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Seismotectonics of the southern San Francisco Bay area, California OP-147

- The seismotectonics of the San Andreas fault system north of Point Arena along the Coast Ranges of Northern California OP-76

Upland earthquake 1990: Near-field waveform data recorded on a small seismic array for aftershocks of the 1990 Upland, California earthquake OP-143

California-economic geology

petroleum: Trends of heavy oil production in California OF 91-0339

water resources: Activities of the Water Resources Division, California District, fiscal years 1988-90 OF 91-0243

California-engineering geology

geologic hazards: Damage due to sediment liquefaction both offshore and onshore at Moss Landing, CA as a result of the Loma Prieta earthquake OP-129

slope stability: Large landslides near the San Andreas Fault triggered by the October 17, 1989, Loma Prieta, California, earthquake

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California stratigraphy

Cenozoic: Juxtaposed Cenozoic stratigraphic assemblages in the East Bay Hills-Mt. Diablo region, Central California Coast Range OP


- Juxtaposed Cenozoic stratigraphic assemblages in the East Bay Hills-Mt. Diablo region, Central California Coast Range OP-118

changes of level: The sensitivity of evaporation rate to climate change; results of an energy-balance approach WRI 86-4148

California-structural geology

faults: Distribution and rate of slip across the San Andreas transform boundary, Hollister area, Central California OP-160

Holocene slip rate of the Hayward Fault at Union City, California OP-132

tectonics: A comparison of deep continentalmargin structure along transects in southern Alaska, southern Vancouver Island, and Central California OP-96

Constraints on the structural evolution of the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, California, from a new aeromagnetic map OP-113

Salinia is surely suspect OP-109


plate tectonics: Lithospheric structure and scismicity of Northern California; evolution of the crustal margin with passage of the Mendocino triple junction OP-74

Cambrian see under stratigraphy under Arkansas: Oklahoma

Canada see Appalachians; British Columbia: Canadian Shield: Great Lakes region: Great Plains; Nova Scotia; Ontario

Canada-environmental geology

pollution: Radionuclides in ground water, rock and soil, and indoor air of the Northeastern United States and southeastern Canada; a liter

ature review and summary of data B 1971

Canadian Shield-engineering geology waste disposal: Use of geophysical well logs in evaluating crystalline rocks for siting of radioactive-waste repositories OP-47

Canadian Shield-environmental geology waste disposal: Isotopic studies of the EyeDashua Lakes Pluton, Atikokan, Ontario WRI 91-4084


marine sediments: Geochemical expression of early diagenesis in middle Eocene-lower Oligocene pelagic sediments in the southern Labrador Sea, Site 647, ODP Leg 105 OP-4 oil shale: A preliminary study of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic biogeochemistry of lacustrine sedimentary rocks from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G

Effects of source, depositional environment, and diagenesis on characteristics of organic matter in oil shale from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973A-G

phosphate rocks: Geochemistry of a Tertiary sedimentary phosphate deposit; Baja California Sur, Mexico OP-56

carbonate rocks see under sedimentary rocks

Carboniferous see Mississippian; Pennsylvanian

cartography see maps

see under maps

catalogs geochronology

absolute age: Radiometric ages of rocks in Massachusetts P 1366-E-J

catalogs paleontology

Ostracoda: Modern Arctic podocopid ostracode database OF 91-0385

Cenozoic see Eocene: Paleocene; Paleogene; Pleistocene; Tertiary

see under stratigraphy under Antarctic Ocean; California

Central America-economic geology bitumens: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364

petroleum: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364

changes of level see under stratigraphy under California; Nevada; Utah

channels see under waterways Charophyta see under algae

chemical analysts-techniques

sample preparation: A comparison of two techniques for radon-222 measurement in water samples B 1971

Sampling and analysis of dissolved radon222 in water by the de-emanation method

В 1971


salt: Proposed method of hydrogeochemical exploration for salt deposits using Cl-Br ratios, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia OP-62

surface water: Chloride flux and surface water discharge out of Yellowstone National Park, 1982-1989 В 1959

clastic rocks see under sedimentary rocks

clay mineralogy-areal studies

Florida: Mineralogy and chemistry of samples from a drill hole in the southern extension of the land-pebble phosphate district, Florida

