The New Testament and Its WritersA. & C. Black, 1914 - 207 pagini |
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Pagina 2
... doctrinal , and the concluding portion relating to vision and prophecy . This is an order somewhat analo- gous to that found in the Old Testament , many of whose characteristics alike as regards thought and expression are reflected in ...
... doctrinal , and the concluding portion relating to vision and prophecy . This is an order somewhat analo- gous to that found in the Old Testament , many of whose characteristics alike as regards thought and expression are reflected in ...
Pagina 7
... doctrines not on fancy but on fact . The name gospel , which is the Saxon equivalent for a word in the original meaning " good tidings , " was first of all applied to Christ's preaching ( Matt . iv . 23 ; Mark i . 15 ) , and to that of ...
... doctrines not on fancy but on fact . The name gospel , which is the Saxon equivalent for a word in the original meaning " good tidings , " was first of all applied to Christ's preaching ( Matt . iv . 23 ; Mark i . 15 ) , and to that of ...
Pagina 30
... rudeness " of its Greek and its comparative inattention to doctrinal interests are acknowledged signs of its primitive character . 1 Raffaelle is mainly indebted to this Gospel for the 30 THE NEW TESTAMENT AND ITS WRITERS.
... rudeness " of its Greek and its comparative inattention to doctrinal interests are acknowledged signs of its primitive character . 1 Raffaelle is mainly indebted to this Gospel for the 30 THE NEW TESTAMENT AND ITS WRITERS.
Pagina 36
... doctrine of salvation by grace through faith , which was characteristic of Paul's preaching . There is also a striking similarity between the words attributed to our Lord in the institu- tion of the Supper ( xxii . 19 , 20 ) and those ...
... doctrine of salvation by grace through faith , which was characteristic of Paul's preaching . There is also a striking similarity between the words attributed to our Lord in the institu- tion of the Supper ( xxii . 19 , 20 ) and those ...
Pagina 41
... doctrinal aspects of Christianity , and especially on the divinity of Jesus Christ . To a large extent the question is overtaken by the line of evidence already indicated in connection with the Gospels as a whole ( Chap . II . § 2 ) ...
... doctrinal aspects of Christianity , and especially on the divinity of Jesus Christ . To a large extent the question is overtaken by the line of evidence already indicated in connection with the Gospels as a whole ( Chap . II . § 2 ) ...
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Acts xviii Acts xx addressed Alexandria allusions Antioch Apostle John apostle's appears Asia Minor assigned Authorship Barnabas Bishop Book of Acts brethren Cæsarea chapter Character and Contents Christian Church Clement Clement of Alexandria Colossæ Colossians connection converts Corinth Corinthians Council of Jerusalem Date and Place disciples divine doctrine Ephesus Epistle of James EPISTLE OF PAUL Eusebius exhortations expression external evidence fact faith four Gospels Galatia Gentiles genuineness Gnostic Greek Hebrew infer Irenæus James Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish Jews language letter Lord Lord's Luke Macedonia Mark Matt mentioned ministry Old Testament passages Pastoral Epistles PAUL THE APOSTLE Pauline persecution Peter Philemon Philippi Philippians Phrygia Place of Composition Polycarp preaching readers referred regard Roman Rome salutations Saviour Scripture second century Spirit style teaching Thessalonica Timothy tion Titus Tychicus unto verses viii words writer written wrote دو