reciprocated on the part of Cart as much as in him lay the estima. wright, as appears from the strain tion thereof, which he performed ; of his correspondence with his but when her Majesty came to Grace; who said, according to Sir know of the Archbishop's conniG. Paule, “that if Master Cart- vancy, she was displeased with it." wright had not so far engaged him. Another writer, Sir Henry Yelverself as he did in the beginning, he ton, affirms also of Cartwright, that thought verily of his latter time he on his death-bed, “ he seriously would have been drawn to con- lamented the unnecessary trouble formity: for when he was freed he had caused in the church, by the from his troubles, he often repaired schism he had been the great to the Archbishop, who used him fomenter of; and wished that he kindly, and was contented to tole- was to begin his life again, that he rate his preaching in Warwick might testify to the world the disdivers years, upon his promise not like he had of his former ways. to impugn the ecclesiastical esta. And in this opinion he died."* blishment, but persuade and procure * Strype's Life of Whitgift, p. 554. THE REST ABOVE. Or mortal frame decay,- And rise and flee away : Thrice fleeter than the dove, It reach the rest above. And furnished by bis hand, And our redemption plann'd. Or shun, or need, or love, Our place of rest above, Above the etherial height With never-ceasing light: From earth we soon remove, Our place of rest above. Through earth, and sea, and sky, All—all is doomed to die- Of everlasting love, G. B. THE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL ADDRESS OF THE MINISTER OF IVER TO HIS PARISHIONERS.-Jan. 1, 1828. MY DEAR FRIENDS—God knows it is a painful task to me, to address you in the language of censure and reproof; for who does not shrink from finding fault with those, for whom he bears a tender regard ? But, as it is a manifest proof of love in a Parent to correct his Child, when it does wrong; so is it a sure evidence of affection in a Christian Minister, to point out to his people the evil of their doings, and with all plainness and sincerity to tell them, wherein they have transgressed. Nay, were he, from mistaken tenderness, to withhold his rebukes when needed, he would become a sharer in their guilt, would incur a heavy reckoning with his God, and draw upon himself in the end the bitter reproaches of those, whom he suffers to sin on without remonstrance, because he is loth to wound their feelings, or run the risk of their displeasure. The evil then, which appears to me to call loudly for expostulation, lies at the door of those among you, who are Parents: not of all indeed, but of far too many; and it is a very serious evil, because it defeats the gracious plan of Provi. dence, disturbs the peace and good order of society, mars your own comfort at home, and contributes, I verily believe, in many instances to the present misery and everlasting ruin of those, who ought to be as dear to you as your own souls. The evil is, and I state it after much serious reflection, that parents in the present day, not only here but almost every where else, most awfully neglect their duty to the children God has given them; that they are wanting to them in matters of the last importance ; and that a fearful responsibility is in consequence incurred. I do not mean, that you are in. attentive to their bodily wants, or FEB, 1828, what you regard as their worldly interests. You feed and clothe them, I am assured, with the very best you bave: nay, I believe you would pinch yourselves, that they might have enough: you send them to school to learn reading and writing, and rejoice at their becoming better scholars than yourselves : you nurse them in the time of sickness with the tenderest solicitude ; and you regard an injury done to them, as done to the apple of your eye. What I complain of, and deeply deplore, is, that you confine your attention to these lesser and lower concerns : that you are far too regardless of their moral conduct and their spiritual and eternal welfare : that you take little pains in early life to form their minds to habits of dutifulness and submission : that you suffer them to have their own way, and to become headstrong and self-willed : seldom crossing their inclinations, bending their neck to the yoke, or teaching them, that the first duty of a child is to obey, and that meekness, and humility, and self-denial are among the earliest lessons to be learnt in the School of Christ. God, in entrusting you with children, has vested you with an authority, which you are not at liberty to lay down, and which you are bound to employ in curbing their strong passions; in breaking down their self-will; and bringing them to a docile and submissive frame of spirit. How is it then, that we see them so often undutiful and refractory: struggling for the mastery; resisting your power; many times refusing to do what you bid them; and, instead of honouring their father and their mother next to God himself, treating them with neglect, and rudeness, and scorn? H Surely in this matter there is utterly command his children and his a fault amongst you: you fail to household after him.” And posestablish that authority, and