В 1978

Oklahoma: Composition, clay mineralogy, and diagenesis of the Simpson Group (Middle Ordovician), Grady County, Oklahoma B 1866


clay mineralogy-mineral data

kaolinite: Heat capacities of kaolinite from 7 to 380 K and of DMSO-intercalated kaolinite from 20 to 310 K; the entropy of kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 OP-59

climate change see paleoclimatology

climate, ancient see paleoclimatology

coal see under sedimentary rocks

see under economic geology under Colorado; data processing; New Mexico; Nova Scotia; Pennsylvania

coastlines see beaches

Colombia-economic geology

bitumens: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364

petroleum: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364

Colorado-economic geology

coal: Cleat data for coal beds in the southern Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado OF 91-0363

Colorado environmental geology

pollution: A preliminary evaluation of environmental factors influencing day-to-day and seasonal soil-gas radon concentrations B 1971 Colorado-geochemistry

carbon: A preliminary study of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic biogeochemistry of lacustrine sedimentary rocks from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G

organic materials: Effects of source, depositional environment, and diagenesis on characteristics of organic matter in oil shale from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G

sulfur: Sulfur geochemistry and isotopy of the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G

trace elements: Trace elements in pyrites of the Green River Formation oil shales, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G


hydrology: Use of box plots and trend analyses to evaluate sampling frequency at water quality monitoring sites OP-43

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Introduction B 1973-A-G

The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado OP55

computer applications see data processing Connecticut-geochemistry

maps: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: South Hartford Basin, Connecticut OF 91-0322-B

trace elements: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; South Hartford Basin, Connecticut OF 91-0322-B


ground water: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Connecticut OF 88-0152

conodonts biostratigraphy

Cambrian: Biostratigraphy of the Timbered Hills, Arbuckle, and Simpson groups, Cambrian and Ordovician, Oklahoma; a review of correlation tools and techniques available to the explorationist OP-18

conservation see land use; reclamation conservation-observations

archaeological sites: Induced ground-vibration study at Pueblo Grande, Phoenix, Arizona OF 91-0332

construction materials see gravel deposits; slate deposits

contamination (pollution) see pollution

continental drift see plate tectonics; sea-floor spreading

continental shelf see inarine geology

see under oceanography under Alaska continental slope see continental shelf; marine geology

copper ores see under economic geology under Arizona

Cretaceous see under geochronology under Antarctica: California

see under stratigraphy under Alaska; Arkansas; Colorado: Montana; New Mexico; South Carolina; South Dakota; Western Interior

Crocodilia see under Reptilia

crust see under seismology

see under geochemistry under Great Lakes region

see under seismology under New York; Ontario

see under tectonophysics under Alaska; Antarctic Ocean


continental crust: Observations at convergent margins concerning sediment subduction, subduction erosion, and the growth of continental crust OP-67

crystal growth-sulfides

marcasite: Petrography of iron sulfide minerals in the Green River Formation of Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G

pyrite: An experimental study of goethite sulfidization; relationships to the diagenesis of iron and sulfur B 1973-A-G

- Petrography of iron sulfide minerals in the Green River Formation of Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G

pyrrhotite: Petrography of iron sulfide minerals in the Green River Formation of Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G

crystallography see mineralogy

Cuba-economic geology

bitumens: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364

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data processing-hydrogeology

ground water: Analysis of available groundwater-quality data through 1987 for the Delmarva Peninsula: Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia W 2355-B

- Hydrogeology and simulation of groundwater flow in the Rochester area, southeastern Minnesota, 1987-88 WRI 90-4081

hydrology: The sensitivity of evaporation rate to climate change; results of an energy-balance approach WRI 86-4148

Use of box plots and trend analyses to evaluate sampling frequency at water quality monitoring sites OP-43

data processing-maps

automatic cartography: Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 91-0356-A

Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 910356-B

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iron: An experimental study of goethite sulfidization; relationships to the diagenesis of iron and sulfur B 1973-A-G

organic materials: Effects of source, depositional environment, and diagenesis on characteristics of organic matter in oil shale from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G

stable isotopes: Geochemical expression of early diagenesis in middle Eocene-lower Oligocene pelagic sediments in the southern Labrador Sea, Site 647, ODP Leg 105 OP-4 sulfur: Sulfur geochemistry and isotopy of the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G


zeolitization: Zeolitic diagenesis of tuffs in the Miocene Chalk Hills Formation, western Snake River plain, Idaho B 1963

diastrophism see orogeny; tectonics

dictionaries see lexicons

digital mapping see automatic cartography Djibouti structural geology

neotectonics: Contemporary, Holocene, and Quaternary deformation of the Asal Rift, Djibouti: implications for the mechanics of slow spreading ridges OP-64


earthquakes see under Alaska; California; engineering geology

see under geologic hazards; Hawaii;
seismology: Washington: Western U.S.
see under theoretical studies under seismol-


ground motion: Near-field ground motions in large earthquakes and base-isolated structures OP-107

earthquakes-focal mechanism

stress: Piezomagnetic fields of screw dislocation fault models OP-6

Eastern Hemisphere see Africa; Antarctic
Ocean: Antarctica; Arctic Ocean; Atlantic
Ocean; USSR

Eastern U.S. see Connecticut: Delaware: Florida: Georgia: Maryland; Massachusetts: New England: New Jersey: New York; North Carolina; Pennsylvania; South Carolina; Vermont; Virginia; West Virginia

Eastern U.S.-environmental geology pollution: Radionuclides in ground water, rock and soil, and indoor air of the Northeastern United States and southeastern Canada; a literature review and summary of data B 1971

Eastern U.S.-geochemistry

trace elements: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States OF 91-0322-J Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States OF 91-0322-K

Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; geologic setting, overview, and chemical methods used OF 91-0322-A

Eastern U.S.-geophysical surveys

bibliography: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C

maps: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C

surveys: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370-C

Eastern U.S.-stratigraphy

Paleozoic: Paleoclimate controls on the origin of some black shales in Paleozoic epeiric seas of the Eastern United States OP-79

Ecuador-economic geology

petroleum: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364

elastic waves see under seismology

see under seismology under California electrical surveys see under geophysical surveys under California

electron microscopy see chemical analysis

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Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Elko 1o by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada and Utah MF-2179

Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Lovelock 1 by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada and California MF-2178

Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Lund 1 by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada and Utah MF-2180

Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the McDermitt 1 by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho MF-2177

Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Vya l' by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada, Oregon, and California MF-2174

[blocks in formation]

phosphate deposits: Mineralogy and chemistry of samples from a drill hole in the southern extension of the land-pebble phosphate district, Forida B 1978


trace elements: Mineralogy and chemistry of samples from a drill hole in the southern extension of the land-pebble phosphate district, Florida B 1978


maps: Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan Aquifer, in Georgia and adjacent parts of Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina, MayJune 1990 OF 91-0206

flow (ground water) see movement

flow (surface water) see movement

fluid inclusions-analysis

petroleum: Practical aspects of fluorescence mi

croscopy of petroleum fluid inclusions OP-13

folding see folds

folds see faults; tectonics


anticlines: Precambrian rocks of the MoraRociada area, southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico OP-44

foliation see folds; structural analysis foundations see soil mechanics

fractures style

joints: Cleat data for coal beds in the southern Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado OF 91-0363

fuel resources see bitumens; coal; oil shale; petroleum

gas inclusions see fluid inclusions

36 geochemical methods • gneisses

geochemical methods see under mineral assess


see under exploration under petroleum

geochemical prospecting see geochemical meth


geochemistry-experimental studies

sulfidization: An experimental study of goethite sulfidization; relationships to the diagenesis of iron and sulfur B 1973-A-G

geochemistry-geochemical cycle

nitrogen: A preliminary study of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic biogeochemistry of lacustrine sedimentary rocks from the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado B 1973-A-G


reduction: Microbial reduction of radioactive waste metals WRI 91-4084

sorption: Uranium mill tailings; radium geochemistry WRI 91-4084


Eastern U.S.: Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; geologic setting, overview, and chemical methods used OF910322-A

