the Interior - USGS. Prices are subject to change.

Information and Technical Specifications may be requested from: U.S. Geological Survey, Manager GNIS, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. (703) 648-4544.

[blocks in formation]

WRI 86-4148. The sensitivity of evaporation rate to climate change; results of an energy-balance approach, by L. V. Benson. 1986. 40 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.50.

WRI 86-4353. MINNESOTA. Low-flow-frequency characteristics for continuous-record streamflow stations in Minnesota, by A. D. Amtson and D. L. Lorenz. Prepared in cooperation with the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board and the Minnesota State Planning Agency, through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 1987. 354 р. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $54.

WRI 88-4096. WEST VIRGINIA. Relations between warm springs and geology delineated by side-looking airborne-radar imagery in eastern West Virginia, by Peter Lessing. W. A. Hobba, Jr., S. L. Dean and B. R. Kulander. Prepared in cooperation with the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. 1991. 44 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.25.

WRI 88-4192. WYOMING. Streamflow recharge to the Madison Limestone and the Casper Formation in the Glenrock area, eastcentral Wyoming, by D. A. Peterson. 1991. 18 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, Db, U; USGS, WRD, 2617 East Lincolnway, Suite B, Cheyenne, WY 82001.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.50.

WRI 89-4101. NEVADA, CALIFORNIA. Ground-water conditions in Amargosa Desert, Nevada-California, 1952-87, by K. С. Kilroy. 1991. 93 p., 4 over-size sheets, scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). (NC, Da, M, Wb, SF, U; USGS, WRD, 705 North Plaza St., Room 224, Carson City, NV 89701; and 1500 East Tropicana, Suite 201, Las Vegas, NV 89119.) Microfiche $7; paper copy $20.

WRI 89-4176. ARIZONA. Ground-water conditions in and near the Salt River Indian Reservation, south-central Arizona, by B. W. Thomsen and B. H. Miller. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1991. 1 over-size sheet. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Room 5A Federal Bldg., 300 West Congress St., Tucson, AZ 85701-1393; 1545 West University Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281: 2255 North Gemini Dr., Flagstaff, AZ 86001; and 1940 South 3rd Ave., Yuma, AZ 85364.) Microfiche $1.50; paper copy $8.50.

WRI 90-4081. MINNESOTA. Hydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow in the Rochester area, southeastem Minnesota, 1987-88, by G. N. Delin. Prepared in cooperation with the City of Rochester, Minnesota. 1991. 102 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 702 Post Office Bldg., St. Paul, MN 55101.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $16.25.

WRI 90-4174. PENNSYLVANIA. Factors related to the wateryielding potential of rocks in the Piedmont and Valley and Ridge provinces of Pennsylvania, by D. S. Knopman. 1990. 52 р. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.75.

WRI 91-4005. SOUTH DAKOTA. Aquifer tests and water-quality analyses of the Arikaree Formation near Pine Ridge, South Dakota, by E. A. Greene, M. T. Anderson and D. D. Sipe. Prepared in cooperation with the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1991. 45 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, Db, U.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.50.

WRI 91-4007. OREGON. The effects of multipurpose reservoirs on the water temperatures of the North and South Santiam rivers, Oregon, by R. P. Hansen and M. D. Crumrine. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1991. 46 p.

(NC, Da, M, Wb, W, SF; USGS, WRD, 1201 Pacific Ave., Suite 600, Tacoma, WA 98402; USGS, Library, 5400 McArthur, Vancouver, WA 98661.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.

WRI 91-4058. IDAHO. Transmissivity of the Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, by D. J. Ackenman. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 35p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 230 Collins Rd., Boise, ID 83702.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $6.

WRI 91-4084. U.S. Geological Survey research in radioactive waste disposal; fiscal years 1986-1990, compiled by N. J. Trask and P. R. Stevens. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 90 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $14.50.

Paleoclimatology and paleohydrology of the southern Great Basin, by I. J. Winograd. p. 5-7.

