magmas-properties distribution: Seismic evidence for magma in the vicinity of Mt. Katmai, Alaska OP-69 magnetic survey maps Aeromagnetic maps of a buried porphyry copper deposit west of Casa Grande, Arizona MF2187 Revision of an aeromagnetic survey of the Lathrop Wells area, Nevada OF 91-0046 magnetic surveys see under geophysical surveys under Antarctic Ocean; Antarctica; Arizona; California; mineral assessment; Nevada magnetism of rocks and minerals see paleomagnetism magnetotellhıric surveys see under geophysical surveys under Nevada manganese-geochemistry ground water: Analysis of available groundwater-quality data through 1987 for the Delmarva Peninsula; Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia W 2355-B maps see under areal geology under Arizona: California: Massachusetts: Mexico; Pennsylvania: Virginia; Washington; Wyoming see under economic geology under Montana; Utah see under engineering geology under North Carolina see under geochemistry under Connecticut; Idaho; Maryland; New Jersey: New York; North Carolina; Pennsylvania; Virginia see under geophysical surveys under Alaska; Arizona; Bering Sea; Eastern U.S.; Great Plains: Hawaii: Midwest; Mississippi Valley; Nevada; New England; Puerto Rico; Southeastern U.S.; United States; Western U.S. see under hydrogeology under Alabama; Arizona; California: Florida; Georgia; Nevada; South Carolina; Texas see under oceanography under Mediterranean Sea see under sedimentary petrology under Great Lakes region see under structural geology under Nevada; Utah marine sediments see under sediments Mars seismology marsquakes: Scientific rationale and requirements for a global seismic network on Mars OP-63 Maryland environmental geology pollution: Reconnaissance approach to using geology and soil-gas radon concentrations for making rapid and preliminary estimates of indoor radon potential B 1971 Maryland-geochemistry maps: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: Culpeper Basin and vicinity, Virginia and Maryland OF 91-0322-F Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: Gettysburg Basin and vicinity, Pennsylvania and Maryland OF 91-0322-E radon: Radon in sheared metamorphic and igneous rocks В 1971 Radon-222 and its parent radionuclides in groundwater from two study areas in New Jersey and Maryland, U.S.A. OP-68 trace elements: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; Culpeper Basin and vicinity, Virginia and Maryland OF 910322-F Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: Gettysburg Basin and vicinity, Pennsylvania and Maryland OF 91-0322-E Maryland-hydrogeology ground water: Analysis of available groundwater-quality data through 1987 for the Delmarva Peninsula; Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia W 2355-B Maryland paleontology Reptilia: Parasuchian occurrences in Upper Triassic rocks of the Culpeper Basin of Virginia and Maryland OP-173 mass movements see under slope stability Massachusetts areal geology eastern Massachusetts: Structural and metamorphic history of eastern Massachusetts P1366E-J maps: Bedrock geologic map of the Marblehead North Quadrangle, Essex County, Massachusctts GQ-1693 regional: The bedrock geology of Massachusetts P 1366-E-J Massachusetts geochronology Paleozoic: Radiometric ages of rocks in Massachusetts P 1366-E-J Proterozoic: Radiometric ages of rocks in Massachusetts P 1366-E-J E-J mathematical geology see data processing Mediterranean Sea-oceanography maps: Digital shaded-relief image of the Mediterranean Sea floor available as continuoustone photographic prints from a film-recorder negative OF 91-0428 ocean floors: Digital shaded-relief image of the Mediterranean Sea floor available as continuous-tone photographic prints from a film-recorder negative OF 91-0428 mercury-geochemistry phosphate rocks: Mineralogy and chemistry of samples from a drill hole in the southern extension of the land-pebble phosphate district, Florida B 1978 Mesozoic see Cretaceous see under stratigraphy under Antarctic Ocean metal ores see copper ores; gold ores; silver ores see under economic geology under Nevada metal ores-properties textures: Ore textures; problems and opportunities OP-9 metals geochemistry organic materials: Selectivity and effectiveness of extractants used to release metals associated with organic matter OP-51 metamorphic rocks see igneous rocks; metasomatism metamorphic rocks-genesis syntectonic processes: Precambrian rocks of the Mora-Rociada area, southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico OP-44 metamorphic rocks-geochemistry radon: Radon in sheared metamorphic and igneous rocks В 1971 metamorphic rocks-gneisses granite gneiss: The Byram Intrusive Suite of the Reading Prong; age and tectonic environment В 1952 Mexico-areal geology maps: Geology of Colima OP-40 Mexico-economic geology gold ores: Geology and mineral deposits of the Pachuca-Real de Monte District, Hidalgo, Mexico OP-23 petroleum: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 phosphate deposits: Geochemistry of a Tertiary sedimentary phosphate deposit; Baja California Sur, Mexico OP-56 silver ores: Geology