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malicious grin on his countenance, "you reckon too much upon your security here, for when the besiegers enter the city they will plunder the palace, and you Besides, I have made up my mind to have you as my prize when I give in my allegiance to the Imperialists."

will not be safe.

"False traitor, begone!" she replied, with a voice and gesture of indignation. "Who are you that dare to speak in this manner to me? Know you not that I am affianced to that noble foreign soldier who is now at hand to succour me in my distress. He has already saved me from danger, and I know he will do so again."

The eyes of the emissary glared with a fierce expression, and he laid hold of his dagger as if about to avenge his disappointment and jealousy by an act of violence.

The ladies set up wild screams, which brought in some faithful servitors who had been listening to the altercation at the door. Cut-sing turned upon them in still wilder anger, and struck furiously at the first comer, but they overpowered him by numbers, and succeeded in disarming the miscreant and pinioning his arms.

Immediately a great commotion was heard outside the palace, with the firing of musketry. Then the messenger who had just left rushed in, saying that the "6 Ever-Victorious Army" was marching towards the building. He had scarcely finished giving the information when the steady tramp of disciplined soldiers was heard in the vestibule, and they grounded their arms as a voice called out "Halt!" In another instant I entered, sword in hand. A-Lee sprang from the corner where she and her affrighted friends had cowered before the bloodthirsty emissary, and with one bound she fell into my arms, uttering, with joyous exclamation, "I knew my faithful Ca-me-la would come and save me. Now I am happy," and tears of joy coursed down her cheeks. I took in the situation at a glance, and concluded that the pinioned emissary was the cause of the confusion. The culprit stood with a sullen aspect, scarcely daring to lift his eyes from the ground, but to prevent him from doing any harm, I put him at once under a guard of my own men, with handcuffs on his wrists, and marched him away to the camp.



E may now proceed to consider the second chain of evidence for the antiquity of man-that derived from the physical changes which have occurred since his entrance upon the scene. Reference has already been made incidentally to the depth to which certain river valleys seem to have been cut since the caverns on their sides were filled. In the case of those near Liege, the depth is estimated at 200 feet in some cases, and it is stated as possible that the caves on opposite sides of certain deep gorges may correspond. If this could be proved, it would show that this great depth had been cut out of the solid limestone of the country. It may well be, however, that old valleys have only been emptied of débris; and in any case, if an elevation of the land had occurred, and there were floods or volcanic debacles, or a permanently swollen condition of the rivers owing to a more humid

climate or a dense covering of forest, the time required for such cutting would be much shortened.


We shall be better able to judge of these probabilities when we shall have considered the next case presented to us, that of the river-gravels containing implements believed to have been made by man. If we stand on one of the beds of gravel quarried at St. Acheul, near Amiens, we may see before us the broad flat valley of the Somme, with the little stream flowing between banks of alluvium 100 feet below But the ground on which we stand is a loess or river mud with fresh-water shells, and below this are many feet of river-gravel made up mainly of the flints which fill the underlying chalk, and in this gravel, at great depths from the surface, have been found numerous flint implements which it seems difficult to explain unless they have been wrought by man. Ancient miners, it is true, may have worked galleries, since fallen in, through these gravels; but the general impression conveyed is, that they were mixed with the gravel by the floods of a stream representing the River Somme, but straggling over the country at a height of 100 feet above its present bed. This implies that at the time in question the valley was either not cut out, or filled with some material since swept away, and that the water-flow of the river was going on in a manner not favourable to erosion of its bed. Such conditions evidently bring before us considerable changes of level, which we must, I think, be prepared to face more boldly than has been customary with writers on this subject. To give such a state of things as that implied in these high-level gravels, we must suppose that the Somme valley was flat and filled up with detritus, presenting an alluvial plain over which the river, at times of flood, could spread itself with great ease. This implies a lower level of the country than at present, and probably a very recent elevation out of the sea, followed by a condition of greater rainfall and floods and of rapid erosion. Now at the mouth of the Somme there are beds of peat, the bottom of which is below the level of the sea; consequently this modern peat began to be formed at a time when the land was higher than it is at present, and the submerged forests with remains of man and modern animals, at several points along the coasts of France and England, give us the same indication. First, then, we learn from the peat that immediately before the historical period the Somme valley was higher than now, and the circumstances more favourable than at present to its rapid cutting. But the gravels must have been deposited before this in a previous time of lower level. Now, that man existed at this time of lower level, we have evidence elsewhere. Nilsson has described certain skulls found in beds holding marine shells on the coast of Sweden at an elevation of 100 feet above the sea, and infers that the men to whom they belonged were drowned when the sea was at that height on the land. It has long been well known to geologists that the coast of Scotland shows evidence that it was twenty-five feet, possibly forty feet, lower in the early human period than it is at present. Mr. Milne Home has very recently given some interesting illustrations of this in the valley of the Forth, where skeletons of whales occur in the carse of Stirling, at an elevation of twenty or thirty feet above the sea, and with them were found pointed instruments of deer's horn. In the West of Scotland, also, numerous canoes, dug out of solid logs of wood, have been disinterred from marine beds now twenty feet or more

