Comparative Perspectives on Shariʻah in NigeriaPhilip Ostien, Jamila M. Nasir, Franz Kogelmann Spectrum Books, 2005 - 403 pagini A timely publication when the need for greater understanding between Islamic and Western cultures is sharper than ever, the papers in this book are the result of an international conference entitled 'the Shari'ah debate and the shaping of Muslim and Christian identities in Northern Nigeria'. The conference was convened by the University of Jos in northern Nigeria in the wake of the religious/civil strife in the area in 2001 and 2002. The conference, which brought together scholars from Nigeria and overseas considered recent developments in law and religion, and shari'ah from local and global perspectives. The publication is intended to serve as an example of constructive dialogue in an academic setting between Muslims, Christians and those of neither religion, and as a permanent contribution to the literature on law and religion in Nigeria. |
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Rezultatele 1 - 3 din 43
Pagina xx
... Identities ? Research on Processes of Intercultural Dissociation , Mediation and Identity - Shaping . " In 2000 the Foundation announced that " it wishes to support research analysing [ these ] processes . " Its call for proposals said ...
... Identities ? Research on Processes of Intercultural Dissociation , Mediation and Identity - Shaping . " In 2000 the Foundation announced that " it wishes to support research analysing [ these ] processes . " Its call for proposals said ...
Pagina xxi
... Identities ? Research on Processes of Intercultural Dissociation , Mediation and Identity - Shaping ” : ten in 2000 , twelve in 2001 , five in 2002 ( including ours ) , twelve in 2003 , and only one in 2004 , when the initiative was ...
... Identities ? Research on Processes of Intercultural Dissociation , Mediation and Identity - Shaping ” : ten in 2000 , twelve in 2001 , five in 2002 ( including ours ) , twelve in 2003 , and only one in 2004 , when the initiative was ...
Pagina 56
... identity in Northern Nigeria : a critical perspective " , paper presented at the conference on The Shari'a Debate and the Shaping of Muslim and Christian Identities in Northern Nigeria , Bayreuth , July 10-12 2003 . Tangban , O. E. ...
... identity in Northern Nigeria : a critical perspective " , paper presented at the conference on The Shari'a Debate and the Shaping of Muslim and Christian Identities in Northern Nigeria , Bayreuth , July 10-12 2003 . Tangban , O. E. ...
Law in Nigeria | 1 |
Perspective on Shariah in Nigeria | 7 |
or Opportunities? | 27 |
Drept de autor | |
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Comparative Perspectives on Shariʻah in Nigeria Philip Ostien,Jamila M. Nasir,Franz Kogelmann Vizualizare fragmente - 2005 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Africa An-Na'im applied argued argument church civil Clause codes conference conflict Const context countries critical cultural dialogue discourse discrimination discussion enacted establishment example fact faith federal fiqh free exercise claims freedom of religion fundamental German Constitutional Court global groups Haar human rights Ibid ideology ijma ijtihad interest interpretation Islamic criminal law Islamic law Islamic societies issues justice Kenya legal system legislation minimum scrutiny modern Muslim and Christian non-Muslims Northern Nigeria organisations Ostien paper peace personal law perspective political principles protection provides public schools punishment Qur'an recognised regulation religious beliefs religious freedom rule Santeria Sanusi scholars School Prayer Section secular shari'ah Shari'ah Debate shari'ah implementation shari'ah in Nigeria Sharia social standard of review statute strict scrutiny Sunnah Supreme Court symbols tradition U.S. Supreme U.S. Supreme Court ummah University University of Jos violence West Western women Zamfara