Paleohydrology of the Great Basin, by L. V. Benson and S. W. Hostetler. p. 7-9.

Geochemical kinetics, by H. C. Claassen. p. 10-12.

Isotopic studies of the Eye-Dashua Lakes Pluton, Atikokan, Ontario, by Z. E. Peterman. p. 13-15.

Effects of a brief thermal pulse on the mineralogy and chemistry of granite gneiss in the eastern Beartooth Mountains, Wyoming, by B. D. Marshall. p. 15-17.

Geochemistry of trace elements in natural waters, by D. K. Nordstrom. p. 17-20.

Application of borehole geophysics to high-level radioactive waste disposal studies, by F. L. Paillet. p. 20-26.

Regional ground-water flow system, by P. B. Davies and S. F. Richey. p. 27-28.

Normative analysis of ground waters from the Rustler Formation, by M. W. Bodine, Jr. and B. F. Jones. p. 29-30.

Normative analysis of brines from pre-Rustler strata, by S. K. Anderholm. p. 30-31.

Transuranium elements in ground water, by J. M. Cleveland. p. 31-33.

Beatty, Nevada, by B. J. Andraski, J. M. Fischer and D. E. Prudic. p. 34-40.

Sheffield, Illinois, by P. C. Mills. p. 40-47.

Maxey Flats, Kentucky, by M. A. Lyverse, K. S. Wilson and B. E. Lyons. p. 47-49.

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, by L. J. Mann. p. 50


Recharge of meteoric water at the Hanford, Washington site, by E. A. Prych. p. 54-55.

Recharge from ephemeral streams at the Hanford, Washington site, by R. S. Dinicola. p. 55-56.

Nevada Test Site weapons testing program, by W. B. Scott. p. 56-58.

Savannah River Plant, South Carolina, by K. F. Dennehy, D. C. Prowell and P. B. McMahon. p. 59-61.

Flow and transport in fractured rock, Palos Forest Preserve, Argonne National Laboratory, by A. M. Shapiro. p. 61-63.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, by Patrick Tucci, D. A. Webster and H. H. Zehner. p. 63-65.

Bear Creek valley, Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee, by Z. C. Bailey, A. B. Hoos and J. F. Connell. p. 65-68.

Weldon Spring, Missouri, by M. J. Kleeschulte and J. G. Schumacher. p. 68-70.

Processes controlling transfer of carbon-14 at radioactive waste disposal sites, by R. G. Striegl. p. 71-72.

Microbial reduction of radioactive waste metals, by D. R. Lovley. p. 72-73.

Water flux in the unsaturated zone of deserts, by J. R. Nimmo, D. A. Stonestrom and Jacob Rubin. p. 73-77.

Solute transport in the unsaturated zone, by Jacob Rubin, R. V. James, J. M. Bahr and C. Willis. p. 77-80.

Fluid flow in fractured rocks, by P. A. Hsieh. p. 80-85.

Radionuclides in ground water, by T. F. Kraemer. p. 82-84. Application of surface-geophysical methods at existing and future low-level radioactive waste sites, by F. P. Haeni. p. 8487.

Uranium mill tailings; radium geochemistry, by E. R. Landa. p. 88-90.


Open-file reports include unpublished manuscript reports, maps, and other material and are made available for public consultation and use. They are a nonpermanent form of publication that may be cited in other publications as sources of information. They are not considered to be a part of the formal literature.

Most open-file reports are available from: USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225 (telephone: 303-236-7476). The following listing of open-file reports is subdivided to show which reports are available from the Denver facility and which ones are not. Specific instructions for ordering and availability of reports are given under each sublisting.

Open-file reports are also available for reference only, not for purchase, at additional locations indicated in each open-file listing.

