H. J. Res. 662. A joint resolution for the relief of certain relatives of United States citizens; H. J. Res. 680. A joint resolution to waive certain provisions of section 212 (a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act in behalf of certain aliens; H. J. Res. 681. A joint resolution to waive the provision of section 212 (a) (6) of the Immigration and Nationality Act in behalf of certain aliens; and H. J. Res. 683. A joint resolution for the relief of certain aliens. Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bills and joint resolutions be read a third time. The said bills and joint resolutions as amended, were severally read the third time. Resolved, That they pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. The Senate proceeded to consider the following bills; and no amendment was made: S. 4044. A bill to exempt from taxation certain property of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc., in the District of Columbia; S. 3414. A bill to provide for the advancement of Capt. Edward J. Steichen, United States Naval Reserve (retired), to the grade of read admiral on the Naval Reserve retired list; S. 2915. A bill for the relief of Peter Panos; S. 1783. A bill for the relief of Mary Palanuk; S. 3438. A bill for the relief of Joanne Lea (Buffington) Lybarger; and S. 2599. A bill for the relief of John J. Griffin. Ordered, That they be engrossed and read a third time. The said bills were severally read the third time. Resolved, That they pass, and the respective titles thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. The Senate proceeded to consider the joint resolution (H. J. Res. 667) to provide for the maintenance of public order and the protection of life and property in connection with the Presidential inaugural ceremonies: and the reported amendment having been agreed to and the joint resolution further amended on the motion of Mr. BIBLE, Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the joint resolution read a third time. Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: "An act to provide for a study by the Federal Communications Commission, the United States Coast Guard, and the Federal Maritime Administration with respect to the need for automatic radiotelegraph call selectors and other such safety devices on certain cargo ships of the United States." Ordered, That the Secretary_request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. The Senate proceeded to consider the following bills and joint resolutions; and no amendment was made: H. R. 5488. An act to authorize the sale of certain land in Alaska to Gilbert Henkens, Jr., star route, Mile 171⁄2, Anchorage, Alaska; H. R. 6024. An act to withdraw and restore to its previous status under the control of the Territory of Hawaii certain land at Kaakaukukui, Honolulu, Oahu, T. H.; H. R. 7552. An act to amend sections 220 and 221 (d) of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920; H. R. 7887. An act to authorize the Commissioner of Public Lands to sell public lands under certain circumstances without public auction; H. R. 7888. An act to authorize the Commissioner of Public Lands to sell public land located at Weliweli, island of Kauai, to certain claimants; H. R. 7891. An act to authorize and direct the exchanges and sales of public lands within or adjacent to the district of Puna, county of Hawaii, T. H., for the relief of persons whose lands were destroyed by volcanic activity; H. R. 7893. An act to amend section 73 (1) of the Hawaiian Organic Act; H. R. 9265. An act to amend the Hawaiian Organic Act, as amended, relating to the audit of government (Territorial and county) accounts; H. R. 6794. An act to authorize certain members and former members of the Armed Forces of the United States to accept and wear decorations and supporting documents conferred upon them by the Government of the Philippines; H. R. 7290. An act to authorize female Reserve officers of the Army or Air Force appointed as nurses or women medical specialists to be members of the Army National Guard of the United States or to provide water for the city of Bartlesville, Okla: H. R. 8265. An act relating to the use of storage space in the Buford Reservoir for the purpose of providing Gwinnett County, Ga., a regulated water supply: H. R. 11861. An act to amend the act entitled "An act authorizing Federal participation in the cost of protecting the shores of publicly owned property," approved August 13, 1946; H. R. 11254. An act to amend section 104, title 4. United States Code: H. R. 11696. An act to authorize the conveyance of homestead allotments to Indians, Aleuts, or Eskimos in Alaska: H. R. 8110. An act to incorporate the National Music Council; H. R. 1971. An act for the relief of Leleia Park; H. R. 2121. An act to provide for the relief of certain members of the Armed Forces who were required to pay certain transportation charges covering shipment of their household goods and personal effects upon return from overseas, and for other purposes; H. R. 2325. An act for the relief of Joseph Santo; H. R. 2712. An act for the relief of Emanuel Mathes; H. R. 3561. An act to further amend the act of January 2, 1942, entitled "An act to provide for the prompt settlement of claims for damages occasioned by the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps forces in foreign countries."; H. R. 3882. An act to require the registration of certain persons who have knowledge of or have received instruction or assignment in the espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage service or tactics of a foreign government or foreign political party, and for other purposes; H. R. 5417. An act to amend section 1721, title 