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bookseller, but was unsuccessful, and went to also mentioned Miss Ferrier as 'a gifted personLondon to pursue literature as a profession. His age, having, besides her great talents, conversation first work, Tales and Sketches of the West of the least exigeante of any author, female at least, Scotland, gave offence by some satirical portraits, whom he had ever seen among the long list he but was generally esteemed for its local fidelity had encountered with; simple, full of humour, and and natural painting. His novel of The Sectarian; exceedingly ready at repartee; and all this withor the Church and the Meeting-house, three volumes, out the least affectation of the blue-stocking.' 1829, displayed more vigorous and concentrated This is high praise; but the readers of Miss powers; but the subject was unhappy and the Ferrier's novels will at once recognise it as charpictures which the author drew of the Dissenters, acteristic, and exactly what they would have anrepresenting them as selfish, hypocritical, and ticipated. This lady was a Scottish Miss Edgesordid, irritated a great body of readers. Next worth-of a lively, practical, penetrating cast of year Mr Picken made a more successful appear- mind; skilful in depicting character and seizing ance. The Dominie's Legacy, three volumes, was upon national peculiarities; caustic in her wit warmly welcomed by novel-readers, and a second and humour, with a quick sense of the ludicrous; edition was called for by the end of the year. This and desirous of inculcating sound morality and work consists of a number of Scottish stories attention to the courtesies and charities of life. like Mr Carleton's Irish tales-some humorous In some passages, indeed, she evinces a deep Minister Tam and Mary religious feeling, approaching to the evangelical and some pathetic. Ogilvy approach near to the happiest efforts of views of Hannah More; but the general strain of Galt. The same year our author conciliated the her writing relates to the foibles and oddities of evangelical Dissenters by an interesting religious mankind, and no one has drawn them with greater compilation-Travels and Researches of Eminent breadth of comic humour or effect. Her scenes English Missionaries; including a Historical often resemble the style of our best old comedies, Sketch of the Progress and Present State of the and she may boast, like Foote, of adding many Her first work is a complete Principal Protestant Missions of late years. In new and original characters to the stock of our 1831 Mr Picken issued The Club-Book, a collec- comic literature. Mr gallery of this kind. There is a shade of carication of original tales by different authors. James Tyrone Power, Galt, Mr Moir, James Hogg, ture in some of the female portraits, notwithstandMr Jerdan, and Allan Cunningham, contributed ing the explanation of the authoress that they each a story, and the editor himself added two lived at a time when Scotland was very different -The Deer-stalkers, and the Three Kearneys. from what it is now-when female education was His next work was Traditionary Stories of Old little attended to even in families of the highest Families, the first part of a series which was to rank; and consequently the ladies of those days embrace the legendary history of England, Scot-possessed a raciness in their manners and ideas Such a work might be ren- that we should vainly seek for in this age of cultiThis fact is further illusland, and Ireland. dered highly interesting and popular, for almost vation and refinement. every old family has some traditionary lore-some trated by Lord Cockburn's Memorials of his Own tale of love, or war, or superstition-that is handed Times. It is not only, however, in satirising the Mr Picken foibles of her own sex that Miss Ferrier displays down from generation to generation. now applied himself to another Scottish novel, such original talent and humour. Dr Redgill, a The Black Watch (the original name of the gallant medical hanger-on and diner-out, is a gourmand 42d Regiment); and he had just completed this of the first class, who looks upon bad dinners to be work when he was struck with an attack of apo- the source of much of the misery we hear of in the plexy, which in a fortnight proved fatal. He died married life, and who compares a woman's reputaon the 23d of November 1833. Mr Picken, ac- tion to a beef-steak-'if once breathed upon, 'tis In one of Miss cording to one of his friends, 'was the dominie good for nothing.' Many sly satirical touches of his own tales-simple, affectionate, retiring; occur throughout the work. dwelling apart from the world, and blending in all Grizzy's letters we hear of a Major MacTavish of his views of it the gentle and tender feelings the militia, who, independent of his rank, which Grizzy thought was very high, distinguished himreflected from his own mind.' self, and shewed the greatest bravery once when there was a very serious riot about the raising the potatoes a penny a peck, when there was no occasion for it, in the town of Dunoon. We are told also