Reports Available Only Through USGS Book and
Open-File Report Sales

Microfiche and (or) black and white paper copies of most reports may be obtained from: USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225 (telephone 303-236-7476). When ordering, please use the openfile number and full title. Do not mix orders for open-file reports with orders for other Geological Survey products. Prices for microfiche and (or) black and white paper duplicates of reports are indicated. Prices for duplicate slides and color photographs can be obtained on request. Check or money order, in exact amount for open-file reports ordered, should be payable to Department of the Interior-USGS. Prepayment is required. No discount is applicable. For transmittal outside the U.S.A. (except Canada and Mexico), a surcharge of 25 percent of the bill should be included to cover surface transportation.

A microfiche copy of a computer listing of reports showing report number and paper copy and microfiche prices is available from: USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales. The listing does not show author or title of the reports. This "Open File Report Price Listing" is updated bimonthly. Contact USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales for information concerning the price of the listing.

OF 88-0123. ARKANSAS. U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Arkansas, by R. E. Taylor. 1988. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0131. Nuclear-Waste Hydrology Program, by G. A. Dinwiddie. 1988. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0132. Toxic Waste-Ground-Water Contamination Program, by S. E. Ragone. 1988. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0148. DELAWARE. U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Delaware, by G. N. Paulachok. 1988. 2p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0150. GEORGIA. U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in Georgia, by R. E. Krause. 1988. 2 p. (NC, Da, М. Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0151. NEW MEXICO. U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in New Mexico, by B. R. Orr. 1988. 2 p. (NC. Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0152. CONNECTICUT. U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Connecticut, by R. L. Melvin. 1988. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0153. MICHIGAN. U.S. Geological Survey ground-water investigations in Michigan, by D. H. Dumouchelle. 1988. 2 р. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0154. SOUTH CAROLINA. U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in South Carolina, by G. G. Patterson. 1988. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0155. HAWAII. U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in Hawaii, by C. J. Ewart. 1988. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0156. WEST VIRGINIA. U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in West Virginia, by D. P. Brown. 1988.2 p. (NC, Da, M. Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0163. VIRGIN ISLANDS. U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in the U.S. Virgin Islands, by J. W. Troester. 1988. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, T, U, Wa.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 88-0450-Z. TEXAS, NEW MEXICO. Petroleum geology and hydrocarbon plays of the Permian Basin petroleum province, West Texas and Southeast New Mexico, by Keith Robinson. 1988. 53 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, U; Nevada Bur. of Mines and Geol., Univ. of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557-0088; Bur. of Economic Geol., Univ. of Texas at Austin, University Station, Box X, Austin, TX 78713-7508.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.50.

OF 90-0139. Water Resources Research Grant Program project descriptions, fiscal year 1989, compiled by Melvin Lew and P. D. Murray. 1990. 121 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $19.25.

OF 90-0362. NEVADA. Geohydrologic data from drill-bit cuttings and rotary cores from test-hole USW UZ-13, Yucca Mountain area, Nye County, Nevada, by Jack Kume and D. P. Hammermeister. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 30 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $5.25.

OF 90-0376. NEW YORK. Water-resources activities in New York, fiscal year 1989, compiled by M. P. Marshall. 1991. 59 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $9.50.

OF 90-0561. ARIZONA. Earth-fissure movements associated with fluctuations in ground-water levels near the Picacho Mountains, south-central Arizona, 1980-84, by M. C. Carpenter. 1991. 64 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Room 5A Federal Bldg., 300 West Congress St., Tucson, AZ 85701; North 16th St., Suite E, Phoenix, AZ; and 1940 South 3rd Ave., Yuma, AZ.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $10.50.

OF 90-0588. TEXAS. Records of wells, drillers' logs, water-level measurements, and chemical analyses of ground water in Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Waller counties, Texas, 1985-89, by G. L. Locke. Prepared in cooperation with the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District and the City of Houston. 1991. 40 p., 3 over-size sheets. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $6.25; paper copy $15.

OF 90-0598. TEXAS. Records of wells, drillers' logs, water-level measurements, and chemical analyses of ground water in Harris and Galveston counties, Texas, 1984-89, by L. S. Coplin and Al Campodonico. Prepared in cooperation with the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District and the City of Houston. 1991. 168 p., 2 over-size sheets. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $5.50; paper copy $31.25.

