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favor to which she is, justly, entitled, console her in her afflicted, and support her in her necessi tous condition!

I am, my dear Sir,

With every sentiment of respect, regard, and affection,

Your most obliged, and obedient,

humble, Servant,


May 6, 1811.






IT has been my design to comprize in this work,

two descriptions of sermons-the most eloquent, and the most useful. I should have rejoiced, had they, generally, been rendered more attractive and interesting, by a greater degree of pathos; but in this, the English sermons, excellent as they may be, in other respects, are often, lamentably defective. I need only instance the admirable sermons of Conybeare, Horbery, Pearce, Powel, Tucker, all of them distinguished authors: those however of Hickman, Lawson, Newlin, Ogden, Richmond, Riddoch, St. John, Scott, and Skelton, exhibit many happy instances of genuine pathos.

Should it be objected to me, that the biographical sketches contained in this volume, are uninteresting, I am to observe, that many of the authors having been private Clergymen-little known, it is probable, beyond their respective neighborhoods-materials for more detailed biography could not, in many cases, be obtained.

[blocks in formation]

I have omitted notices of the five French Preachers, which may, perhaps, appear in a subsequent work, consisting entirely of Translations of French sermons.

My humble labors are now brought to a close, Happy shall I esteem myself, if they should be received into families; and, by being, uniformly, read, should produce the end for which they were, origi. nally, undertaken-adherence to the Church, renunciation of error, just principles, and correspondent practice.

An Abridgment of the Lord Bishop of Lincoln's Elements of Christian Theology. For the Use of Families. Se cond Edition. Price 6s. 6d.

Sermons selected and abridged chiefly from Minor Authors, adapted to the First Lessons, or Epistle or Gospel of the several Sundays in the Year, For the Use of Families, 2 Vols. Price 13s. each Volume. The Fourth Edition.

Prayers, collected from the several Writings of Jeremy Taylor, Lord Bishop of Down and Connor, adapted to the Family, the Closet, the Sacrament, to the States of Sickness, Affliction, &c. &c. Price 8s.

An Exhortation, affectionately addressed by a Minister to his Parishoners to attend Public Worship, &c. Humbly recommended to the Clergy for Distribution. Price 4d. or Twelve for 3s. The Sixth Edition.

The Second Exhortation to the Communion, paraphrased by Dr. Comber. Humbly recommended to the Clergy for Distribution. Price 4d. or Twelve for 3s,

The Duty of the Clergy to enforce the receivingof the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. A Sermon preached at the Visitation at Southampton. Price is.

Friendly Societies Substitutes for Parochial AssessA Sermon preached at Christ Church. Price 4d. or Eight for 2s. 6d. for Distribution.


Sermons and Tracts by the late Rev. Philip Skelton. Published in Ireland only. Price gs,

The Three last Articles sold by Cowie and Co. Poultry. "Energy of thought and of language is the characteristic feature " of Skelton's discourses. His manner often reminds us of Massil"lon and Bourdaloe in his direct appeals to the conscience, and "his frequent introductions of apostrophes and exclamations."


"Skelton was a man of a strong mind and brilliant talents, capa. "ble of forming fine conceptions, and of cloathing them in lan. "guage well adapted to give them success."


Nearly ready for the Press.

The Articles upon Sessions' Law contained in the several Writings of Addington, Blackston, Burn, Const, East, Haw. kins, Nolan, Williams, and Tomlins' Law Dictionary, alphabeti. cally arranged.



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