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of a census of the City, quaintly suggest one of the evils inseparable from an overgrown people. Sir Robert then was called upon, "in apprehension of an approaching scarcity," to state, in addition to other particulars, "the number of mouths in the City of London." This may be to some of our readers a novel way of regarding the census tables, but it is, nevertheless, only too true that they furnish, in reality, a return of the "number of mouths" which have to be fed in this little island of ours. And from this point of view the problems suggested are more serious than they would at first sight appear. With coals at what a recent writer justly described as "shivering prices," with meat and many other articles which with the progress of civilisation have come to be regarded as necessaries, even by the poorer section of the people, at famine prices, a constantly increasing population has its dangers; and if it were not that emigration somewhat counterbalanced the effect of the tide of immigration, and that free-trade opened to us the markets of other countries, we should have good cause to fear the consequences. Happily, however, up to the present, our prosperity as a nation has increased with our growth as a people, and we may, therefore, take courage for the future, and if the existing educational movement is wisely directed, and extended to the masses, we may look forward to the day when a moral and educational census may be taken with results as satisfactory, at least as far as progress is concerned, as those which are here supplied of our capacity for "increasing and multiplying," and 'subduing the land.”

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"I think I was so taken up with looking at the cheese that I lost sight of the way I came in," said another.

"I can't account for it at all," said a third. "What's the use of wasting time in trying to account for it?" said an old grey-beard; "here wo are, and the question to be considered now is, not how we got in, but how we are to get out."



"By your leave, sir," said the water-rat to the kingfisher, this is my house," and he sat still in the doorway to prevent his entrance.

"Nay, but I want to come in," said the kingfisher; "I have paid you visits before, and why not now? Think how handsome I am, and how much my family is sought after."

"You have been in before, sir; but, to tell you the truth, that's the very reason I prefer keeping you out now, notwithstanding your high family and fine clothes. You have an awkward habit of eating fish and leaving your bones at my door. Now I don't want anything laid to me that I don't deserve, and as I don't catch and eat fish, I won't have the credit of it; I consider no company worth having that takes away my character, however high in rank or fine in appearance."


cried Young Snap to Old Barker, as they passed a "Just let me put that creature out of the way," hedgehog lying by the roadside.

"All right!" said Barker, trotting on till he heard Snap behind him.

"Well, finished him?" he asked, trying to catch Snap's eye, which was turned away.

"Why, no," said Snap; "the brute wasn't worth the trouble."

"Ah! how's your nose?" said Barker; "I think by the colour of it, if you had made at him much longer, he would have finished' you. I had a taste of a cousin of his once, and since then I have kept clear of the race. I dare say for the future you will do the same."


"What a poor dull thing!" said some newlysharpened blades to each other, as they glanced at a scythe somewhat the worse for wear.

"Dull!" cried the scythe, contemptuously, "you've only just come from the grindstone, or you wouldn't be so sharp. Do the work that I have done since I was there, or send me there again, and then see which of us will make the best appearance, and cut the keenest."


"Pickle," said Dick, the bull-terrier, to the pretty little Skye, "as long as you keep to your tricks and winning playful ways you are charming; but when you come to the gate after me, putting in your shrill, sharp pipe, and spoiling my deep hoarse bark, you look positively silly; excuse me, but true friends must be faithful."

"Dick, dear," said Pickle, "that reminds me of something I have often thought of telling you; as long as you keep to guarding the house and frightening the beggars, you are highly respectable; but when you try to come sprawling on my lady's lap, in imitation of me, you have no idea how foolish you look. Excuse me, but one good turn deserves another, and true friends must be faithful.'”

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"Patience; when things come to the worst they mend," said the nettle; "you won't always be a mummy."

One morning the sun shone on the glorious wings of a tiger moth, as it balanced itself on the hedge, trembling with delight.

"Ah," cried the nettle, "I told you so, the training wasn't pleasant, but see what has come of it!"


There was a commotion such as has never been known among the beasts and birds. The bat, for reasons of its own, claimed to be a bird, but the birds unanimously voted him a beast, so it was brought to trial. The eagle was judge, the jury were half of them owls, and half of them falcons.

