Energy. 1991. 51 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.25. OF 91-0189. NEVADA. Selected meteorological data for an arid site near Beatty, Nye County, Nevada, calendar year 1986, by J. L. Wood and J. M. Fischer. 1991. 27 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $4.75. OF 91-0195. Water Resources Research Grant Program project descriptions, fiscal year 1990, compiled by Melvin Lew and P. D. Murray. 1991. 116 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $18.75. OF 91-0206. Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan Aquifer, in Georgia and adjacent parts of Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina, May-June 1990, by M. F. Peck. Prepared in cooperation with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Georgia Geologic Survey, Chatham and Glynn counties, cities of Brunswick, Valdosta, and Albany. 1991. 3 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 6481-B Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Doraville, GA 30360.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50. OF 91-0226. WYOMING. Water-resources activities for the U.S. Geological Survey in Wyoming, October 1989 through September 1991, compiled by K. E. Wilson. 1991. 123 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, Db, U; USGS, WRD, 2617 East Lincolnway, Suite B, Cheyenne, WY 82001.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $19.25. OF 91-0229. ARKANSAS. Water-resources activities in Arkansas, 1988-91, by B. L. Louthian and E. E. Gann. 1991. 52 р. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.50. OF 91-0235. MINNESOTA. Relation of nitrate concentrations in water to agricultural land use and soil type in Dakota County, Minnesota, 1990, by J. E. Almendinger. 1991. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, U; USGS, WRD, 702 Post Office Bldg., St. Paul, MN 55101.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50. OF 91-0242. WASHINGTON. Recent debris flows at Mt. Rainier, by C. L. Driedger and J. S. Walder. 1991. 2 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db, S, SF, U.) (Water fact sheet.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50. OF 91-0243. CALIFORNIA. Activities of the Water Resources Division, California District, fiscal years 1988-90, compiled by D. A. Grillo, M. L. DeBortoli and Arlyn Lee. 1991. 116 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, S; USGS, WRD, Room W-2234, Federal Bldg., 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825; and 5735 Kearny Villa Rd., Suite O, San Diego, CA 92123.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $18. OF 91-0248. ARKANSAS. Ground-water levels in the alluvial aquifer in eastern Arkansas, 1990, by P. W. Westerfield and S. T. Touschner. Prepared in cooperation with the Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission, the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, and local conservation districts. 1991. 24 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $4.25. OF 91-0254. ALASKA. Multichannel seismic-reflection data collected in 1980 in Norton Sound, Alaska, by D. M. Mann and M. A. Fisher. 1991. 4 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). (NC, Da, M, A, SF; Alaska Div. of Geol, and Geophys. Surv., 3700 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709; U.S. Dep. of the Interior, Alaska Resource Library, 701 "C" St., Box 36, Anchorage, AK 99513.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $3.75. OF 91-0274. NEVADA. Audio-magnetotelluric survey of Nevada volcanic arc near Reno and Carson City, Nevada; location map and data report, by R. M. Senterfit, G. A. Abrams and D. W. McNair. 1991. 20 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, SF, U; Nevada Bur. of Mines and Geol., Univ. of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 895570088.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.25. OF 91-0322-A. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; geologic setting, overview, and chemical methods used, by David Gottfried, A. J. Froelich and J. N. Grossman. 1991. 12 p. (NC, Wa; Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 122.30: Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $2.25. OF 91-0322-B. CONNECTICUT. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastem United States; South Hartford Basin, Connecticut, by David Gottfried, A. J. Froelich and J. N. Grossman. 1991. 5 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:125,000 (1 inch = about 2 miles). (NC; Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.O. Box 27687. Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $3. OF 91-0322-C. NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; eastern Newark Basin, New York and New Jersey, by David Gottfried, A. J. Froelich and J. N. Grossman. 1991. 