above the level of the sea. Human bones have also been found in Cornwall in elevated beds covered with marine shells; and in Sardinia there are said to be old beaches no less than from 230 to 234 feet above the level of the Mediterranean, with fragments of pottery associated with sea shells.*


century, being the rate in modern Subsidences now observed, we shall require periods in comparison with which the received chronology of historians shrinks into insignificance. This rate is, however, confessedly "purely conjectural," and there are many considerations which seem to show that it is We do not certainly know that these depressions based on insufficient data. Such modern elevations were contemporaneous, but they all belonged to the as are on record, as for example those in Italy, the early human period, and if this depression extended Greek islands, and South America, have been rapid from Sweden to the Mediterranean, and amounted to and paroxysmal; and the raised beaches of Western from fifty to one hundred feet in the valley of the | Europe and of North America show that this must Somme, it would give precisely the state of things in have been its character in former times. Slow and which the lower part of that valley might be a sort of gradual movement, even if interrupted, could not delta, with banks of gravel to which aborigines of have produced these sharply defined terraces. Mothe country might resort for materials for their im- dern depressions have, with few exceptions, been plements, or into which their rejected or lost imple- gradual, but their rate is so unequal that we cannot ments might be drifted, and these aborigines would reason with any certainty as to the past. While. be contemporaries of the drowned men of Stangeness, therefore, it must be admitted that the physical in Sweden, and of the ancient Caledonians, whose changes of elevation and subsidence which have canoes and implements we find in the estuaries of the taken place since man's arrival may have occupied Clyde and Forth. Before their time there had been long periods, it cannot be said that they must have a continental period, in which the bed of the German done so. Ocean and Irish Sea had been dry land, and men had been able to walk dry-shod to Britain; their ancestors had witnessed a great, and probably sudden, depression of the land, and in their day it was again slowly rising. In subsequent generations it rose still farther, and what had been in their day under the sea at Abbeville, became a bog, while the Somme valley, raised to a higher level, became reduced to its present form, and the river shrunk into a deeper channel, its volume becoming greatly diminished by the increasing dryness of the climate and removal of the forests, changes which also extirpated the last survivors of those species of quadrupeds which had been suited for a wilder and more wooded country.

These changes are well summed up by Sir C. Lyell, in his "Antiquity of Man," pages 331 et seq., and by tabulating his succession we may clearly understand the position of the supposed Amiens flintchippers.

Table of Physical Changes in Western Europe in the later
Tertiary and Modern Periods.



(See Lyell," Antiquity of Man,” p. 321.)

(1st. Continental Period. Land elevated. Climate wild

2nd. Period of Submergence. Land depressed 1,000 feet or more. Climate cold and much floating ice

3rd. Second Continental Period. Land again elevated until much higher than at present, and British Islands united to main land. Climate continental and surface densely wooded

4th. Period of depression and oseillation, ending in re-elevation, and present geographical condition of Europe

Cromer Forest bed.

Marine Post-pliocene drift.

Passage of German flora into

Mammoth and
Megaceros and Cave Bear,

etc., living in Europe.

Advent of men?

It is much the same with the arguments derived from aqueous erosion. This must have gone on simultaneously with the elevations and depressions, and must have been greatly modified by these. When we stand by the grassy and tree-clad slopes of a river valley, and consider that they have been just as they are during all the centuries of history, it is difficult to resist the prejudice that they must always have been so, and that vast periods have been required for their excavation at the slow rate now observed; but if we carry ourselves in imagination to the time when a plain was raised out of the sea, bare and bald, and a river began to run in it, we at once see our error. The river so running and beginning to cut a channel, must in a few years execute a stupendous work of erosion almost diluvial in its character; but in the course of centuries its work becomes completed, a state of equilibrium succeeds, and its banks, protected by vegetation, scarcely experience any modification. An elevation to a higher level, or a new depression succeeded by re-elevation, or fires or other causes laying bare the surface, would at once initiate a new series of erosions; but until this occurs all things continue as they were.

