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OP-8. C. E. Barker and O. C. Kopp* (editors). Luminescence microscopy and spectroscopy; qualitative and quantitative applications. SEPM Short Course Notes. 25, 1991. 195 р.

OP-9. P. B. Barton, Jr. Ore textures; problems and opportunities. Mineralogical Magazine, in Mineral textures. (A. M. Clark, editor). v. 55, no. 380, September 1991. p. 303-315, 316B, 316C.

OP-10. J. C. Behrendt, H. J. Duerbaum*, D. Damaske*, R. W. Saltus*, Wilhelm Bosum* and A. K. Cooper*. Extensive volcanism and related tectonism beneath the westem Ross Sea continental shelf, Antarctica; interpretation of an aeromagnetic survey. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, in Geological evolution of Antarctica; proceedings of the Fifth international symposium on Antarctic earth sciences. (M. R. Thomson, editor and others). 5, 1991. p. 299-304.

OP-11. S. P. Benjamin. Using digital orthophotos in a desktop GIS. Technical Papers of the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, in Countdown to the 21st century: 1990 ACSMASPRS annual convention; ACSM 50th annual meeting; ASPRS 56th annual meeting. 50, Vol. 4, 1990. p. 60-67.

OP-12. Wilhelm Bosum*, D. Damaske*, J. C. Behrendt and R. W. Saltus. The aeromagnetic survey of northem Victoria Land and the western Ross Sea during GANOVEX IV and a geophysical-geological interpretation. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, in Geological evolution of Antarctica; proceedings of the Fifth international symposium on Antarctic earth sciences. (M. R. Thomson, editor and others). 5, 1991. p. 267-272.

OP-13. R. C. Burruss. Practical aspects of fluorescence microscopy of petroleum fluid inclusions. SEPM Short Course Notes, in Luminescence microscopy and spectroscopy; qualitative and quantitative applications. (C. E. Barker, editor and others). 25, 1991. p. 1-7.

OP-14. J. S. Clarke and M. F. Peck. GEORGIA. Ground-water resources of the south metropolitan Atlanta region, Georgia. Information Circular - Georgia Geologic Survey. Report no. 88, 1991. 56 р.

OP-15. A. K. Cooper, F. J. Davey* and J. C. Behrendt. Structural and depositional controls on Cenozoic and (?) Mesozoic strata beneath the western Ross Sea. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, in Geological evolution of Antarctica; proceedings of the Fifth international symposium on Antarctic earth sciences. (M. R. Thomson, editor and others). 5, 1991. p. 279283.

OP-16. А. К. Cooper, F. J. Davey* and Karl Hinz*. Crustal extension and origin of sedimentary basins beneath the Ross Sea and Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, in Geological evolution of Antarctica; proceedings of the Fifth international symposium on Antarctic earth sciences. (M. R. Thomson, editor and others). 5, 1991. p. 285-291.

OP-17. G. K. Czamanske, K. A. Foland*, F. A. Kubacher* and J. C. Allen*. NEW MEXICO. The 40 Ar/39 Ar chronology of caldera formation, intrusive activity and Mo-ore deposition near Questa, New Mexico. Guidebook - New Mexico Geological Society, in Tectonic development of the southerm Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. (P. W. Bauer, editor and others). 41, 1990. p. 355-358.

OP-18. J. R. Derby*, J. A. Bauer*, W. B. Creath*, R. I. Dresbach*, R. L. Ethington*, J. D. Loch*, J. H. Stitt*, T. R. McHargue*, J. F. Miller*, M. A. Miller, J. E. Repetski*. W. C. Sweet*, J. F. Taylor* and Mark Williams*. OKLAHOMA. Biostratigraphy of the Timbered Hills, Arbuckle, and Simpson groups, Cambrian and Ordovician, Oklahoma; a review of correlation tools and techniques available to the explorationist. Circular Oklahoma Geological Survey, in Late Cambrian-Ordovician geology of the southerm Midcontinent, 1989 symposium. (K. S. Johnson, editor). 92, 1991. p. 15-41.