6 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:125,000 (1 inch = 2 miles). (NC; Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $4. OF 91-0322-D. PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; western Newark Basin, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, by David Gottfried, A. J. Froelich and J. N. Grossman. 1991. 27 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:125,000 (1 inch = 2 miles). (NC; Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611: New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $6.50. OF 91-0322-E. PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: Gettysburg Basin and vicinity, Pennsylvania and Maryland, by David Gottfried, A. J. Froelich and J. N. Grossman. 1991. 56 p., 1 over-size sheet, 1:125,000 (1 inch = about 2 miles). (NC; Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $14.25. OF 91-0322-F. VIRGINIA, MARYLAND. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; Culpeper Basin and vicinity, Virginia and Maryland, by David Gottfried, A. J. Froelich and J. N. Grossman. 1991. 51 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:125,000 (1 inch = about 2 miles). (NC, Wa; Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $12. OF 91-0322-G. VIRGINIA. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: Farmville and Scottsville basins and vicinity, Virginia, by David Gottfried, A. J. Froelich and J. N. Grossman. 1991. 3 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:125,000 (1 inch = about 2 miles). (NC, Wa: Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.Ο. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $3.50. OF 91-0322-H. VIRGINIA. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States; Danville Basin and vicinity, Virginia, by David Gottfried, A. J. Froelich and J. N. Grossman. 1991. 5 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:125,000 (1 inch = about 2 miles). (NC; Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $4.25. OF 91-0322-I. NORTH CAROLINA. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States: Durham and Sanford basins, North Carolina, by David Gottfried, A. J. Froelich and J. N. Grossman. 1991. 21 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:125,000 (1 inch = about 2 miles). (NC; Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $7.50. OF 91-0322-J. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States, by J. N. Grossman, David Gottfried and A. J. Froelich. 1991. One 5 1/4 inch diskette. (NC: Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.Ο. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) $6. 1.2MB double-sided high-density floppy diskette for the IBM PC and compatible microcomputers, containing identical data files corresponding to the data tables in Open-file reports 91-322 B through I. Requirements: IBM PC or compatible; Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2 or higher, or other spreadsheet program capable of reading. WK1 files. OF 91-0322-K. Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase associated with early Mesozoic basins in the Eastern United States, by J. N. Grossman, David Gottfried and A. J. Froelich. 1991. One 3 1/2 inch diskette. (NC; Connecticut Geol. and Natural History Surv., 165 Capitol Ave., Room 553, Hartford, CT 06106; Div. of Land Resources, Dep. of Natural Resources and Community Dev., P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611; New York State Geol. Surv., 3136 Cultural Education Ctr., Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230; Virginia Div. of Mineral Resources, P.O. Box 3667, Charlottesville, VA 22903.) $10. 1.44MB double-sided high-density floppy diskette for the IBM PC and compatible microcomputers, containing identical data files corresponding to the data tables in Open-file reports 91-322 B through I. Requirements: IBM PC or compatible; Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2 or higher, or other spreadsheet program capable of reading. WK1 files. OF 91-0323. NEVADA. Mineral resources of the El Dorado and Ireteba Peaks Wildemess Study Areas, Clark County, Nevada, by J. E. Conrad, G. A. Nowlan, J. D. Causcy and M. S. Miller. Prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Bureau of Mines, for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. 1991. 29 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, U, SF; Nevada Bur. of Mines and Geol., Univ. of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $5. OF 91-0332. ARIZONA. Induced ground-vibration study at Pueblo Grande, Phoenix, Arizona, by K. W. King, D. L. Carver, D. M. Worley and T. Bostwick. Prepared in cooperation with the Pueblo Grande Museum, City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and Library Department. 1991. 41 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, U, SF: Arizona Geol. Surv., 845 North Park Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $6.50. OF 91-0334. NORTH CAROLINA. Map showing late 1977 debris avalanches southwest of Asheville, western North Carolina, by J. S. Pomeroy. 