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No. 38.]

Mr. MacNutt to Mr. Foster.

Madrid, December 14, 1892.

SIR: I have the honor to inform you that the Duke of Veragua has this day formally and definitely expressed his intention to visit the United States, in response to the invitation of the President.

Acting upon your instruction No. 42, of November 26, I saw the duke by appointment and informed him that his presence was desired. in America by about the middle of April, 1893.

The result of my interview with his grace is the following: The duke will be accompanied by the Duchess of Veragua, his son Christopher, and his daughter.

It is possible that his brother, the Marquis of Bárboles, and his wife may also accompany him, but this is not yet certain.

The duke will bring with him his private secretary, and there will be two servants in attendance.

On the 12th of April the steamship Ems, of the German line, is announced to sail from Genoa, touching at Gibraltar on the 15th and reaching New York on the 23d. As this southern line offers many advantages, the duke is inclined to take that vessel, unless he may be obliged to go first to Paris, in which event he will sail from Le Havre on an approximate date.

The duke expresses his cordial wish and disposition to fulfill in all things the desires and intentions of the United States Government in inviting him, and during his stay in America places himself entirely at your disposal.

His intention is that his journey should not occupy more than two months, including both voyages, but the division of his time in America he leaves entirely to the direction of his hosts.

I have, in reply, answered his grace that his wishes were our com mands, and that upon arrival in America and after the official acts and ceremonies at which his presence was desired, he would have but to indicate where he wanted to go and what he wanted to do.

I shall be able to inform the Department within a fortnight as to the exact number of persons accompanying him and the date and vessel on which he will sail.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,

FRANCIS MACNUTT, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim.


Señor Sagrario to Mr. Wharton.



Washington, June 27, 1892. (Received June 28.)

The undersigned, acting chargé d'affaires of Spain, has the honor to inform the honorable Acting Secretary of State that he has just received instructions from his Government directing him to tender to the

Government of the United States a special invitation to take part in the official ceremonies to be held in the port of Palos on 3d of August next, in commemoration of Columbus's first expedition, which resulted in the discovery of America.

The undersigned hastens to fulfill this agreeable duty and to state. to the honorable Acting Secretary of State that the Government and nation of Spain will have great and sincere pleasure in saluting, in the waters of Palos, the American fleet which the Government of the Union may be pleased to send there for the purpose above mentioned.

The undersigned, etc.,


Mr. Foster to Mr. Sagrario.

Washington, July 12, 1892.

SIR: Referring to your note of the 27th ultimo, it gives me much pleasure to be able to inform you that the Secretary of the Navy has ordered the commanding officer of the U. S. S. Bennington to proceed with that vessel from Montevideo to Palos, Spain, to arrive there by the 1st of August next, and to take part in the celebrations in honor of the sailing of Columbus from that port.

Accept, etc.,


Señor Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Foster.


LEGATION OF SPAIN IN WASHINGTON, September 15, 1892. (Received September 15.)

Mr. SECRETARY: The minister of state informs me that Her Majesty the Queen Regent will leave the port of Cadiz on the 9th October next and will proceed by sea to Huelva to inaugurate the monument which is being erected to Columbus, in commemoration of the fourth centenary of the discovery of America.

Her Majesty will be accompanied by vessels of war of friendly nations, and the Spanish Government would regard it as a proof of consideration and esteem if the flag of the United States figured in that solemn ceremony. I am therefore instructed to notify you, in order to learn whether the United States Government thinks proper to accept this invitation.

I avail myself, etc.,


Mr. Foster to Mr. Dupuy de Lôme.

Washington, September 26, 1892.

SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 15th instant, and in reply to state that I have been informed by the Acting Secretary of the Navy, in a letter dated the 23d instant, that Rear-Admiral A. E. K. Benham, U. S. Navy, has been ordered to proceed to Cadiz, Spain, with the United States flagship Newark, by the 8th of October next, and to accompany the Queen Regent of Spain when she leaves that port for Huelva to dedicate the Columbus monument at that city.

Accept, etc.


Señor Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Foster.



Washington, December 1, 1892.

Mr. SECRETARY: I have the honor to transmit to your excellency, with the customary office copy, the accompanying letter which Her Majesty the Queen Regent addresses to the President of the United States in reply to the invitation to attend the opening ceremonies of the World's Exposition at Chicago, and I beg your excellency to have the kindness to have the said royal missive conveyed to its high destination.

I avail myself of this occasion to renew to your excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.


Queen Cristina to President Harrison.