OP-19. W. W. Dickinson*, R. H. Newman*, J. D. Collen*, L. C. Price and B. E. Law. NORTH DAKOTA, NEW MEXICO. 13C NMR spectra from Mississippian-Devonian Bakken Shale, Williston Basin, North Dakota and Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Coal, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, U.S.A. Geology Board of Studies Publication. 8, December 1990. 31 р.

OP-20. J. M. Donnelly-Nolan, D. E. Champion, T. L. Grove*, M. B. Baker*, J. E. Taggart, Jr.* and IP. E. Bruggman. CALIFORNIA. The Giant Crater lava field; geology and geochemistry of a compositionally zoned, high-alumina basalt to basaltic andesite eruption at Medicine Lake Volcano, California. Journal of Geophysical Research, B, Solid Earth and Planets. v. 96, no. 13, December 10, 1991. p. 21,843-21,863.

OP-21. J. C. Eichelberger*, Wes Hildreth and J. J. Papike*. ALASKA. The Katmai scientific drilling project, surface phase; investigation of an exceptional igneous system. Geophysical Research Letters. v. 18, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1513-1516.

OP-22. A. B. Ford. Chemical characteristics of greywacke and Palaeosol of early Oligocene or older sedimentary breccia, Ross Sea DSDP Site 270. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, in Geological evolution of Antarctica; proceedings of the Fifth intemational symposium on Antarctic earth sciences. (M. R. Thomson, editor and others). 5, 1991. p. 293-297.

OP-23. A. R. Geyne*, Carl Fries, Jr., Kenneth Segestrom*, R. F. Black and J. F. Wilson. Geology and mineral deposits of the Pachuca-Real de Monte District, Hidalgo, Mexico. Guidebook Series, in Mexican silver deposits; conference guidebook. (K. F. Clark, editor). 6, 1990. p. 241-257.

OP-24. J. T. Hagstrum and P. W. Lipman. ARIZONA. Paleomagnetism of three Upper Jurassic ash-flow sheets in southeastem Arizona; implications for regional deformation. Geophysical Research Letters. v. 18, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1413-1416.

OP-25. R. W. Healy and P. C. Mills. Variability of an unsaturated sand unit underlying a radioactive-waste trench. Soil Science Society of America Jounal. v. 55, no. 4, August 1991. р. 899-907.

OP-26. M. E. Henry. OKLAHOMA. Subsurface structure map of the Arbuckle Group, south-central Oklahoma. Circular - Oklahoma Geological Survey, in Late Cambrian-Ordovician geology of the southern Midcontinent, 1989 symposium. (K. S. Johnson, editor). 92, 1991. p. 218-219.

OP-27. Wes Hildreth. ALASKA. The timing of caldera collapse at Mount Katmai in response to magma withdrawal toward Novarupta. Geophysical Research Letters. v. 18, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1541-1544.

OP-28. M. E. Hodgson* and R. H. Alexander. Use of USGS historic topographic maps in GIS analyses. Technical Papers of the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, in Countdown to the 21st century; 1990 ACSM-ASPRS annual convention; ACSM 50th annual meeting; ASPRS 56th annual meeting. 50, Vol. 3, 1990. p. 109-116.

OP-29. T. L. Holzer and A. I. Johnson*. Land subsidence caused by ground water withdrawal in urban areas. GeoJournal. v. 11, no. 3, October 1985. p. 245-255.

OP-30. S. W. Hostetler. Simulation of lake ice and its effect on the late-Pleistocene evaporation rate of Lake Lahontan. Climate Dynamics. v. 6, no. 1, July 1991. p. 43-48.

OP-31. D. G. Jorgensen. Estimating geohydrologic properties from borehole-geophysical logs. Ground Water Monitoring Review. v. 11, no. 3, 1991. p. 123-129.

OP-32. T. E. Keith. ALASKA. Argillic alteration in the Novarupta vent region, Katmai National Park, Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters. v. 18, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1549-1552.