and mineral deposits of the Pachuca-Real de Monte District, Hidalgo, Mexico OP-23 Mexico-geochemistry trace elements: Geochemistry of a Tertiary sedimentary phosphate deposit; Baja California Sur, Mexico OP-56 Michigan-geochemistry trace elements: Evidence for continental crustal assimilation in the Hemlock Formation flood basalts of the early Proterozoic Penokean Orogen, Lake Superior region B 1904-1 Michigan-hydrogeology ground water: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater investigations in Michigan OF 88-0153 Midwest see Illinois: Indiana; Kansas; Michigan: Minnesota; Missouri; North Dakota; Ohio; South Dakota; Wisconsin Midwest-geophysical surveys bibliography: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C maps: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C surveys: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C mineral assessment—data processing models: Quantitative mineral resource assessment of selected mineral deposits in the Challis National Forest, Idaho B 1987 mineral assessment-geochemical methods interpretation: The effect of scale on the interpretation of geochemical anomalies OP-65 salt: Proposed method of hydrogeochemical exploration for salt deposits using Cl-Br ratios, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia OP-62 trace elements: Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavymineral-concentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-A Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-B - Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-A Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-B Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2 Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky, drill hole Nos. P1-P20 OF 91-0378-B Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2 Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. KI-K4 OF 91-0372-A - Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2' Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. K1-K4 OF 91-0372-B Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2 Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. P1-P20 OF 91-0378-A mineral assessment-geophysical surveys magnetic surveys: Aeromagnetic maps of a buried porphyry copper deposit west of Casa Grande, Arizona MF-2187 mineral assessment-programs wilderness areas: Mineral resources of the Devils Playground and Twin Buttes Wilderness Study Areas, Sweetwater County, Wyoming В 1759-C Mineral resources of the El Dorado and Ireteba Peaks Wilderness Study Arcas, Clark County, Nevada OF 91-0323 Mineral resources of the Paria-Hackberry Wilderness Study Area, Kane County, Utah B 1748-B Mineral resources of the Sleeping Giant Wilderness Study Area, Lewis and Clark County, Montana B 1724-E mineral resources see metal ores see under economic geology under klaho: Kentucky: Missouri; Montana; Nevada; Utah; Wyoming mineral resources-mineral assessment sedimentary basins: An object-oriented expert system for sedimentary basin analysis OP 142 mineralogy-methods microscope methods: Luminescence microscopy and spectroscopy: qualitative and quantitative applications OP-8 minerals see crystal growth minerals-framework silicates, zeolite group clinoptilolite: Zeolitic diagenesis of tuffs in the Miocene Chalk Hills Formation, western Snake River plain, Idaho B 1963 minerals oxides goethite: An experimental study of goethite sulfidization: relationships to the diagenesis of iron and sulfur B 1973-A-G minerals-ring silicates beryl: Geology and mineralogy of the red beryl occurrence in the southern Wah Wah Mountains, Beaver County, Utah OP-159 minerals sheet silicates, clay minerals kaolinite: Heat capacities of kaolinite from 7 to 380 K and of DMSO-intercalated kaolinite from 20 to 310 K; the entropy of kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 OP-59 minerals sulfides iron sulfides: Petrography of iron sulfide minerals in the Green River Formation of Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G pyrite: Trace elements in pyrites of the Green River Formation oil shales, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G mines see under land use mining geology-methods solution mining: Geophysical logs from a copper oxide deposit, Santa Cruz Project, Casa Grande, Arizona OF 91-0357 Minnesota-environmental geology pollution: Relation of nitrate concentrations in water to agricultural land use and soil type in Dakota County, Minnesota, 1990 OF 91 0235 Minnesota hydrogeology ground water: Hydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow in the Rochester area, southeastern Minnesota, 1987-88 WRI 90-4081 hydrology: Low-flow-frequency characteristics for continuous-record streamflow stations in Minnesota WRI 86-4353 mlospores see under palynomorphs Mississippi-hydrogeology hydrology: Floods of December 1982 to May 1983 in the central and southern Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico basins W 2362 Mississippi Valley-geophysical surveys bibliography: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of the Mississippi River and east of approximately 104 longitude OF 91-0370-B