There was very sharp pleading on both sides, and witnesses without end came forward till the owls blinked and the falcons looked bored to death. The eagle, with his grave magnanimity, sat it out in grim

patience, but seemed much relieved when he came to

sum up.

"Gentlemen of the jury," he said, "you have heard the claim of the bat to be a bird, and you have heard the evidence of many inferior beasts to prove him so; you have also heard the counsel and witnesses on the other side. Now, gentlemen, so far as I can see (and every one knows I can see a great those of a beast, his voice is what any bird would be way), the bat is indubitably a beast. His habits are ashamed of, and his form, with the exception of wings, is a beast's without controversy. Those wings, on which his counsel lay such stress, are not like those of any bird we are acquainted with, and such as they are, he uses them only at night; by day he either crawls or clings. As to your verdict, gentlemen, I rely on your wisdom and keenness; but my opinion is, 1st. That the whole affair has been an affront to this honourable court; 2nd. That it matters not at all to any of us whether he is a beast or a bird; 3rd. That it is a scandalous thing our time and trouble should have been spent on such an unworthy inquiry. One thing more-I trust when you have given your verdict that one of you will eat him; that will settle the question for ever, and prevent him from giving the public any more trouble."


"Always giving out!" murmured the lake; "that river-that streamlet! am I never to be left free to keep my own?"

"Oh, lake!" cried the fountain-head, "remember you have nothing of your own.' I could supply the river and those streamlets without first flowing through you; but I honour you with fulness that you may have the greater honour of dispensing my riches; beware, lest losing sight of this, you make me leave you to dry up, and choose another channel for my bounty."

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HE island of Atiu, called Wateeoo" by Cook, lies 120 miles north of Mangaia. These are the twin islands of the Hervey group, being nearly alike in height, shape, extent, geological formation, and products. It is remarkable that the great navigator, in sailing from New Zealand, should discover in succession Mangaia, Atiu, Takutea (spelt "Otakootaia" in the "Voyages"), Manuae, or Hervey's Island, and, lastly, Palmerston's Island, and yet miss the only two rich and fertile islands of the group (Rarotonga and Aitutaki) possessed of harbours and capable of furnishing all the supplies urgently needed

by the Resolution and Discovery. During a recent visit to Atiu I inquired of some aged men what their fathers, who had seen Captain Cook, had told them of the first visit of white men to their rugged coral shores. Their verbal account agreed well with the printed narrative, with a few additional particulars.

Atiu was sighted March 31st, 1777. On the following day Lieutenant Gore, of the Discovery, landed on the southern shore at an indenture in the reef called "Orovaru," which the natives pointed out to me. Thence the visitors were conducted to the interior by a passable road, and all honour shown to

them. That the people would have forcibly detained their wondrously fair-skinned friends but for the extravagant statements given by Maî (Omai, the interpreter) of the prowess of Europeans, and the effect of fire-arms, is certain.


Kirikovi, the warrior chief of Mangaia, a few days before. The crowning present of all was Mai's dog, the first ever seen in the Hervey group.

Captain Cook expresses his astonishment at their "incredible ignorance" in making the "strange misThe natives of Atiu pretended to be greatly sur- take" of calling the sheep and goats on board the prised at the question whether they ever ate human Resolution "birds." The word actually used by flesh. Many now living have confessed to me that them was "manu," which means any living thing they had often gorged themselves therewith. A moving on the earth or through the air. The term native of the neighbouring island of Mauke told me is frequently applied to human beings, so that the that in 1819 most of his countrymen were slain and Atiuans were strictly correct. devoured by the victorious Atiuans. The people of Mitiaro were similarly treated by the "meek-faced Atiuans," as they amusingly nickname themselves.

Originally there was but one chief on Atiu. At the period of Cook's visit there were two possessed of equal authority, viz., Tisputa and Tangapatolo.


Captain Cook did not go ashore himself. Lieutenant Gore's landing, the chiefs asked him, amongst other things, "Are you one of the glorious sons of Tetumu? Are you a son of the Great Root or Cause, whose children are half divine, half human?" According to their mythology, Tetumu was the father of gods and men, and the maker of all things. The white complexion of the visitors, their wonderful clothing and weapons, all indicated, in their opinion, a divine origin. To these inquiries no reply was given; in all probability they were unintelligible to Mai as well as to Lieutenant Gore.

