Seismotectonics of the southern San Francisco Bay area, California OP-147 - The seismotectonics of the San Andreas fault system north of Point Arena along the Coast Ranges of Northern California OP-76 Upland earthquake 1990: Near-field waveform data recorded on a small seismic array for aftershocks of the 1990 Upland, California earthquake OP-143 California-economic geology petroleum: Trends of heavy oil production in California OF 91-0339 water resources: Activities of the Water Resources Division, California District, fiscal years 1988-90 OF 91-0243 California-engineering geology geologic hazards: Damage due to sediment liquefaction both offshore and onshore at Moss Landing, CA as a result of the Loma Prieta earthquake OP-129 slope stability: Large landslides near the San Andreas Fault triggered by the October 17, 1989, Loma Prieta, California, earthquake California stratigraphy Cenozoic: Juxtaposed Cenozoic stratigraphic assemblages in the East Bay Hills-Mt. Diablo region, Central California Coast Range OP 117 - Juxtaposed Cenozoic stratigraphic assemblages in the East Bay Hills-Mt. Diablo region, Central California Coast Range OP-118 changes of level: The sensitivity of evaporation rate to climate change; results of an energy-balance approach WRI 86-4148 California-structural geology faults: Distribution and rate of slip across the San Andreas transform boundary, Hollister area, Central California OP-160 Holocene slip rate of the Hayward Fault at Union City, California OP-132 tectonics: A comparison of deep continentalmargin structure along transects in southern Alaska, southern Vancouver Island, and Central California OP-96 Constraints on the structural evolution of the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, California, from a new aeromagnetic map OP-113 Salinia is surely suspect OP-109 California-tectonophysics plate tectonics: Lithospheric structure and scismicity of Northern California; evolution of the crustal margin with passage of the Mendocino triple junction OP-74 Cambrian see under stratigraphy under Arkansas: Oklahoma Canada see Appalachians; British Columbia: Canadian Shield: Great Lakes region: Great Plains; Nova Scotia; Ontario Canada-environmental geology pollution: Radionuclides in ground water, rock and soil, and indoor air of the Northeastern United States and southeastern Canada; a liter ature review and summary of data B 1971 Canadian Shield-engineering geology waste disposal: Use of geophysical well logs in evaluating crystalline rocks for siting of radioactive-waste repositories OP-47 Canadian Shield-environmental geology waste disposal: Isotopic studies of the EyeDashua Lakes Pluton, Atikokan, Ontario WRI 91-4084 carbon-C-13/C-12 marine sediments: Geochemical expression of early diagenesis in middle Eocene-lower Oligocene pelagic sediments in the southern Labrador Sea, Site 647, ODP Leg 105 OP-4 oil shale: A preliminary study of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic biogeochemistry of lacustrine sedimentary rocks from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G Effects of source, depositional environment, and diagenesis on characteristics of organic matter in oil shale from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973A-G phosphate rocks: Geochemistry of a Tertiary sedimentary phosphate deposit; Baja California Sur, Mexico OP-56 carbonate rocks see under sedimentary rocks Carboniferous see Mississippian; Pennsylvanian cartography see maps see under maps catalogs geochronology absolute age: Radiometric ages of rocks in Massachusetts P 1366-E-J catalogs paleontology Ostracoda: Modern Arctic podocopid ostracode database OF 91-0385 Cenozoic see Eocene: Paleocene; Paleogene; Pleistocene; Tertiary see under stratigraphy under Antarctic Ocean; California Central America-economic geology bitumens: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 petroleum: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 changes of level see under stratigraphy under California; Nevada; Utah channels see under waterways Charophyta see under algae chemical analysts-techniques sample preparation: A comparison of two techniques for radon-222 measurement in water samples B 1971 Sampling and analysis of dissolved radon222 in water by the de-emanation method В 1971 chlorine-geochemistry salt: Proposed method of hydrogeochemical exploration for salt deposits using Cl-Br ratios, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia OP-62 surface water: Chloride flux and surface water discharge out of Yellowstone National Park, 1982-1989 В 1959 clastic rocks see under sedimentary rocks clay mineralogy-areal studies Florida: Mineralogy and chemistry of samples from a drill hole in the southern extension of the land-pebble phosphate district, Florida В 1978 Oklahoma: Composition, clay mineralogy, and diagenesis of the Simpson Group (Middle Ordovician), Grady County, Oklahoma B 1866 H clay mineralogy-mineral data kaolinite: Heat capacities of kaolinite from 7 to 380 K and of DMSO-intercalated