Part 253 264 265 274 Parole of alien crewmen. Registration and fingerprinting of aliens in the United States. Notices of address. Aliens; bringing in and harboring. 293 299 306 312 American Indians born in Canada. Representation and appearances. Deposit of and interest on cash received to secure immigration bonds. SUBCHAPTER C-NATIONALITY REGULATIONS Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: Virgin Islanders. 316a Residence, physical, presence and absence. 319 322 323 324 327 328 329 330 332 Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: spouses of United States Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: children of citizen parent. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: women who have lost Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: persons who lost United Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: persons with three years service in Armed Forces of the United States. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: veterans of the United States Armed Forces who served during World War I or World War II or enlisted under Act of June 30, 1950, as amended. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: seamen. Preliminary investigation of applicants for naturalization and witnesses. 332a Official forms. 332b Instruction and training in citizenship responsibilities: textbooks, schools, organizations. 332c Photographic studios. 332d Designation of employees to administer oaths and take depositions. Preliminary examination on petitions for naturalization. 335a Transfer, withdrawal or failure to prosecute petition for naturalization. 335b Proof of qualifications for naturalization: witnesses; depositions. 342 Functions and duties of clerks of naturalization courts. 343 Administrative cancellation of certificates, documents, or records. Certificate of naturalization or repatriation; persons who resumed citizenship under section 323 of the Nationality Act of 1940, as amended, or section 4 of the Act of June 29, 1906. 343a Naturalization and citizenship papers lost, mutilated, or destroyed; new certificate in changed name; certified copy of repatriation proceedings. 343b Special certificate of naturalization for recognition by a foreign state. Certifications from records. 343c SUBCHAPTER A-GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1-DEFINITIONS Definitions. As used in this chapter: (a) The terms defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (66 Stat. 163) shall have the meanings ascribed to them in that section and as supplemented, explained, and further defined in this chapter. (b) The term "Act" means the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. (c) The term "Service" means the Immigration and Naturalization Service. (d) The term "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization. (e) The term "Board" means the Board of Immigration Appeals. (f) The term "attorney" means any person who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of any State, possession, territory, Commonwealth, or the District of Columbia, and is not under any order of any court suspending, enjoining, restraining, disbarring, or otherwise restricting him in the practice of law. (g) Unless the context otherwise requires, the term "case" means any proceeding arising under any immigration or naturalization law, Executive order, or Presidential proclamation, or preparation for or incident to such proceeding, including preliminary steps by any private person or corporation preliminary to the filing of the application or petition by which any proceeding under the jurisdiction of the Service or the Board is initiated. (h) The term "day" when computing the period of time for taking any action provided in this chapter, including the taking of an appeal, shall include Sundays and legal holidays, except that when the last day of the period so computed falls on a Sunday or a legal holiday, the period shall run until the end of the next day which is neither a Sunday nor a legal holiday. (i) The term "practice" means the act or acts of any person appearing in any case, either in person or through the preparation or filing of any brief or other document, paper, application, or petition on behalf of another person or client before or with the Service, or any officer of the Service, or the Board. (j) The term "representative" means a person representing a religious, charitable, social-service, or similar organization established in the United States and recognized as such by the Board, or a person described in § 292.1 (b), (d), or (h) of this chapter. (k) The term "preparation," constituting practice, means the study of the facts of a case and the applicable laws, coupled with the giving of advice, and auxiliary activities, including the incidental drawing up and completion of papers, but does not include the lawful functions of a notary public or service consisting solely of assistance in the completion of blank spaces on printed service forms by one whose remuneration, if any, is nominal and who does not hold himself out as specially qualified in law or in immigration and naturalization procedure. (Sec. 103, 66 Stat. 173; 8 U.S.C. 1103) [23 F.R. 9115, Nov. 26, 1958, as amended at 30 F.R. 14772, Nov. 30, 1965; 34 F.R. 12213, July 24, 1969] PART 2-AUTHORITY OF THE § 2.1 Authority of the Commissioner. The Without divesting the attorney General of any of his powers, privileges, or duties under the immigration and naturalization laws, and except as to the Board, there is delegated to the Commissioner the authority of the Attorney General to direct the administration of the Service and to enforce the act and all other laws relating to the immigration and naturalization of aliens. Commissioner may issue regulations as deemed necessary or appropriate for the exercise of any authority delegated to him by the