18, United States Code, relating to the sale or pledge of postage stamps: H.R. 6081. An act for the relief of Patricia May Stevens; H. R. 6247. An act to amend subdivision a of section 66, unclaimed moneys of the Bankruptcy Act as amended and to repeal subdivision b of section 66 of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended: H.R. 6403. An act to amend title 18, entitled "Crimes and Criminal Procedure," of the United States Code, to provide a criminal sanction for the embezzlement or theft of the property of Indian tribal organizations; H. R. 7121. An act to validate payments of mileage made to United States Army and Air Force personnel pursuant to permanent change of station orders authorizing travel by commercial aircraft, and for other purposes: H. R. 8617. An act to validate certain payments made to members and former members of the naval service; H. R. 8971. An act for the relief of H. R. 8068. An act for the relief of Hamazasp Psakian, Mrs. Varsenick PsaElma Agnes Gibson Hollingsworth; H. R. 9947. An act for the relief of the estate of William Edward Wine; H. R. 10983. An act for the relief of P. R. Cox; H. R. 8940. An act relating to the use of storage space in the Hulah Reservoir kian, and Nune Nona Psakian; H. R. 9029. An act for the relief of John L. Hughes; H. R. 9314. An act granting the consent of Congress to the States of Illinois and Wisconsin to enter into a compact relating to interstate public school dis tricts where an educational community extends into both such States; H. R. 9956. An act to amend subdivision e of section 58, Notices of the Bankruptcy Act, as amended; H. R. 10111. An act to amend sections 657 and 1006 of title 18 of the United States Code in order to include certain savings and loan associations within its provisions; H. R. 11636. An act to amend chapter 3 of title 18, United States Code, relating to animals, birds, and fish; H. R. 11653. An act to increase the fees of witnesses in the United States courts and before United States commissioners, and for other purposes; H. R. 11706. An act for the relief of Kim Chung Hi; H. R. 10679. An act granting the consent of Congress to the establishment by the States of Mississippi and Arkansas of a bi-State Commission to investigate the possibilities of constructing a railroad bridge across the Mississippi River; H. R. 1739. An act for the relief of William J. Bohner; H. R. 9547. An act to amend sections 401 and 701 (e) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act so as to simplify the procedures governing the prescribing of regulations under certain provisions of such act, and for other purposes; H. R. 4127. An act to exempt courses leading to standard college degrees offered by nonprofit educational institutions of higher learning from the provisions of section 227 of the Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952 prohibiting the enrollment of eligible veterans under that act when such courses have been in operation for less than 2 years; H. R. 8008. An act for the relief of Mrs. Warren D. Cooper and her son Teddy Devere Cooper; H. R. 4899. An act for the relief of Helmut Klestadt; H. R. 1952. An act for the relief of Clarence Christensen; H. J. Res. 317. Joint resolution designating the week of November 16 to 22, 1956, as National Farm-City Week; H. J. Res. 396. Joint resolution to establish a national motto of the United States; H. J. Res. 511. Joint resolution granting the consent of Congress to the States of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to confer certain additional powers upon the Interstate Sanitation Commission, established by said States pursuant to Public Resolution 62, 74th Congress, August 27, 1935; and H. J. Res. 661. Joint resolution to waive certain provisions of section 212 (a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act in behalf of certain aliens. Ordered, That they pass to a third reading. The said bills and joint resolutions were severally read the third time. Resolved, That they pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 11090) concerning gifts of securities to minors in the District of Columbia; and the reported amend ments having been agreed to and the bill further amended on the motion of Mr. BIBLE, Ordered, That the amendments be engrosed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. The Senate proceded to consider the following bills; and the reported amendments were agreed to: S. 3416. A bill relative to employment for certain adult Indians on or near Indian reservations; S. 4075. A bill to provide for the appointment of certain officers in the grade of rear admiral in the Retired Reserve to the grade of vice admiral in the Retired Reserve; S. 3809. A bill to provide for the establishment of a new fish hatchery at Cedar Bluff Reservoir, Kans.; S. 3783. A bill to direct the Secretary of the Navy or his designee to convey a 2,47743/100-acre tract of land, avigation and sewer easements, in Tarrant and Wise Counties, Tex., situated about 20 miles northwest of the city of Fort Worth, Tex., to the State of Texas; S. 3445. A bill to provide for the construction, equipment, and furnishing of a building for the United States Court of Claims, and for other purposes; S. 2786. A bill for the relief of Yi Nyong Suk; S. 3476. A bill for the relief of Ljerka Zagar; S. 3908. A bill for the relief of Peter Jocher Webb; S. 4211. A bill to encourage and assist the States in the establishment of State committees on education beyond the high school, and for other purposes; S. 2647. A bill for the relief of Martha A. McDermott Stothard; S. 3230. A bill for the relief of John R. Hill; and S. 1355. A bill for the relief of William Luke Phalen. Ordered, That the bills be engrossed and read a third time. The said bills were severally read the third time. Resolved, That they pass and that the respective titles thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 11613) to authorize the loan of naval vessels to the Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain, and friendly Far Eastern nations, and for other purposes; and the reported amendment to the text having been amended on the motion of Mr. ERVIN (for Mr. RUSSELL), and as amended, agreed to, Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee to read: "An Act to extend the time limit within which naval vessels may be loaned to friendly far eastern nations." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 11677) to provide for the advancement of Maj. Gen. Hanford MacNider, United States Army Reserve (retired), to the grade of lieutenant general on the retired list; and the reported amendment to the text having been agreed to, Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: "An Act to provide for the advancement of Major General Hanford MacNider, Army of the United States (retired), to the grade of lieutenant general on the retired list." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 1420) for the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Mosley, as natural parents of Herman E. Mosley, Jr.; and the reported amendments having been agreed to, Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. On motion by Mr. BIBLE, and by unanimous consent, The votes on the passage and ordering the engrossment of the amendments and third reading of the bill, and the vote agreeing to the reported amendment on page 2, line 2, were reconsidered; and the said amendment was rejected. Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 4184) to incorporate the Boys' Clubs of America; and the reported amendment having been agreed to, Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. On motion by Mr. ANDERSON, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That his name be added as a coauthor of the said bill. On motion by Mr. ANDERSON, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That the bill (S. 4200) of an identical title be postponed indefinitely. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 10423) to provide for the conveyance of 18.18 acres of land within the Garza-Little Elm project to the city of Lewisville, Tex., for sewage disposal pur poses; and having been amended on the porating the Archeological Institute of motion of Mr. ERVIN, Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resclved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendment. The Senate proceeded to consider the joint resolution (H. J. Res. 643) to provide for an investigation of the need for a geophysical institute in the Territory of Hawaii; and no amendment being made, Ordered, That it pass to a third read ing. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass and that the preamble be agreed to. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. The Senate proceeded to consider the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 197) authorizing the President to proclaim the period from October 22, 1956, to October 27, 1956, as National Transportation Week; and no amendment being made, Ordered, That the joint resolution be engrossed and read a third time. The said joint resolution was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, that the preamble be agreed to, and the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 3955) to authorize research by the Fish and Wildlife Service to determine methods of, and to provide for grants to the States to assist approved research or other projects for, control or extermination of sea nettles and jellyfish in marine waters of the United States; and the reported amendment to the text having been agreed to, Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: “A bill to authorize exploratory research by the Secretary of the Interior in connection with methods of control or extermination of sea nettles and jellyfish in marine waters of the United States." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 9348) to amend the act entitled "An act incorporating the Archeological Institute of America" to increase the value of real and personal property that such Institute may hold; and the reported amendment to the text having been agreed to, Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: "An Act to amend the Act entitled 'An Act incor America' to increase the value of real and personal property that such Institute may hold." The bill (S. 4197) to waive the $1,000 limitation on the authority of the Secretary of the Air Force and the Secretary of the Navy with respect to the settlement and payment of claims arising out of the crash of a United States Air Force airplane at Minneapolis, Minn., on June 5, 1956, and a United States Navy airplane at Minneapolis, Minn., on June 9, 1956, having been reached, On motion by Mr. ERVIN, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That the name of Mr. THYE be added as a coauthor. On motion by Mr. ERVIN, and by unanimous consent, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 12170) to remove the present $1,000 limitation which prevents the Secretary of the Navy from settling certain claims arising out of the crash of a naval aircraft at the Wold-Chamberlain Air Field, Minneapolis, Minn.; and having been amended on his motion, Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendment. Ordered, by unanimous consent, That the bill S. 4197 and the bill S. 4238 to waive the $1,000 limitation on the authority of the Secretary of the Air Force and the Secretary of the Navy in settlement of claims arising out of the crash of a United States Air Force aircraft with a United States Navy aircraft near Wold-Chamberlain Air Field, Minneapolis, Minn., be postponed indefinitely. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 2627) for the relief of Hermengildo V. Santos and his son, Felipe Cruz Santos; and the reported amendment to the text having been agreed to, Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: "A bill for the relief of Hermengildo V. Santos." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 5274) extending to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico the power to enter into certain interstate compacts relating to the enforcement of the criminal laws and policies of the States; and no amendment being made, Ordered, That it pass to a third read ing. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: "A bill extending to Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia the power to enter into certain interstate compacts relating to the enforcement of the criminal laws and policies of the States." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendment. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 3616) to amend the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 to provide increases in benefits, special disability determinations for railroad employees, and for other purposes; and to amend the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act; and the reported amendment to the text having been agreed to, Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: "A bill to amend the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 to provide increases in benefits and for other purposes." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill H. R. 11695) to extend until June 30, 1958, the programs of financial assistance in the construction and operation of schools in areas affected by Federal activities under the provisions of Public Laws 815 and 874, 81st Congress, and to make certain other changes in such provisions; and the reported amendments having been agreed to, and the bill further amended on the motion of Mr. HILL, Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. On motion by Mr. JOHNSON of Texas to reconsider the vote on the passage of the bill, On motion by Mr. ERVIN, The motion to reconsider was laid on the table. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 1494), to authorize the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to convey to the village of Central, in the State of New Mexico, certain lands administered by the Veterans' Administration facility at Fort Bayard, N. Mex.; and the reported amendments to the text having been agreed to, Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee to read: "An Act to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to sell to the village of Central, State of New Mexico, certain lands administered by him formerly part of the Fort Bayard Military Reservation, New Mexico." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. The Senate proceeded to consider (S. J. Res. 177) to authorize the Secretary of Commerce to sell certain warbuilt tankers. On motion by Mr. WILLIAMS, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That it be called on the next call of the calendar. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 3062) for the relief of Paul H. Sarvis, Sr.; and the reported amendment to the text having been agreed to, Ordered, That the amendment be éngrossed and read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: "An Act for the relief of Paul H. Sarvis, Senior, and for other purposes." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 3827) to authorize the construction of a shellfish research laboratory and experiment station in the Chesapeake Bay area; and the and the reported amendment having been agreed to. Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time, Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. WAIVER OF RULE RELATIVE TO H. R. 12350 On motion by Mr. JOHNSON of Texas, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That paragraph 2 of rule XXVI, requiring reports to lie over 1 day for consideration, be waived in the case of the bill (H. R. 12350) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957, and for other purposes. PRICE REPORTING AND RESEARCH WITH RESPECT TO FOREST PRODUCTS The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (S. 4059) providing for price reporting and research with respect to forest products. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Bartlett, one of its clerks: Mr. President: The House of Representatives has passed the bill (H. R. 627) to provide means of further securing and protecting the civil rights of persons within the jurisdiction of the United States, in which it requests the concurrence of the Senate. HOUSE BILL REFERRED The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. HILL in the chair) laid before the Senate the bill H. R. 627, this day received from the House of Representatives for concurrence, which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. PRICE REPORTING AND RESEARCH WITH RESPECT TO FOREST PRODUCTS The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (S. 4059) providing for price reporting and research with respect to forest products. Pending debate, WASHOE RECLAMATION PROJECT, NEVADA AND CALIFORNIA Mr. BIBLE submitted the following conference report: The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the House to the bill (S. 497) to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Washoe réclamation project, Nevada and California, having met, after full and free