It must also be observed that in the period No. 4 above, there were not only oscillations of level, but apparently a somewhat extreme climate, in which alternate frosts and thaws and violent river floods must have greatly aided the work of denudation; and also that in a wooded condition of the country, its streams, as we know from sad experience of the effects of clearings in America, are great in volume but equable in flow, and that the removal of the forest leads to great floods alternating with periods of desiccation, remarkably increasing and modifying the denuding power of the streams. Sir Charles extinct. Stone age of anti- Lyell gives some striking illustrations of this in his "Principles of Geology."

Age of Amiens gravels and
raised beaches, and close of

Palaocosmic and beginning
of Neocosmic age. Men sub-

jected to great diminution
of numbers by floods and
subsidences. Several spe-
cies of mammals become

quaries. 5th. Modern or historic age. Land Bronze and Iron ages of antislowly subsiding quaries.

All this leaves us, however, still in uncertainty as to the absolute time involved. Our estimate of this must depend on the rapidity or slowness of the oscillations in the period No. 4 above. If we adopt with Lyell a strictly uniformitarian method, and estimate the elevations and depressions of which there is geological evidence at twenty-two feet per

* Lyell, "Antiquity of Man," p. 115.

It is, perhaps, necessary here to refer to the conclusion recently developed at great length by Professor Geikie, in a recent work, that the remains of Paleolithic men are not Post-glacial, but belong to a Pre-glacial or Inter-glacial period. This is, no doubt, a view forced upon him by his belief in a great continental "ice-sheet," itself, as I have shown in a good foundation. He supports it principally on the former series of papers, in all probability without geographical distribution of the animals supposed

to have been contemporary with Paleolithic man, and which he tries to divide into two successive groups, and on the probability that the last period of continental elevation referred to in the table above was not of a character to change the insular climate of Western Europe. On all these points I must entirely differ with him, for reasons which I have already stated in the publication above referred to. I may add that it is most unsafe to reason as to the climate required by extinct mammalia, especially in contravention of the evidence of contemporaneous existence afforded by the occurrence of their remains. Even the hippopotamus of the English caves and gravels may have been protected by a coating of fat like the walrus. The elevated land of Post-glacial Europe, if it were clothed with forests, would have precisely the climatal properties which we know in America and Asia favour the intermixture of the animals of different latitudes. Again, that so-called Paleolithic implements are not found over the boulder deposits of North Britain is merely a consequence of the fact that they are in the main limited to the chalk and flint districts, a circumstance which, as already hinted, throws grave doubts on their being even so ancient as usually supposed, and gives them a local rather than a chronological character. Further, in Eastern America we know that the higher condition of the land immediately preceding the Modern period was accompanied by a milder climate than that which now prevails, and that this occurred after the close of the Glacial period. I must, therefore, reject this supposed later Glacial age intervening between Paleolithic and modern man, and maintain that there is no proof of the existence of man earlier than the close of the Glacial age.

It is a curious conclusion of this part of our inquiry that the history of man, as indicated by Lyell in the above table, presents, after all, such a striking parallelism with the sacred and traditional histories with which we have long been familiar. The second period of continental elevation is the equivalent of the early antediluvian times-a period, however, of which we have seen we really know little from archæology or geology, for they cannot, with absolute certainty, affirm that the oldest skeletons known are of this age, though this may be regarded as probable. If they are, their extreme rarity, and the paucity of works of art, with the exception of flint implements in the flint districts, where their material abounds, give the impression not of a long, but of a very limited period of residence of antediluvian man in Europe. The period of continental oscillation is the correlative of the later antediluvian period, and the last of these oscillations may have been the traditional deluge. The last period is unquestionably that of the Post-diluvian world. A leading school of modern archaeologists no doubt demands much more time than that of our ordinary chronology, but the succession is the same. Further, this succession, when critically examined, gives no ground for the belief in the existence, even in the most ancient times, of any race of men more rude than the modern semi-civilised races, or less developed physically. The most ancient man whose bones are known to us may be referred to a race still extant, and perhaps the most widely distributed of all-a fact which tells strongly in favour both of the unity and moderate antiquity of the species, while it is directly opposed to all theories of evolution from brute ancestors.