1991. 9 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $5.75. OF 91-0337. Cruise report, Hawaiian GLORIA Cruise F13-89HW, by L. G. Pickthom, D. E. Drake and C. L. Jacobs. 1991. 48 p. (NC, Da, M, SF.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.25. OF 91-0339. CALIFORNIA. Trends of heavy oil production in California, by C. J. Schenk. 1991. 8 p. (NC, Da, M, SF; California Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, CA 95814-0131; 367 Civic Dr., Suite 16, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-1997; and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50. OF 91-0354. ARIZONA. Geologic map of the Planet 2SE Quadrangle, Mohave and La Paz counties, Arizona, by Ivo Lucchitta and N. H. Suneson. 1991. 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). (NC, Da, M, Db, SF, U; Arizona Bur. of Geol. and Mineral Technol., 845 North Park Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719.) Microfiche $1.50; paper copy $7. OF 91-0356-A. Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, threedimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area, by D. R. Soller. 1991. 6 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50. OF 91-0356-B. Preliminary digital data for part of a regional, threedimensional map of Quaternary sediments; southern Lake Michigan area, by D. R. Soller. 1991. Six 3 1/2 inch diskettes. (NC, Da, M.) $60. The data are contained in ARC/INFO export files on six DOSformat 3 1/2 inch diskettes. To read and use these data, the user must have the following equipment available: a computer with DOS operating system (version 2.01 or higher), a 3 1/2 inch high-density disk drive, and a hard disk drive with at least 8.5MB of unused storage space; a computer with ARC/INFO GIS software; and a method of file transfer between these computers, unless the DOS computer also supports ARC/INFO. OF 91-0357. ARIZONA. Geophysical logs from a copper oxide deposit, Santa Cruz Project, Casa Grande, Arizona, by P. H. Nelson. 1991. 75 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, SF, U; Arizona Geol. Surv., 845 North Park Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $12. OF 91-0358-A. IDAHO. Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho, by J. H. Bullock, Jr., H. D. King, R. T. Hopkins, Jr., J. M. Motooka and B. H. Roushey. 1991. 30 p. (NC, Da, M, SF, U, S; Idaho Geol. Surv., Univ. of Idaho Campus, Morrill Hall, Room 332, Moscow, ID 83843.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $5. OF 91-0358-B. IDAHO. Analytical results and sample locality maps of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Smoky Mountains Roadless Study Area, Blaine and Camas counties, Idaho, by J. H. Bullock, Jr., H. D. King. R. T. Hopkins, Jr., J. M. Motooka and B. H. Roushey. 1991. One 5 1/4 inch diskette. (NC, Da, M, SF, U, S; Idaho Geol. Surv., Univ. of Idaho Campus, Morrill Hall, Room 332, Moscow, ID 83843.) $6. One 5 1/4 inch DS/DD IBM compatible diskette. MS-DOS 2.0 or greater, co-processor required for the conversion program (included on the diskette). OF 91-0363. COLORADO. Cleat data for coal beds in the southem Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado, by M. A. Grout. 1991. 30 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, U; Colorado Geol. Surv., 1313 Sherman St., Room 715, Denver, CO 80203.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $5. OF 91-0364. Heavy oil and natural bitumen deposits of Latin America, by R. F. Meyer and G. S. Medaisko. 1991. 33 р. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $5. OF 91-0368-A. IDAHO. Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem coun ties, Idaho, by J. H. Bullock, Jr., H. D. King, R. T. Hopkins, Jr., J. M. Motooka, P. L. Hageman and B. H. Roushey. 1991. 12 p. (NC, Da, M, SF, U, S; Idaho Geol. Surv., Univ. of Idaho Campus, Morrill Hall, Room 332, Moscow, ID 83843.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $2.25. OF 91-0368-B. IDAHO. Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from the Snowbank Roadless Study Area, Valley and Gem counties, Idaho, by J. H. Bullock, Jr., H. D. King, R. T. Hopkins, Jr., J. M. Motooka, P. L. Hageman and B. H. Roushey. 1991. One 5 1/4 inch diskette. (NC, Da, M, SF, U, S; Idaho Geol. Surv., Univ. of Idaho Campus, Morrill Hall, Room 332, Moscow, ID 83843.) $6. One 5 1/4 inch DS/DD compatible diskette. MS-DOS 2.0 or greater, co-processor required for the conversion program (included on the diskette). OF 91-0370-A. Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of approximately 104 longitude (exclusive of Hawaii and Alaska), by P. L. Hill. 1991. 172 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, SF, U, S.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $26. OF 91-0370-B. Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of the Mississippi River and east of approximately 104 longitude, by P. L. Hill. 1991. 