conference, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as follows: That the Senate recede from its disagreement to the amendments of the House and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the language inserted by the House amendment, insert the following: That, for the purposes of furnishing water for the irrigation of approximately fifty thousand acres of land in the Carson and Truckee River Basins, Nevada and California, providing drainage service to approximately thirty-one thousand acres of land therein, firming the existing water supplies of lands under the Truckee River storage project and the Newlands project, controlling floods, providing hydroelectric power, development of fish and wildlife resources, and for other beneficial purposes, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to construct, operate, and maintain the Washoe reclamation project consisting of two principal reservoirs at the Stampede and Watasheamu sites, together with other necessary works for the impounding, diversion, and the delivery of water, the generation and transmission of hydroelectric power, and the drainage of lands. The dam at the Stampede site shall be so constructed as to permit its ultimate enlargement to a height at which the reservoir will have a capacity of approximately one hundred and seventy-five thousand acre-feet. Sec. 2. (a) In constructing, operating, and maintaining the works authorized in section 1 of this Act, the Secretary shall be governed by the Federal reclamation laws (Act of June 17, 1902, 32 Stat. 389, and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto) except as is otherwise provided in this Act. (b) Any contract entered into under section 9, subsection (d) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (53 Stat. 1187, 1193; 43 U. S. C., 1952 edition, sec. 458h) for payment of those portions of the costs of constructing, operating, and maintaining the Washoe reclamation project which are properly allocable to irrigation and drainage and which are assigned to be paid by the contracting organization may provide for the repayment of the portion of the construction cost of the project assigned to any project contract unit or, if the contract unit be divided into two or more irrigation or drainage blocks, to any such block over a period of not more than fifty years, exclusive of any permissible development period, or as near thereto as is consistent with the adoption and operation of a variable payment formula which, being based on full repayment within the period stated under normal conditions, permits variance in the required annual payments in the light of economic factors pertinent to the ability of the organization to pay: Provided, That any contract for a supplemental water supply for irrigation under this Act may omit provisions complying with the third sentence of paragraph (a) of section 46 of the Act of May 25, 1926 (44 Stat. 649) if such contract, in lieu of such provisions, provides that the pro rata share of the irrigation allocation which is attributable to furnishing irrigation benefits, in each particular year, to land held in private ownership by any one owner in excess of one hundred and sixty irrigated acres, shall be returned with interest determined in accordance with subparagraph (c) of this section, except that such payment for the excess lands shall not exceed an amount equal to the increased payment capacity of the excess lands, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, resulting from the supplemental water supply. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, all net revenues derived from the sale of commercial power from the Washoe reclamation project shall be applied, first, to the amortization of that portion of the cost of constructing the project which is allocated to commercial power with interest on the unamortized balance thereof at the average rate (which rate shall be certified by the Secretary of the Treasury) paid by the United States on its marketable long-term securities outstanding on the date of this Act, and thereafter to the amortization of that portion of the cost of constructing the project which is allocated to irrigation but which is beyond the ability of the contracting irrigation organizations to repay as provided above, including interest that would have been paid by the irrigators on that portion of the irrigation allocation attributable to furnishing irrigation benefits to excess lands which is not repaid under section 2 (b) above: Provided, That the Secretary, prior to the delivery of project water supplies, shall have entered into a contract or contracts with an organization or organizations as defined in paragraph 2 (g) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (53 Stat. 1187) which have the capacity to levy assessments upon all taxable real property located within their boundaries to assist in making repayments. (d) Water users in Alpine County, California, shall have the opportunity to contract for project water made available by the Watasheamu Reservoir before such project water is offered for the development of any new land in Nevada. Should any such project water be contracted for by Alpine County water users, then in that event such users shall be permitted to exchange such water for existing rights to natural flow or stored water of the West Carson River. (e) The use of waters of the Little Truckee River solely for the generation of electric power by the Washoe project shall not impair or preclude the appropriation of such waters in the future for beneficial consumptive use within the Little Truckee River watershed in California to the same extent as such waters may be presently available for such