Idaho: Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineralconcentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-A

- Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho OF 91-0368-B

- Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-A

- Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Canıas counties, Idaho OF 91-0358-B

Kentucky: Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1x2 Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. KI-K4 OF 91-0372-A

Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1' x 2' Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. KI-K4 OF 91-0372-B

Missouri: Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2o Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky, drill hole Nos. P1-P20 OF 91-0378-B

Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1 x 2 Quadrangle,

Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. P1-P20 OF 91-0378-A

geochronology see absolute age

geochronology-fission-track dating

crystalline rocks: Radiometric ages of rocks in Massachusetts P 1366-E-J


Alaska: A geodetic network in the Novarupta area, Katmai National Park, Alaska OP-35

geographic information systems

An object-oriented expert system for sedimentary basin analysis OP-142

Applications of integrated spatial and multitemporal data analysis techniques for global change research OP-164

Automated data processing of toponymic data for cartographic applications OP-150

Benchmark scenarios for geographic information systems OP-104

Use of USGS historic topographic maps in GIS analyses OP-28

Using a geographic information system to relate human and natural factors to stream water quality in the upper Illinois River basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin OP-163

Using digital orthophotos in a desktop GIS OP11

geologic hazards see land subsidence

see under construction under dams see under engineering geology under California

see under environmental geology under Oregon; Washington; Western U.S.

geologic hazards-causes

gas hydrates: Gas hydrates as a geologic hazard in submarine environments OP-126

geologic hazards-earthquakes

ground motion: What is the Southern California Earthquake Center? OP-2

geologic hazards-floods

storms: Floods of December 1982 to May 1983 in the central and southern Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico basins W 2362

Floods of January 9-11, 1990 in northwestern Oregon and southwestern Washington OF 91-0172

geologic hazards-land subsidence

compaction: Earth-fissure movements associated with fluctuations in ground-water levels near the Picacho Mountains, south-central Arizona, 1980-84 OF 90-0561

geologic hazards—observations

debris flows: Recent debris flows at Mt. Rainier OF 91-0242

storms: Beach profile measurements after Hurricane Hugo; Sullivans Island and Isle of Palms, South Carolina OF 91-0110

geologic hazards-prediction dams: Review of geotechnical aspects of the Jordanelle Damsite, Heber, Utah OF 91-0398

geologic time see absolute age: geochronology geomorphology see glacial geology

geomorphology-landform evolution

scarps: Geomorphic analyses of scarps along the eastern border of the Valle Vidal, north-central New Mexico OP-42

geomorphology-shore features

marine terraces: A +1.5-m reef terrace in the southern Exuma Islands, Bahamas OP-105

geophysical methods-methods applications: Application of surface-geophysical methods at existing and future low-level radioactive waste sites WRI 91-4084

geophysical methods-radioactivity methods applications: Use of aerial gamina-ray data to estimate relative amounts of radon in soil gas В 1971

geophysical survey maps

Audio-magnetotelluric survey of Nevada volcanic arc near Reno and Carson City, Nevada; location map and data report OF 91-0274

geophysical surveys see geophysical methods Georgia economic geology

water resources: Ground-water resources of the south metropolitan Atlanta region, Georgia OP-14

- Water-supply potential of the Floridan Aquifer system in the coastal area of Georgia; a digital model approach OP-57

Georgia hydrogeology

ground water: U.S. Geological Survey groundwater studies in Georgia OF 88-0150

maps: Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan Aquifer, in Georgia and adjacent parts of Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina, MayJune 1990 OF 91-0206

Water-supply potential of the Floridan Aquifer system in the coastal area of Georgia; a digital model approach OP-57

geosynclines see orogeny; tectonics geotechnics see engineering geology glacial geology see geomorphology

glacial geology-glacial features

glacial lakes: Simulation of lake ice and its effect on the late-Pleistocene evaporation rate of Lake Lahontan OP-30

glacial lakes see under glacial features under glacial geology

global tectonics see plate tectonics glossaries see lexicons

gneisses see under metamorphic rocks

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