OP-33. K. S. Kellogg and P. D. Rowley. Tectonic evolution of south-eastern Antarctic Peninsula. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, in Geological evolution of Antarctica; proceedings of the Fifth international symposium on Antarctic earth sciences. (M. R. Thomson, editor and others). 5, 1991. p. 461-465.

OP-34. J. A. Kelmelis. The U.S. Geological Survey Global Change Research Program. Technical Papers of the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, in Countdown to the 21st century; 1990 ACSM-ASPRS annual convention; ACSM 50th annual meeting; ASPRS 56th annual meeting. 50, Vol. 4, 1990. p. 218-227.

OP-35. J. W. Kleinman and E. Y. Iwatsubo. ALASKA. A geodetic network in the Novarupta area, Katmai National Park, Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters. v. 18, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1517-1519.

OP-36. J. M. Klenke* and A. L. Flint. Collimated neutron probe for soil water content measurements. Soil Science Society of America Journal. v. 55, no. 4, August 1991. p. 916-923.

OP-37. Chintu Lai. Modeling alluvial-channel flow by multimode characteristics method. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. v. 117, no. 1, January 1991. p. 32-53.

OP-38. R. P. Lowell* and T. E. Keith. ALASKA. Chemical and thermal constraints on models of thermal springs, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters. v. 18, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1553-1556.

OP-39. B. K. Lucchitta, J. A. Bowell, F. Tessensohn* and J. C. Behrendt. Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica; hybrid geological, aeromagnetic and Landsat-physiographic maps. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, in Geological evolution of Antarctica; proceedings of the Fifth international symposium on Antarctic earth sciences. (M. R. Thomson, editor and others). 5, 1991. p. 167-169.

OP-40. J. F. Luhr and I. S. Carmichael*. Geology of Colima. Boletin - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geologia. 107, 1990. 101 р.

OP-41. C. M. Menges. NEW MEXICO. Late Cenozoic rift tectonics and mountain-front landforms of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near Taos, northem New Mexico. Guidebook - New Mexico Geological Society, in Tectonic development of the southem Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. (P. W. Bauer, editor and others). 41, 1990. p. 113-123.

OP-42. C. M. Menges and J. Walker*. NEW MEXICO. Geomorphic analyses of scarps along the eastern border of the Valle Vidal, north-central New Mexico. Guidebook - New Mexico Geological Society, in Tectonic development of the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. (P. W. Bauer, editor and others). 41, 1990. p. 431-438.

OP-43. D. K. Mueller. Use of box plots and trend analyses to evaluate sampling frequency at water quality monitoring sites. Information Series - Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, in Proceedings: International symposium on the Design of water quality information systems. (R. C. Ward, editor and others). 61, 1989. p. 88-104.

OP-44. J. M. O'Neill. NEW MEXICO. Precambrian rocks of the Mora-Rociada area, southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. Guidebook - New Mexico Geological Society, in Tectonic development of the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. (P. W. Bauer, editor and others). 41, 1990. p. 189-199.

OP-45. J. M. O'Neill and H. H. Melinert. NEW MEXICO. Late Cenozoic volcanism, uplift and erosion, southem Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. Guidebook - New Mexico Geological Society, in Tectonic development of the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. (P. W. Bauer, editor and others). 41, 1990. p. 349-353.

OP-46. C. E. Ogrosky and K. S. Roth. Rules development for automated mapping. Technical Papers of the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, in Countdown to the 21st century; 1990 ACSM-ASPRS annual convention; ACSM 50th annual meeting; ASPRS 56th annual meeting. 50, Vol. 2, 1990. p. 5-10.

OP-47. F. L. Paillet. Use of geophysical well logs in evaluating crystalline rocks for siting of radioactive-waste repositories. The Log Analyst. v. 32, no. 2, April 1991. p. 85-107.