This lady was authoress of Marriage, published in 1818, The Inheritance, 1824, and Destiny, or the Chief's Daughter, 1831-all novels in three volumes each. She was daughter of James Ferrier, Esq., 'one of Sir Walter's brethren of the clerk's table;' and the great novelist, at the conclusion of the Tales of My Landlord, alluded to his 'sister shadow,' the author of 'the very lively work entitled Marriage, as one of the labourers capable of gathering in the large harvest of Scottish character and fiction.* In his private diary he has

In describing the melancholy situation of Sir Walter the year before his death, Mr Lockhart introduces Miss Ferrier in a very amiable light, and paints a charming little picture. To assist them (the family of Scott) in amusing him in the hours which he spent out of his study, and especially that he might be tempted to make those hours more frequent, his daughters had invited his friend 'the authoress of Marriage to come out to Abbotsford; and her

rest of the case.

coming was serviceable; for she knew and loved him well, and she
had seen enough of affliction akin to his to be well skilled in deal-
He would begin a story as gaily as ever, and go
ing with it. She could not be an hour in his company without
observing what filled his children with more sorrow than all the
picturesque effect, but before he reached the point, it would seem
on, in spite of the hesitation in his speech, to tell it with highly
as if some internal spring had given way; he paused, and gazed
round him with the blank anxiety of look that a blind man has
when he has dropped his staff. Unthinking friends sometimes
noticed the delicacy of Miss Ferrier on such occasions. Her sight
was bad, and she took care not to use her glasses when he was
pained him sadly by giving him the catch-word abruptly. I
would say: "Well, I am getting as dull as a post; I have not
speaking; and she affected to be also troubled with deafness, and
He then
heard a word since you said so and so," being sure to mention a
circumstance behind that at which he had really halted.
took up the thread with his habitual smile of courtesy, as if
forgetting his case entirely in the consideration of the lady's


'You must, indeed, have witnessed many changes?' observed Mr Douglas, rather at a loss how to utter anything of a conciliatory nature.

'Changes!-weel a wat I sometimes wunder if it's the same warld, an' if it's my ain heed that's upon my


that country visits should seldom exceed three days-the rest day, the dressed day, and the pressed day. There is a great shrewdness and knowledge of human nature in the manner in which the aunts got over their sorrow for the death of their father, the old laird. 'They sighed and mourned for a time, but soon found occupation congenial many improvements?' said Mary in a tone of diffidence. 'But with these changes you must also have seen to their nature in the little department of life : 'Impruvements!' turning sharply round upon her; dressing crape; reviving black silk; converting what ken ye about impruvements, bairn? A bonny narrow hems into broad hems; and, in short, who impruvement, or ens no, to see tyleyors and sclaters so busy, so important, as the ladies of Glenfern?' leavin' whar I mind jewks and yerls. An' that great The most striking picture in the book is that of glowerin' New Toon there,' pointing out of her windows, Mrs Violet Macshake, who is introduced as living whar I used to sit an' luck oot at bonny green parks, in a lofty lodging in the Old Town of Edinburgh, an' see the coos milket, and the bits o' bairnies rowin' where she is visited by her grand-nephew Mr and tumlin', an' the lasses trampin' i' their tubs-what Douglas, and his niece Mary. In person she is see I noo but stane an' lime, an' stoor an' dirt, an' idle tall and hard-favoured, and dressed in an anti-cheels an' dinkit oot madams prancin'. Impruvements, quated style:

A Scotch Lady of the Old School.

