1ST CONTOUR INTERVAL LISTED FOR EACH MAP-BASIC INTERVAL, 2D-SUPPLEMENTAL INTERVAL AND 3D=EXTRA INTERVAL. '2' DENOTES AN ORTHOPHOTOMAP, AND '3', A MAP WITH BATHYMETRIC FEATURES. 1ST CONTOUR INTERVAL LISTED FOR EACH MAP BASIC INTERVAL, 2D-SUPPLEMENTAL INTERVAL AND 3D=EXTRA INTERVAL. '2' DENOTES AN ORTHOPHOTOMAP, AND '3', A MAP WITH BATHYMETRIC FEATURES. INDICATES CONTOUR INTERVALS IN METERS. 1ST CONTOUR INTERVAL LISTED FOR EACH MAP BASIC INTERVAL, 2D SUPPLEMENTAL INTERVAL AND 3D EXTRA INTERVAL. '3' DENOTES A MAP WITH BATHYMETRIC FEATURES. NOTE: INTERMEDIATE-SCALE MAPS ARE PREPARED ON A 30 X 60-MINUTE FORMAT USING FEATURE-SEPARATION DRAWINGS AND SYMBOLIZATION SUITABLE FOR DIGITIZING. THEY ARE PRINTED ON SHEETS THAT ARE 24" X 40" TO 46" AND COST $4.00. * INDICATES CONTOUR INTERVALS IN METERS. 1ST CONTOUR INTERVAL LISTED FOR EACH MAP-BASIC INTERVAL, 2D SUPPLEMENTAL INTERVAL AND 3D=EXTRA INTERVAL. '3' DENOTES A MAP WITH BATHYMETRIC FEATURES. NOTE: INTERMEDIATE-SCALE MAPS ARE PREPARED ON A 30 X 60-MINUTE FORMAT USING FEATURE-SEPARATION DRAWINGS AND SYMBOLIZATION SUITABLE FOR DIGITIZING. THEY ARE PRINTED ON SHEETS THAT ARE 24" X 40" TO 46" AND COST $4.00. 1ST CONTOUR INTERVAL LISTED FOR EACH MAP-BASIC INTERVAL, 2D-SUPPLEMENTAL INTERVAL AND 3D EXTRA INTERVAL '3' DENOTES A MAP WITH BATHYMETRIC FEATURES. MISCELLANEOUS INDEX WASHINGTON STATE INDEX. FOR 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC QUANDANGLES AND OTHER MAP COVERAGE. (9-91). PUBLISHED DECEMBER 1991. SINGLE SHEET. INDEX This is an index of Geological Survey publications issued in January and articles by Geological Survey personnel in non-Geological Survey publications that came to our attention in January divided into a general index, including subjects and areas, and an author index. 29 A absolute age see geochronology; isotopes absolute age catalogs bedrock: Radiometric ages of rocks in Massachusetts P1366-E-J absolute age-dates corals: A +1.5-m reef terrace in the southern Exuma Islands, Bahamas OP-105 eolianite: Uranium-series age of an ooliticpeloidal eolianite, San Salvador Island, Bahamas; new evidence for a high stand of sea at 200-225 Ka OP-93 igneous rocks: Rb-Sr study of Cretaceous plutons from southern Antarctic Peninsula and eastern Ellsworth Land, Antarctica OP-49 40 Ar/39 Ar chronology of caldera formation, intrusive activity and Mo-ore deposition near Questa, New Mexico OP-17 The aeromagnetic maps Aeromagnetic maps of a buried porphyry copper deposit west of Casa Grande, Arizona MF 2187 Bedrock geologic map of the Seattle 30' by 60' Quadrangle, Washington OF 91-0147 Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric publications for Hawaii and Alaska OF 91-0370-E Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for Puerto Rico and large areas of the conterminous United States OF 91-0370-F Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370C Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers OF 91-0370D Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of approximately 104 longitude (exclusive of Hawaii and Alaska) OF910370-A Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of the Mississippi River and east of approximately 104 longitude OF 91 0370-B Constraints on the structural evolution of the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, California, from a new aeromagnetic map OP-112 Revision of an aeromagnetic survey of the Lathrop Wells area, Nevada OF 91-0046 aeromagnetic surveys see magnetic surveys Afars and Issas Territory see Djibouti Africa see Djibouti; South Africa Africa stratigraphy Quaternary: Quaternary sedimentary processes on the northwestern African continental margin: an integrated study using side-scan sonar, high-resolution profiling, and core data OP 138 Alabama-hydrogeology maps: Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan Aquifer, in Georgia and adjacent