gold ores see under economic geology under Mexico granites see under igneous rocks graptolites blostratigraphy Cambrian: Biostratigraphy of the Timbered Hills, Arbuckle, and Simpson groups, Cambrian and Ordovician, Oklahoma; a review of correlation tools and techniques available to the explorationist OP-18 gravel deposits see under economic geology under Atlantic Ocean; New Jersey gravity survey maps Bedrock geologic map of the Seattle 30 by 60 Quadrangle, Washington OF 91-0147 Ground-water conditions in Amargosa Desert, Nevada-California, 1952-87 WRI 89-4101 Great Basin-geochemistry isotopes: Geochemical kinetics WRI 91-4084 Great Basin stratigraphy Pleistocene: The sensitivity of evaporation rate to climate change; results of an energy-balance approach WRI 86-4148 Quaternary: Paleoclimatology and paleohydrology of the southern Great Basin WRI 91 4084 Paleohydrology of the Great Basin WRI 91-4084 Great Lakes reglon-geochemistry crust: Evidence for continental crustal assimilation in the Hemlock Formation flood basalts of the early Proterozoic Penokean Orogen, Lake Superior region B 1904-1 Great Lakes region-sedimentary petrology maps: Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 91-0356-A Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 910356-B Great Lakes region stratigraphy Quaternary: Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 91-0356-A - Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 91 0356-B Great Plains-geophysical surveys bibliography: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of the Mississippi River and east of approximately 104 longitude OF 91-0370-B maps: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of the Mississippi River and east of approximately 104 longitude OF 91-0370-B surveys: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of the Mississippi River and east of approximately 104 longitude OF 91-0370-B ground water see hydrology see under isotopes: pollution ground water-aquifers correlation: Correlation of regional geohydrologic units to geologic formations in southern Missouri HA-0711-M properties: Estimating geohydrologic properties from borehole-geophysical logs OP-31 pumping: Land subsidence caused by ground water withdrawal in urban areas OP-29 testing: Aquifer tests and water-quality analyses of the Arikaree Formation near Pine Ridge, South Dakota WRI 91-4005 water wells: Stratigraphic analysis of Cretaceous aquifers in the greater Charleston, South Carolina, area OP-101 ground water-geochemistry classification: Normative analysis of brines from pre-Rustler strata WRI 91-4084 Normative analysis of ground waters from the Rustler Formation WRI 91-4084 radioactive isotopes: A review of the chemical processes affecting the mobility of radionuclides in natural waters, with applications В 1971 - Geochemistry of ground water and radionuclide mobility in two areas of the Reading Prong, eastern Pennsylvania В 1971 - Geologic and geochemical factors controlling uranium, radium-226, and radon-222 in ground water, Newark Basin, New Jersey B 1971 Radionuclides in ground water WRI 91 radon: Radon in ground water of Carson Valley, west-central Nevada B 1971 Radon, helium, and other gases in shallow ground waters of uraniferous Holocene alluvium, Flodelle Creek, Stevens County, Northcast Washington B 1971 - Sampling and analysis of dissolved radon222 in water by the de-emanation method В 1971 - Simple techniques for soil-gas and water sampling for radon analysis B 1971 rock-water interface: Geochemical kinetics WRI 91-4084 trace elements: Geochemical relations and distribution of selected trace elements in ground water of the northern part of the western San Joaquin Valley, California W 2380 - Geochemistry of trace elements in natural waters WRI 91-4084 Records of wells, drillers' logs, water-level measurements, and chemical analyses of ground water in Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Waller counties, Texas, 1985-89 OF 90-0588 Records of wells, drillers' logs, water-level measurements, and chemical analyses of ground water in Harris and Galveston counties, Texas, 1984-89 OF 90-0598 Water levels in periodically measured wells in the Yucca Mountain area, Nevada, 1989 OF 91-0178 potentiometric surface: Ground-water conditions in Amargosa Desert, Nevada-California, 1952-87 WRI 89-4101 bama, Florida, and South Carolina, May-June 1990 OF 91-0206 ground water-movement monitoring: High-resolution flow logging in observation boreholes during hydraulic testing of fractured-rock aquisers OP-48 numerical models: Hydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow in the Rochester area, southeastern Minnesota, 1987-88 WRI 904081 radioactive tracers: Use of radon measurements in Carters Creek, Maury County, Tennessee, to determine location and magnitude of groundwater seepage B 1971 regional patterns: Regional ground-water flow system WRI 91-4084 transmissivity: Transmissivity of the Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho WRI 91-4058 ground water-pollution controls: Nuclear-Waste Hydrology Program OF 88-0131 California: Activities of the Water Resources Division, California District, fiscal years 198890 OF 91-0243 Colorado: Water-quantity and water-quality data for an area leased to be surface mined for coal in northwestern Colorado OF 90-0708 Connecticut: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Connecticut