enforce sibly to you, if you satisfy God by that discipline, which are as needful keeping your children in due subfor the good and happiness of your jection, may be vouchsafed manichildren themselves, as they are for festations of grace and love still your own peace and comfort. more to be prized than the know Harshness and severity I am far ledge of future events! from recommending, but a proper The Lord expects moreover, not authority over your children must merely that you should bring your at all events be maintained ; I mean children under control, but that you such an authority, as that you should “train them up in the way should say to one, “ Go,” and he they should go”-that is, in his goeth; and to another, “Do this,” fear and admonition; that you and he doeth it. And this ascen- should guard them from sin as from dancy can be acquired only by the face of a serpent, and from steadiness and unbending resolu. evil company as from a pestilence. tion. If you currect them one He expressly requires, that you moment and fondle them the next, should make your children famithey will soon disregard your threat- liarly acquainted with his Holy enings and corrections, because Word, speaking of it, when you they know, if they cry a little are sitting in your house, or walklonger and a little louder, they shall ing by the way, or lying down, or certainly gain their point.-Cor- rising up. rect them as seldom as possible But how rarely do we find a Faand never in passion--but fail not, ther encircled by his children, inwhen necessary, to correct them. Structing them in their religious “ Correct thy son,” says God him- duties, reading and explaining to self, “and he shall give thee rest: them the Word of God, and by his yea, he shall give delight to thy counsels, exhortations, and prayers, soul. The rod and reproof give striving to win them to Christ and wisdom : but a child left to himself to holiness, and secure for them an bringeth his mother to shame." interest in his great Salvation !Nay, God goes so far as to declare, Oh if these pious efforts were duly “ that he that spareth the rod carried on at home, the lessons that hateth his son: but he that loveth are learnt at school would turn to him chasteneth him betimes.”—In good account, and education be no a word, you must never suffer your longer blamed for the misconduct children to get the better of you of those, who afterwards misbeby frowardness and obstinacy: and have. Yea, a still greater advanthough the matter in dispute be a tage would accrue, if parents would trifle, still accustom them to obey make their dwellings, houses of Thus brawls and contentions will scriptural instruction and of prayer: be strangers to your houses. While the Ministers of the Gospel would you keep your places, your children find their labour greatly lightened : will know theirs ; and by this due their doctrines would not fall, as subordination, things will go on they now too often do, on hard and pleasantly and peaceably. stony ground; but would drop, like To shew the stress, which the the dew, on minds prepared to unAlmighty lays upon the due exer derstand, and hearts disposed to cise of parental authority, he assigns drink in the precious saving truths it as the motive for reposing con. of the Gospel : then the Wicked fidence in Abraham, and revealing One would not be able to catch his secret purposes to him,-namely, away that which was sown in their that He knew, “ Abraham would hearts,-nor this deceitful world to choke the word, and make it un- to convert the blessing into a fruitful. A chosen generation, a curse. peculiar people, zealous of good The great increase of crime, works, would rise up, and call their which is said to prevail at present, Parents blessed : your sons would is matter of heartfelt concern to grow as the young plants, and your all who really love their country, daughters be as the polished cor- and desire the religious and moral ners of the Temple... good of their fellow creatures.But what is the actual state of I know it has been ascribed, but I things ? are your children thus think most erroneously, to the excarefully watched over and trained tension of education, and the spread to what is good ? are they anxi. of knowledge; as if the improveously guarded from the evil that is ment of the understanding and in the world, from the contagion free access to the Bible, were calof bad example, and from the paths culated to make mankind, not betof the Destroyer ? Alas, we find ter but worse. For my own part, them roaming at large through the I find a much more probable and streets, and roads; loitering about sufficient cause, for a great part at the public houses ; herding together least of the mischief, in the relaxfor mischief ; learning to drink, to ation of parental authority, in that swear, to scoff at good advice; weak and excessive indulgence, noisy and turbulent, and encourag. which I witness on every side, and ing one another in the habits of against which, I now, as your rudeness and riot. Minister, solemnly lift up my voice! And when the blessed sabbath Is it surprising, that those, who comes, and the church-going bell have little restraint laid upon their summons to the delightful work