Imagini ale paginilor

Ideas, of immortality, 69.

of jealousy, 291, 369, 388,

of negation, 69, 267, 329, 502.
of persecution, 71, 264, 266,
267, 271, 287, 300, 329, 366,
369, 385, 404, 405, 466, 482,
498, 502.

of possession, 93, 267.

of ruin, 68, 266, 329, 404, 502.

of self-accusation, 308, 502.
subconscious, 64.

Idiocy, ix, 228, 490.

Illegitimacy, 11.

Illness of relatives, 11.

Illusions, 23, 266, 271, 300, 308,

329, 377, 385, 391, 405, 460,

466, 480.

Imbecility, 228, 490.

Immigrants, insane, 18.

deportation of, 209.

Immigration, 18, 209.

Immorality, sexual, 216.

Imperative ideas, 63, 308, 319,
331, 347.

Impulse, conscious, 88.

of passion, 87.

simple, 87.

Inanition, 469.

Incoherence, 61, 249, 278, 465.
Incompetence, legal, 211.
Increase of insanity, 185.
Indifference, 74, 229, 249, 255,
276, 318, 369, 391, 397, 466,
475, 479, 485.

Infectious deliria, 458, 461.
Influenza, 469.

Insane, foreign-born, 18, 209.

native, 18.

reasoning, 290.

Insane immigrants, 18.

deportation of, 209.

Insanity, x, xi.
alternating, 313.
and crime, 216.
circular, 314.

is it on the increase? 185.
manic-depressive, 14, 293.
moral, ix, 356.

of double form, 313.
periodic or recurrent, 312.
Insight, 105.

Intelligence tests, 131, 151.
Intoxications, 363, 368, 471, 477,


Intracranial medication, 433.
Intraspinal medication, 433.
Inversion, sexual, 346.

Involutional melancholia, 14,


causes, 324.

prodromal period, 324.

prognosis, 332.

symptoms, 324.

treatment, 333.

Irish, insanity in, 12, 13.

Irritability, 76, 229, 234, 271,

293, 296, 319, 361, 369, 397,
459, 500.

Isolation, 164, 339.

Italians, insanity in, 13.

Jealousy delusion, in chronic al-
coholism, 369, 388.

in paranoia, 291.
Jews, insanity in, 12, 13.
Joy, see Euphoria.

Judgment, 26, 65, 294, 306, 339,
357, 361, 369, 398, 499.

Kent-Rosanoff test, 155.

Kidney lesions, 373, 383, 448.

Kleptomania, 349.

Korsakoff's disease, 388.

Lactation, 11.

Lacunar softenings, see Slit-like

Lange's colloidal gold test, 128,


Law of amnesia, 53.

Legal incompetence, 211.
Lisping speech, 229.
Litigious paranoiacs, 290.
Local option, 206.
Logorrhea, in mania, 298.
in melancholia, 311.
Love affairs, 11.

Lumbar puncture, 110, 419.
Lunacy, xi, 160.

Lying, hysterical, 336.

Lymphocytosis, 419.

Lypemania, see Melancholia.

Macrocephaly, 341.

Make-up, constitutional, 97, 279,
284, 315.

Mania, 293.

chronic, 321.

confused, 303.

delusional, 298,

recurrent, 312.
simple, 294.

Manic-depressive insanity, 7, 10,

13, 14, 223, 242, 293, 338,
419, 504.

course, 304, 309.

diagnosis, 223, 242, 316, 338,
419, 504.

etiology, 314.
homogeneity of, 316.

prognosis, 304, 309, 314.
treatment, 305, 310, 321.
types of, 293.
Marital condition, 16.
Marriage restriction, 199
Masochism, 345.

Masturbation, 343.

Measuring scale of intelligence,

Mechanical restraint, 162.
Medication, in excitement, 164.
intracranial, 433.
intraspinal, 433.

Medico-legal questions, 210.
Melancholia, agitated, 324, 328.
anxious, 324, 328.
delusional, 329.

stuporous, 324, 329.

Melancholia, involutional, 14,


causes, 324.

prodromal period, 324.

prognosis, 332.

symptoms, 324.

treatment, 333.

Melancholic wasting, 332.