As soon as she recognised Mr Douglas, she welcomed him with much cordiality, shook him long and heartily by the hand, patted him on the back, looked into his face with much seeming satisfaction; and, in short, gave all the demonstrations of gladness usual with gentlewomen of a certain age. Her pleasure, however, appeared to be rather an impromptu than a habitual feeling; for, as the surprise wore off, her visage resumed its harsh and sarcastic expression, and she seemed eager to efface any agreeable impression her reception might have excited.

And wha thought o' seein' ye enoo?' said she, in a quick gabbling voice; 'what's brought you to the toon? Are you come to spend your honest faither's siller ere he's weel cauld in his grave, puir man?'

Mr Douglas explained that it was upon account of his niece's health.

Health!' repeated she with a sardonic smile; it wad mak an ool laugh to hear the wark that's made aboot young fowk's health noo-a-days. I wonder what ye're a' made o',' grasping Mary's arm in her great bony hand -'a wheen puir feckless windlestraes-ye maun awa' to Ingland for your healths. Set ye up! I wonder what cam o' the lasses i' my time that bute [behoved] to bide at hame? And whilk o' ye, I sud like to ken, 'll e'er leive to see ninety-sax, like me. Health! he, he!'

Mary, glad of a pretence to indulge the mirth the old lady's manner and appearance had excited, joined most heartily in the laugh.

'Tak aff yer bannet, bairn, an' let me see your face; wha can tell what like ye are wi' that snule o' a thing on your head ?' Then after taking an accurate survey of her face, she pushed aside her pelisse: Weel, it's ae mercy I see ye hae neither the red head nor the muckle cuits o' the Douglasses. I kenna whuther your faither has them or no. I ne'er set een on him: neither him nor his braw leddy thought it worth their while to speer after me; but I was at nae loss, by a' accounts.'

'You have not asked after any of your Glenfern friends,' said Mr Douglas, hoping to touch a more sympathetic cord.

'Time eneugh-wull ye let me draw my breath, man -fowk canna say awthing at ance. An' ye bute to hae an Inglish wife tu, a Scotch lass wadna ser' ye. An' yer wean, I 'se warran' it's ane o' the warld's wonders-it's been unca lang o' comin'-he, he!'

'He has begun life under very melancholy auspices, poor fellow!' said Mr Douglas, in allusion to his father's death.

'An' wha's faut was that? I ne'er heard tell o' the like o't, to hae the bairn kirsened an' its grandfaither deein'! But fowk are naither born, nor kirsened, nor do they wad or dee as they used to du-awthing's changed.'


Mary found she was not likely to advance her uncle's fortune by the judiciousness of her remarks, therefore prudently resolved to hazard no more. Mr Douglas, who was more au fait to the prejudices of old age, and who was always amused with her bitter remarks, when they did not touch himself, encouraged her to continue the conversation by some observation on the prevailing


'Mainers!' repeated she, with a contemptuous laugh; 'what ca ye' mainers noo, for I dinna ken? ilk ane gangs bang intill their neebor's hoos, an' bang oot o't, as it war a chynge-hoos; an' as for the maister o't, he's no o' sae muckle vaalu as the flunky ahint his chyre. I' my grandfaither's time, as I hae heard him tell, ilka maister o' a family had his ain sate in his ain hoos; ay! an' sat wi' his hat on his heed afore the best o' the land, an' had his ain dish, an' was ay helpit first, an' keepit up his owthority as a man sude du. Paurents war paurents than-bairns dardna set up their gabs afore them than as they du noo. They ne'er presumed to say their heeds war their ain i' thae days-wife an' servants, reteeners an' childer, a' trummelt i' the presence o' their heed.'

Here a long pinch of snuff caused a pause in the old lady's harangue. Mr Douglas availed himself of the opportunity to rise and take leave.

Oo, what's takin' ye awa', Archie, in sic a hurry? Sit doon there,' laying her hand upon his arm, 'an' rest ye, an' tak a glass o' wine an' a bit breed; or maybe,' turning to Mary, 'ye wad rather hae a drap broth to warm ye? What gars ye look sae blae, bairn? I'm sure it's no cauld; but ye 're just like the lave; ye gang a' skiltin' about the streets half naked, an' than ye maun sit an' birsle yoursels afore the fire at hame.'

