word-bis scriptures-his essential trumpet, and the church is God's word-his Son. Our principal, organ, but Christ Jesus is bis voice. and radical, and fundamental secu. When he speaks in the Prince, rity, is his essential word, his son when he speaks in the Church, there Christ Jesus. Peter says to Christ, we are bound to hear, and happy To whom shall we go ? thou hast if we do hear. Man hath a natural the words of eternal life. It is way to come to God, by the eye, not only, Thou art the word of by the creature : so visible things eternal life - Christ is SO but show the invisible God: but then thou hast it, where we may come God hath superinduced a supernaunto thee for it--in thy treasury, tural way, by the ear. For though in thine ordinance, in thy church: hearing be natural, yet that faith thou hast it, to derive it, to in God should come by hearing convey it to us. Here then is a man preach is supernatural. the first step of Saul's cure, and God shut up the natural way in of ours, that there was not only a Saul, seeing; he struck him blind; word, the Word, Christ himself, a but he opened the supernatural Son of God in beaven, but a voice, way, he enabled him to hear, and the word uttered and preached; to hear bim. God would have us Christ manifested in his Ordinance; beholden to grace, and not to he heard a voice. nature, and to come for our salva"He heard it. How often God tion to bis ordinances, to the preachspeaks, and nobody hears the voice! ing of his word, and not to any He speaks in his cannon, in thun. other means. That blindness, as it der; and he speaks in our cannon, was a bumiliation, and a diverting of in the ruinour of wars. He speaks bis former glaring lights, was a in his music, in the harmonious degree of mercy, of preparative promises of the gospel ; and in mercy; yet there was a voice, our music, in the temporal blessings which was another degree; and a of peace and plenty. And we hear voice which he heard, wbich was a noise in his judgments, and we a degree above that; and he heard hear a sound in his mercies; but it saying, that is distinctly and we hear no voice, we do not dis- intelligibly :cern that this noise, or this sound He bears him saying, that is, he comes from any certain person; bears bim so, as that he knows We do not feel them to be mercies, what he says-so, as that he underor to be judgments uttered from stands him; for, he that bears the God; but natural accidents-casual word, and understands it not is occurrences-emergent contingen- subject to that wbich Christ says, cies, wbich an Atheist might think, That the wicked one comes, and would fall out though there were catches away that which was sown. no God, or no commerce, no deal. St. Augustine puts himself earnestly ing, no speaking between God and upon the contemplation of the man. Though Saul came not in- creation, as Moses hath delivered stantly to a perfect discerning who it; he finds it hard to conceive, and spoke, yet he saw instantly, it was he says, If Moses who writ this a person above nature, and there were here, I would hold bim fast, tore speaks to him in that phrase and beg of him, for thy sake, O of submission, Lord, who art thou? my God, that he would declare And after, with trembling and as- this work of the creation more topisbment (as the text says) Lord, plainly unto me. But then, says what wilt thou have me to do that blessed father, If Moses should Then we are truest said to hear, speak Hebrew to me, mine ears When we know from whence the might hear the sound, but my mind voice comes. Princes are God's would not hear the voice; I might hear him, but I should not hear fifty-ninth year of his age, when what he said. This was that which in August 1630, being with his distinguished between St. Paul, and eldest daughter, Mrs. Harvey, at those who were in his company at Abury-hatch in Essex, he fell into this time; St. Luke says, in this a fever, which with the effects of chapter, They heard the voice ; and his frequent infirmities, caused so St. Paul, relating the story again rapid a decline, that all who saw after, says, They heard not the him were aware of his approaching voice of him that spoke to me; dissolution. they heard a confused sound, but Having never omitted his perthey distinguished it not to be the sonal attendance on the king at the voice of God, nor discerned God's requisite seasons, or neglected to purpose in it. In the twelfth of preach on the first Friday in Lent, John, There came a voice from hea- he could not be dissuaded from this ven, from God himself, and the exercise by his friends, who heard people said, It thundered. So apt him with much concern expatiate is natural man to ascribe even on this passage, “ To God the God's immediate and miraculous Lord belong the issues of death." actions to natural causes ; apt to He was much fatigued on the folrest and determine in pature, and lowing day, and a friend asked him leave out God!” why he was sad ? “ I am not sad; · With such wholesome food, but most of the night past I have though not unfrequently served up entertained myself with many in what would appear to modern thoughts of several friends that refinement a quaint dish, did this have left me here, and are gone sound divine feed his flock. But to that place from which they shall it was only four years after bis pro. not return; and that, within a few motion, when his constitution natu- days, I also shall go hence, and be rally