Memory, 51, 228, 248, 335, 389,


disorders of, 51.

exaltation of, 57.

illusions and hallucinations of,

55, 389, 499.

Mendelian theory of heredity, 3.
Menstruation, 327.

Mental ability, point scale for
measuring, 151.

Mental alienation, x.

Mental automatism, see Auto-
matism, mental.

Mental confusion, 60, 325, 462.
delirious form, 465.

hyperacute form, 467.

simple form, 464.
stuporous form, 466.
Mental diseases, ix.

Mental examination, 101.
Mental hygiene, 193.
Metaphysical ideas, 69.

[blocks in formation]

Onomatomania, 349.
Opium, in excitement, 164.
in epilepsy, 245.

in involutional melancholia,

Organic cerebral affections, 491.
Orientation, allopsychic, 47, 377.
autopsychic, 47, 377.

of person, 47.

of place, 47.

of time, 47.

Panophobia, 347, 352.

Paraldehyde, 166.

Paranoia, 287.

originaire, 273, 288.
querulens, 290.

Paranoid dementia, 265.
"Parasyphilitic" disorders, 426.
Parole of patients, 179.
Paroxysmal mental puerilism,
Pathological drunkenness, 363.
Pathological suggestibility, 86,

229, 250, 258, 277, 336, 501.
Pellagra in relation to central
neuritis, 495.

Perception, disorders of, 21.
imaginary, 24.

inaccurate, 23.

insufficiency of, 22, 318, 462.

Perivascular gliosis, 447.

Personal history, 97.

Personality, disorders of, 90.

reduplication of, 90.

transformation of, 90.

Phobias, 351.

Phonemes, 36, 276.

Physical examination, 100.

Plasma cells, 423.

Point scale for measuring men-

tal ability, 151.

[blocks in formation]

Raptus melancholicus, 329.
Reactions, 29, 80, 82, 85, 249,
256, 266, 288, 293, 297, 306,
319, 330, 336, 361, 398, 475,
481, 500.

automatic, 85, 238, 336.

voluntary, 85, 336.
Reading test, 105.

Recessive characters, 3, 360.
Recurrency of insanity, 180, 184,
275, 293, 339, 387, 479.
Refusal of food, 41, 169, 258, 331,
386, 415, 470, 496.

Religious scruples, 351.
Remissions in dementia præcox,

in general paresis, 418.
Respiratory changes in anger,

in depression, 78.

in euphoria or joy, 84.

Pseudo-reminiscences, 56, 229, Responsibility, x.

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in idiocy and imbecility, 229.
Spinal cord lesions in general
paresis, 423.
Stammering, 229.

States of obscuration, 49, 337.
Statistical data form, 108.
Stealing of thoughts, 38.
Stereotypy, 88, 256, 258, 278.
Sterilization, 199.

Stupor, in involutional melan-
cholia, 324, 329.

in catatonia, 257, 277.

in manic-depressive insanity,
309, 311.

in primary mental confusion,

post-epileptic, 237.
Stuttering, 229.

Subconscious idea, 64, 335.

Suggestibility, see Pathological

Suggestion, 35, 173, 286, 310,
339, 355, 374, 380, 390.
Suicide, 70, 80, 96, 167, 238, 264,
310, 328, 332, 333, 349, 366,
386, 415, 468, 496, 502.
Sulphonal, 165.

Symptoms of abstinence in mor-
phinomania, 476.

Syndrome of Cotard, 69, 267,

Syphilis, 8, 15, 98, 109, 115, 128,
195, 206, 224, 227, 425, 432,

[blocks in formation]

Tattooing, 342.

Testamentary capacity, 211.
Tetronal, 165.

Thyrogenic psychoses, 485.
Thyroid gland, 486.
Thyroid medication, 487.
Traumatic disorders, 453.
delirium, 455.

dementia, 457.
epilepsy, 457.

neurasthenia, 455.

Traumatism, 9, 10, 208, 430, 453.
Treatment, of insanity, 159.
of excitement, 161.

of refusal of food, 169.

of suicidal tendency, 169.
Tremors, 82, 100, 371, 379, 399,
451, 476, 501.

Treponema pallidum, 427, 428.
Trional, 165.

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