Attorney General, and may redelegate any such authority to any other officer or employee of the Service. (Sec. 201, 66 Stat. 173; 8 U.S.C. 1103, Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1950, 15 F.R. 3173, 3 CFR, 1950 Supp.) [23 FR. 9117, Nov. 26, 1958] §3.1 Board of Immigration Appeals. (a) Organization. There shall be in the Department of Justice a Board of Immigration Appeals, which shall be under the supervision and direction of the Attorney General and shall be responsible solely to him. The Board shall consist of a chairman and four other members and shall have attached to it an executive assistant-chief examiner who shall have authority to act as an alternate member. It shall also have attached to it such number of attorneys and other employees as the Attorney General, upon recommendation of the Board, shall from time to time direct. In the absence of the Chairman, a member designated by him shall act as chairman. (b) Appellate jurisdiction. Appeals shall lie to the Board of Immigration Appeals from the following: (1) Decisions of special inquiry officers in exclusion cases, as provided in Part 236 of this chapter. (2) Decisions of special inquiry officers in deportation cases, as provided in Part 242 of this chapter, except that no appeal shall lie from an order of a special inquiry officer under § 244.1 of this chapter granting voluntary departure within a period of at least 30 days, if the sole ground of appeal is that a greater period of departure time should have been fixed. (3) Decisions on applications for the exercise of the discretionary authority contained in section 212 (c) of the act, as provided in Part 212 of this chapter. (4) Decisions involving administrative fines and penalties, including mitigation thereof, as provided in Part 280 of this chapter. (5) Decisions on petitions filed in accordance with section 204 of the act (except petitions to accord preference classifications under section 203(a) (3) or section 203 (a) (6) of the act, or a petition on behalf of a child described in section 101(b) (1) (F) of the act), and decisions on requests for revalidation and decisions revoking the approval of such petitions, in accordance with section 205 of the act, as provided in Parts 204 and 205, respectively, of this chapter. (6) Decisions on applications for the exercise of the discretionary authority contained in section 212(d) (3) of the act as provided in Part 212 of this chapter. (7) Determinations relating to bond, parole, or detention of an alien as provided in Part 242 of this chapter. (8) Decisions of special inquiry officers in rescission of adjustment of status cases, as provided in Part 246 of this chapter. (c) Jurisdiction by certification. The Commissioner, or any other duly authorized officer of the Service, or the Board may in any case arising under paragraph (b) of this section require certification of such case to the Board. (d) Powers of the Board. (1) Generally. Subject to any specific limitation prescribed by this chapter, in considering and determining cases before it as provided in this part the Board shall exercise such discretion and authority conferred upon the Attorney General by law as is appropriate and necessary for the disposition of the case. (1-a) Summary dismissal of appeals. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (e) of this section, the Board may deny oral argument concerning, and summarily dismiss, any appeal in any deportation proceeding under Part 242 of this chapter in any case in which (i) the party concerned fails to specify the reasons for his appeal on Form I-290A (Notice of Appeal), (ii) the only reason specified by the party concerned for his appeal involves a finding of fact or a conclusion of law which was conceded by him at the hearing, (iii) the appeal is from an order that granted the party concerned the relief which he requested, or (iv) the Board is satisfied, from a review of the record, that the appeal is frivolous and filed solely for purpose of delay. (2) Finality of decision. The decision of the Board shall be final except in those cases reviewed by the Attorney General in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section. The Board may return a case to the Service for such further action as may be appropriate, without entering a final decision on the merits of the case. (3) Rules of practice; discipline of attorneys and representatives. The Board shall have authority, with the approval of the Attorney General, to prescribe rules governing proceedings before it. It shall also determine whether any organization desiring respresentation is of a kind described in § 1.1(j) of this chapter, and shall regulate the conduct of, any may disbar for cause, attorneys, representatives of organizations, and others who appear in a representative capacity before the Board or the Service. (e) Oral argument. Oral argument shall be heard by the Board, upon request, in any case over which the Board acquires jurisdiction by appeal or certification as provided in this part, except that oral argument shall not be heard on appeal from an order of a special inquiry officer under § 242.22 of this chapter denying a motion to reopen or reconsider or to stay deportation, unless the Board specifically directs that oral argument be granted. If an appeal has been taken, request for oral argument, if desired, shall be included in the Notice of Appeal. The Board shall have authority to fix any date or change any date upon which oral argument is to be heard. The Service may be represented in argument before the Board by an officer of the Service designated by the Commissioner. The Board shall convene for the purpose of hearing oral argument at its office in Washington, D.C., at 2:00 p.m., or such other time as it may designate on every day except Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays. (f) Service