| John Graile (of Blickling.) - 1711 - 212 pagini
...ride upon the high Placet of the Earth, that he might eat the increafe tf the Fields : He made him to fuck Honey out of the Rock, and Oil out of the flinty Rock. He gave him Butter of Kine ti eat, and Milk of Sheep, with Fat of Lambs, and Rams of the Sretd of Bafhan,... | |
 | 1757 - 616 pagini
...high places of the earth, to tread down thine enemies, and to eat the increafe of the fields and to fuck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock. 14 WHILST thou didft walk under the wing of thy falvation, my throne was full of judgment, righteoufnefs... | |
 | William Warburton - 1765 - 448 pagini
...the beft cultivated places] " that he might eat the increafe *' of the fields ; and he made him to fuck honey " out of the Rock, and oil out of the flinty Rock : " Butter of kine, and milk of ftieep, with fat of «' lambs, and rams of the breed of Bafhan" [ie... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1767 - 308 pagini
...the fword of perfecution out of her hand,— making her reign as fhort as it was mercilefs. .. II. O If God then made us, as he did the Ifraelites, fuck...in giving them to us without money, without price, in thofe good days which followed, when a long and a wife reign was as neceflary to build up our church,... | |
 | 1767 - 572 pagini
...unpromifmg: it will extrait comfort and latistaftion from the moft bañen circiimfbnces : " It 41 will fuck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty »« rock." «' But the fupreme excellence of this complacent quality is, that it naturally dipofes the mind where... | |
 | 1767 - 574 pagini
...unpromifing: it will extraft comfort and iatislaclion from the mult barren circumftances: " It •* will fuck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty «« rock." •« But the ftipreme excellence of this complacent quality is, that it naturally dipoies the mind... | |
 | George Muir - 1769 - 336 pagini
...holes of the rocks were filled with fwarms of bees. Accordingly, we are told, that God made Ifrael " to fuck honey out of the " rock, and oil out of the flinty rock," Deut. xxxii. Than this account of Palafiine, nothing could be more expreflive of the liberal provifion... | |
 | David Durell - 1772 - 326 pagini
...Rock poured me out Rivers of Oil. Perhaps this may be taken out of Deut. XXXII. 13. "He made him to fuck Honey out of the Rock, "and Oil out of the flinty Rock." And what is very remarkable (V.22, 23.) My Speech dropped upon them, And they waited for me as for... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1776 - 198 pagini
...fnatched the fword of perfecucion out of her hand, — making her reign as fliort as it was merdlefs. If GOD then made us, as he did the Ifraelites, fuck...in giving them to us without money, without price, in thofe good days which followed, when a long and a wife reign was as neceffary to build up our church,... | |
 | Thomas Harmer - 1776 - 574 pagini
...opinion of fome of the learned7, that thofe words of Mofes in Deut. xxxii. 13, " He made '* him to fuck honey out of the rock, and oil «' out of the flinty rock," are to be underftood of his caufing Ifrael to dwell in a country, where fometimes they might find honeycomb... | |
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