OP-48. F. L. Paillet. High-resolution flow logging in observation boreholes during hydraulic testing of fractured-rock aquifers. The Log Analyst, in The SPWLA thirty-second annual logging symposium. v. 32, no. 4, April 1991. p. 169.

OP-49. R. J. Pankhurst* and P. D. Rowley. Rb-Sr study of Cretaceous plutons from southern Antarctic Peninsula and eastern Ellsworth Land, Antarctica. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, in Geological evolution of Antarctica; proceedings of the Fifth international symposium on Antarctic earth sciences. (M. R. Thomson, editor and others). 5, 1991. p. 387394.

OP-50. J. J. Papike*, T. E. Keith, M. N. Spilde*, C. К. Shearer*, K. C. Galbreath and J. C. Laul*. ALASKA. Major and trace element mass flux in fumarolic deposits, Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska; hyolite-rich protolith. Geophysical Research Letters. v. 18, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1545-1548.

OP-51. C. S. Papp, L. H. Filipek and K. S. Smith. Selectivity and effectiveness of extractants used to release metals associated with organic matter. Applied Geochemistry. v. 6, no. 3, 1991. p. 349-353.

OP-52. S. F. Personius. UTAH. Paleoseismic analysis of the Wasatch fault zone at the Brigham City trench site, Brigham City, Utah and Pole Patch trench site, Pleasant View, Utah. Special Studies - Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Report no. 76, 1991. 39 р.

OP-53. S. P. Phillips and K. R. Belitz. CALIFORNIA. Calibration of a texture-based model of a ground-water flow system, western San Joaquin Valley, California. Ground Water. v. 29, no. 5, September 1991. p. 702-715.

OP-54. B. S. Pierce, R. W. Stanton and C. F. Eble. PENNSYLVANIA. Facies development in the Lower Freeport coal bed, west-central Pennsylvania, U.S.A. International Journal of Coal Geology. v. 18, no. 1-2, July 1991. p. 17-43.

OP-55. C. L. Pillmore and R. F. Fleming*. NEW MEXICO, COLORADO. The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado. Guidebook - New Mexico Geological Society, in Tectonic development of the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. (P. W. Bauer, editor and others). 41, 1990. p. 327-331.

OP-56. D. Z. Piper. Geochemistry of a Tertiary sedimentary phosphate deposit: Baja California Sur, Mexico. Chemical Geology. v. 92, no. 4, October 25, 1991. p. 283-316.

OP-57. R. B. Randolph, Maribeth Pernik and Reggina Garza. GEORGIA. Water-supply potential of the Floridan Aquifer system in the coastal area of Georgia; a digital model approach. Bulletin Georgia Geologic Survey (1978). Report no. 116, 1991. 30 р.

OP-58. W. R. Rast and M. Holland*. Eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs; a framework for making management decisions. Ambio. v. 17, no. 1, 1988. p. 2-12.

OP-59. R. A. Robie and B. S. Hemingway. Heat capacities of kaolinite from 7 to 380 K and of DMSO-intercalated kaolinite from 20 to 310 K; the entropy of kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4. Clays and Clay Minerals. v. 39, no. 4, 1991. p. 362-368.

OP-60. P. D. Rowley, K. S. Kellogg, W. R. Vennum*, T. S. Laudon*, J. W. Thomson*, J. M. O'Neill and D. J. Lidke. Tectonic setting of the English Coast, eastern Ellsworth Land, Antarctica. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, in Geological evolution of Antarctica; proceedings of the Fifth international symposium on Antarctic earth sciences. (M. R. Thomson, editor and others). 5, 1991. p. 467-473.

OP-61. L. H. Shapiro* and P. W. Barnes. ALASKA. Correlation of nearshore ice movement with seabed ice gouges near Barrow, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research, C, Oceans. v. 96, no. 9, September 15, 1991. p. 16,979-16,989.

OP-62. C. L. Smith. Proposed method of hydrogeochemical exploration for salt deposits using Cl-Br ratios, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Applied Geochemistry. v. 6, no. 3, 1991. p. 249-255.