On that memorable day the strangers were the guests of Tiaputa, who ordered the dances and other amusements in honour of the occasion. The "kava"drinking, the nectar of the Polynesian gods, and the feasting were extravagant. Forty pigs, mostly small, were cooked and presented to their visitors, who were led to the marae, where a sort of worship was paid to

them as the favoured children of Tetumu.

The Atiuans maintain that the ships were four days off their island, whereas the " Voyages" seemingly give an account of the transactions of a single day. But if we recollect that the uninhabited islet of Takutea (where Cook took in a supply of cocoa-nuts, etc.) is regarded by the Atiuans as an integral portion of their own territory, only separated from the main island by a narrow channel of fourteen miles, the discrepancy vanishes. Atiu was sighted March 31st, and sail was finally made from Takutea April 3rd, proving the correctness of the native tradition.

A curious heathen prophecy was known to these islanders previous to the discovery of Atiu by Captain Cook. A god named "Tane-mei-tai"-"Tane-out-ofthe-ocean"-would some day visit their shores. This new divinity would speak a strange language, would introduce strange articles and customs, and would illtreat the natives. This oracle was at once applied to their illustrious visitors, so that no little distrust and fear mingled with the pleasure of seeing "Tute." "Tane" was regarded as one of the "glorious sons of Tetumu." Hence the appropriateness of the question proposed to Lieutenant Gore upon his arrival.

For the first time they now became acquainted with the existence of a race entirely different from their own. Many were the gifts bestowed upon these islanders in return for their hospitality, such as beads, iron nails, knives, strips of cloth, and several iron axes, exactly corresponding with that given to

The old men of Rarotonga invariably apply to Christianity the following ancient oracle: "Yonder are the children of God, floating over the ocean like birds on drift cocoa-nut branches-some are in advance, and others are following !”

It is much to be regretted that the great navigator and his officers never gave them a hint as to the existence of the One living and true God. It was not until forty-six years after that the gospel was introduced to Atiu by the martyr of Eromanga. The idols so long cherished and worshipped as visible representations of the invisible and glorious sons of the unworshipped Tetumu, were speedily given up. Some were burnt; others are now, and long have been, in the museum of the London Missionary Society. Amongst the latter is the famous Terongo, to whose marae the guests were taken.

On approaching Atiu at the present day, the most conspicuous object is the new and beautiful church, which, being built on the top of the central hill, is visible a great distance at sea. There are two native pastors labouring on the island, and, despite some evils existing there, not fewer than 250 persons are in church fellowship.

Atiu is said to be the name of the first man on the island. A singular myth is related in reference to this Adam of Atiu. A pigeon, the pet bird of Tangaroa, sped hither from spirit-land, and rested awhile in a grotto still known as the "Pigeon's Fountain." Big drops of water kept falling from the stony roof, producing little eddies in the transparent water beneath. As the pigeon was refreshing itself by sipping the cool liquid, it noticed a female shadow of great beauty in the fountain. Now the pigeon of Tangaroa was in reality one of the gods, and therefore readily embraced the lovely shadow, and then returned to its home in nether-land. The child thus originated was named "Atiu"- "Firstfruit," or "Eldest-born "-and from him the island derives its name. It was on this account "that they dignified their island with the appellation of A Land of Gods,' esteeming themselves a sort of divinities, and possessed with the spirit of the gods."

The double canoes of Atiu are usually fifty feet in length, provided with a mast and mat sails. The cordage is made of the bark of the lemon hibiscus. As many as 150 men, women, and children are often accommodated on board one of these primitive vessels. In launching them, one may still hear the following song referring to Captain Cook's visit to Atiu. It was, composed somewhere about the year 1780.


Tuku ake au e Tahiti Nui,

O ariua, O Tu-papa, O Tangaroa,
Mea ō, kua oti.

Dogs were many years afterwards introduced to Aitutaki from Atiu. The natives of Aitutaki speedily discovered in the hair a number of fleas, vermin never before seen in these islands. They found it to be a very difficult task to catch them, as they had a trick of dodging about and hiding in a marvellous manner. The Aitutakians at once sagely pronounced these fleas to be spirits ever eluding the grasp of mortals!

