Beginner's Guide for Cybercrime Investigators

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Nicolae Sfetcu, 17 iun. 2014 - 112 pagini

In the real world there are people who enter the homes and steal everything they find valuable. In the virtual world there are individuals who penetrate computer systems and "steal" all your valuable data. Just as in the real world, there are uninvited guests and people feel happy when they steal or destroy someone else's property, the computer world could not be deprived of this unfortunate phenomenon. It is truly detestable the perfidy of these attacks. For if it can be observed immediately the apparent lack of box jewelry, penetration of an accounting server can be detected after a few months when all clients have given up the company services because of the stolen data came to competition and have helped it to make best deals.

Cybercrime is a phenomenon of our time, often reflected in the media. Forensic investigation of computer systems has a number of features that differentiate it fundamentally from other types of investigations. The computer itself is the main source of information for the investigator.




Computing systems and storage media
Computer networks
Software and services
Cybercrime laws
Convention on Cybercrime
Recommendation No R 95 13
Standards in the field of digital forensics
Principles in digital evidence
Procedures model for the forensic examination
Code of Ethics
Sources and references
Publishing House
Drept de autor

Rules for obtaining digital evidence by police officers

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Termeni și expresii frecvente

Despre autor (2014)

 Experience in the domains of engineering, Quality Assurance, electronics and Internet services (translation, web design, Internet marketing, web business solutions).
 Owner and manager with MultiMedia
 Developer of MultiMedia Network
 Partner with MultiMedia in several European and national research and development projects
 Project Coordinator for European Teleworking Development Romania (ETD)
 Member of Rotary Club Drobeta Turnu Severin Continental
 Cofounder of the regional association and president of the Mehedinti Branch of Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software
 Initiator, cofounder and president of Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities
 Member of Internet Society
 Initiator, cofounder and president of Romanian Teleworking Society
 Cofounder and vice-president of the Mehedinti Branch of the General Association of Engineers in Romania
 Physicist engineer - Bachelor of Physics, Major Nuclear Physics
 Training for a doctor degree in telecommunications
 Internal auditor for the Quality Management Systems
 Specialist in industrial Nondestructive Testing
 Attested for Quality Assurance
 Hundreds of publications (books, e-books, articles), mainly from the IT domain.
 Languages: Romanian, French, English. Elementary level: Italian, Spanish, Russian

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