She had now shuffled along to the further end of the room, and opening a press, took out wine and a plateful of various-shaped articles of bread, which she handed to Mary.

'Hae, bairn-tak a cookie-tak it up-what are you feared for! it'll no bite ye. Here's t' ye, Glenfern, an' your wife an' your wean; puir tead, it's no had a very chancy ootset, weel a wat.'

The wine being drank, and the cookies discussed, Mr Douglas made another attempt to withdraw, but in vain.

'Canna ye sit still a wee, man, an' let me speer after my auld freens at Glenfern? Hoo's Grizzy, an' Jacky, an' Nicky?—aye workin' awa' at the peels an' the drogs

he, he! I ne'er swallowed a peel nor gied a doit for drogs a' my days, an' see an ony o' them'll rin a race wi' me whan they 're naur fivescore.'

Mr Douglas here paid some compliments upon her appearance, which were pretty graciously received; and added that he was the bearer of a letter from his aunt Grizzy, which he would send along with a roebuck and brace of moor-game.

'Gin your roebuck's nae better than your last, atweel it's no worth the sendin': poor dry fissinless dirt, no

worth the chowin'; weel a wat I begrudged my teeth on't. Your muirfowl war nae that ill, but they're no worth the carryin'; they 're doug cheap i' the market enoo, so it's nae great compliment. Gin ye had brought me a leg o' gude mutton, or a cauler sawmont, there would hae been some sense in 't; but ye 're ane o' the fowk that'll ne'er harry yoursel' wi' your presents; it's but the pickle powther they cost ye, an' I'se warran' ye're thinkin' mair o' your ain diversion than o' my stamick whan ye're at the shootin' o' them, puir beasts.' Mr Douglas had borne the various indignities levelled against himself and his family with a philosophy that had no parallel in his life before, but to this attack upon his game he was not proof. His colour rose, his eyes flashed fire, and something resembling an oath burst from his lips as he strode indignantly towards

the door.

His friend, however, was too nimble for him. She stepped before him, and, breaking into a discordant laugh as she patted him on the back: 'So I see ye 're just the auld man, Archie-aye ready to tak the strums an' ye dinna get a' thing your ain wye. Mony a time I had to fleech ye oot o' the dorts when ye was a callant. Do ye mind hoo ye was affronted because I set ye doon to a cauld pigeon-pye an' a tanker o' tippenny ae night to your fowerhoors afore some leddies -he, he, he! Weel a wat yere wife maun hae her ain adoos to manage ye, for ye're a cumstairy chield, Archie.'

Mr Douglas still looked as if he was irresolute whether to laugh or be angry.

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said her uncle. "The former, indeed, is rather a sort of weed that infests every soil-the latter, to be sure, is an indigenous plant. I question if she would have arrived at such perfection in a more cultivated field, or genial clime. She was born at a time when Scotland was very different from what it is now. Female education was little attended to, even in families of the highest rank; consequently, the ladies of those days possess a raciness in their manners and ideas that we should vainly seek for in this age of cultivation and refinement.'

Aware, perhaps, of the defective outline or story of her first novel, Miss Ferrier bestowed much more pains on the construction of The Inheritance. It is too complicated for an analysis in this place; life and a wide range of characters, the heroine but we may mention that it is connected with highbeing a young lady born in France, and heiress to a splendid estate and peerage in Scotland, to which, after various adventures and reverses, she finally succeeds. The tale is well arranged and developed. Its chief attraction, however, consists in the delineation of characters. Uncle Adam and Miss Pratt-the former a touchy, sensitive, rich East Indian, and the latter another of Miss Ferrier's inimitable old maids-are among the best of the portraits. Destiny is connected with Highland scenery and Highland manners, but is far from romantic. Miss Ferrier is as practical and as discerning in her tastes and researches as Miss Edgeworth.