OP-63. S. C. Solomon*, D. L. Anderson*, W. B. Banerdt*, R. G. Butler*, M. H. Carr, P. M. Davis*, F. K. Duennebier*, Yosio Nakamura*, E. A. Okal* and R. J. Phillips*. Scientific

rationale and requirements for a global seismic network on Mars. LPI Technical Report. 91-02, 1991. 51 р.

OP-64. R. S. Stein, Pierre Briole*, Jean-Claude Ruegg*, Paul Tapponnier* and Françoise Gasse*. Contemporary, Holocene, and Quaternary deformation of the Asal Rift, Djibouti; implications for the mechanics of slow spreading ridges. Journal of Geophysical Research, B, Solid Earth and Planets. v. 96, no. 13, December 10, 1991. p. 21,789-21,806.

OP-65. P. K. Theobald, R. G. Eppinger, R. L. Turner and Shiquan Shen. The effect of scale on the interpretation of geochemical anomalies. Geology and Prospecting. v. 27, no. 1, January 1991. p. 44-51.

OP-66. Jane Uptegrove*, A. E. Grosz, S. V. Maharaj*, F. L. Muller*, K. W. Muessig*, John Famsworth*, G. P. Burbanck* and Tin-Tung Cheung*. NEW JERSEY. Preliminary textural and mineralogic analyses of Vibracore samples collected between Absecon and Barnegat inlets, New Jersey. Open File Report - New Jersey Geological Survey. Report no. 91-3, 1991. 11 р.

OP-67. Roland von Huene* and D. W. Scholl. Observations at convergent margins concerning sediment subduction, subduction erosion, and the growth of continental crust. Reviews of Geophysics. v. 29, no. 3, August 1991. p. 279-316.

OP-68. R. B. Wanty, S. L. Johnson and P. H. Briggs. NEW JERSEY, MARYLAND. Radon-222 and its parent radionuclides in groundwater from two study areas in New Jersey and Maryland, U.S.A. Applied Geochemistry. v. 6, no. 3, 1991. p. 305-318.

OP-69. P. L. Ward, A. M. Pitt and E. T. Endo. ALASKA. Seismic evidence for magma in the vicinity of Mt. Katmai, Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters. v. 18, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1537-1540.

OP-70. D. B. Wood. NEVADA. Water-level changes associated with ground-water withdrawals and surface-water imports, Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, 1981-83. Water Resources-Information Series Report. Report no. 32, 1991. 75 р.


Abstracts are condensed but informative summaries of presentations made at meetings of scientific and professional organizations. Typically they summarize the principal conclusions of an author's current work but contain little supporting data. Non-Geological Survey personnel who share authorship in abstracts with U.S. Geological Survey personnel are indicated by an asterisk (*) immediately following the name. These publications are not available from the U.S. Geological Survey.

OP-71. D. J. Andrews. Stress in the crust near a weak strike-slip fault [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 44.

OP-72. Thora Armadottir*, Paul Segall, G. C. Beroza* and P. Т. Delaney. Depth discrepancy between fault models derived from geodetic and seismic data for the 1989 Kalapana earthquake [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 35.

OP-73. C. A. Aviles. CALIFORNIA. Recent seismicity changes at Parkfield, California [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 46.

OP-74. Η. Μ. Benz and George Zandt*. CALIFORNIA. Lithospheric structure and seismicity of Northern California; evolution of the crustal margin with passage of the Mendocino triple junction [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 43.

OP-75. K. E. Budding, D. P. Schwartz and C. L. Ostergren. CALIFORNIA. The Rodgers Creek fault zone, California; slip rate and earthquake recurrence estimates [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 12.

OP-76. D. A. Castillo* and W. L. Ellsworth. CALIFORNIA. The seismotectonics of the San Andreas fault system north of Point Arena along the Coast Ranges of Northern California [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (L. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 11.