71 p. (NC, Da, M. Db, U.) Microfiche $4: paper copy $11. OF 91-0370-C. Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers, by P. L. Hill. 1991. 104 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, U.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $15.75. OF 91-0370-D. Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states east of the Mississippi River south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers, by P. L. Hill. 1991. 67 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, U.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $10.25. OF 91-0370-E. HAWAII, ALASKA. Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric publications for Hawaii and Alaska, by P. L. Hill. 1991. 35 p. (NC, Da, M, A, Db, SF, S; Alaska Div. of Geol. and Geophys. Surv., 3700 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709-4699.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $5.50. OF 91-0370-F. PUERTO RICO. Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for Puerto Rico and large areas of the conterminous United States, by P. L. Hill. 1991. 35 р. (NC, Da, M, Db, SF, S, U.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $5.50. OF 91-0372-A. MISSOURI, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY. Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1° x 2° Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. K1K4, by J. H. Bullock, Jr., H. W. Folger, J. D. Sharkey and C. D. Taylor. Prepared in cooperation with the Kentucky Geological Survey, the State Geological Survey Division of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, and the Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey. 1991. 53 p. (NC, Da, M; Missouri Dep. of Natural Resources, Div. of Geol. and Land Surv., 111 Fairgrounds Rd., P.O. Box 250, Rolla, MO 65401; Illinois State Geol. Surv., Natural Resources Bldg., 615 East Peabody Dr., Room 121, Champaign, IL 61820; Kentucky Geol. Surv., Univ. of Kentucky, 311 Breckinridge Hall, Lexington, KY 40506.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.25. OF 91-0372-B. MISSOURI, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY. Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1° x 2° Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. K1-K4, by J. H. Bullock, Jr., H. W. Folger, J. D. Sharkey and C. D. Taylor. Prepared in cooperation with the Kentucky Geological Survey, the State Geological Survey Division of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, and the Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey. 1991. One 5 1/4 inch diskette. (NC, Da, M; Missouri Dep. of Natural Resources, Div. of Geol. and Land Surv., 111 Fairgrounds Rd., P.O. Box 250, Rolla, MO 65401; Illinois State Geol. Surv., Natural Resources Bldg., 615 East Peabody Dr., Room 121, Champaign, IL 61820; Kentucky Geol. Surv., Univ. of Kentucky, 311 Breckinridge Hall, Lexington, KY 40506.) $6. One 5 1/4 inch DS/DD IBM compitable diskette. MS-DOS 2.0 or greater, co-processor required for the conversion program (included on the diskette). OF 91-0378-A. MISSOURI, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY. Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1° x 2° Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky; drill hole Nos. P1-P20, by J. H. Bullock, Jr., H. W. Folger, J. D. Sharkey, J. R. Gillison and C. D. Taylor. Prepared in cooperation with the Kentucky Geological Survey, the State Geological Survey Division of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, and the Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey. 1991. 138 p. (NC, Da, M; Missouri Dep. of Natural Resources, Div. of Geol. and Land Surv., 111 Fairgrounds Rd., P.O. Box 250, Rolla, MO 65401; Illinois State Geol. Surv., Natural Resources Bldg., 615 East Peabody Dr., Room 121, Champaign, IL 61820; Kentucky Geol. Surv., Univ. of Kentucky, 311 Breckinridge Hall, Lexington, KY 40506.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $21.50. OF 91-0378-B. MISSOURI, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY. Analytical results of insoluble-residue samples from the Paducah 1° x 2° Quadrangle, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky, drill hole Nos. P1P20, by J. H. Bullock, Jr., H. W. Folger, J. D. Sharkey, J. R. Gillison and C. D. Taylor. Prepared in cooperation with the Kentucky Geological Survey, the State Geological Survey Division of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, and the Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey. 1991. One 5 1/4 inch diskette. (NC, Da, M; Missouri Dep. of Natural Resources, Div. of Geol. and Land Surv., 111 Fairgrounds Rd., P.O. Box 250, Rolla, МО 65401; Illinois State Geol. Surv., Natural Resources Bldg., 615 East Peabody Dr. Room 121, Champaign, IL 61820; Kentucky Geol. Surv., Univ. of Kentucky, 311 Breckinridge Hall, Lexington, KY 40506.) $6. One 5 1/4 inch DS/HD IBM compatible diskette. MS-DOS 2.0 or greater, co-processor required for the conversion program (included on the diskette). OF 91-0385. Modern Arctic podocopid ostracode database, by T. M. Cronin, W. M. Briggs, Jr., E. M. Brouwers, R. C. Whatley, Adrian Wood and M. A. Cotton. 