Come, come, sit ye doon there till I speak to this bairn,' said she, as she pulled Mary into an adjoining bedchamber, which wore the same aspect of chilly The chief, Glenroy, is proud neatness as the one they had quitted. Then pulling and irascible, spoiled by the fawning of his a huge bunch of keys from her pocket, she opened a inferiors, and in his family circle is generous withdrawer, out of which she took a pair of diamond ear- out kindness, and profuse without benevolence. rings. Hae, bairn,' said she, as she stuffed them The Highland minister, Mr Duncan MacDow, is into Mary's hand; they belanged to your faither's an admirable character, though no very preposessgrandmother. She was a gude woman, an' had four-ing specimen of the country pastor. Edith, the an'-twenty sons an' dochters, an' I wuss ye nae waur heroine, is a sweet and gentle creation, and there fortin than just to hae as mony. But mind ye,' with are strong feeling and passion in some of the a shake of her bony finger, 'they maun a' be Scots. scenes. In the case of masculine intellects, like Gin I thought ye wad mairry ony pock-puddin', fient those of the authoress of Marriage and the great haed wad ye hae gotten frae me. Noo had your tongue, Irish novelist, the progress of years seems to and dinna deive me wi' thanks,' almost pushing her into the parlour again; and sin ye're gawn awa' the impart greater softness and sensibility, and call morn, I'll see nae mair o' ye enoo-so fare-ye-weel. forth the gentler affections. Miss Ferrier died in But, Archie, ye maun come an' tak your breakfast wi' 1854, aged seventy-two. me. I hae muckle to say to you; but ye mauna be sae hard upon my baps as ye used to be,' with a facetious grin to her mollified favourite as they shook hands and parted.

'Well, how do you like Mrs Macshake, Mary?' asked her uncle as they walked home.

That is a cruel question, uncle,' answered she with a smile. 'My gratitude and my taste are at such variance,' displaying her splendid gift, that I know

not how to reconcile them.'

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"That is always the case with those whom Mrs Macshake has obliged,' returned Mr Douglas: she does many liberal things, but in so ungracious a manner, that people are never sure whether they are obliged or insulted by her. But the way in which she receives kindness is still worse. Could anything equal her impertinence about my roebuck?-Faith, I've a good mind never to enter her door again!'

Mary could scarcely preserve her gravity at her uncle's indignation, which seemed so disproportioned to the cause. But, to turn the current of his ideas, she remarked, that he had certainly been at pains to select two admirable specimens of her countrywomen

for her.

'I don't think I shall soon forget either Mrs Gawffaw or Mrs Macshake,' said she, laughing.

'I hope you won't carry away the impression that these two lusus naturæ are specimens of Scotchwomen?'



JAMES MORIER (1780-1849), author of a Journey through Persia, and sometime secretary of embassy to the court of Persia, embodied his knowledge of the East in a series of novels-The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, three volumes, 1824 (with a second part published in two volumes in 1828); Zohrab, the Hostage, three volumes, 1832; Ayesha, the Maid of Kars, three volumes, 1834; and The Mirza, three volumes, 1841. The object of his first work was, he says, the single idea of illustrating Eastern manners by contrast with those of England, and the author evinces a minute and familiar acquaintance with the habits and customs of the Persians. The truth of his satirical descriptions and allusions was felt even by the court of Persia; for Mr Morier published a letter from a minister of state in that country, expressing the displeasure which the king felt at the very foolish business' of the book. It is probable, however, as the author supposes, that this irritation may lead to reflection, and reflection to amendment, as he conceived the Persians to be, in talent and natural capacity, equal to any nation