parts of Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina, MayJune 1990 OF 91-0206 Alaska earthquakes prediction: New data on the recurrence interval and seismic cycle for great 1964-type earthquakes in the Copper River delta, Alaska OP 152 Alaska geochemistry trace elements: Argillic alteration in the Novarupta vent region, Katmai National Park, Alaska OP-32 Major and trace element mass flux in fumarolic deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska; rhyolite-rich protolith OP-50 Alaska-geophysical surveys bibliography: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric publications for Hawaii and Alaska OF 91-0370-E geodesy: A geodetic network in the Novarupta area, Katmai National Park, Alaska OP-35 maps: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric publications for Hawaii and Alaska OF 910370-E Multichannel seismic-reflection data collected in 1980 in Norton Sound, Alaska OF 91-0254 seismic surveys: Multichannel seismic-reflection data collected in 1980 in Norton Sound, Alaska OF 91-0254 surveys: Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric publications for Hawaii and Alaska OF 91-0370-E Alaska hydrogeology thermal waters: Chemical and thermal constraints on models of thermal springs, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska OP-38 Alaska-oceanography continental shelf: Correlation of nearshore ice movement with seabed ice gouges near Barrow, Alaska OP-61 Alaska paleobotany algae: A new Tolypella from the Ocean Point dinosaur locality, North Slope, Alaska, and the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene nitelloid charophytes B 1990-F Alaska stratigraphy Cretaceous: Pollen zonation and correlation of Maastrichtian marine beds and associated strata, Ocean Point dinosaur locality, North Slope, Alaska B 1990-E Alaska-structural geology tectonics: A comparison of deep continentalmargin structure along transects in southern Alaska, southern Vancouver Island, and Central California OP-96 Alaska tectonophysics crust: Deep crustal geoelectric structure in the vicinity of the Tintina fault zone, north-central Alaska OP-127 Alaska-volcanology Katmai: Seismic evidence for magma in the vicinity of Mt. Katmai, Alaska OP-69 The Katmai scientific drilling project, surface phase; investigation of an exceptional igneous system OP-21 The timing of caldera collapse at Mount Katmai in response to magina withdrawal toward Novarupta OP-27 Redoubt: Forecasting eruptions at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska OP-81 algae-Charophyta Cretaceous: A new Tolypella from the Ocean Point dinosaur locality, North Slope, Alaska, and the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene nitelloid charophytes B 1990-F ammonoids see under mollusks analytical methods see chemical analysis analytical techniques see techniques Antarctic Ocean-geophysical surveys magnetic surveys: Extensive volcanism and related tectonism beneath the western Ross Sea continental shelf, Antarctica; interpretation of an aeromagnetic survey OP-10 The aeromagnetic survey of northern Victoria Land and the western Ross Sea during GANOVEX IV and a geophysical-geological interpretation OP-12 Antarctic Ocean sedimentary petrology sedimentary rocks: Chemical characteristics of greywacke and Palaeosol of early Oligocene or older sedimentary breccia, Ross Sea DSDP Site 270 OP-22 Antarctic Ocean stratigraphy Cenozoic: Structural and depositional controls on Cenozoic and (?) Mesozoic strata beneath the western Ross Sea OP-15 Mesozoic: Structural and depositional controls on Cenozoic and (?) Mesozoic strata beneath the western Ross Sea OP-15 Antarctic Ocean-tectonophysics crust: Crustal extension and origin of sedimentary basins beneath the Ross Sea and Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica OP-16 Antarctica geochronology Cretaceous: Rb-Sr study of