maps: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of the Mississippi River and east of approximately 104 longitude OF 91-0370-B surveys: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on acromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of the Mississippi River and east of approximately 104 longitude OF 91-0370-B Mississippi Valley-hydrogeology hydrology: Floods of December 1982 to May 1983 in the central and southern Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico basins W 2362 Mississippian see under stratigraphy under Utah Missouri economic geology mineral resources: Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1' x 2' Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky, drill hole Nos. P1-P20 OF 91-0378-B - Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2 Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. P1-P20 OF 91-0378-A water resources: National Water-Quality Assessment program; Ozark Plateaus OF 91 0162 Missouri environmental geology waste disposal: Weldon Spring, Missouri WRI 91-4084 Missouri hydrogeology ground water: Correlation of regional geohydrologic units to geologic formations in southern Missouri HA-0711-M hydrology: Floods of December 1982 to May 1983 in the central and southern Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico basins W 2362 models see under data processing under mineral assessment see under experimental studies under seismology Mohorovicic discontinuity see crust mollusks-ammonoids Cretaceous: New records of the ammonite subfamily Texanitinae in Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) rocks in the Western Interior of the United States B 1985 - Pachydesmoceras Spath, 1922, a Cretaceous ammonite in Colorado B 1985 - Pachydiscus (Ammonoidea) from Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) rocks in the Western Interior of the United States B 1985 Some Upper Cretaceous ammonites from the Nacatoch Sand of Hempstead County, Arkan Cretaceous: Occurrence of the rudistid Durania cornupastoris (Des Moulins, 1826) in the Upper Cretaceous Greenhorn Limestone in Colorado В 1985 Montana economic geology maps: Mineral resources of the Sleeping Giant Wilderness Study Area, Lewis and Clark County, Montana B 1724-E mineral resources: Mineral resources of the Sleeping Giant Wilderness Study Area, Lewis and Clark County, Montana B1724-E slate deposits: Mineral resources of the Sleeping Giant Wilderness Study Area, Lewis and Clark County, Montana B 1724-E Montana-geochemistry trace elements: Effects of a brief thermal pulse on the mineralogy and chemistry of granite gneiss in the eastern Beartooth Mountains, Wyoming WRI 91-4084 Montana-hydrogeology hydrology: Chloride flux and surface water discharge out of Yellowstone National Park, 19821989 В 1959 Montana stratigraphy Cretaceous: Pachydiscus (Ammonoidea) from Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) rocks in the Western Interior of the United States B 1985 Moon-petrology igneous rocks: Young dark mantle deposits on the Moon OP-161 Flow and transport in fractured rock, Palos Forest Preserve, Argonne National Laboratory WRI 91-4084 Geochemical kinetics WRI 91-4084 Geohydrologic data from drill-bit cuttings and rotary cores from test-hole USW UZ-13, Yucca Mountain arca, Nye County, Nevada OF 90-0362 Nevada Test Site weapons testing program WRI 91-4084 Paleoclimatology and paleohydrology of the southern Great Basin WRI 91-4084 Paleohydrology of the Great Basin WRI 91-4084 Selected meteorological data for an arid site near Beatty, Nye County, Nevada, calendar year 1986 OF 91-0189 Nevada-geophysical surveys magnetic surveys: Revision of an aeromagnetic survey of the Lathrop Wells area, Nevada Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Winnemucca 1 by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada MF-2175 New England-environmental geology pollution: Radionuclides in ground water, rock and soil, and indoor air of the Northeastern United States and southeastern Canada; a literature review and suınmary of data B 1971 New England-geophysical surveys bibliography: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on acromagnetic and acroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C maps: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C surveys: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states cast of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C New Jersey-areal geology regional: Contributions to New Jersey geology В 1952 New Jersey-economic geology gravel deposits: Preliminary textural and mineralogic analyses of Vibracore samples collected between Absecon and Barnegat inlets, New Jersey OP-66 heavy mineral deposits: Preliminary textural and mineralogic analyses of Vibracore samples collected between Absecon and Barnegat inlets, New Jersey OP-66 New Jersey-environmental geology pollution: Radon in soil gas and gamma-ray activity of rocks and soils at the Mulligan Quarry, Clinton, New Jersey B 1971 New Jersey-geochemistry maps: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; eastern Newark Basin, New York and New Jersey OF 91-0322-C trace