kaolinite from 20 to 310 K; the entropy of kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 OP-59 climate change see paleoclimatology climate, ancient see paleoclimatology coal see under sedimentary rocks see under economic geology under Colorado; data processing; New Mexico; Nova Scotia; Pennsylvania coastlines see beaches Colombia-economic geology bitumens: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 petroleum: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 Colorado-economic geology coal: Cleat data for coal beds in the southern Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado OF 91-0363 Colorado environmental geology pollution: A preliminary evaluation of environmental factors influencing day-to-day and seasonal soil-gas radon concentrations B 1971 Colorado-geochemistry carbon: A preliminary study of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic biogeochemistry of lacustrine sedimentary rocks from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G organic materials: Effects of source, depositional environment, and diagenesis on characteristics of organic matter in oil shale from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G sulfur: Sulfur geochemistry and isotopy of the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G trace elements: Trace elements in pyrites of the Green River Formation oil shales, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G Colorado-hydrogeology hydrology: Use of box plots and trend analyses to evaluate sampling frequency at water quality monitoring sites OP-43 Introduction B 1973-A-G The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado OP55 computer applications see data processing Connecticut-geochemistry maps: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: South Hartford Basin, Connecticut OF 91-0322-B trace elements: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; South Hartford Basin, Connecticut OF 91-0322-B Connecticut-hydrogeology ground water: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Connecticut OF 88-0152 conodonts biostratigraphy Cambrian: Biostratigraphy of the Timbered Hills, Arbuckle, and Simpson groups, Cambrian and Ordovician, Oklahoma; a review of correlation tools and techniques available to the explorationist OP-18 conservation see land use; reclamation conservation-observations archaeological sites: Induced ground-vibration study at Pueblo Grande, Phoenix, Arizona OF 91-0332 construction materials see gravel deposits; slate deposits contamination (pollution) see pollution continental drift see plate tectonics; sea-floor spreading continental shelf see inarine geology see under oceanography under Alaska continental slope see continental shelf; marine geology copper ores see under economic geology under Arizona Cretaceous see under geochronology under Antarctica: California see under stratigraphy under Alaska; Arkansas; Colorado: Montana; New Mexico; South Carolina; South Dakota; Western Interior Crocodilia see under Reptilia crust see under seismology see under geochemistry under Great Lakes region see under seismology under New York; Ontario see under tectonophysics under Alaska; Antarctic Ocean crust-genesis continental crust: Observations at convergent margins concerning sediment subduction, subduction erosion, and the growth of continental crust OP-67 crystal growth-sulfides marcasite: Petrography of iron sulfide minerals in the Green River Formation of Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G pyrite: An experimental study of goethite sulfidization; relationships to the diagenesis of iron and sulfur B 1973-A-G - Petrography of iron sulfide minerals in the Green River Formation of Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G pyrrhotite: Petrography of iron sulfide minerals in the Green River Formation of Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G crystallography see mineralogy Cuba-economic geology bitumens: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 data processing-hydrogeology ground water: Analysis of available groundwater-quality data through 1987 for the Delmarva Peninsula: Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia W 2355-B - Hydrogeology and simulation of groundwater flow in the Rochester area, southeastern Minnesota, 1987-88 WRI 90-4081 hydrology: The sensitivity of evaporation rate to climate change; results of an energy-balance approach WRI 86-4148 Use of box plots and trend analyses to evaluate sampling frequency at water quality monitoring sites OP-43 data processing-maps automatic cartography: Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 91-0356-A Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 910356-B diagenesis-geochemistry iron: An experimental study of goethite sulfidization; relationships to the diagenesis of iron and sulfur B 1973-A-G organic materials: Effects of source, depositional environment, and diagenesis on characteristics of organic matter in oil shale from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G