OP-77. S. W. Cates. OKLAHOMA. Study of the Ordovician Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer in the Sulphur area of south-central Oklahoma [abstr.] Circular - Oklahoma Geological Survey, in Late Cambrian-Ordovician geology of the southern Midcontinent, 1989 symposium. (K. S. Johnson, editor). 92, 1991. p. 210.

OP-78. C. B. Cecil, F. T. Dulong and Nick Fedorko, III*. Late Pennsylvanian paleoclimate cycles, sediment flux, and organic productivity in the Appalachian Basin [abstr.] AAPG Bulletin, in AAPG Eastern Section meeting; abstracts. v. 75, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1380.

OP-79. C. B. Cecil and N. T. Edgar. Paleoclimate controls on the origin of some black shales in Paleozoic epeiric seas of the Eastern United States [abstr.) AAPG Bulletin, in AAPG Eastem Section meeting; abstracts. v. 75, no. 8, August 1991. p. 13801381.

OP-80. R. R. Charpentier and J. H. Doveton*. KANSAS, OKLAHOMA. Stratigraphy and facies in the Middle Ordovician Simpson Group, southwestern Kansas and western Oklahoma [abstr.] Circular - Oklahoma Geological Survey, in Late CambrianOrdovician geology of the southern Midcontinent, 1989 symposium. (K. S. Johnson, editor). 92, 1991. p. 211.

OP-81. B. A. Chouet, R. A. Page, J. N. Davies* and J. A. Power*. ALASKA. Forecasting eruptions at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska [abstr.) Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 25.

OP-82. H. E. Cook. Comparison of Paleozoic passive-margin carbonate platforms of the Western United States and the USSR [abstr.] AAPG Bulletin, in Distinguished lecture tours, 1991-1992; abstracts. v. 75, no. 11, November 1991. p. 1804-1805.


OP-83. H. E. Cook, Y. A. Gatosvseey*, S. B. Ponoeearenko*, I. V. Styehtsyehnka*, V. P. Styehtsyehnka*, Zhemchuzhnikov* and A. E. Zoran*. Carbonate platform evolution, upper Paleozoic, southern Kazakhstan, USSR; a surface analog for the super giant Tengiz oil field, western Kazakhstan? [abstr.] AAPG Bulletin, in AAPG international conference; abstracts. v. 75, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1408-1409.

OP-84. Terry Councell* and W. W. Wood. TEXAS. Cation exchange between sediments of the Kiamichi Formation and saline waters of Double Lake, West Texas [abstr.) Virginia Journal of Science, in Abstracts of papers of the Sixty-ninth annual meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science. v. 42, no. 2, 1991. p. 219.

OP-85. P. B. Dawson, J. R. Evans, D. M. Tottingham, W. H. Lee and D. Croker. A sensitive teleseism-specific PC-based network seismograph system [abstr.) Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 22.

OP-86. A. A. Drake, Jr. The Penobscot Orogeny in the Central Appalachians [abstr.] Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastern and Southeastern sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 23.

OP-87. A. A. Drake, Jr. Basement-cover relations in the Durham and Reading Hills; a reappraisal [abstr.] Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastem and Southeastem sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 23-24.

OP-88. Donna Eberhart-Phillips. Using gravity anomaly data in inversions for three-dimensional velocity structures (abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (L. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 19.

OP-89. Donna Eberhart-Phillips, A. J. Michael and W. D. Stanley. CALIFORNIA. Overpressure in the Parkfield preparation zone? [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 46.

OP-90. J. R. Eggleston and W. E. Edmunds*. PENNSYLVANIA. Origin and significance of the Upper Pennsylvanian Mill Creek Limestone, northeastern Pennsylvania [abstr.] Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastern and Southeastern sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 25.

OP-91. W. L. Ellsworth, Donna Eberhart-Phillips and E. Kissling. A test of local earthquake tomography [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 31-32.

OP-92. R. J. Fleck, M. A. Lanphere, B. D. Turrin and D. A. Sawyer. NEVADA. Chronology of late Miocene to Quaternary volcanism and tectonism in the Southwest Nevada volcanic field [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (I. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 28.