OF 90-0708. COLORADO. Water-quantity and water-quality data for an area leased to be surface mined for coal in northwestem Colorado, by N. E. Driver and R. S. Williams, Jr. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. 1991. 83 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $13.25.

OF 91-0046. NEVADA. Revision of an aeromagnetic survey of the Lathrop Wells area, Nevada, by V. E. Langenheim, S. F. Carle, D. A. Ponce and J. D. Phillips. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 17 p., 3 over-size sheets, scale 1:62,500 (1 inch = about 1 mile). (NC, Da, M, Db, U, SF; Nevada Bur. of Mines and Geol., Univ. of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557.) Microfiche $5.50; paper copy $13.50.

OF 91-0094. TEXAS. Approximate water-level changes in wells completed in the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers, 1977-91 and 1990-91, and measured compaction, 1973-90, in the Houston-Galveston region, Texas, by D. L. Barbie, M. C. Kasmarek and Al Campodonico. Prepared in cooperation with the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District and the City of Houston. 1991. 3 р., 4 over-size sheets. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $7; paper copy $6.25.

OF 91-0095. TEXAS. Approximate water-level changes in wells completed in the Chicot and Evangeline aquisers, 1990-91, in Fort Bend County, Texas, by G. L. Locke and D. L. Barbie. Prepared in cooperation with the Fort Bend Subsidence District. 1991. 2 over-size sheets. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $1.50; paper copy $3.

OF 91-0099. Operating manual for the U.S. Geological Survey's data-collection system with the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, edited by J. C. Jones, D. C. Tracey and F. W. Sorensen. 1991. 237 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $39.50.

Power-supply system, by T. E. Olive. p. 13-42.

Antennas, by J. G. Gorman and T. E. Olive. p. 43-61.

Digital devices, by Jack Hardee. p. 62-79.

Analog devices, by H. E. Herlong and C. D. Kauffman, Jr. p. 80-90.

Standard programming of telemetry signals, by Jack Hardee. p. 91-124.

Satellite locator program, by Jack Hardee. p. 125-130.
Data-collection platform information management system, by
M. L. Field. p. 131-152.

User instructions for receiving data-collection platform data from a direct read-out ground station, by R. F. Middelburg, Jr. p. 153-162.

Automated instrument monitoring system, by J. C. Ciegler. p. 163-177.

Minimonitor operating manual sections related to Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite; servicing internal components for the minimonitor, by J. H. Ficken and C. T. Scott. p. 204-231.

OF 91-0110. SOUTH CAROLINA. Beach profile measurements after Hurricane Hugo; Sullivans Island and Isle of Palms, South Carolina, by T. E. Reiss, R. R. Wertz, Jr. and M. P. Katuna. 1991. 116p. (NC, Da, M; South Carolina Geol. Surv., 5 Geology Rd., Colunıbia, SC 29210-9998.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $17.75.

OF 91-0147. WASHINGTON. Bedrock geologic map of the Seattle 30' by 60′ Quadrangle, Washington, by J. C. Yount and H. D. Gower. 1991. 37 p., 4 over-size sheets, scale 1:100,000 (1 inch = about 1.6 miles). (NC, Da, M, S, SF; Geol. and Earth Resources Div., Dep. of Natural Resources, 4224 6th Ave. SE, Lacey, WA 98503.) Microfiche $7; paper copy $20.75.

OF 91-0162. National Water-Quality Assessment program; Ozark Plateaus, by D. A. Freiwald. 1991. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, U.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

OF 91-0172. OREGON, WASHINGTON. Floods of January 911, 1990 in northwestern Oregon and southwestem Washington, by L. L. Hubbard. 1991. 10 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $2.25.

OF 91-0178. NEVADA. Water levels in periodically measured wells in the Yucca Mountain area, Nevada, 1989, by G. M. O'Brien. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of

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