OF 88-0152 Delaware: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Delaware OF 88-0148 Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in Georgia OF 88-0150 Hawaii: U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in Hawaii OF 88-0155 Lesser Antilles: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in the U.S. Virgin Islands OF 88-0163 Michigan: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater investigations in Michigan OF 88-0153 New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in New Mexico OF 88-0151 New York: Water-resources activities in New York, fiscal year 1989 OF 90-0376 Puerto Rico: A reconnaissance of the water resources of the central Guanajibo Valley, Puerto Rico WRI 82-4050 South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in South Carolina OF 88-0154 West Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in West Virginia OF 88-0156 Wyoming: Water-resources activities for the U.S. Geological Survey in Wyoming, October 1989 through September 1991 OF 91-0226 ground water-water quality programs: National Water-Quality Assessment program; Ozark Plateaus OF 91-0162 statistical analysis: Analysis of available ground-water-quality data through 1987 for the Delmarva Peninsula; Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia W 2355-B Gulf Coastal Plain-geochemistry uranium: Uranium, radium, and radon in deeply buried sediments of the U.S. Gulf Coast В 1971 Hawaii earthquakes H Kalapana earthquake 1989: Depth discrepancy between fault models derived from geodetic and seismic data for the 1989 Kalapana earthquake OP-72 Hawaii geophysical surveys bibliography: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric publications for Hawaii and Alaska OF 91-0370-E maps: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric publications for Hawaii and Alaska OF 910370-E surveys: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric publications for Ilawaii and Alaska OF 91-0370-E Hawaii hydrogeology ground water: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Hawaii OF 88-0155 Hawaii seismology volcanology: Seismic monitoring at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory OP-146 heavy mineral deposits see under economic geology under Atlantic Ocean; New Jersey helium-geochemistry ground water: Radon, helium, and other gases in shallow ground waters of uraniferous Holocene alluvium, Flodelle Creek, Stevens County, Northeast Washington B 1971 highways construction effects: Induced ground-vibration study at Pueblo Grande, Phoenix, Arizona OF 910332 hydraulics see under channels under waterways hydrocarbons see under organic materials hydrodynamics see under ground water hydrogeologic maps Approximate water-level changes in wells completed in the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers, 1977-91 and 1990-91, and measured compaасtion, 1973-90, in the Houston-Galveston region, Texas OF 91-0094 Approximate water-level changes in wells completed in the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers, 1990-91, in Fort Bend County, Texas OF 91 0095 Ground-water conditions in Amargosa Desert, Nevada-California, 1952-87 WRI 89-4101 Ground-water conditions in and near the Salt River Indian Reservation, south-central Arizona WRI 89-4176 Ground-water resources of the south metropolitan Atlanta region, Georgia OP-14 Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan Aquifer, in Georgia and adjacent parts of Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina, May-June 1990 OF 91-0206 Water-supply potential of the Floridan Aquifer system in the coastal area of Georgia: a digital model approach OP-57 hydrogeology see ground water; hydrology hydrology see ground water see under hydrogeology under Arizona; Arkansas; Colorado; data processing: Idaho; Illinois: Indiana; Louisiana: Minnesota; Mississippi: Mississippi Valley; Missouri; Montana: New Mexico; Oregon; Wisconsin; Wyoming hydrology-rivers and streams debris flows: Recent debris flows at Mt. Rainier OF 91-0242 discharge: Floods of December 1982 to May 1983 in the central and southern Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico basins W 2362 ephemeral streams: Recharge from ephemeral streams at the Hanford, Washington site WRI 91-4084 floods: Floods of January 9-11, 1990 in northwestern Oregon and southwestern Washington OF 91-0172 streamflow: Low-flow-frequency characteristics for continuous-record streamflow stations in Minnesota WRI86-4353 Streamflow recharge to the Madison Limestone and the Casper Formation in the Glenrock area, east-central Wyoming WRI 88-4192 temperature: The effects of multipurpose reservoirs on the water temperatures of the North and South Santiam rivers, Oregon WRI 91-4007 unsteady flow: Modeling alluvial-channel flow by multimode characteristics method OP-37 hydrology-seepage radioactive tracers: Use of radon measurements in Carters Creek, Maury County, Tennessee, to determine location and magnitude of groundwater seepage B 1971 hydrology-surveys Arkansas: Water-resources activities in Arkansas, 1988-91 OF 91-0229 California: Activities of the Water Resources Division, California District, fiscal years 198890 OF 91-0243 Colorado: Water-quantity and water-quality data for an area leased to be surface mined for coal in northwestern Colorado OF 90-0708 New York: Water-resources activities in New York, fiscal