Don Alfonzo XIII, by the grace of God Constitutional King of Spain, and in his name and during his minority,

Dona Maria Cristina, Queen Regent of the Kingdom, to the President of the United States of America:

GREAT AND GOOD FRIEND: Great satisfaction was given us by the letter which you addressed to us at the request of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic in Congress assembled, inviting my well-beloved son and me, as the successors of Queen Isabella the Catholic, of glorious memory, to attend the opening ceremonies of the Columbian Exposition, which is to be held in the city of Chicago in the month of May next, in commemoration of the happy event of the discovery of America. Both my son and I feel most grateful for this token of esteem and regard, and I beg you to convey to the Congress of the United States the assurance of our feelings of gratitude, and to inform that body, at the same time, how deeply we regret that the provisions of our constitution will prevent us from being present at those impressive ceremonies, as we should have been glad to do. Offering fervent prayers for the prosperity and happiness of your Republic, we pray God to have you in his holy keeping.

Done at the palace of Madrid this 8th day of October, 1892.
Great and good friend, your great and good friend,





Mr. Tavel to Mr. Foster.


Washington, July 28, 1892. (Received July 29.)

Mr. SECRETARY OF STATE: I have the honor to have recourse to your excellency's mediation, submitting to you the following facts: During an excursion to Bay Ridge, Md., Dr. Georg, attaché of this legation, was arrested by the police under circumstances which give to this arrest a character of some gravity.

Mr. Georg, while taking some, refreshment at a counter, with other persons, observed that a gentleman and lady, who had likewise taken refreshments, were looking for something on the counter and on the floor. He asked what had been lost, and was told that it was a pocketbook, which he assisted in looking for, but without success.

Ten minutes afterwards, while Dr. Georg was walking near the casino, he was accosted by two policemen, who charged him with having taken Mrs. X's pocket-book, and demanded its return. He stated that he was not the person who was wanted, and that Mrs. X was mistaken, whereupon he was allowed to depart, after having told the policemen that he was secretary of the Swiss legation at Washington, D. C., and did not wish to be put to any further trouble.

Perceiving Mr. and Mrs. X, he attempted to make himself known, but was obliged to withdraw, owing to the attitude of Mrs. X, who persisted in accusing him. He was then joined by the policeman who had first spoken to him, who seized him by the arm, telling him that he was under arrest. Dr. Georg repeated in vain that no one had a right to arrest him, and asked to be identified by the undersigned, who was close by, in the casino. This was positively refused. He was, moreover, not allowed to telegraph to the Department of State at Washington, on pretense that there was no time to wait. He was taken to a distance of 300 meters, to a little house, where he got into a car with Mr. and Mrs. X and the policeman. Before the departure of the train, and since the policeman again refused to take him to the telegraphi office, Dr. Georg wrote and delivered to an unknown person for transmission the following dispatch:


Have been arrested without cause, though I stated to be a member of the Swiss Legation. Please send orders to Annapolis. DR. GEORG.

This dispatch was read to the bearer in the presence of the policeman, but was not sent by the unknown person.


An hour later the train reached Annapolis. Here Dr. Georg was taken to the office of the commissioner, where he expected to be examined. As he was not examined, he told the commissioner that he had telegraphed to the Department of State, whose orders would soon arrive. Nevertheless, and in spite of his earnest protests, he was searched, and the contents of his pockets (papers and money) were taken out by a policeman.

As the pocketbook was not found the commissioner, having asked Dr. Georg his name, informed him that he could not hold him on mere suspicion.

Dr. Georg asked that his protests and statements might be taken down in writing, and that the name and full address of the complainants might be given him. The commissioner contented himself with giving Dr. Georg the name of "Mrs. Borde, Baltimore," and said that, as to the rest, he knew what it was proper for him to do.

Having no other way to return to Washington, Dr. Georg was obliged to get into the same car by which he had come, together with the same persons, and return to Washington by the last train.

The undersigned did not learn what had taken place until after Dr. Georg's return to Bay Ridge.

I do not doubt, Mr. Secretary of State, that, in view of this incident, you will think proper to order a strict inquiry with regard to the facts above stated, from which it appears that a Swiss diplomatic officer, accredited to the United States Government, has been arrested on mere suspicion, detained, and searched, no regard having been paid to his diplomatic capacity, and he not having been allowed to inform your excellency's Government of what was going on.

Before bringing this incident to the notice of my Government, I desire to protest without further delay against acts that were so palpably in violation of the treaty of friendship and reciprocal establishments which has been concluded by the Swiss Confederation with the United States.

I feel fully confident that your excellency, recognizing the justice of my complaint, will speedily send me an expression of your regret at what has been done to a member of this legation, and that you will wish to order, in the case of such of your agents as may be found guilty, sneh disciplinary measures as may be called for by the facts.

Be pleased to accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurances of my highest consideration.



Statement of the Swiss chargé to the Secretary of State, at interview, July 28, 1892.

That in company with an attaché of the legation, Mr. Georg, he went yesterday morning to the summer resort on the Chesapeake known as Bay Ridge; that while at the refreshment counter Mr. Georg inadvertently stepped in front of a man and woman who had been there, but upon discovering his mistake he apologized, stepped back, and took his refreshments at another part of the counter; that later the man and woman alleged that she had lost her pocketbook, and searched

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