in the world, and would be no less on a level with them in feeling, honesty, and the higher moral qualities, were their education favourable. The hero of Mr Morier's tale is an adventurer like Gil Blas, and as much buffeted about in the world. He is the son of a barber of Ispahan, and is successively one of a band of Turkomans, a menial servant, a pupil of the physician-royal of Persia, an attendant on the chief-executioner, a religious devotee, and a seller of tobacco-pipes in Constantinople. Having by stratagem espoused a rich Turkish widow, he becomes an official to the Shah; and on his further distinguishing himself for his knowledge of the Europeans, he is appointed secretary to the misson of Mirzah Firouz, and accompanies the Persian ambassador to the court of England. In the course of his multiplied adventures, misfortunes, and escapes, the volatile unprincipled Hajji mixes with all classes, and is much in Teheran, Koordistan, Georgia, Bagdad, Constantinople, &c. The work soon became popular. 'The novelty of the style,' says Sir Walter Scott, 'which was at once perceived to be genuine oriental by such internal | evidence as establishes the value of real old China -the gay and glowing descriptions of Eastern | state and pageantry-the character of the poetry occasionally introduced-secured a merited welcome for the Persian picaroon. The oriental scenes are the most valuable and original portions of Hajji Baba, and possess the attraction of novelty to ordinary readers, yet the account of the constant embarrassment and surprise of the Persians at English manners and customs is highly amusing. The ceremonial of the dinnertable, that seemed to them "absolutely bristling with instruments of offence," blades of all sizes and descriptions, sufficient to have ornamented the girdles of the Shah's household, could not but puzzle those who had been accustomed simply to take everything up in their fingers. The mailcoach, the variety of our furniture and accommodation, and other domestic observances, were equally astonishing; but, above all, the want of ceremonial among our statesmen and public officers surprised the embassy. The following burst of oriental wonder and extravagance succeeds to an account of a visit paid them by the chairman and deputy-chairman of the East India Company, who came in a hackney-coach, and after the interview, walked away upon their own legs.

"When they were well off, we all sat mute, only occasionally saying: 'Allah! Allah! there is but one Allah!' so wonderfully astonished were we. What! India? that great, that magnificent empire! -that scene of Persian conquest and Persian glory!-the land of elephants and precious stones, the seat of shawls and kincobs !-that paradise sung by poets, celebrated by historians more ancient than Irân itself!—at whose boundaries the sun is permitted to rise, and around whose majestic mountains, some clad in eternal snows, others in eternal verdure, the stars and the moon are allowed to gambol and carouse! What! is it so fallen, so degraded, as to be swayed by two obscure mortals, living in regions that know not the warmth of the sun? Two swine-eating infidels, shaven, impure walkers on foot, and who, by way of state, travel in dirty coaches filled with straw! This seemed to us a greater miracle in

government than even that of Beg Ian, the plaiter of whips, who governed the Turkomans and the countries of Samarcand and Bokhara, leading a life more like a beggar than a potentate." Zohrab is a historical novel, of the time of Aga Mohammed Shah, a famous Persian prince, described by Sir John Malcolm as having taught the Russians to beat the French by making a desert before the line of the invader's march, and thus leaving the enemy master of only so much ground as his cannon could command. In concluding Mirza, Mr Morier says: 'I may venture to assert that the East, as we have known it in oriental tales, is now fast on the change "C'est le commencement de la fin." Perhaps we have gleaned the last of the beards, and obtained an expiring glimpse of the heavy caoûk and the ample shalwar ere they are exchanged for the hat and the spruce pantaloon. How wonderful is it-how full of serious contemplation is the fact, that the whole fabric of Mohammedanism should have been assailed, almost suddenly as well as simultaneously, by events which nothing human could have foreseen. Barbary, Egypt, Syria, the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris, the Red Sea, Constantinople, Asia Minor, Persia, and Afghanistan, all more or less have felt the influence of European or anti-Mohammedan agencies. Perhaps the present generation may not see a new structure erected, but true it is they have seen its foundations laid.'

In 1838 appeared The Banished, a novel, edited by Mr Morier. The work is a translation from the German, a tale of the Swabian league in the sixteenth century. Mr Morier died at Brighton.

