The Plays ¬of ¬William ¬Shakspeare: accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late George Steevens, with glossarial notes, and a sketch of the life of Shakspeare : in 8 volumes. ¬The Tempest. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Merry Wifes of Windsor. Twelfth Night. Measure of Measure, Volumul 1Rivington, 1811 - 422 pagini |
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Rezultatele 1 - 5 din 34
Pagina 330
... Provost . Thomas , Peter , A Justice . } two friars . Elbow , a simple constable . Froth , a foolish gentleman . Clown , servant to Mrs. Over - done . Abhorson , an executioner . Barnardine , a dissolute prisoner . Isabella , sister to ...
... Provost . Thomas , Peter , A Justice . } two friars . Elbow , a simple constable . Froth , a foolish gentleman . Clown , servant to Mrs. Over - done . Abhorson , an executioner . Barnardine , a dissolute prisoner . Isabella , sister to ...
Pagina 337
... Provost * , Claudio , Juliet , and Officers ; Lu- cio , and two Gentlemen . Claud . Fellow , why dost thou show me thus to the world ? Bear me to prison , where I am committed . Prov . I do it not in evil disposition , But from lord ...
... Provost * , Claudio , Juliet , and Officers ; Lu- cio , and two Gentlemen . Claud . Fellow , why dost thou show me thus to the world ? Bear me to prison , where I am committed . Prov . I do it not in evil disposition , But from lord ...
Pagina 344
... provost hath A warrant for his execution . Isab . Alas ! what poor ability's in me To do him good ? Lucio . Assay the power you have . Isab . My power ! alas ! I doubt , - Lucio . Our doubts are traitors , And make us lose the good we ...
... provost hath A warrant for his execution . Isab . Alas ! what poor ability's in me To do him good ? Lucio . Assay the power you have . Isab . My power ! alas ! I doubt , - Lucio . Our doubts are traitors , And make us lose the good we ...
Pagina 345
... Provost , Officers , and attendants . Ang . We must not make a scare - crow of the law , Setting it up to fear the birds of prey , And let it keep one shape , till custom make it Their perch , and not their terror . Escal . Ay , but yet ...
... Provost , Officers , and attendants . Ang . We must not make a scare - crow of the law , Setting it up to fear the birds of prey , And let it keep one shape , till custom make it Their perch , and not their terror . Escal . Ay , but yet ...
Pagina 346
... provost ? Prov . Here , if it like your honour . Ang . See that Claudio Be executed by nine to - morrow morning : Bring him his confessor , let him be prepar'd ; For that's the utmost of his pilgrimage . [ Erit Provost . Escal . Well ...
... provost ? Prov . Here , if it like your honour . Ang . See that Claudio Be executed by nine to - morrow morning : Bring him his confessor , let him be prepar'd ; For that's the utmost of his pilgrimage . [ Erit Provost . Escal . Well ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakespeare,: Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1823 |
The Plays of William Shakspeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1830 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Ariel Bawd brother Caius Caliban Claudio daughter devil dost thou doth Escal Exeunt Exit eyes Falstaff father fault fear fool friar gentle gentleman give grace hath hear heart heaven Herne the hunter hither honour Host Hugh Evans husband Illyria Isab Julia knave lady Laun letter look lord Angelo Lucio madam maid Malvolio Marry master Brook master doctor Milan Mira mistress Anne mistress Ford never night Olivia pardon peace Pist Pompey pr'ythee pray Prospero Prov Provost Quick Re-enter SCENE servant Shal Silvia Sir Andrew Ague-cheek Sir Hugh sir John Sir John Falstaff sir Thurio Sir Toby Sir Toby Belch Slen speak Speed sweet Sycorax tell thee there's thine thing thou art thou hast thou shalt Trin Trinculo Valentine What's wife woman word youth