year 1989 OF 90-0376 Puerto Rico: A reconnaissance of the water resources of the central Guanajibo Valley, Puerto Rico WRI 82-4050 Wyoming: Water-resources activities for the U.S. Geological Survey in Wyoming. October 1989 through September 1991 OF 91-0226 hydrology-techniques sample preparation: Sampling and analysis of dissolved radon-222 in water by the de-emanation method B 1971 sampling: Use of box plots and trend analyses to evaluate sampling frequency at water quality monitoring sites OP-43 hydrology-water quality programs: National Water-Quality Assessment program; Ozark Plateaus OF 91-0162 I Ice ages see glacial geology mineral resources: Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavymineral-concentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-A - Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-B Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-A Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-B - Quantitative mineral resource assessment of selected mineral deposits in the Challis National Forest, Idaho B 1987 Idaho environmental geology waste disposal: Idaho National Engineering Laboratory WRI 91-4084 Idaho-geochemistry maps: Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineralconcentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-A Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gein counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-B Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-A - Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-B Idaho hydrogeology ground water: Transmissivity of the Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho WRI 91-4058 hydrology: Chloride flux and surface water discharge out of Yellowstone National Park, 19821989 В 1959 Idaho sedimentary petrology diagenesis: Zeolitic diagenesis of tuffs in the Miocene Chalk Hills Formation, western Snake River plain, Idaho B 1963 Idaho-seismology seismicity: 1984 Devil Canyon sequence near Challis, Idaho: structural complexity near the north end of the Borah Peak aftershock zone OP-114 igneous rocks see fluid inclusions: intrusions; lava; magmas; metamorphic rocks: metasomatism igneous rocks diabase geochemistry: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States OF 91-0322-J - Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States OF 91-0322-K Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated withearly Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; Culpeper Basin and vicinity, Virginia and Maryland OF 91-0322-F Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; Danville Basin and vicinity, Virginia OF 91-0322-H Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; Durham and Sanford basins, North Carolina OF 91-0322-1 Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; eastern Newark Basin, New York and New Jersey OF 91-0322-C Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: Farmville and Scottsville basins and vicinity, Virginia OF 91-0322-G Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: geologic setting, overview, and chemical methods used OF 91-0322-A Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; Gettysburg Basin and vicinity, Pennsylvania and Maryland OF 91-0322-E - Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; South Hartford Basin, Connecticut OF 91-0322-B Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; western Newark Basin, Pennsylvania and New Jersey OF 91-0322-D igneous rocks-geochemistry radon: Radon in sheared metamorphic and igneous rocks В 1971 the Reading Prong, eastern Pennsylvania В 1971 Geologic and geochemical factors controlling uranium, radium-226, and radon-222 in ground water, Newark Basin, New Jersey B 1971 Radionuclides in ground water WRI 91 4084 Radium-226, radium-228, and radon-222 in ground water of the Chickies Quartzite, southeastern Pennsylvania B 1971 Transuranium elements in ground water WRI 91-4084 isotopes-metamorphic rocks metaigneous rocks: Evidence for continental crustal assimilation in the Hemlock Formation flood basalts of the early Proterozoic Penokean Orogen, Lake Superior region B 1904-1 mylonites: Radionuclides as indicators of geochemical and deformational processes in mylonites OP-102 Isotopes radium waste disposal: Uranium mill tailings; radium geochemistry WRI 91-4084 Isotopes-radon Rn-222: A comparison of two techniques for radon-222 measurement in water samples В 1971 A preliminary evaluation of environmental factors influencing day-to-day and seasonal soil-gas radon concentrations B 1971 Derivation of radon migration rates in the surficial environment by use of helium injection experiments B 1971 Field studies of radon in rocks, soils, and water B 1971 Methods of characterization of ground for assessment of indoor radon potential at a site В 1971 Radon emanation from uranium mill tailings В 1971 Radon in ground water of Carson Valley, west-central Nevada B 1971 Radon in sheared metamorphic and igneous rocks B 1971 Radon in soil gas along active faults in Central California B 1971 Radon in soil gas and gamma-ray activity of rocks and soils at the Mulligan Quarry, Clinton, New Jersey В 1971 Radon, helium, and other gases in shallow ground waters of uraniferous Holocene alluvium, Flodelle Creek, Stevens County, Northeast Washington B 1971 Radon-222 and its parent radionuclides in groundwater from two study areas in New Jersey and