Cretaceous plutons from southern Antarctic Peninsula and eastern Ellsworth Land, Antarctica OP-49 Antarctica geophysical surveys magnetic surveys: The aeromagnetic survey of northern Victoria Land and the western Ross Sea during GANOVEX IV and a geophysicalgeological interpretation OP-12 surveys: Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica; hybrid geological, aeromagnetic and Landsatphysiographic maps OP-39 Antarctica structural geology tectonics: Crustal extension and origin of sedimentary basins beneath the Ross Sea and Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica OP-16 Tectonic evolution of south-eastern Antarctic Peninsula OP-33 Tectonic setting of the English Coast, eastern Ellsworth Land, Antarctica OP-60 Appalachians-geochemistry radon: Radon in sheared metamorphic and igneous rocks В 1971 Appalachians structural geology tectonics: The Penobscot Orogeny in the Central Appalachians OP-86 aquifers see ground water see under ground water Arabian Peninsula see Saudi Arabia archaeology Induced ground-vibration study at Pueblo Grande, Phoenix, Arizona OF 91-0332 archeology see archaeology Arctic Ocean-geophysical surveys surveys: Correlation of nearshore ice movement with seabed ice gouges near Barrow, Alaska OP-61 Arctic Ocean-paleontology Ostracoda: Modern Arctic podocopid ostracode database OF 91-0385 Arctic Ocean-stratigraphy Quaternary: Preliminary stratigraphy and sediment processes on southeastern Northwind Ridge, Arctic Ocean OP-151 Argentina-economic geology bitumens: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 Arizona-areal geology maps: Geologic map of the Planet 2SE Quadrangle, Mohave and La Paz counties, Arizona OF 91-0354 Arizona economic geology copper ores: Aeromagnetic maps of a buried porphyry copper deposit west of Casa Grande, Arizona MF-2187 - Geophysical logs from a copper oxide deposit, Santa Cruz Project, Casa Grande, Arizona OF 91-0357 Arizona-engineering geology land subsidence: Earth-fissure movements associated with fluctuations in ground-water levels near the Picacho Mountains, south-central Arizona, 1980-84 OF 90-0561 Arizona-geophysical surveys magnetic surveys: Aeromagnetic maps of a buried porphyry copper deposit west of Casa Grande, Arizona MF-2187 maps: Aeromagnetic maps of a buried porphyry copper deposit west of Casa Grande, Arizona MF-2187 Arizona-hydrogeology hydrology: Radionuclides in the Puerco and lower Little Colorado River basins, New Mexico and Arizona, before 1987 В 1971 maps: Ground-water conditions in and near the Salt River Indian Reservation, south-central Arizona WRI 89-4176 Arizona stratigraphy archaeology: Induced ground-vibration study at Pueblo Grande, Phoenix, Arizona OF 91 0332 Arizona-tectonophysics plate tectonics: Paleomagnetism of three Upper Jurassic ash-flow sheets in southeastern Arizona; implications for regional deformation OP-24 Arkansas-economic geology water resources: National Water-Quality Assessment program; Ozark Plateaus OF 91 0162 - Water-resources activities in Arkansas, 198891 OF 91-0229 Arkansas hydrogeology bibliography: Water-resources activities in Arkansas, 1988-91 OF 91-0229 ground water: Ground-water levels in the alluvial aquifer in eastern Arkansas, 1990 OF 910248 U.S. Geological Survey ground-water studies in Arkansas OF 88-0123 hydrology: Floods of December 1982 to May 1983 in the central and southern Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico basins W 2362 Arkansas stratigraphy Cambrian: Regional environments of deposition during Cambrian and Ordovician time in western Arkansas OP-100 Cretaceous: Some Upper Cretaceous ammonites from the Nacatoch Sand of Hempstead County, Arkansas B 1985 - Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) ammonites from the Nostoceras alternatum Zone in southwestern Arkansas B 1985 Ordovician: Regional environments of deposition during