ROMISH PERVERTS.-In commenting on Lord Ripon's secession, the "Daily News" thus spoke of the consequences of such a step in our day :-" "I am a Roman Catholic, but I am not a Papist,' said O'Connell once, when protesting against some step taken by the Roman authorities. The decree of the Council of the Vatican has rendered such a declaration from such lips impossible in our times. A convert has a great deal more to swallow, if we may use so homely an expression, in 1874, than he would have had twenty-five years before. He has to accept the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin and the Infallibility of the Pope. He has to submit to all the consequences which the latter dogma imposes on him. He has to subject his convictions on the subject of education and on nearly all political questions to the dictation of Rome. His vote as a member of either House of Parliament, his actions as a public man, must follow some principle prescribed for him with which his reason may no longer concern itself. One cannot think without wonder and regret of the life to which an Englishman, long habituated to the free ways of our public arena, has doomed himself when he takes spiritual service under such command. To a mind and temperament steeped in mysticism, regarding this world and its affairs as of no account, and entrancing itself in a contemplation of an ideal future, as the pupil of the mesmerist is sometimes stupified by the steady contemplation of a disc of welcome. But it is hard to understand how a man trained metal, such a course of existence would be natural and to activity and independence in the healthful and bracing atmosphere of English public life can settle down to a condition of such intellectual servitude. There must surely be some natural infirmity in the mind which, either from sentiment merely, or from tracing out a narrow line of logical sequence regardless of the broad facts of history, nature, and life which lie on either side of it, is brought at last into that condition when mental serfdom is a relief from intellectual perplexity."

CHELSEA OLD CHURCH.-The Rev. R. H. Davies has succeeded in purchasing the chapel built by Sir Thomas More, in connection with the old church, but at the same time private property. It was a singular combination, the chapel being an absolute freehold, and beyond the jurisdiction of the bishop, yet a portion of the parish church. Had a Roman Catholic been the purchaser, an awkward complication might have been the result. Mr. Davies deserves honour for his exertions in securing the historical old chapel, and transferring it to the rector, churchwardens, and trustees of St. Luke's, under whose care is the Old Chelsea Church.

FOUR GREAT WORDS.-Professor Huxley lectured at the


recent meeting of the British Association at Belfast on Hypothesis that Animals are Automata." Dr. Carpenter, a former president, in proposing a vote of thanks, agreed to much that had been said about automatic action, but said that there were four great words which should also be taken into account-I am, I ought, I can, I will.


THE DOG-HEADED MONKEY.-A full-grown specimen of the dog-headed monkey from Abyssinia has been presented to the museum of the University of Geneva. This monkey is characterised by the long hair upon its cheeks and the greater part of its body. It was held in veneration by the ancient Egyptians. Its figure is engraved upon the monuments of ancient Egypt, and there have been found mummies of the animal well preserved. According to Ehrenberg, this monkey served as the emblem for the god Thoth, the Egyptian Hermes, or Mercury, the mythical inventor of the arts and sciences, music and astronomy, and especially of speech and hieroglyphs, or letters, over which he was supposed to preside. Abyssinians now call it Tota. Horapollon reports that this monkey was consulted in the temples; a tablet, reed, and ink, presented by a priest, were used as tests to ascertain if the particular animal belonged to the race that knew how to write. This representative of Thoth also symbolised the judgment of souls; and upon one of the temples of Phile there is one represented with a balance in hand weighing the actions of men. other places it is represented writing with a reed. Ehrenberg also supposes that it is the locks of this monkey that have served as the model for the perruques figured upon the heads of different divinities in the Egyptian mythology.-London Medical







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winter? No? well, I thought you would have | But doubtless the story of Jenny had prejudiced us minded Jenny, for all the country side knew her; all against the moor, for there's a stillness and purc but, to be sure, you were just a bairn. at that time, caller air on a moss that is wonderfully refreshing I dinna think there was a gentleman's house or farm- and reviving to the spirits. steading within a range of thirty miles that Jenny didna call regularly at. She was a muckle dragoon of a woman, with a griesly grey beard peeping out from under her tattered straw bonnet, and she swore like the worst among them; it was just awful to hear her when she had got the drop drink in her head. I suspect it was owing to it that she came by her death, poor creature. It was supposed that she had wandered off the road at nightfall, and been smoored in the moss; for her cart and cuddie (donkey) were found there some days after she had been seen by anybody, the poor beast almost dead with cold and hunger. But Jenny was never again seen in the flesh, though many folk threepit they had met with her spirit; but as it was aye in the gloaming, when the grey stump of a skaithed tree will look like something no canny, they may have been mistaken. Howsoever, the moss got a bad name after the accident; and so did the farm, for that matter, for it had been a great how ff of Jenny's, who slept oftener in the barn there than anywhere else.