The Barber of Bagdad.-From 'Hajji Baba. In the reign of the Caliph Haroun al Rashid, of happy memory, lived in the city of Bagdad a celebrated barber, of the name of Ali Sakal. He was so famous for a steady hand, and dexterity in his profession, that he could shave a head, and trim a beard and whiskers, with his eyes blindfolded, without once drawing blood. There was not a man of any fashion at Bagdad who did not employ him; and such a run of business had he, that at length he became proud and insolent, and would scarcely ever touch a head whose master was not at least a Beg or an Aga. Wood for fuel was always scarce and dear at Bagdad; and, as his shop consumed a great deal, the wood-cutters brought their loads to him in preference, almost sure of meeting with a ready sale. It happened one day, that a poor wood-cutter, new in his profession, and ignorant of the character of Ali Sakal, went to his shop, and offered him for sale a load of wood, which he had just brought from a considerable distance in the country, on his ass. Ali immediately offered him a price, making use of these words: 'For all the wood that was upon the ass.' The wood-cutter agreed, unloaded his beast, and asked for the money. You have not given me all the wood yet,' said the barber; 'I must have the pack-saddle (which is chiefly made of wood) into the bargain: that was our agreement.' 'How!' said the other, in great amazement who ever heard of such a bargain? It is impossible." In short, after many words and much altercation, the overbearing barber seized the pack-saddle, wood and He immediately ran to the cadi, and stated his griefs: all, and sent away the poor peasant in great distress. the cadi was one of the barber's customers, and refused to hear the case. The wood-cutter went to a higher judge; he also patronised Ali Sakal, and made light of the complaint. The poor man then appealed to the mufti himself, who, having pondered over the question, at length settled, that it was too difficult a case for him

to decide, no provision being made for it in the Koran;
and therefore he must put up with his loss. The wood-
cutter was not disheartened; but forthwith got a scribe
to write a petition to the caliph himself, which he duly
presented on Friday, the day when he went in state to the
mosque. The caliph's punctuality in reading petitions
is well known, and it was not long before the wood-
cutter was called to his presence. When he had
approached the caliph, he kneeled and kissed the
ground; and then placing his arms straight before him,
his hands covered with the sleeves of his cloak, and
his feet close together, he awaited the decision of his
'Friend,' said the caliph, 'the barber has words
on his side-you have equity on yours. The law must
be defined by words, and agreements must be made by
words: the former must have its course, or it is nothing;
and agreements must be kept, or there would be no
faith between man and man; therefore the barber must
keep all his wood’-
Then calling the wood-cutter
close to him, the caliph whispered something in his ear,
which none but he could hear, and then sent him away
quite satisfied. . . .


The wood-cutter having made his obeisances, returned to his ass, which was tied without, took it by the halter, and proceeded to his home. A few days after, he applied to the barber, as if nothing had happened between them, requesting that he, and a companion of his from the country, might enjoy the dexterity of his hand; and the price at which both operations were to be performed was settled. When the wood-cutter's crown had been properly shorn, Ali Sakal asked where his companion was. He is just standing without here,' said the other, and he shall come in presently.' Accordingly he went out, and returned, leading his ass after him by the halter. is my companion,' said he, and you must shave him.' Shave him!' exclaimed the barber, in the greatest surprise; it is enough that I have consented to demean myself by touching you, and do you insult me by asking me to do as much to your ass? Away with you, or I'll send you both to Jehanum;' and forthwith drove them out of his shop.