OP-93. A. M. Foos* and D. R. Muhs. Uranium-series age of an oolitic-peloidal colianite, San Salvador Island, Bahamas; new evidence for a high stand of sea at 200-225 Ka [abstr.] Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastern and Southeastern sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 31.

OP-94. Ν. O. Frederiksen. CALIFORNIA. Pulses of middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene climatic deterioration in the Gulf Coast and Southern California [abstr.] Abstracts with Programs Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastern and Southeastern sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 32.

OP-95. J. D. Friedman, V. J. Realmuto* and David Frank*. Comparison of thermal features of Cordilleran volcanoes using airbome sensing systems, with special reference to Mount St. Helens, WA [abstr.) Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (L. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 26.

OP-96. G. S. Fuis and R. M. Clowes*. ALASKA, CALIFORNIA. A comparison of deep continental-margin structure along transects in southern Alaska, southern Vancouver Island, and Central Califormia [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (L. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 42.

OP-97. D. L. Gautier, C. J. Shenk and R. F. Mast. Geologic constraints on oil recovery and uncertainties in undiscovered resources [abstr.) AAPG Bulletin, in AAPG international conference; abstracts. v. 75, no. 8, August 1991. p. 1411.

OP-98. T. G. Gibson, L. M. Bybell and J. P. Owens. NEW JERSEY. Paleocene-Eocene boundary in southwestern New Jersey; a rare continuous section [abstr.] Abstracts with Programs Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastern and Southeastem sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 35.

OP-99. D. D. Given. CALIFORNIA. Real-time earthquake data processing and hazard notification in Southern California [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (L

G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p. 23.

OP-100. E. E. Glick, C. G. Stone* and J. R. Howe*. ARKANSAS. Regional environments of deposition during Cambrian and Ordovician time in western Arkansas [abstr.] Circular - Oklahoma Geological Survey, in Late Cambrian-Ordovician geology of the southerm Midcontinent, 1989 symposium. (K. S. Johnson, editor). 92, 1991. p. 217.

OP-101. G. S. Gohn and B. G. Campbell. SOUTH CAROLINA. Stratigraphic analysis of Cretaceous aquifers in the greater Charleston, South Carolina, area [abstr.) Abstracts with Programs Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastern and Southeasterm sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 35.

OP-102. L. C. Gundersen and A. E. Gates*. Radionuclides as indicators of geochemical and deformational processes in mylonites [abstr.] Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastem and Southeastern sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 39.

OP-103. L. C. Gundersen, R. R. Schumann, J. K. Otton, D. Ε. Owen and R. F. Dubiel. Geologic radon potential of the United States [abstr.) Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastern and Southeastern sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 39.

OP-104. S. C. Guptill. Benchmark scenarios for geographic information systems (abstr.) Technical Papers of the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, in Countdown to the 21st century; 1990 ACSM-ASPRS annual convention: ACSM 50th annual meeting; ASPRS 56th annual meeting. 50, Vol. 3, 1990. p. 91.

OP-105. R. B. Halley, D. R. Muhs, E. A. Shinn, R. F. Dill* and J. L. Kindinger*. A +1.5-m reef terrace in the southern Exuma Islands, Bahamas (abstr.) Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastem and Southeastern sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 40.

OP-106. N. L. Hatch, Jr. VERMONT. The Moretown Formation of eastern Vermont and possible correlatives east of the Connecticut Valley trough [abstr.) Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, in Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting of the Northeastem and Southeastern sections of the Geological Society of America and affiliated societies. v. 23, no. 1, February 1991. p. 42.

OP-107. T. H. Heaton and S. H. Hartzell. Near-field ground motions in large earthquakes and base-isolated structures [abstr.] Seismological Research Letters, in Living on the edge; Joint meeting of the Seismological Society of America and the Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section; 86th annual meeting. (L. G. Wong, chairperson and others). v. 62, no. 1, March 1991. p.


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