Maryland, U.S.A. OP-68 Reconnaissance approach to using geology and soil-gas radon concentrations for making rapid and preliminary estimates of indoor radon potential B 1971 - Regional radon characterizations B 1971 Sampling and analysis of dissolved radon222 in water by the de-emanation method В 1971 - Simple techniques for soil-gas and water sampling for radon analysis B 1971 The geology and geochemistry of soils in Boyertown and Easton, Pennsylvania B 1971 Use of aerial gamma-ray data to estimate relative amounts of radon in soil gas B 1971 Use of radon measurements in Carters Creek, Maury County, Tennessee, to determine location and magnitude of ground-water seepage В 1971 Isotopes S-34/S-32 oil shale: Sulfur geochemistry and isotopy of the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G isotopes sedimentary rocks oil shale: A preliminary study of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic biogeochemistry of lacustrine sedimentary rocks from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G phosphate rocks: Geochemistry of a Tertiary sedimentary phosphate deposit; Baja California Sur, Mexico OP-56 Isotopes sediments clastic sediments: Uranium, radium, and radon in deeply buried sediments of the U.S. Gulf Coast B 1971 marine sediments: Geochemical expression of early diagenesis in middle Eocene-lower Oligocene pelagic sediments in the southern Labrador Sea, Site 647, ODP Leg 105 OP-4 Isotopes Sr-87/Sr-86 plutons: Rb-Sr study of Cretaceous plutons from southern Antarctic Peninsula and eastern Ellsworth Land, Antarctica OP-49 Isotopes-water radioactive isotopes: A review of the chemical processes affecting the mobility of radionuclides in natural waters, with applications В 1971 Radionuclides in the Puerco and lower Little Colorado River basins, New Mexico and Arizona, before 1987 В 1971 J Joints see under fractures under structural analy sis see under style under fractures K Kansas economic geology water resources: National Water-Quality Assessment program; Ozark Plateaus OF 910162 Kansas stratigraphy Kentucky-economic geology mineral resources: Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2 Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. K1-K4 OF 91-0372-A Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2 Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. K1-K4 OF 91-0372-B Kentucky-environmental geology pollution: Regional radon characterizations В 1971 waste disposal: Maxey Flats, Kentucky WRI 91-4084 Kentucky-sedimentary petrology sedimentary rocks: The ash-fall pattern of the Fire Clay tonstein, central Appalachian Basin; paleogeographic and plate tectonic implications OP-149 kerogen see under organic materials L land subsidence see under geologic hazards see under engineering geology under Arizona land subsidence causes compaction: Earth-fissure movements associated with fluctuations in ground-water levels near the Picacho Mountains, south-central Arizona, 1980-84 OF 90-0561 water table: Land subsidence caused by ground water withdrawal in urban areas OP-29 land subsidence site exploration compaction: Approximate water-level changes in wells completed in the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers, 1977-91 and 1990-91, and measured compaction, 1973-90, in the Houston-Galveston region, Texas OF 91 0094 land use see conservation; pollution; reclamation land use effects water quality: Relation of nitrate concentrations in water to agricultural land use and soil type in Dakota County, Minnesota, 1990 OF 910235 land use mines water supply: Water-quantity and water-quality data for an area leased to be surface mined for coal in northwestern Colorado OF 90-0708 landform evolution see under geomorphology lava see igneous rocks; magınas lava-composition zoning: Origin of compositional zonation (highalumina basalt to basaltic andesite) in the Giant Crater lava field, Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California OP-5 - The Giant Crater lava field; geology and geochemistry of a compositionally zoned, highalumina basalt to basaltic andesite eruption at Medicine Lake Volcano, California OP-20 Lesser Antilles-hydrogeology ground water: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in the U.S. Virgin Islands OF 88-0163 levels see under ground water lexicons-stratigraphy stratigraphic units: Lexicon of new formal geologic names of the United States 1981-1985 B 1565 limnology see under hydrology lineation see structural analysis liquid inclusions see fluid inclusions Louisiana-geochemistry uranium: Uranium, radium, and radon in deeply buried sediments of the U.S. Gulf Coast В 1971 Louisiana-hydrogeology hydrology: Floods of December 1982 to May 1983 in the central and southern Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico basins W 2362 lunar studies see Moon M magmas see igneous rocks; intrusions; lava magmas classification geochemistry: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: geologic setting, overview, and chemical methods used OF910322-A magmas-geochemistry assimilation: Evidence for continental crustal assimilation in the Hemlock Formation flood basalts of the early Proterozoic Penokean Orogen, Lake Superior region B 1904-1 Origin of compositional zonation (high-alumina basalt to basaltic andesite) in the Giant Crater lava field, Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California OP-5 |