The wood-cutter immediately went to the caliph, was admitted to his presence, and related his case. 'Tis well,' said the commander of the faithful: bring Ali Sakal and his razors to me this instant,' he exclaimed to one of his officers; and in the course of ten minutes the barber stood before him. 'Why do you refuse to shave this man's companion?' said the caliph to the barber; 'was not that your agreement?' Ali, kissing the ground, answered: 'Tis true, O caliph, that such was our agreement; but who ever made a companion of an ass before? or who ever before thought of treating it like a true believer?' 'You may say right,' said the caliph; but, at the same time, who ever thought of insisting upon a pack-saddle being included in a load of wood? No, no, it is the wood-cutter's turn now. To the ass immediately, or you know the consequences.' The barber was then obliged to prepare a great quantity of soap, to lather the beast from head to foot, and to shave him in the presence of the caliph, and of the whole court, whilst he was jeered and mocked by the taunts and laughing of all the bystanders. The poor wood-cutter was then dismissed with an appropriate present of money, and all Bagdad resounded with the story, and celebrated the justice of the commander of the faithful.


JAMES BAILLIE FRASER (1783-1856), like Mr Morier, described the life and manners of the Persians by fictitious as well as true narratives. In 1828 he published The Kuzzilbash, a Tale of Khorasan, three volumes, to which he afterwards added a continuation under the name of The Persian Adventurer, the title of his first work not

being generally understood it was often taken, he says, for a cookery book! The term Kuzzilbash, which is Turkish, signifies Red-head, and was an appellation originally given by Shah Ismael I. to seven tribes bound to defend their king. These tribes wore a red cap as a distinguishing mark, which afterwards became the military head-dress of the Persian troops; hence the word Kuzzilbash is used to express a Persian soldier; and often, particularly among the Toorkomans and Oozbeks, is applied as a national designation to the people in general. Mr Fraser's hero relates his own adventures, which begin almost from his birth; for he is carried off while a child by a band of Toorkoman robbers, who plunder his father's lands and village, situated in Khorasan, on the borders of the great desert which stretches from the banks of the Caspian Sea to those of the river Oxus. The infant bravery of Ismael, the Kuzzilbash, interests Omer Khan, head of a tribe or camp of the plunderers, and he spares the child, and keeps him to attend on his own son Selim. In the camp of his master is a beautiful girl, daughter of a Persian captive; and with this young beauty, 'lovely as a child of the Peris,' Ismael forms an attachment that increases with their years. These early scenes are finely described; and the misfortunes of the fair Shireen are related with much pathos. The consequences of Ismael's passion force him to flee. He assumes the dress of the Kuzzilbash, and crossing the desert, joins the army of the victorious Nadir Shah, and assists in recovering the holy city of Mushed, the capital of Khorasan. His bravery is rewarded with honours and dignities; and after various scenes of love and war, the Kuzzilbash is united to his Shireen.

A brief but characteristic scene-a meeting of two warriors in the desert-is strikingly described, though the reader is impressed with the idea that European thoughts and expressions mingle too largely with the narrative:

Meeting of Eastern Warriors in the Desert.

By the time I reached the banks of this stream the sun had set, and it was necessary to seek some retreat where I might pass the night and refresh myself and my horse without fear of discovery. Ascending the river-bed, therefore, with this intention, I soon found a recess where I could repose myself, surrounded by green pasture, in which my horse might feed; but as it would have been dangerous to let him go at large all night, I employed myself for a while in cutting the longest and thickest of the grass which grew on the banks of the stream for his night's repast, permitting him to pasture at will until dark; and securing him then close to the spot I meant to occupy, after a moderate meal, I commended myself to Allah, and lay down to rest.

The loud neighing of my horse awoke me with a start, as the first light of dawn broke in the east. Quickly springing on my feet, and grasping my spear and scimitar, which lay under my head, I looked around for the cause of alarm. Nor did it long remain doubtful; for, at the distance of scarce two hundred yards, I saw a single horseman advancing. To tighten my prepare two girdle round my loins, to string my bow, and or three arrows for use, was but the work of a few moments; before these preparations, however, were completed, the stranger was close at hand. Fitting an arrow to my bow, I placed myself upon guard, and examined him narrowly as he approached. He was a man of goodly stature and powerful frame; his countenance hard, strongly marked, and furnished with a thick

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