The Haughead farm was a cantie (cheerful) place, though. It was a snug, two-storied, thatched house standing on the top of a brae-the old steading's down years since, and a fine new one is in its place-with many outhouses and stacks round about it. And a blithe sight it was to see its windows glancing with light, and the men and women servants moving about the barnyard with their lanterns-we called them bowits in my young daysas they went to supper the horse or to milk the kye on a winter's e'en. No wonder they put up so many beggars at night, for it wasna easy to pass the place by, especially as the road led on through the moss, where Jenny, it was understood, might be on the walk. I have known as many as four ragged gaberlunzies in the barn at one time, and all with their parritch and milk both at night and in the morning. But they were open-handed folk, the Johnstones, and never grudged a poor body a bite

and a sup.

And in the daytime it was a cheerful bit. There was a grand view from the front of the house-you could see down the strath for miles to the very foot of the hills, and could count the windings of the water as it glistened in the sun. And then the lights and shadows on the woods and hills, with the smoke rising here and there from some farm or cot-house among them so quiet and peaceful like; with, maybe, some wee bird far up in the air above its nest, and the cows feeding or lying in the grass all down by the waterside, and the men and horses busy in the fields. Oh, Mr. Matthew, but they made a heartsome sight! It was the Borgie water that ran there, a bonnie mountain stream that sometimes overflowed its banks. A heavy spate carried away more than half of the stooks in one of Gavin Johnstone's parks one wet harvest; but some suffered at the same time who could less afford it than Gavin, who was a bien (thriving) comfortable man.

But behind the house, as I said before, was the black moor, and, well-a-wat, it was a dreary, lonesome bit. It was little frequented, and it was a rarity to see any moving object there save the peesweeps (lapwings) and the grouse. The view to the back was as gruesome as the view to the front was bright.

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They had a bit bonnie garden too, the Johnstones, and as it was to the back, it was like a dainty flower in a barren wilderness. And there was an old fir wood that covered one side of the brae, that I had a great liking to. It was just a pleasure on a warm summer day to sit on the moss at the foot of the trees and watch the sunshine glinting on the grass, and listen to the singing of the birds, and the soughing of the wind through the boughs. Can you tell me now, Mr. Matthew-you that have had college learning and should ken everything-how it happens that of all the trees in the wood, the fir-tree makes the most melancholy sound? To my mind it's like the far-off murmuring of the great ocean, and I have often felt the tears rise into my een as I listened to it, though I had a kind of pleasure in my heart at the time. Maybe some folk would laugh at me for an old haverel to speak of such fancies, but it is a thing I have often noticed and never could account for.

Oh! but it was a bonnie wood that, for the grass was so full of moss, and the trees were so grand and flourishing! There's a great beauty in the colour of the fir-tree bark, Mr. Matthew; I mean of the real old Scottish fir, our own country's tree. I'm no speaking of these new-fangled pines and larches that they brought from foreign parts, they're ower trim and garden-like for my taste, and only fit for gentlemen's policies; but there's a red glow and a warmth of colour about the rough bark of an old spreading fir-tree that you'll no match in a whole forest of others.

Then the turf in the wood was little trodden on, and felt like velvet under the foot, and it was just shining in the spring time with primroses; and the bank that sloped from the wood to the road all the length of the brae was a perfect picture with wild roses and pale blue violets-you could gather a posy there in less time than I take to tell it. I used to envy the birds that built their nests in that wood, and often thought how sweet it would be to live in a bower there like "Bessy Bell and Mary Gray" in the sang. But I was a foolish hempie in my teens then; and I forgot that summer doesna last the whole year, and that Haughead wood would be cold winter quarters. Hech, sirs! but everything seems bright to the young; and 'deed we should be glad of that same, Mr. Matthew, for trouble will come to them, sooner or later.

The Johnstones werena a large family. There were just the old folk and two sons and a daughter besides the servants. But the heads of the house were so blithe and hearty that they made the place cheery. Gavin Johnstone, good old man, had aye an innocent joke and banter for all he met, and the mistress herself was the best at a crack in all the country side. Well-a-wat! a tea-drinking there was a ploy indeed, and their kirns (harvest-homes) were aye the merriest in the parish.

She would put up with no idleset, though, would the mistress; the lassies might play themselves when their work was done, but no before. It was "Take tent to your turns!" through the day; but at night the mistress was aye ready to encourage any simple diversion among them; and of all the cheerful firesides I have sat at, Haughead was the foremost, for the family had not got into the new

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