of Board decisions. The decision of the Board shall be in writing and copies thereof shall be transmitted by the Board to the Service and a copy shall be served upon the alien or party affected as provided in Part 292 of this chapter. (g) Decisions of the Board as precedents. Except as they may be modified or overruled by the Board or the Attorney General, decisions of the Board shall be binding on all officers and employees of the Service in the administration of the act, and selected decisions designated by the Board shall serve as precedents in all proceedings involving the same issue or issues. (h) Referral of cases to the Attorney General. (1) The Board shall refer to the Attorney General for review of its decision all cases which: (1) The Attorney General directs the Board to refer to him. (ii) The Chairman or a majority of the Board believes should be referred to the Attorney General for review. (iii) The Commissioner requests be referred to the Attorney General for review. (2) In any case in which the Attorney General reviews the decision of the Board, the decision of the Attorney General shall be stated in writing and shall be transmitted to the Board for transmittal and service as provided in paragraph (f) of this section. [23 F.R. 9117, Nov. 26, 1958, as amended at 27 F.R. 96, Jan. 5, 1962; 27 F.R. 10789, Nov. 6, 1962; 29 F.R. 9709, July 18, 1964; 30 F.R. 14772, Nov. 30, 1965; 36 F.R. 316, Jan. 9, 1971] § 3.2 Reopening or reconsideration. The Board may on its own motion reopen or reconsider any case in which it has rendered a decision. Reopening or reconsideration of any case in which a decision has been made by the Board, whether requested by the Commissioner or any other duly authorized officer of the Service, or by the party affected by the decision, shall be only upon written motion to the Board. Motions to reopen in deportation proceedings shall not be granted unless it appears to the Board that evidence sought to be offered is material and was not available and could not have been discovered or presented at the former hearing; nor shall any motion to reopen for the purpose of affording the alien an opportunity to apply for any form of discretionary relief be granted if it appears that the alien's right to apply for such relief was fully explained to him and an opportunity to apply therefor was afforded him at the former hearing unless the relief is sought on the basis of circumstances which have arisen subsequent to the hearing. A motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider shall not be made by or in behalf of a person who is the subject of deportation proceedings subsequent to his departure from the United States. Any departure from the United States of a person who is the subject of deportation proceedings occurring after the making of a motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider shall constitute a withdrawal of such motion. For the purpose of this section, any final decision made by the Commissioner prior to the effective date of the Act with respect to any case within the classes of cases enumerated in § 3.1(b) (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) shall be regarded as a decision of the Board. [27 F.R. 96, Jan. 5, 1962] § 3.3 Notice of appeal. (a) A party affected by a decision who is entitled under this chapter to appeal to the Board shall be given notice of his right to appeal. An appeal shall be taken by filing Notice of Appeal, Form I-290A, 84-047-73- -2 in triplicate, with the officer of the Service having administrative jurisdiction over the case, within the time specified in the governing sections of this chapter. The certification of a case as provided in this part shall not relieve the party affected from compliance with the provisions of this section in the event that he is entitled, and desires, to appeal from an initial decision, nor shall it serve to extend the time specified in the applicable parts of this chapter for the taking of an appeal. Departure from the United States of a person under deportation proceedings prior to the taking of an appeal from a decision in his case shall constitute a waiver of his right to appeal.; (b) Fees: Except as otherwise provided in this section, a notice of appeal or a motion filed under this part by any person other than an officer of the Service shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee specified by, and remitted in accordance with, the provisions of § 103.7 of this chapter. In any case in which an alien or other party affected is unable to pay the fee fixed for an appeal or a motion, he shall file with the notice of appeal or the motion his affidavit stating the nature of the motion or appeal, his belief that he is entitled to redress, and his inability to pay the required fee, and shall request permission to prosecute the appeal or motion without prepayment of such fee. When such an affidavit is filed with the officer of the Service from whose decision the appeal is taken or with respect to whose decision the motion is addressed, such officer shall, if he believes that the appeal or motion is not taken or made in good faith, certify in writing his reasons for such belief for consideration by the Board. The Board may, in its discretion, authorize the prosecution of any appeal or motion without prepayment of fee. (c) Briefs. Briefs in support of or in opposition to an appeal shall be filed in triplicate with the officer of the Service having administrative jurisdiction over the case within the time fixed for appeal or within any other additional period designated by the special inquiry officer or other Service officer who made the decision. Such officer or the Board for good cause may extend the time for filing a brief or reply brief. The Board in its discretion may authorize the filing of briefs directly with it, in which |