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JANUARY, 1916.

The Eugenics Record Office has now trained over one hundred eugenical field-workers, of whom at least a third are still in active social and eugenical work. Also the inis vestigation of family histories being made by an increasing

NO. 1.

that have been held; eugenical laws passed by different states; other atempts at social control of the selecion of mates, including the growth of tate institutions, facts as to differenial fecundity, facts as to the control of the death rate of different social lasses and of national immigration and emigration. We should be glad to record briefly all advances in the "nowledge of human heredity, and shall endeavor to give notices of eugenical publications, including genalogical works and town histories. In fact, this paper seeks to serve eugenical interests as a general eugenics

number of other agencies. As these
studies are frequently made in the
same state they sometimes cover the
same territory and even the same
families. Thus unnecessary expense
is incurred by doing work a second
time that has already been done.
Also, eugenical field-workers in one
territory often wish to find out about newspaper.
families or branches of a family who
are in another territory. Indeed, in
many ways the need of a medium of
intercommunication between eugen-
ists has long been felt and this need
the present periodical is intended to

Whether it succeeds or

not in this ideal will depend upon the support that it is able to deserve.


With this first number of what we trust will become a welcome visitor to our many friends and a means of keepWe begin in an unpretentious way ing us all in closer touch with each as a small newspaper. Our success others' interests, the Eugenics Record will depend largely upon the interest Office would extend the most cordial that eugenists take in sending us items greetings of the season. To those of news. Especially is it important whom we have had the privilege of that we should know of all agencies training in some degree for this imthat are making careful studies of portant work, as well as also to family histories. those various institutions and their

It is proposed to include the follow-managers who have found occasion to ing fields within our scope: news of make use of our field-workers we the Eugenics Record Office, including would offer the greetings of a close resident and field staff; news of fellowship. To those voluntary coleugenical field-workers over the coun- laborators whose hearty co-operation try, where they are and the sort of has contributed so largely to the acwork they are doing; record of the lo- cumulation of the invaluable records calities in which family history work of this Office we would pledge anew has been more or less systematically our careful preservation of the results done; other eugenical news both do- of their labors. To one and all we ex

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