Cambrian and Ordovician time in western Arkansas OP-100 artesian waters see ground water artifacts see archaeology associations see survey organizations associations-seismology Southern California Earthquake Center: What is the Southern California Earthquake Center? OP-2 Atlantic Ocean-economic geology gravel deposits: Preliminary textural and mineralogic analyses of Vibracore samples collected between Absecon and Barnegat inlets, New Jersey OP-66 heavy mineral deposits: Preliminary textural and mineralogic analyses of Vibracore samples collected between Absecon and Barnegat inlets, New Jersey OP-66 Atlantic Ocean-oceanography marine geology: Geochemical expression of early diagenesis in middle Eocene-lower Oligocene pelagic sediments in the southern Labrador Sea, Site 647, ODP Leg 105 OP-4 sediments: Sediment transport by the Saharan sediment slide; a new view with 30 kHZ deeptow sidescan sonar OP-137 automatic cartography Digital shaded-relief image of the Mediterranean Sea floor available as continuous-tone photographic prints from a film-recorder negative OF 91-0428 Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 91 0356-A Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, three-dimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area OF 910356-B Rules development for automated mapping OP-46 Using digital orthophotos in a desktop GIS OP 11 automatic data processing see data processing B Bahamas geochronology Quaternary: Uranium-series age of an ooliticpeloidal eolianite, San Salvador Island, Bahamas; new evidence for a high stand of sea at 200-225 Ka OP-93 Bahamas geomorphology shore features: A +1.5-m reef terrace in the southern Exuma Islands, Bahamas OP-105 Baltic region-economic geology petroleum: Structural evolution and petroleum productivity of the Baltic Basin OP-167 Baltic region-structural geology tectonics: Structural evolution and petroleum productivity of the Baltic Basin OP-167 Baltic Sea see Baltic region barrier islands see under shorelines beaches see under barrier islands under shorelines Bering Sea-geophysical surveys maps: Multichannel seismic-reflection data collected in 1980 in Norton Sound, Alaska OF 91-0254 seismic surveys: Multichannel seismic-reflection data collected in 1980 in Norton Sound, Alaska OF 91-0254 bibliography see under geophysical surveys under Alaska: Eastern U.S.; Great Plains: Hawaii; Midwest; Mississippi Valley: New England; Puerto Rico: Southeastern U.S.; United States: Western U.S. see under hydrogeology under Arkansas; California; Wyoming bitumens see oil shale see under economic geology under Argentina; Bolivia; Central America: Colombia; Cuba: Peru: South America; Trinidad and Tobago: Venezuela Bolivia economic geology bitumens: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 boreholes see well-logging brachiopods biostratigraphy Cambrian: Biostratigraphy of the Timbered Hills, Arbuckle, and Simpson groups, Cambrian and Ordovician, Oklahoma; a review of correlation tools and techniques available to the explorationist OP-18 Brazileconomic geology petroleum: Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America OF 91-0364 breccia see under clastic rocks under sedimentary rocks cadmium-geochemistry phosphate rocks: Mineralogy and chemistry of samples from a drill hole in the southern extension of the land-pebble phosphate district, Florida B 1978 calcareous algae see algae California-areal geology maps: New geologic map of Contra Costa and Alameda counties, California OP-116 California earthquakes aftershocks: Estimation of ground motions of the 1983 Coalinga, California, main shock using aftershock seismograms as empirical Green's functions OP-144 Loma Prieta earthquake 1989: From short to long period observations: are geodetic models of the Loma Prieta earthquake consistent with the results of seismological studies? OP-136 |