subparagraph which is held or claimed as trustee, agent, representative or nominal proprietor. (3) "Trade-mark" shall mean any trade-mark, trade name, commercial name, service mark, association mark, collective mark or certification mark, whether a word, name, symbol or device, or combination thereof, used or adapted to be used by any person or persons in connection with the manufacture, sale or offering for sale of goods, wares, merchandise or services, to identify the source or origin thereof and to distinguish such goods, wares, merchandise and services from those of others. (4) "Print" shall mean any artistic work subject to copyright under the laws of the United States with or without accompanying text matter, published in a periodical or separately, used in connection with the sale or advertisement of an article or articles of merchandise. (5) "Label" shall mean any artistic and/or literary work subject to copyright under the laws of the United States impressed or stamped directly upon the article of merchandise or upon a piece of paper or other material to be attached in any manner to articles of merchandise or to bottles, boxes or other containers thereof, to indicate the nature of the goods. (6) "Royalties" shall include, without limitation, fees, serial or other payments, shares or profits and any and all other emoluments or compensation. (7) "Agreement" shall include, without limitation, any contract of purchase or sale, any contract granting the right to obtain an assignment, any agreement to use or not to use, any license held or granted any cross-license agreement, any royalty agreement, and any agreement as to quantity, price, territorial restrictions or field of use with respect to any trade-mark, commercial print or label. [13 F. R. 9516, Dec. 31, 1948, as amended at 19 F. R. 1212, Mar. 4, 1954] § 510.70 Report of royalties due and payable under vested interests in works subject to copyright. (a) In all cases in which the Attorney General is entitled to receive royalties by virtue of having vested an interest in a work subject to copyright, persons obliged to pay such royalties shall make payments thereof to the Office of Alien Property, Washington 25, D.C. Payments shall be accompanied by reports on Form APC-46, in duplicate. Royalties shall be paid within ten days after the date they become due and payable. In making payments: (1) Federal withholding taxes on such royalties shall not be paid by reporter to the Director of Internal Revenue and the amounts ordinarily withheld for such purposes shall be included in the payments to the Office of Alien Property. (2) Commissions and other charges may be deducted if authorized by the agreements under which the royalties are payable. Charges which are incurred subsequent to vesting and which are not authorized by the agreements shall not be deducted unless approved by or for the Director, Office of Alien Property, in writing. (b) For the purposes of this section: (1) "Person" shall mean any individual, partnership, association or corporation. (2) "Interest" in a work subject to copyright shall mean: Ownership, part ownership, or claim of ownership, in whole or in part, of any subsisting copyright or claim of copyright, and any right, license, privilege, or property in or to or with respect to such work; and any right, title or interest in, to or under any contract or other instrument, and any royalty, share of profits, license fees, or other emolument or compensation reserved with respect thereto. Such interest shall also include, but not by way of limitation, any interest as described in this subparagraph which is held or claimed as trustee, agent, representative or nominal proprietor. (3) "Work subject to copyright" shall mean: All the writings of an author within the meaning of the Copyright Act including, but not by way of limitation, literary, artistic, dramatic, musical and dramatico-musical compositions, and any and all versions, adaptations, arrangements, transcriptions, translations, and recordings thereof, whether or not copyright has been obtained thereon in the United States: Provided, however, That such term shall not include commercial prints and labels. (4) "Royalties" shall be deemed to include, but not by way of limitation, fees, serial or other payments, shares of profits, and any and all other emoluments or compensation. [13 F.R. 9518, Dec. 31, 1948, as amended at 17 F.R. 11785, Dec. 30, 1952; 19 F.R. 1213, Mar. 4, 1954] FINDING AIDS A list of current CFR volumes, a list of superseded CFR volumes, and a list of CFR titles, subtitles, chapters, subchapters and parts are included in the subject index volume to the Code of Federal Regulations which is published separately and revised annually. Table of CFR Titles and Chapters Chap. Table of CFR Titles and Chapters Title 1-General Provisions I Administrative Committee of the Federal Register Appendix A-Guide to record retention requirements Register Appendix C-Guide to Federal Register Finding Aids Title 2-The Congress Chapter I-Parallel Tables of Statutory Authorities and Rules IV Codified Text of Selected Presidential Documents V Executive Office of the President Title 4 Accounts I General Accounting Office II Federal Claims Collection Standards (General Accounting Of fice-Department of Justice) Title 5-Administrative Personnel I Civil Service Commission III Bureau of the Budget IV Civil Service Commission (Equal Employment Opportunity) V International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board VI Department of Defense VII Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations VIII National Capital Transportation Agency IX Appalachian Regional Commission X National Capital Housing Authority XI United States Soldiers' Home XII District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency Title 6-[Reserved] 86-023-68-14 Chap. SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Agriculture I Consumer and Marketing Service (Standards, Inspections, Mar keting Practices), Department of Agriculture II Consumer and Marketing Service (Consumer Food Programs), III Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture VI Soil Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture VII Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (Agricultural Adjustment), Department of Agriculture VIII Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (Sugar), Department of Agriculture IX Consumer and Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), Department of Agriculture X Consumer and Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Milk), Department of Agriculture XI Consumer and Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Miscellaneous Commodities), Department of Agriculture XII Statistical Reporting Service (Agricultural Statistics), Department of Agriculture XIV Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture partment of Agriculture XVII Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agriculture II Agriculture Title 8-Aliens and Nationality I Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice Office of Alien Property, Department of Justice Title 9-Animals and Animal Products I Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture II Packers and Stockyards Administration, Department of Agri culture III Consumer and Marketing Service (Meat Inspection), Department of Agriculture Title 10-Atomic Energy I Atomic Energy Commission Title 11-[Reserved] |