stable isotopes: Geochemical expression of early diagenesis in middle Eocene-lower Oligocene pelagic sediments in the southern Labrador Sea, Site 647, ODP Leg 105 OP-4 sulfur: Sulfur geochemistry and isotopy of the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G diagenesis-processes zeolitization: Zeolitic diagenesis of tuffs in the Miocene Chalk Hills Formation, western Snake River plain, Idaho B 1963 diastrophism see orogeny; tectonics dictionaries see lexicons digital mapping see automatic cartography Djibouti structural geology neotectonics: Contemporary, Holocene, and Quaternary deformation of the Asal Rift, Djibouti: implications for the mechanics of slow spreading ridges OP-64 E earthquakes see under Alaska; California; engineering geology see under geologic hazards; Hawaii; earthquakes-effects ground motion: Near-field ground motions in large earthquakes and base-isolated structures OP-107 earthquakes-focal mechanism stress: Piezomagnetic fields of screw dislocation fault models OP-6 Eastern Hemisphere see Africa; Antarctic Eastern U.S. see Connecticut: Delaware: Florida: Georgia: Maryland; Massachusetts: New England: New Jersey: New York; North Carolina; Pennsylvania; South Carolina; Vermont; Virginia; West Virginia Eastern U.S.-environmental geology pollution: Radionuclides in ground water, rock and soil, and indoor air of the Northeastern United States and southeastern Canada; a literature review and summary of data B 1971 Eastern U.S.-geochemistry trace elements: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States OF 91-0322-J Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States OF 91-0322-K Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; geologic setting, overview, and chemical methods used OF 91-0322-A Eastern U.S.-geophysical surveys bibliography: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C maps: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C surveys: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C Eastern U.S.-stratigraphy Paleozoic: Paleoclimate controls on the origin of some black shales in Paleozoic epeiric seas of the Eastern United States OP-79 Ecuador-economic geology petroleum: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 elastic waves see under seismology see under seismology under California electrical surveys see under geophysical surveys under California electron microscopy see chemical analysis Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Elko 1o by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada and Utah MF-2179 Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Lovelock 1 by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada and California MF-2178 Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Lund 1 by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada and Utah MF-2180 Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the McDermitt 1 by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho MF-2177 Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Vya l' by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada, Oregon, and California MF-2174 phosphate deposits: Mineralogy and chemistry of samples from a drill hole in the southern extension of the land-pebble phosphate district, Forida B 1978 Florida-geochemistry trace elements: Mineralogy and chemistry of samples from a drill hole in the southern extension of the land-pebble phosphate district, Florida B 1978 Florida-hydrogeology maps: Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan Aquifer, in Georgia and adjacent parts of Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina, MayJune 1990 OF 91-0206 flow (ground water) see movement flow (surface water) see movement fluid inclusions-analysis petroleum: Practical aspects of fluorescence mi croscopy of petroleum fluid inclusions OP-13 folding see folds folds see faults; tectonics folds-style anticlines: Precambrian rocks of the MoraRociada area, southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico OP-44 foliation see folds; structural analysis foundations see soil mechanics fractures style joints: Cleat data for coal beds in the southern Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado OF 91-0363 fuel resources see bitumens; coal; oil shale; petroleum gas inclusions see fluid inclusions 36 geochemical methods • gneisses geochemical methods see under mineral assess ment see under exploration under petroleum geochemical prospecting see geochemical meth ods geochemistry-experimental studies sulfidization: An experimental study of goethite sulfidization; relationships to the diagenesis of iron and sulfur B 1973-A-G geochemistry-geochemical cycle nitrogen: A preliminary study of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic biogeochemistry of lacustrine sedimentary rocks from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G geochemistry-processes reduction: Microbial reduction of radioactive waste metals WRI 91-4084 sorption: Uranium mill tailings; radium geochemistry WRI 91-4084 