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Sample (12 oz.) Bottle Ecthol Sent Free on Receipt of 25 Cts. to Prepay Express.

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1.50 AND $3.00 PER DAY AND UP.

action on the inflamed tissues, soothing and restoring the tonicity of the parts. Its tonic action on the prostate is of such a nature that it proves of equal advantage in cases of either hyperplasia or of atroply, and there is no remedy so uniformly successful in the treatment of atonic impotency or pre-senility. I am fully of the opinion that Sanmetto represents all that could be hoped for or desired as an internal remedy for genito-urinary conditions. H. R. Webber, M. D., Univ. Md. School of Medicine, 1886, member of Am. Med. Assoc., etc., Chicago, Ill.

SOME Surgeons before coming to a decision [as to the advisability ot operating in appendicitis] consult Bradstreet.-Biggar.

Notwithstanding the large number of Hypophosphites on the market, it is quite difficult to obtain a uniform and reliable Syrup. "Robinson's" is a highly elegant preparation, and possesses an advantage over some others, in that it holds the various salts, including Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, etc., in perfect solution, and is not liable to the formation of fungous growths.

BEST FOOD for Bottle-FED INFANTS.-"I consider Fairchild's Peptogenic Milk Powder the best preparation on the market for bottle-fed infants, especially those with cholera infantum or children gradually dying from inanition. These children will assimilate the 'Peptogenic' milk better than they will any other food."

It is said that an eccentric undertaker in California advertises that "children will receive as careful attention as grown people," and as a catch phrase he uses, "You'll be glad you're dead if I bury you," which seems a questionable compliment. This, however, is not much worse than the New York doctor who advertises, "Come to me before life is extinct." Another instance of modern advertising is the following placard which is hung outside of the entrance to a Methodist church in northern Iowa every Sunday night during the regular services: "Souls saved while you wait-step in."-Ad Sense.

Dr. Geo. E. Matthews, Ringwood, N. C., says, I prescribed Gude's "Pepto-Mangan" in a case of Anæmia with suppressed menstruation with the happiest results. The patient commenced improving at once and is in much better health than for years. I am convinced that it is one of the finest preparations I have used in cases in which it is indicated.

Do you want the best the country affords? Remember that Givens' Sanitarium, Stamford Hall, Conn., is the place one can obtain the best treatment for all forms of mental and nervous diseases. Also treatment for drug habits.

Little Clarence-Papa, what is the difference between firmness and obstinacy?

Papa-Merely a matter of a sex, my son.-Four. Med. and Science.

The most powerful healing agent known is Glycozone. Successfully used in the treatment of infectious and contagious diseases of the alimentary canal.

Recently a Detroit medical man told his tale at a professional banquet. His hearers divided themselves on the question of the taste he displayed in giving the story voice.

"Not long since," said the doctor, "a member of the medical trade died, and in due time approached the gates of the Beautiful Land. He was, of course, accosted by St. Peter.

"What is your name?" asked the aged doorkeeper.

"Sam Jones," was the reply.

"What was your business while on earth ?"

"I was a doctor."

"Oh, a physician, eh ?',

"Made out your own bills, I suppose?"

"Yes, sir."

"Collect 'em yourself?"

"Why-why-yes, sir," stammered the wondering shade of the


"And then St. Peter threw wide the portals and said: "Go right in, my friend, if you've done that, you've had hell enough."

BROMIDIA IN THE TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY.-The "New Albany Medical Journal" for November, 1898, contains an article on "Epilepsy Treated by the Use of Bromidia," by T. Edward Converse, M. D., of Louisville, Ky., which, after discussing the use of medicines chiefly relied upon in the treatment of that disease, and giving the needful hygienic measures in considerable detail, concludes by referring to "the question often raised: 'How long will the patient have to keep up the treatment?"" If the bromides are given, they should be continued for at least two years after the last convulsion, or if combined with the chloral hydrate in the form of bromidia, a year and a half is sufficient in most cases. If the patient is having several attacks during the day, a teaspoonful of bromidia after the attack, and repeated in an hour, will abort the next attack; but, as a rule, one teaspoonful will be sufficient. -Sanitarium, April, 1899.

Are you much rushed, Foozer?

Rushed? If I were to die to-night, my employer would expect me to come down to-morrow and work until the hour set for the funeral-Hahn Institute.


DENVER, COLO., APRIL 15, 1900.

No. 4


Conducted by W. A. Burr, M. D.

Bright's Disease.

A carpenter, aged 35, had been doing some very hard work carrying heavy timbers. He was finally stricken down with Bright's disease, his first physician being old school. In a few weeks he came to Denver and received treatment from Homeopathic physicians. The urine was loaded with albumen and urea. He had general dropsy and was tapped ten times, six to twelve quarts of fluid, of the usual quality in such cases, being removed at each operation. He also had no less than four different periods of convulsions at intervals of about six weeks. Some of these were very severe, and in one case he was unconscious for days. The usual homeopathic treatment was used. Remedies were carefully selected in accord with similia, and given as indicated, but the disease was not arrested. It seemed as if he would surely succumb to the terrible convulsions. No less than four different physicians had part in his treatment, and every one pronounced him as absolutely beyond the hope of recovery, and thoroughly believed his remaining days on earth were very few.

The disease had now been in progress eight months, and the third stage was setting in. The patient, hearing of a case of extirpation of the kidney followed by recovery, besought his attendants to remove one of his. His case was so utterly hopeless that if such an operation would give him a chance in a thousand he was willing to run the risk for that chance, Dr. S. S. Smythe

being in consultation with me, we finally consented to the hazardous operation, hoping it might in some way do him some good.

The question at once arose as to which kidney to remove, but the symptoms during the general course of the disease seemed to point to the left kidney; this was the one first diseased and was selected as the one for the operation. He entered the Homeopathic Hospital, Denver, all preparations were carefully made, and the surgeons cut down through inches of dropsical tissue onto the kidney, which was found to be in the interstitial stage, it being of a dark red color and no larger than a small hen's egg. It being in this comparatively harmless condition it was allowed to remain, and the incision was carefully closed and healed by first intention, notwithstanding the abdomen became very much distended from the accumulated ascitic fluid and considerable tympanitis before the reparative process had become complete.

In three weeks from time of entry he was taken to his home, and in a short time had to be tapped again. Aside from the other remedies, he had taken iodine in the form of hydriodic acid.

It is now nearly five months since he left the hospital, during which he has had to be tapped only three times; and he has had only two periods of convulsions, and they were light. Most of the time for fifteen weeks he has been taking Gude's PeptoMangan. At intervals he would get out of his remedy and would perceptibly improve more rapidly as soon as he began to take it again. The blood had evidently become very poor in hemoglobin and blood discs, the very conditions the Pepto-Mangan has so frequently improved.

Terebinth 2x or 3x was of great value in the second stage. It would improve the quantity and quality of the urine every time when scanty and bloody. A distressing eczema disappeared under rumex Ix followed by sulphur 6x.

His temperature is now normal, the ascites is not increasing, his appetite and digestion are good, the quantity of his urine is a little above the normal, and not bloody. He is sitting up most of the time, and on the whole apparently improving, and is the

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