elements: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; eastern Newark Basin, New York and New Jersey OF 91 0322-C The Mount Eve Granite (middle Proterozoic) of northern New Jersey and southeastern New York B 1952 New Jersey-geophysical surveys radioactivity surveys: Use of aerial gamma-ray data to estimate relative amounts of radon in soil gas B 1971 New Jersey-hydrogeology ground water: Geologic and geochemical factors controlling uranium, radium-226, and radon-222 in ground water, Newark Basin, New Jersey В 1971 New Jersey-petrology metamorphic rocks: The Lake Hopatcong Intrusive Suite (middle Proterozoic) of the New Jersey Highlands B 1952 New Jersey-stratigraphy Eocene: Paleocene-Eocene boundary in southwestern New Jersey: a rare continuous section OP-98 Ordovician: The High Point Member (Upper Ordovician) of the Martinsburg Formation in northern New Jersey and southeastern New York B 1952 Paleocene: Paleocene-Eocene boundary in southwestern New Jersey: a rare continuous section OP-98 New Mexico-economic geology coal: Coal resource estimation in the San Juan Basin using geostatistical methods B 1972 Coal resources of the San Juan Basin B 1972 Coalfields of New Mexico; geology and resources B 1972 Geologic framework and major coal-bearing formations of the San Juan Basin В 1972 Geology and coal resources of New Mexico's small coalfields B 1972 Geology and coal resources of the Raton Coalfield В 1972 petroleum: Petroleum geology and hydrocarbon plays of the Permian Basin petroleum province, West Texas and Southeast New Mexico OF 88-0450-Z New Mexico-geochemistry organic materials: 13C NMR spectra from Mississippian-Devonian Bakken Shale, Williston Basin, North Dakota and Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Coal, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, U.S.A. OP-19 Eastern United States; eastern Newark Basin, New York and New Jersey OF 91-0322-C trace elements: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; eastern Newark Basin, New York and New Jersey OF 910322-C New York-geochronology Proterozoic: The Byram Intrusive Suite of the Reading Prong; age and tectonic environment В 1952 The Mount Eve Granite (middle Proterozoic) of northern New Jersey and southeastern New York B 1952 New York-seismology crust: Crustal structure of the southeastern Grenville Province in Ontario and New York State OP-110 New York-stratigraphy Ordovician: The High Point Member (Upper Ordovician) of the Martinsburg Formation in northern New Jersey and southeastern New York B 1952 nitrogen-N-15/N-14 oil shale: A preliminary study of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic biogeochemistry of lacustrine sedimentary rocks from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G noble gases see helium; radon nomenclature see under stratigraphy see under stratigraphy under Puerto Rico; nonmetal deposits see gravel deposits; heavy North America see Appalachians; Canada; North America-economic geology North America-stratigraphy Pennsylvanian: Late Pennsylvanian paleoclimate cycles, sediment flux, and organic productivity in the Appalachian Basin OP-78 North Carolina-engineering geology maps: Map showing late 1977 debris avalanches southwest of Asheville, western North Carolina OF 91-0334 North Carolina-geochemistry maps: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; Durham and Sanford basins, North Carolina OF 91-0322-1 trace elements: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: Durham and Sanford basins, North Carolina OF 91-0322-1 North Dakota-geochemistry Northern Hemisphere see Africa: Arctic Nova Scotiaeconomic geology coal: Evidence of Carboniferous volcanic ash in Pictou Group (Westphalian D) Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada OP-135 ocean floors see under oceanography under data processing; Mediterranean Sea; Pacific Ocean oceanography-sea ice ice movement: Correlation of nearshore ice movement with seabed ice gouges near Barrow, Alaska OP-61 Ohioeconomic geology petroleum: Geochemistry and origin of oil from Cambrian and Ordovician reservoirs in eastern and central Ohio OP-155 oil see petroleum oil and gas fields see petroleum oil sands see bitumens: oil shale oil shale see bitumens see under C-13/C-12 under carbon; isotopes see under experimental studies under organic materials see under geochemistry under organic materials see under N-15/N-14 under nitrogen see under organic residues under sedimentary rocks see under S-34/S-32 under isotopes see under sedimentary rocks under isotopes Oklahoma economic geology petroleum: Using cathodoluminescence to map regionally zoned carbonate cements occurring in diagenetic aureoles above oil reservoirs; initial results from the Velma oil fields, Oklahoma OP-7 water resources: National Water-Quality Assessment program; Ozark Plateaus OF 91 0162 Oklahoma hydrogeology ground water: Study of the Ordovician Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer in the Sulphur area of south-central Oklahoma OP-77 Oklahoma sedimentary petrology sedimentary rocks: Composition, clay mineralogy, and diagenesis of the Simpson Group |