appropriation in the State of California: Provided, That if and when an interstate compact covering the distribution and use of the waters of the Truckee and Carson Rivers is approved by the Legislatures of the States of California and Nevada and is consented to by Congress, the operation of the Washoe reclamation project shall be in conformance with such compact, and the foregoing restriction shall not apply. Sec. 3. The Secretary is authorized to investigate, plan, construct, operate, and maintain minimum basic facilities for access to, and for the maintenance of public health and safety and the protection of public property on, lands withdrawn or acquired for the development of the Washoe project, to conserve the scenery and natural, historic, and archeologic objects, and to provide for public use and enjoyment of the same and of the water areas created by this project by such means as are consistent with its primary purposes. The Secretary is authorized to withdraw from entry or other disposition under the public land laws such public lands as are necessary for the construction, operation, and maintenance of said minimum basic facilities and for the other purposes specified in this section and to dispose of such lands to Federal, State, and local governmental agencies by lease, transfer, exchange, or conveyance upon such terms and conditions as will best promote their development and operation in the public interest. The Secretary is further authorized to investigate the need for acquiring other lands for said purposes and to report thereon to the Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs of the Senate and House of Representatives, but no lands shall be acquired solely for any of these purposes other than access to project lands and the maintenance of public health and safety and the protection of public property thereon without further authorization by the Congress. All costs incurred pursuant to this section shall be nonreimbursable and nonreturnable. Sec. 4. Facilities shall be provided for the development of the fish and wildlife resources of the project area including facilities to permit increased minimum water releases from Lake Tahoe and restoration of the Pyramid Lake fishery. The cost of such facilities, including operation and maintenance, shall be nonreimbursable. The cost to the Federal Government of constructing these facilities shall not exceed $2,000,000. This amount shall not include the cost of measures undertaken, pursuant to section 2 of the Act of August 14, 1946 (60 Stat. 1080, 16 U. S. C. 661a), to mitigate damages to fish and wildlife resources occasioned by the Washoe project as authorized by section 1 of this Act. Sec. 5. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for construction of the Washoe reclamation project the sum of $43,700,000 plus such amounts, if any, as may be required by reason of changes in construction costs as indicated by engi neering cost indices applicable to the types of construction involved therein and, in addition thereto, such sums as may be required to operate and maintain the project: Provided, That the appropriation of funds for the construction, operation, or maintenance of facilities authorized by section 4 of this Act shall not be from the reclamation fund. And the House agree to the same. CLINTON P. ANDERSON, ALAN BIBLE, GEORGE W. MALONE, Managers on the Part of the Senate. CLAIR ENGLE, WAYNE N. ASPINALL, A. L. MILLER, Managers on the Part of the House. The Senate proceeded to consider the said report; and to. Ordered. That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. ARMED FORCES CODIFICATION On motion by Mr. JOHNSON Of Texas, and by unanimous consent, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 7049) to revise, codify, and enact into law title 10 of the United States Code, entitled "Armed Forces," and title 32 of the United States Code, entitled "National Guard."; and the reported amendments having been agreed to, Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Rep Resolved, That the Senate agree there- resentatives in the amendments. INCREASES IN THE ANNUITIES OF ANNUITANTS UNDER CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT ACT On motion by Mr. CLEMENTS, and by unanimous consent, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 3725) to provide for increases in the annuities of annuitants under the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amended; and the reported amendment having been agreed to, Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved. That it pass and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Maurer, one of its clerks: Mr. President: The House of Representatives has agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 12138) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957, and for other purposes; it has receded from its disagreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered 16, 26, 34, 38, 45, 58, 59, 60, and 61 and agreed to the same; and it has receded from its disagreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered 4, 22, 27, 33, and 36 and agreed to each thereof with an amendment, in which it requests the concurrence of the Senate. The House has agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the House to the bill (8. 3897) to improve governmental budgeting and accounting methods and procedures, and for other purposes. AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS TO REPORT AFTER FINAL AD JOURNMENT On motion by Mr. HUMPHREY, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That following the adjournment of the Congress, the Committee on Foreign Relations may file a report of its Subcommittee on Disarmament. |