to the humble follower of the Lamb. Though for him to live be Christ, yet to die is gain. By death he is translated from this earthly temple, the Church militant, to that which is above, the Church triumphant. What a contrast! what an exchange! He has left the earth, which is Jehovah's footstool, and has come to heaven which is his throne. Though Jehovah fills all space, and is omnipresent, yet in heaven he particularly dwells, and from thence, as from a throne, he governs the world. As a temple built by him, it is not merely declarative of his boundless wisdom and power, but also of his boundless benevolence. It is the temple of Christ's God--that God who in and through Christ is a reconciled Father to all sincere penitents. To him Christ is subordinate as Mediator, and therefore calls him in the text, " My God." Thus this temple, the Church triumphant, though it is the theatre of Jehovah's infinite majesty, also exhibits the mighty effects of Jesus' love. In its construction, therefore, the infinite goodness, as well as the infinite grandeur of the One Supreme is strikingly visible. John in his visions saw this temple, this glorious Church descending from heaven in the form of a city, even the new Jerusalem; prepared as a bride for her husband; having the glory of God. "Her light was like unto c Phil. i. 21. 66 a stone most precious, even like a jasper "stone, clear as crystal; and had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, " and at the gates twelve angels;" " and "the building of the wall of it was of jas per; and the city was pure gold, like "unto clear glass. And the foundations of "the wall of the city were garnished with "all manner of precious stones." "The " Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are "the temple of it. And the city had no "need of the sun, neither of the moon, to "shine in it; for the glory of God did " lighten it, and the Lamb is the light there" of." " And the gates of it shall not be shut " at all by day; for there shall be no night " there." "And there shall in no wise "enter into it any thing that defileth, nei"ther whatsoever worketh abomination, or " maketh a lie : but they which are written " in the Lamb's book of lifed." How superb then, how grand, how inconceivably magnificent and unutterably delightful must be this temple above, this Church triumphant! In it, he that overcometh, is fixed as a pillar, as a monument of grace! 1. He is recognized as a child of God: "Upon him will I write the name of my " God," saith the glorious Redeemer. Here on earth he had been, originally, a rebel against God. To him he owed his being, and from him he derived all his blessings; yet he disobeyed his law. His carnal mind was enmity against him. He loved what God hated, and hated what God loved. Whilst he was thus rebelliously disposed, in a memorable hour, divine grace made him a new creature. From a rebel he became a friend of God. Thus converted, he was introduced into the family of the Most High, as a son; and as such experienced his favour which is life, and his loving-kindness which is better than life. He, however, knew but in part, and he prophesied in part. At best, like the Jewish believers, he was under a species of tutors and governors. He saw through a glass darkly, and enjoyed the communion of God sparingly. His views of the divine glory were oft-times clouded; sometimes too dazzling. He could only meet with God in the use of the means, and experience his favour in and through them. His happiness in God was therefore not complete. He was indeed a son of Jehovah, but was not yet established in this state free from alarms, or from doubts. He was exposed to temptation, liable to backslide, and for a season to fall. His sonship however is consummated, now that he is fixed as a pillar in the temple above. Being established in his Father's household, he participates freely and fully in all the privileges and delights thereof. The faculties of his soul are all of them purified from sin, and continually enlarging in their capacities. The divine nature, together with the mysteries of providence and grace, are the objects of the researches and the discoveries of his understanding. His will is at all times in an unvaried manner conformed to his Father's will. His affections, which as blossoms budded here, there blow in all the fulness of heavenly beauty, without the least defect. The powers of his body harmonize with the faculties of his soul. Being no longer a vessel of dishonour, it exhibits none of the defilements and distresses to which it was subject in life. His Father has clothed it with a garment of light, bright with the lustre of his own glory, Faith is now swallowed up in vision, and hope in enjoyment. He sees God face to face; he knows even as he is known. He wants no means by which he must meet with his Father: but has direct access to his throne. He has free and unrestrained communion with him, and enjoys his favour in an unclouded and uninterrupted manner. He is put in complete possession of his inheritance, to which his hope was directed in life. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive that happiness of soul and body, which awaits the believer hereafter as the child of God. d Rev. xxi. 11, 12. 18, 19, 22, 23.25.27、 |