feeble, was attacked by a no more seen. And my preparadisorder which had every appear- tion for this change is become my ance of being fatal. “ In this nightly meditation upon my bed, extremity (observes a late writer) which my infirmities have now he gave another proof of that made restless to me. But at this tenderness of conscience, so tran present time, I was in a serious scendently superior to all modern contemplation of the providence notions of honour, which had always and goodness of God to me-to marked his character. When there me, who am less than the least was little hope of his life, he was of his mercies; and looking back required to renew some prebendal upon my life past, I now plainly leases, the fines for which were see it was his hand that prevented very considerable, and might have me from all temporal employment; enriched his family. But this he and that it was his will I should peremptorily refused, considering never settle or thrive till I entered such a measure in his situation as into the ministry; in which I have a species of sacrilege. “I dare now lived almost twenty years, (I not,” he added, “ now upon my hope to his glory,) and by which, sick bed, when almighty God hath I most humbly thank him, I have made me useless in the service of the been enabled to requite most church, make any advantages out of those friends who showed me of it.” This sickness brought him kindness, when my fortune was to the gates of death, and he saw very low, as God knows it was : the grave so ready to devour him, and (as it hath occasioned the exthat he calls his recovery super- pression of my gratitude) I thank natural, But God restored his God most of them have stood in health, and continued it until the need of my requital, I have lived to be useful and comfortable to my some very small precious stones to good father-in-law Sir George be engraved with a figure of Christ More, whose patience God hath extended on an anchor instead of a been pleased to exercise with many cross, which he sent as memorials temporal crosses. I have main. to particular friends. He now tained my own mother, whom it designed his own monument, desirhath pleased God, after a plentiful ing a carver to make for him a fortune in her younger days, to wooden urn, and to bring with it bring to a great decay in her very a board equal to his stature. He old age. I have quieted the con- then ordered a painter to attend in sciences of many that have groaned his study, and pulling off his clothes, under the burden of a wounded put on his winding-sheet, which spirit, whose prayers I hope are was tied at the head and feet, and available for me. I cannot plead stood on the urn, with his eyes closed, innocency of life, especially of my his hands placed after the manner youth. But I am to be judged by of a corpse, and his face turned to a merciful God, who is not willing the East, whence he expected the to see what I have done amiss. second coming of his Saviour. He And though of myself I have nothing kept the picture by his bedside till to present to him but sins and his death, when it was given to misery, yet I know he looks not Dr. King, chief residentiary of St. upon me now as I am of myself, Paul's, who made it the subject but as I am in my Saviour, and of his monument. hath given me, even at this present He lay fifteen days expecting time, some testimonies by his holy his hourly change, and not long Spirit, that I am of the number before his departure said, “I were of his elect. I am therefore full miserable, if I might not die! Thy of inexpressible joy, and shall die kingdom come! Thy will be done!” in peace.” He then peacefully expired on the He had some time before caused thirty-first of March, 1631. TO AN ABSENT PARTNER. * If thou wert by my side, my love! how fast would evening fail BISHOP HEBER. SEPT. 1828. 2 U Sir-You are surprised at the unusual length of delay in my cor respondence, and in some anxiety as to the cause of it. I will first reply to you in the words of the Shunam ite to the servant of the prophet, who asked her, « Is it well with thee? Is it well with thy husband ? Is it well with the child ? ” And she answered, It is well. Yes, my friend, “ It is well” with us, although the Lord has made a breach in our dearest domestic comforts, and blasted the fairest bud of our earthly hopes. We are bereaved, and afflicted, but we gratefully adore and praise the Lord, whose grace and mercy have been wonderfully manifested in our late painful dispensation, You have frequently heard of my interesting young friend and relation, A. T. She shared, as she justly deserved, my tenderest affection; she was a lovely girl, amiable, intelligent, and very affectionate; remarkable for simplicity and can dour ; modest, and artless in her manners, gentle, but very lively and playful. On her return from school, a short time ago, I contemplated her growing up to womanhood with secret delight. In a few years, I said, she will be my friend and companion, ber reciprocal love will lessen the toils of my pilgrim. age, for in her I shall find the solace of real friendship ; alas ! the decree was gone forth; it is accomplished ; and my fondly che. rished hope is perished for ever! for, my beloved friend is no more! But why do I grieve. What hope is perished ? what is no more ? a reed was my hope, a never-failing staff is still left me; sin and suffering alone have ceased to exist in the object I have said is no