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Telephone 1297-B.

In all anaemic, consumptive and dyspeptic pa-
tients, where there is a lack of ability to produce
good and sufficient blood, why not introduce it?


is live blood-blood of fullness, energy and integrity, arterial blood of the healthy bullock. It is the physician's greatest auxiliary. Prepared by cold process. Antiseptic and sterilized. Try it per rectum when the stomach is unavailable. Try it per sub-cutaneous injection when collapse calls for instantaneous blood supply. Send for our scientific treatise on topical and internal administration, and reports of hundreds of clinical cases. THE BOVININE CO.,

75 West Houston St., New York. LEEMING MILES & CO., MONTREAL. Sole Agents for the Dominion of Canada.





1623 Curtis,


Telephone 1297-B.


The train for the East is


LEAVES Denver daily at 8.00 p.m.
via Chicago-Union Pacific &
North-Western Line, arriving in Chi-
cago 8.15 p.m. next day. No change
of cars; all meals" a la carte" in din-
ing cars. You can also leave daily
at 11.00p.m. and arrive in Chicago
7.45 the second morning. For tickets
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agents connecting lines or address
H. Wheeler, General Agent, 801
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Gas and

Steam Fitter,

Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive 1543 Champa St.

Scientific American. Denver, Colorado.

A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest circulation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a

year: four months, 31. Bold by all newsdealers. 'Phone 1389-B. MUNN & CO.361Broadway, New York

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is the sneak thief

of all diseases."

It steals on insidiously, frequently carrying in its wake the beginnings of disease of more serious import.

"Oppose beginnings," is an old and true proverb.


"Pepto-Mangan (“Gude")

by furnishing the blood with an immediately absorbable combination of Organic Iron and Manganese, increases the oxygen and hæmoglobin carrying power of the red corpuscles and thus nourishes all the tissues of the body. It should be employed in cases of ANÆMIA, CHLOR-ANÆMIA, CHLOROSIS, RACHITIS, NEURASTHENIA, or in BLOOD IMPOVERISHMENT from any cause.

To assure proper filling of prescriptions, order Pepto-Mangan "Gude" in original bottles (3 xi).

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The Test of Time and Experience.

30 Years of Confidence

on the part of the profession, has established beyond all question that

Syr. Hypophos. Co., Fellows

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Remedy-Par Excellence

in Anaemia, Neurasthenia, Bronchitis, Influenza, and during Convalescence after exhausting diseases.

Contains-Hypophosphites of Iron, Quinine, Strychnine, Lime, Manganese, Potash. Each fluid drachm contains the equivalent of 1-64th grain of pure strychnine.

Special Note.-Fellows' Hypophosphites is advertised only to the Medical Profession; is Never Sold in Bulk, and Physicians are cautioned against worthless substitutes. Medical Letters may be addressed to

Literature of value upon application.


That Are




MR. FELLOWS, 48 Vesey Street, New York.


DePuy's Adjustible Fiber Splints.

No more Malpractice Suits. No more Plaster Paris. No more Whittling.

No more "kicking" about not being able to afford a set of Splints.

The laity prefers a physician who uses a properly moulded splint. The lightest and strongest splint made. Can be made to fit longitudinally and laterally by heating over a stove, or any other means at hand, hot water, etc. They offer no resistence to X-Ray examinations. Sold in Sets, covering Infant, Children and Adult sizes, a two-thirds less than any other first-class splint made. Will last you a life time. Send for pamphlet of information, and be convinced of the superiority of the goods.

Please mention THE CRITIQUE THE CEO. L. WARREN CO., Niles, Mich.

when writing.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

The Critique's Grand Clubbing Offers for 1900-1901

$9.50-IN MAGAZINES-$4.75.

The Critique

Review of Reviews

$1 00

2 50

Review of Reviews must go to New Subscriber. All others may be new or renewal.
McClure's Magazine.

1 00

3 00

1 00

1 00

Current Literature..


Home Magazine or Pearson's will be sent in place of Cosmopolitan if desired.
All the above Magazines sent to one or separate

[blocks in formation]

addresses for twelve months for only $9.50-The Critique, Review of Reviews, McClure's Current Literature, Success, Cosmopolitan [Review of Reviews must be NEW subscription.] $7.00-The Critique, Success, Current Literature, Cosmopolitan, McClure's.... 4 00 $7.00-The Critique, Current Literature, Success, McClure's, Pearson's.. $7.00-The Critique, Cosmopolitan, Success, Current Literature, Pearson's. $6.00-The Critique, Success, Current Literature, McClure's.. $6.00-The Critique, Current Literature, Success, Cosmopolitan

4.00 3 75

3 50

3 25

$6.00-The Critique, Pearsons, Current Literature, Success
$4.00-The Critique, McClure's, Success, Cosmopolitan
$4.00-The Critique, Pearson's, Success, McClure's
The Critique, Arena, Current Literature, Home Magazine

[blocks in formation]

The Critique, Collier,s Weekly. Current Literature, Home Magazine
The Critique, Designer, Current Literature, Home Magazine
The Critique, Forum, Current Literature, Home Magazine..
The Critique, Lippincott's, Current Literature, Home Magazine
The Critique, Quiver, Current Literature, Home Magazine
The Critique, Scribner's, Current Literature, Home Magazine

6 75

3 75

5 25

4 50


5 50

Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly.

Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly will be sent with each of the following combinations named below:

The Critique, Success, Review of Reviews, McClure's, Cosmopolitan
The Critique, Success, Review of Reviews, McClure's, Pearson's

[blocks in formation]

The Forum will be sent with each of the following combinations at prices named below:

The Critique, Success, Review of Reviews, McClure's, Cosmopolitan
The Critique, Success, Review of Reviews, McClure's, Pearson's

6 25


6 25

Leslie's Weekly.

Leslie's Weekly will be sent with each of the following combinations at prices named below:

The Critique, Success, Review of Reviews, McClure's, Cosmopolitan.
The Critique, Success, Review of Reviews, McClure's, Pearson's

Harper's Monthly, Weekly or Bazar.

Harper's Monthly, Weekly or Bazar will be sent with the following combinations at prices named below:

The Critique, Success, Review of Reviews, Mc'Clure's, Cosmopolitan.
The Critique, Success, Review of Reviews. McClure's, Pearson's

Ladies' Home Journal, The Critique..

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Saturday Evening Post, The Critique

The Youth's Companion (new subscription), The Critique

(This includes Youth's Companion free for balance of 1900 and the Calendar.)

1 45 195

In any of the above offers Review of Reviews, new subscription, will be sent in place of Current Literature, and Home Magazine in place of McClure's or Pearson's.

We wish to call your attentton to some of the most liberal offers ever before the reading public. You are not obliged to have them all sent to one address. We will order them each to a separate address if you desire. If two or three would go in together on some of these offers, they could start a magazine club with very little money. Address orders to

J. WYLIE ANDERSON, Steele Block, Denver, Colo.

All old subscribers to THE CRITIQUE can avail themselves of these offers.

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