passions in their youth; who have of prayer and praise, how seldom felt no awe of a Father's frown; do we see children conducted to upon whose minds the fear of a God's house by their parents, and righteous God and the reverence their behaviour there watched and due to his name, his day, and his regulated by these their natural word, have not been duly impressed; guardians ! Theyare bidden perhaps who have been indulged in pride to go to Church on Sundays : but and vanity, and allowed to dress in how can a child be expected to re- finery far above their stations; who gard the house of prayer with have had their follies passed over, reverence, on which he sees his and their sinful humours gratified; Father turn his back? or think -is it surprising, I say, that those that worship and instruction neces- who have not been broken in at sary or profitable to himself, which home, should be wild and ungovernhis parents think they can do with able, when they come out into the out ?-the consequence is what world ?-that they should be immight be looked for : many of your patient of control, discontented children do not come to Church at with their lot, envious of their all: they spend the hours of divine superiors, lovers of pleasure, rather service in idleness or worldly plea than lovers of God, idle, vain, dissure, in rambling over the fields, orderly, and in the end, vicious and and perhaps in petty acts of depre- profligate! dation.-Or, if they do come to Oh, my dear friends, how dearly Church, for want of a parent's eye did good old Eli pay for his exand a parent's authority, they be- cessive indulgence to his children ! have not unfrequently so ill, as to He was the High Priest of God, disturb the devoutly disposed, to and eminently pious himself; but sadden the hearts of your minis. through partial affection he had ters, and as it affects themselves, failed to correct the evil propen52 On the Extracts from the Archbishop of York's Charge. sities of his sons; his rebukes had on record an affecting story of a been too mild to be heeded by them; young man, whose disorderly and their wickedness was not repressed wicked life brought him to an unwith sufficient firmness. And timely end, and when he was about hence he was deemed an accom- to suffer the just sentence of the plice in their crimes, and was law, he desired to speak with his visited by the Divine displeasure aged mother, who had come to the in such an awful manner, as to fatal spot, to take the last look of a make the ears of all who heard of son she had too fondly loved. But it to tingle. His two abandoned when she came near the dying man, sons, unrepenting and unpardoned, he bitterly reproached her for her as far as we know, were both slain foolish fondness to him in his in one day; he himself lived just youth, for allowing him to bave his to hear, that the ark of God was own way, and for not checking his taken by the Philistines—and then unruly passions, which by long died of a broken heart; leaving a indulgence bad gained the mastery, salutary warning to others, to the and had led him through a course end of time, how they prefer the of violence and guilt, to a shameful humours of their children to the and premature death. honour of God. With this sad scene let me conAnd what is it that drew from trast the dying bed of a sweet child, David, the man after God's own the daughter of a dear friend of heart, that exceeding bitter lamen- mine, who had been trained in the tation, “O my son, Absalom, ways of religion and truth by a Absalom, my son, my son, would parent kind but judiciously firm : God I had died for thee, O Absalom, and as she sunk to rest in peaceful my son, my son ?” Something more reliance on her Saviour's merits parhaps than the yearnings of a and her Saviour's love, she affecfond father's bosom : it might be tionately thanked her beloved mothe apprehension, lest bis inordinate ther for all her tender care and love to that unworthy youth might kindness; but added, (pray, mark have contributed, not only to his her words) “I THANK YOU MOST present, but his eternal ruin! He OF ALL, FOR HAVING SUBDUED MY wept over him perhaps, as twice SELF-WILL!”. dead! I remain, my dear friends, Imagine not, I pray you, that undue indulgence will be repaid by Your affectionate minister, the gratitude and love of the chil and servant in Christ, dren who are thus spoilt. We have EDWARD WARD. ON THE EXTRACTS FROM THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK'S CHARGE. SIR-In your Number for Decem- our church. I am not sorry that a ber last, p. 453. I read a paper which representation of it, though imperpurported to be an extract from a fect, has been given to the world in Charge delivered by his Grace the the “Extract." But I beg to asArchbishop of York to his Clergy, sure you, that though it represents in the year 1825. fairly and distinctly the doctrines I, with many others, sincerely stated and delivered in that Charge, regretted that our venerable dioces- yet that some both of the arguments an could not be prevailed upon by and the language are not correctly the general voice of his clergy, to reported. publish that Charge, worthy of the most able and illustrious fathers of A YORKSHIRE RECTOR. |