I sail to Great* Tahiti;

0 divine Tu and Tangaroa, ye

Be propitious, and I am off.


Reti ē!

Tug away.


E te tupu ō, kua oti.

Friends, 'tis done.


Reti ē!

Tug away.
Tangi mai te pupui, te pupui,
Te pupui iea?
Te pupui i teimaa ē!
I teimaa iea?

I te teimaa i nga tamariki.
Tuoro mai i te pai o Tute ra ē!

Hark! the guns are firing, firing.
What are these "puffers"?
Terrible weapons.
Whom do they terrify?
The whole of the people, calling
That Cook's vessels have arrived.
Tug away.


Ae, ritana, ritana!

Ayo; tug, tug away.


Tuoro, tuoro atu iea?

Tuoro atura i te kiato mua ia Otu,

Tangi mai i te tangotango,
Taku rakau mei apitia ;
Mei ia tauae te vaka ē!

Tavai te ruē!

To whom do these guns speak?
To the offspring of divine Tu,
Startling even spirit-world.
Ah! the sleepers are slipping;
The canoe is upsetting!
Right her.


Tavai te rue!

Right her!


Tavai te ruē i te rakau, ko mea ra
Ko vaka, o taurekareka, o pai taia.
Steady her-all of you,
Our noble ship is afloat.

Chorus. Aea, e pai ē!

Bravo, ship!

In examining the best charts of the Pacific, it is puzzling to the novice to find that in very many instances two, three, or even four positions are given

To the native mind there are two Tahitis, the Greater and the Lesser, united by a narrow isthmus. The latter is now commonly known as Taiarabu.

for a single island or reef, owing to the unskilfulness of observers. But it is no slight praise to our great navigator, Cook, that the positions of islands laid down by him remain unaltered to this day. W. WYATT GILL, B.A.,




HAVE before me copies of some fourscore alphabets, classified into eastern and western. As I compare these different sets of phonetic symbols, the questions arise,- Why does the letter A stand first in almost every one of them? Why is it followed immediately by B? Whence the shape or form of both these characters? In answer to the first question, Jacob Grimm, in his "Deutsches Wörterbuch, says:"A is the noblest and earliest of all sounds, issuing full from the chest and throat, which the child learns first and most easily to express, and which the alphabets of most languages rightly place first." Let me also quote Noah Webster :-"A is naturally the first letter, because it represents the first vocal sound naturally formed by the human organs, being the sound uttered with a mere opening of the mouth without constraint, and without any effort to alter the natural position or configuration of the lips."

Other writers go so far as to ascribe, not only the sounds, but the visible forms of letters, to the same origin. Each side of a child's mouth, when uttering this sound, gives likewise a copy of A. The lips are apart, forming an acute angle with sides of equal length. The perpendicular position in present use is not the oldest mode of writing this symbol. The oldest eastern forms are nearly horizontal. I do not here take into account the little a, which is evidently a modification of o. The first sound puts the lips apart-in antithesis; the second, B, shuts themcauses a synthesis. Now, look upon the side of a child's face, and you see a B formed by the closed lips; not, however, the well-rounded letter of modern typography-this belongs to a high degroo of art, but a slender form, such as may be seen on old gravestones, or in copies of old Greek and Italian inscriptions. The Phoenician and old Hebrew shapes are still nearer the scrawl which children make in the first attempts at writing. Let us see now what the child can say with these two vocables, keeping in mind that m and p are merely modifications of B, both in speaking and writing. Long ago, in the East, it learnt to name its father ab and its mother These are probably the oldest words in human speech. They are monosyllables, the natural result of a child's capacity of articulation, an historical necessity. Names of the objects nearest and dearest to it are the child's first words. But these onesyllable names are soon doubled-they become abba, or papa, and amma, or mama. As a sacred name applied to the Supreme Being, abba has its historical rise in Assyria. It travels westwards, and becomes an epithet of ecclesiastical superiors. As baba it passes to the Bishop of Alexandria; it comes to Rome in the form of papa, holy father. It is used by Jew and Gentile as a secular name for father. In the Russian language, without an alphabet till late in the ninth century of our era, it appears as baba, but means an old woman. In Spanish it is likewise baba, and signifies saliva, or slaver, such as issues


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