geochemistry-surveys Eastern U.S.: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; geologic setting, overview, and chemical methods used OF910322-A Idaho: Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineralconcentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-A - Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-B - Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-A - Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Canıas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-B Kentucky: Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1x2 Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. KI-K4 OF 91-0372-A Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1' x 2' Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. KI-K4 OF 91-0372-B Missouri: Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2o Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky, drill hole Nos. P1-P20 OF 91-0378-B Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2 Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. P1-P20 OF 91-0378-A geochronology see absolute age geochronology-fission-track dating crystalline rocks: Radiometric ages of rocks in Massachusetts P 1366-E-J geodesy-surveys Alaska: A geodetic network in the Novarupta area, Katmai National Park, Alaska OP-35 geographic information systems An object-oriented expert system for sedimentary basin analysis OP-142 Applications of integrated spatial and multitemporal data analysis techniques for global change research OP-164 Automated data processing of toponymic data for cartographic applications OP-150 Benchmark scenarios for geographic information systems OP-104 Use of USGS historic topographic maps in GIS analyses OP-28 Using a geographic information system to relate human and natural factors to stream water quality in the upper Illinois River basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin OP-163 Using digital orthophotos in a desktop GIS OP11 geologic hazards see land subsidence see under construction under dams see under engineering geology under California see under environmental geology under Oregon; Washington; Western U.S. geologic hazards-causes gas hydrates: Gas hydrates as a geologic hazard in submarine environments OP-126 geologic hazards-earthquakes ground motion: What is the Southern California Earthquake Center? OP-2 geologic hazards-floods storms: Floods of December 1982 to May 1983 in the central and southern Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico basins W 2362 Floods of January 9-11, 1990 in northwestern Oregon and southwestern Washington OF 91-0172 geologic hazards-land subsidence compaction: Earth-fissure movements associated with fluctuations in ground-water levels near the Picacho Mountains, south-central Arizona, 1980-84 OF 90-0561 geologic hazards—observations debris flows: Recent debris flows at Mt. Rainier OF 91-0242 storms: Beach profile measurements after Hurricane Hugo; Sullivans Island and Isle of Palms, South Carolina OF 91-0110 geologic hazards-prediction dams: Review of geotechnical aspects of the Jordanelle Damsite, Heber, Utah OF 91-0398 geologic time see absolute age: geochronology geomorphology see glacial geology geomorphology-landform evolution scarps: Geomorphic analyses of scarps along the eastern border of the Valle Vidal, north-central New Mexico OP-42 geomorphology-shore features marine terraces: A +1.5-m reef terrace in the southern Exuma Islands, Bahamas OP-105 geophysical methods-methods applications: Application of surface-geophysical methods at existing and future low-level radioactive waste sites WRI 91-4084 geophysical methods-radioactivity methods applications: Use of aerial gamina-ray data to estimate relative amounts of radon in soil gas В 1971 geophysical survey maps Audio-magnetotelluric survey of Nevada volcanic arc near Reno and Carson City, Nevada; location map and data report OF 91-0274 geophysical surveys see geophysical methods Georgia economic geology water resources: Ground-water resources of the south metropolitan Atlanta region, Georgia OP-14 - Water-supply potential of the Floridan Aquifer system in the coastal area of Georgia; a digital model approach OP-57 Georgia hydrogeology ground water: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Georgia OF 88-0150 maps: Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan Aquifer, in Georgia and adjacent parts of Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina, MayJune 1990 OF 91-0206 Water-supply potential of the Floridan Aquifer system in the coastal area of Georgia; a digital model approach OP-57 geosynclines see orogeny; tectonics geotechnics see engineering geology glacial geology see geomorphology glacial geology-glacial features glacial lakes: Simulation of lake ice and its effect on the late-Pleistocene evaporation rate of Lake Lahontan OP-30 glacial lakes see under glacial features under glacial geology global tectonics see plate tectonics glossaries see lexicons gneisses see under metamorphic rocks |