1991. 51 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4: paper copy $8. OF 91-0398. UTAH. Review of geotechnical aspects of the Jordanelle Damsite, Heber, Utah. Prepared at the request of the Utah Congressional Delegation. 1991. 43 p. (NC, Da, M, Db, U; Utah Geol. and Mineral Surv., 606 Black Hawk Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.50. OF 91-0428. Digital shaded-relief image of the Mediterranean Sea floor available as continuous-tone photographic prints from a film-recorder negative, by R. K. Mark, R. J. Pike and C. P. Stevens. 1991. 5 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50. MAPS GEOLOGIC QUADRANGLE MAPS Multicolor geologic maps on topographic bases in 7 1/2- or 15-minute quadrangle units: scales mainly 1:24,0000 or 1:62,500; show bedrock, surficial, or engineering geology. Maps are accompanied by brief texts and some maps by structure and columnar sections also. GQ-1645. PENNSYLVANIA. Geologic map of the Wind Gap Quadrangle, Northampton and Monroe counties, Pennsylvania, by J. B. Epstein. 1990. Lat 40°45′ to 40°52′30′′, long 75°15′ to 75°22′30′′. Scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). Sheet 42 by 41 inches (in color). $3.60. GQ-1693. MASSACHUSETTS. Bedrock geologic map of the Marblehead North Quadrangle, Essex County, Massachusetts, by W. H. Dennen. 1991. Lat 42°30′ to 42°37′30′′, long 70°45' to 70°52′30′′. Scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). Sheet 40 by 31 inches (in color). $3. MISCELLANEOUS INVESTIGATIONS SERIES MAPS Maps on planimetric or topographic bases; regular and irregular areas; various scales; a wide variety of format and subject matter. The series also includes 7 1/2-minute quadrangle photogeologic maps on planimetric bases which show geology as interpreted from aerial photographs. Series also includes maps of Mars and the Moon. I-2231. WYOMING. Geologic map of the La Bonte Gabbro area, Albany and Converse counties, Wyoming, by G. L. Snyder. 1992. Lat 42°20 to 42°30', long 105°27′30′′ to 105°37′30′′. Scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). Sheet 34 by 40 inches (in color). $3. COAL INVESTIGATIONS MAPS Geologic maps on topographic or planimetric bases; various scales; show bedrock geology, stratigraphy, and structural relations in certain coal resource areas. C-0141. WYOMING. Geologic map of the Elkol Quadrangle, southwestern Wyoming, by J. W. M'Gonigle. 1992. Lat 41°37′30′′ to 41°45′, long 110°30′ to 110°37′30′′. Scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). Sheet 38 by 32 inches (in color). (Supersedes Open-file report 79-1150.) $3. MISCELLANEOUS FIELD STUDIES MAPS Multicolor or black and white maps on topographic or planimetric bases; quadrangle or irregular areas; various scales. Pre-1971 maps show bedrock geology in relation to specific mining or mineral-deposit problems; the majority of post-1971 maps are preliminary black and white maps on various subjects such as environmental studies or Wilderness mineral investigations. MF-2173. VIRGINIA. Geologic map of the Loudoun County, Virginia, part of the Harpers Ferry Quadrangle, by C. S. Southworth. 1991. Lat 39°15′ to 39°20′, long 77°37′30′′ to 77°45′. Scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). Sheet 48 by 40 inches. (Accompanied by 12-page text.) $3.25. MF-2174. NEVADA, OREGON, CALIFORNIA. Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Vya 1o by 2 Quadrangle, Nevada, Oregon, and California, by J. C. Dohrenwend and B. C. Moring. 1991. Lat 41° to 42°, long 118° to 120°. Scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 36 by 30 inches. $2.50. MF-2175. NEVADA. Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Winnemucca 1o by 2° Quadrangle, Nevada, by J. C. Dohrenwend and B. C. Moring. 1991. Lat 40° to 41°, long 116° to 118°. Scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 36 by 30 inches. $2.50. MF-2177. NEVADA, OREGON, IDAHO. Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the McDermitt 1o by 2° Quadrangle, Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho, by J. C. Dohrenwend and B. С. Moring. 1991. Lat 41° to 42°, long 116° to 118°. Scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 36 by 30 inches. $2.50. MF-2178. NEVADA, CALIFORNIA. Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Lovelock 1o by 2° Quadrangle, Nevada and California, by J. C. Dohrenwend, M. A. McKittrick and B. C. Moring. 1991. Lat 40° to 41°, long 118° to 120°. Scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 36 by 30 inches. $2.50. MF-2179. NEVADA, UTAH. Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Elko 1o by 2o Quadrangle, Nevada and Utah, by J. C. Dohrenwend, B. A. Schell and B. C. Moring. 1991. Lat 40° to 41°, long 114° to 116°. Scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 36 by 30 inches. $2.75. MF-2180. NEVADA, UTAH. Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Lund 1o by 2° Quadrangle, Nevada and Utah, by J. C. Dohrenwend, B. A. Schell and B. C. Moring. 1991. Lat 38° to 39°, long 114° to 116°. Scale 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles). Sheet 36 by 30 inches. $2.50. MF-2187. ARIZONA. Aeromagnetic maps of a buried porphyry copper deposit west of Casa Grande, Arizona, by Viki Bankey. 1992. Two sheets. Sheet 1, lat 32°52′ to 32°56′, long 111°49′ to 111°57′; sheet 2, lat 32°48′ to 33°, long 111°46′ to 112°, and lat 32°52′ to 32°56', long 111°49′ to 111°57′. Sheet 1, scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet); sheet 2, scales 1:48,000 (1 inch = 4,000 feet) and 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). Sheet 1, 38 by 28 inches; sheet 2, 31 by 50 inches. $5.50. HYDROLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS ATLASES Multicolored or black and white maps on topographic or planimetric bases presenting a wide range of geohydrologic data; both regular and irregular areas. HA-0711-M. MISSOURI. Correlation of regional geohydrologic units to geologic formations in southern Missouri, by B. J. Smith and J. L. Imes. 1991. Two sheets. Sheet 1, 40 by 29 inches; sheet 2, 30 by 29 inches (all in color). $5.25. The geologic history of southern Missouri includes several periods of inundation by ancient seas, during which substantial quantities of sediment were deposited and lithified, and intervening periods of uplift, during which large quantities of the lithified sediments were eroded. These rocks and the basement crystalline rocks on which the sediments were deposited have been grouped into eight regional geohydrologic units. Six geohydrologic sections showing the correlation between the regional geohydrologic units and corresponding geologic formations are presented. OUTSIDE PUBLICATIONS ARTICLES AND REPORTS Articles by Geological Survey personnel in non-Geological Survey publications that came to our attention in January 1992. Non-Geological Survey personnel who share authorship in articles with U.S. Geological Survey personnel are indicated by an asterisk (*) immediately following the name. These publications are not available from the U.S. Geological Survey. OP-1. Blaine Ailts, Daniel Akkerman, Bruce Quirk and Daniel Steinwand. LAS 5.0; an image processing system for research and production environments. Technical Papers of the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, in Countdown to the 21st century; 1990 ACSM-ASPRS annual convention; ACSM 50th annual meeting; ASPRS 56th annual meeting. 50, Vol. 4, 1990. p. 112. OP-2. Keiiti Aki*, T. L. Henyey and T. H. Heaton*. CALIFORNIA. What is the Southern California Earthquake Center?. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. v. 72, no. 39, September 24, 1991. p. 417,421. OP-3. B. J. Andraski. Balloon and core sampling for determining bulk density of alluvial desert soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal. v. 55, no. 4, August 1991. p. 1188-1190. OP-4. M. A. Arthur*, W. E. Dean, J. C. Zachos*, M. A. Kaminski, S. H. Rieg* and K. Elmstrom*. Geochemical expression of early diagenesis in middle Eocene-lower Oligocene pelagic sediments in the southern Labrador Sea, Site 647, ODP Leg 105. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, in Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program; Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea; covering Leg 105 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution, St. John's Newfoundland, to St. John's, Newfoundland, sites 645-647, August 1985-27 October 1985. (S. P. Srivastava and others). 105, October 1989. р. 111-135. OP-5. M. B. Baker*, T. L. Grove*, R. J. Kinzler*, J. M. Donnelly-Nolan and G. A. Wandless. CALIFORNIA. Origin of compositional zonation (high-alumina basalt to basaltic andesite) in the Giant Crater lava field, Medicine Lake Volcano, Northem California. Journal of Geophysical Research, B, Solid Earth and Planets. v. 96, no. 13, December 10, 1991. p. 21,81921,842. OP-6. P. O. Banks*, W. D. Stuart and Shu-Wang Liu*. Piezomagnetic fields of screw dislocation fault models. Journal of Geophysical Research, B, Solid Earth and Planets. v. 96, no. 13, December 10, 1991. p. 21,575-21,582. OP-7. C. E. Barker, D. K. Higley and M. C. Dalziel. OKLAHOMA. Using cathodoluminescence to map regionally zoned carbonate cements occurring in diagenetic aureoles above oil reservoirs; initial results from the Velma oil fields, Oklahoma. SEPM Short Course Notes, in Luminescence microscopy and spectroscopy; qualitative and quantitative applications. (C. E. Barker, editor and others). 25, 1991. p. 155-160. |