more ; she still awaits me,-she, my friend, has only passed the stream before me-she is safely landed; I will rejoice in her happy exit, and renew, with alacrity, my heavenward journey. Not five weeks ago my beloved A was in perfect health : her illness commenced with a cold which was attended with great inflamation in the head. A brain fever was apprehended, but in a few days it pleased the Lord to bless the means which were used, so that, though the inflammation did not subside, it was removed from the head, which was a peculiar mercy to all of us who were about her, as the dear girl was restored to perfect consciousness, and retained the possession of her senses during the remaining part of her illness. I could not be with her constantly, nor did I remain long, when I visited her, until near the closing scene. When I visited her, her weakness was such as not to admit of conversation on her part. She lay for hours without speaking a word, except to request, which she did with great gentleness, that those in the room with her would not whisper, as she could not bear the softest sound. Although, therefore, I greatly desired, and most anxiously wished to inquire the state of her mind, I feared to disturb her. Her mother and I mingled our sighs and tears together, and we secretly besought the Lord for her. She was amiable, she was, as touching the law, blameless ; but we were not satisfied as to the principle of her actions; we might hope that she had been taught of God to feel the truths which she had learned from her infancy. And we had some foundation for hope in her case ; but we wanted undoubted proof. I was, as you may suppose, delighted by the relation her mother gave me one evening after A. had been ill about a week. Early on the morning of that day, she requested her parents to come to her bed side, and embracing them speaking. Her pains abating, she affectionately, she thus addressed fell into a gentle slumber, and after them, “My dearest father and mo- several hours, awoke apparently ther, I must leave you soon, but better; her medical attendant gave do not grieve, since it is the Lord's us some hope, but on account of will; I would rather go, I shall go excessive weakness, he feared a to him, I know. This affliction has consumption would follow. She been most blessed to me, I was remained in the same state for some blind before, now I see. Oh how days, conversing occasionally with gracious has the Lord been to me, her mother, from wbom I learnt to sinful me.' The mother's feel the state of her mind daily, wbich ings, which were, as she said, more was indeed, without intermission, joyous than grievous, could not be a state of perfect peace. She always concealed. A, who at all times seemed pleased when I went to her, was so tender of them, endeavoured and would frequently request me to sooth and comfort her, as also to support her head; but she selher father, who doated on his dom spoke more, except in answer lovely daughter. Her weakness to my inquiries. She did not apwas if possible, greater that day pear able to converse. Early in and we now gave up all hope of the last week of her short life, I her recovery. A few days after found her to my great surprise, this, she was thought to be in a seemingly much better. I had not dying state; she asked the opinion seen her for two days : she was of her medical attendant, who walking from her bed to an easy hesitating to reply, she assured chair supported by her mother ; him she had no fear of death, but her bent form, emaciated frame, on the contrary, if the Lord's will, pallid checks, and sunken eye, she would rather go now. And which had lost its wonted vivacity, like a person preparing for a jour- all bespoke the ravages of that disney, had only some commissions ease which she had so silently and to leave with those who stay patiently borne ; no murmuring behind; she gave orders relative word was ever heard from her to her funeral, her friends, and lips, though her sufferings were most acquaintance, desiring some token acute. She quickened her pace of affection might be given them to meet me. Never will her image to keep in remembrance of her; as she then appeared, be erased and expressed her warm interest in from my imagination, her manner their spiritual welfare. To her was so affectionate, and her looks parents and myself she was par- so serene: she said, "My dear ticularly affectionate ; frequently c. I am thought to be getting embracing and blessing us, and as well.' I replied, “I hope so, my we hung over her bed, she would dear, you certainly are better.' smile on us and say, “Don't, pray She looked at her mother, and at don't grieve, I cannot bear it, why me, I believe she did not think do you grieve? you ought to re- herself better, but she would not joice, you will soon see me again, grieve us by saying so. I exI shall meet you in heaven, I would pressed the pleasure I should enjoy like to take you with me, but you on her again visiting me at will soon come.' And putting my She said, “If it pleased the Lord hand into that of her mother, she to restore her, her second visit said to Ine, · You must comfort should be to me, the first would my dear mother when I am gone, be to church.' She again went to I know you will.' These words ber bed quite exhausted. I did not she said to us in the course of the visit her the next day being greatly day, for she lay long without indisposed myself; but early on the |