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Conducted by W. A. Burr, M. D.

The Bubonic Plague.

Kitasato places the mortality of the Bubonic Plague as high as 80 to 90 per cent. In the February number of the "Pacific Coast Journal of Homeopathy," the editor sounds the following notes of warning to this country:

"The occurrence, even of what so far appears a mild form, of the Bubonic Plague in Hawaii, suggests the possibility of the invasion of this country by the disease. The present unusual activity of trade between ourselves and the Asiatic countries, affords various channels of communication, and any of the steamers touching the Hawaiian Islands may bring to our shores this most unwelcome visitor. The ports of San Francisco and of San Diego are especially exposed to danger from this source. Reports from Honolulu state that up to January 9, twenty-two deaths had occurred from the plague, the disease proving fatal in nearly every case. Most energetic measures are taken to limit its further spread."

Is Medicine Progressive.

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Dr. D. H. Killar, of Thurber, Texas, in writing on "The Germ Theory: What Profits It?" for a recent number of "The Medical Brief," said:

"Has medicine, as a science, retrograded, or has it improved? Do we cure a greater proportion of people sick with any disease than we cured of that disease forty years ago? The records show that we do not. They show that the mortality of any disease is just as great as it was the year prior to the birth of the germ theory. They show that a man dying of consumption, while ignorant of the germ theory, did not die one whit the quicker than

he would have died had he known all the microbes in the bacteriological dictionary. They show that were he dying of the disease to-day, a knowledge of the germ theory would avail him naught. Ne'er a rose would be blown upon his ashen cheek, and not a bit deeper would his respirations be, but, with all the talk of modern medicine, antitoxin, tuberculin, and the rest, he would die just as surely, and just as quickly. And so he would if he had the smallpox, or measles, or diphtheria, or pneumonia, or any other disease under the sun, and no germ theorist has dared to deny it."

(Dr. Kellar must be an old school physician, for no homeopathist would acknowledge that no progress has been made in medicine in the last forty years. A knowledge of bacteriology may not enable physicians to lessen the death rate, but a thorough knowledge of similia does enable physicians to lessen the death rate, as the records show.)

Does Not Favor Quarantine.


We do not favor the exclusion of consumptives from the state by quarantine regulations, but they should be placed under certain restrictions.

Sanitariums for persons suffering from tuberculosis shoul be provided, and these sufferers encouraged to enter them.-Dr. M. H. Chamberlin, Monrovia, Cala.

Dangers from Gonorrhea and Syphilis.

How very few, except those who have felt their ravages, outside of the profession know anything about the terrible effects of gonorrhea and syphilis. The younger generations, it seems to me, should be taught regarding the sources of infection. We cannot, at present, think of any better way to inform the general public, than to teach the youth of sufficient age in all our public

schools the dangers of these diseases, and how they are acquired. The fact should be taught that every person who cohabits unlawfully is liable to become infected, because if either party is infected it is always concealed as long as possible.-Dr. M. H. Chamberlin, Monrovia, Cala.

Passiflora in Sciatica.

Dr. D. N. Ray, of Calcutta, India, reports two cases of Sciatica where the acute form was relieved with Passiflora. He says in conclusion:

"I have no hesitation in saying that physicians will find in Passiflora a capital remedy to relieve the severe, acute pains of sciatica. The dose had been from one drop of the tincture to one quarter of a drachm, according to the acuteness of the pain."

Cures With High Potencies.

Dr. A. W. K. Chondbury, of Calcutta, India, reports, in the February number of the "Homeopathic Recorder," the following high potency cures:

A case of coryza of a month's standing, with two doses of arsenicum 30th. The symptoms were, "Coryza with watery discharge, with stuffed up nose and sneezing. Nasal discharge excoriating upper lip and nasal orifice."

A case of chest pain in a Mohammedan, 60 years old. He had been exposed to rain, following which were pain, coryza and cough. Bryonia 6th cured.

A child, two years old, had "swelling under lower lids of both eyes; especially that of the left eye." One dose of apis 30th cured.

A woman about forty, residing beside a pond and having intermittent fever, quotidion type, chills seven to eight A. M., with prodromal thirst and fever during headache, was cured with natrum muriaticum 30th, one dose. She had been taking quinine without avail.

No Thought of Quarantine.

The State Board of Health, of Colorado, has sent out "advice" to consumptives and others in regard to tuberculosis. The following extract shows that the Health Board entertains no idea of quarantining tuberculosis cases:

"The State Board of Health wishes it to be understood that its efforts are not a crusade against the consumptive. In promulgating the following rules, its aim is to help him, as well as others.

"The consumptive often lessens his own chances of recovery by failure to observe simple precautions, and this failure also endangers the health and life of others. Therefore, the interests of sick and well are identical, and there should be no difficulty in

securing the active co-operation of all concerned.

"Consumptives may be associated with us freely as though they were well, if they take due care; it is not the consumptive but the careless consumptive, who is the source of danger.

"Neither does the board wish to be misunderstood as to Colorado's climate. That this climate has saved the life of many who have come early cannot be doubted. There is no need to talk of quarantining against consumption. Such a course is both unnecessary and impracticable. Doubtless many persons with advanced tuberculosis should not be sent here, but for those who can be benefited by coming, Colorado should have nothing but a warm welcome."

Belladonna in Acute Enteric Affections.

Belladonna is of great value in acute enteric affections. Even in specific infectious diseases of the alimentary tract, and in many cases where cerebral symptoms are not marked, this is a most valuable remedy.

In acute inflammations of the throat-as in tonsillitis and pharyngitis, where the mucous membrane is a bright red and dry with a sensation of constriction, making swallowing difficult

this remedy affords complete relief, as attested by homeopathic physicians everywhere. In many of these cases the relief is almost immediate.

When there is a cutting pain in the stomach which is worse from motion and pressure, with vomiting, gagging, hiccoughing and great thirst made worse by drinking, Belladonna is most valuable and will cure in acute catarrh and gastritis, especially when there is high fever, even without cerebral symptoms.

In inflammations of the duodenum and other portions of the small intestines this will often be the best remedy, and in appendicitis the symptoms often call for it, and if properly administered it will allay the inflammation so far as to promote resolution and make surgical interference unnecessary.

Not only in affections of the small intestines, but also in the large, as in colitis where there is dysentery with greenish, slimy and bloody discharges and tenesmus, though neither high fever nor delirium be present, Belladonna will be the remedy.

We are apt to overlook this valuable polychrest in acute complaints of the alimentary tract, unless either high fever or delirium be present, whereas it is frequently the best remedy where both of these marked symptoms are wanting.

CASE-A tall light-complexioned man, thirty years old, was subject to acute pains and great tenderness in the illiac and hypogastric regions. Colocynth, arsenicum, bryonia and other remedies had been used from time to time, as the symptoms seemed to indicate, with but little temporary and no permanent benefit. Belladonna 3x gave prompt relief, prevented further attacks, and wrought a final cure.


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