A GENERAL AND CONNECTED VIEW OF THE PROPHECIES, RELATIVE TO THE CONVERSION, RESTORATION, UNION, AND FUTURE GLORY OF THE HOUSES OF JUDAH AND ISRAEL; THE PROGRESS, AND FINAL OVERTHROW, OF THE ANTICHRISTIAN CONFEDERACY IN THE LAND OF PALESTINE; AND THE ULTIMATE GENERAL DIFFUSION OF CHRISTIANITY, BY THE REV. GEORGE STANLEY FABER, B. D, VICAR OF STOCKTON-UPON-TEES. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. "At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON, No. 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. 1808. gift Tappan Press, ass 1-4-1932 The restoration and conversion of Judah and Israel-the con- version of the Gentiles-Jerusalem the head of all churches, The overthrow of the mystic Tyre and her prince preparatory PROPHECY XXV. The dispersion of Israel through the tyranny of their shepherds God will require his people at their hands-the restoration of Judah parily in a converted and partly in an unconverted state-the opposition of the unconverted to the converted, a proof that the unconverted will be restored by Antichrist-downfall of the mystic Edom-the political revival, restoration, and final union of Israel and Judahthe overthrow of Gog and Magog at the end of the Mil. lennium. Ezek. xxxiv. xxxv. xxxvi. 1-32. xxxvii. xxxviii. xxxix. P. 49. PROPHECY XXVI. Descriptive character of the powers that will compose the Antichristian confederacy-the progress of Antichrist to Palestine his overthrow there-the restoration of Judah during a time of great trouble at the close of the 1260 years. Dan. ii. 40-45, 34, 35. vii. 7-27. Rev. xiii. xvii. Dan. xi. 36-45. xii. Rev. xvi. 12-21. xviii, P. 109. PROPHECY XXVII. The restoration of Israel-their instrumentality in converting the Gentiles-the state of the Jews in the days of their dispersion. Hosea i. 2—11. ii. 21-23. iii. P. 140. PROPHECY XXVIII. The captivity of Judah and Israel-the application of some of their members to the mystic Assyrian to effect their restoration-their distress-their final political revival. liosea v. 8- 15. vi, P. 147. PROPHECY XXIX. The successive restoration of Judah and Israel. Hosea xi. 8-12. P. 158. PROPHECY XXX. The restoration and conversion of Israel-his rejection of Antichrist. Hosea xiv. P. 162. PROPHECY XXXI. Irruption of Antichrist into Palestine-his destruction there -general effusion of the Holy Spirit-a description of the overthrow of the confederated nations at the period of the restoration of Judah. Joel i. 1-14. ii. iii, P. 167. PROPHECY XXXII. The dispersion of the Jews, and the occupation of their country by foreign invaders—their restoration and triumph over the mystic Edom. Amos viii. 11, 12. ix. 4—15. P. 200. PROPHECY XXXIII. The certainty of the restoration of Judah and Israel. Micah ii. 12, 13. P. 205.. PROPHECY XXXIV. The glories of the millennian church-the mystic birth of the Jewish nation-the overthrow of the Antichristian confederacy partly by the instrumentality of the Jews-the advent of Christ-he protects the now converted Jews, and destroys the mystic Assyrian- the instrumentality of the Jews in the conversion of the Gentiles. Micah iv. Y. P. 207. PRO |