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blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God (all proceeding from God). And the word was made flesh (by the word, command, or power of God flesh was made-for man cannot come into the world without his instrumentality), and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of (in appearance so) the only be. gotten (or best beloved) of the Father, full of grace and truth (receiving the favour of God in consequence of his acting with truth and sincerity).

The verses, as being a preface, are a highly figurative and sublime representation of the Omnipotence, or power of the Supreme Being.

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THIS very serious and alarming period has caused numbers to come forward and give their opinion of the Prophetic Writings: from the many inserted advertisements I have selected one of the latest in January 1815, called A Combined View of the Prophecies of Daniel, Esdras, and St. John; by James Hatley Frere, esq." as the "Little Book" being a combined view, I had a wish to examine his hypothesis, which upon perusal I find to be the old beaten track, 66 a baseless fabric" "built upon the sand," each layer of the superstructure tottering as it rises to its summit, and then falls, not having its base "founded upon a rock," for "the fear of man has been a snare" to him as well as with former commentators, "but perfect love (or a proper regard for the Deity) casteth out fear." Read the whole verse, the 18th of the fourth chapter first of John, and likewise the three first verses, and these at this period must be perused with the greatest attention. I trust nothing has been kept back by me, and I can with truth say there is not a passage in my Little Book that has not my mind with it, though by

its publication I displease some carthly friends, yet 1 make a valuable exchange if I gain a heavenly one. This is wrote on the 17th of March, 1815, at the time I am entering upon a fair copy for the press; with a view to show what man is, and what he ought to bc-" Try the spirits." A few notes may be wanted at the end of sentences before the work is struck off, which will be given in a smaller letter. The recapitulation has been written at different times for the last three years, according as circumstances arose, and my mind was influ


In the 4th page I have requested my readers tc "examine with care Nebuchadnezzer's dream, and Daniel's interpretation," and for a proper understanding of the whole, they must refer to the 28th verse of the second chapter, for it is evident the whole of the dream relates to "the latter days." I have therefore now further to desire they would compare "four of the six verses" (40-1142 and 43) with sixteen verses in the eleventh chapter beginning at the 24th-10th verse of the second chapter.-"And as

iron that breaketh all these, shall it (the "fourth kingdom," the same as the "fourth beast" with "iron teeth" in the 7th chapter) break in pieces and bruise." (Ponder well upon the significant expression)-41st verse, "The kingdom shall be divided" &c.-42d verse," The kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken,"43d verse,

They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another." The sixteen verses therefore in the eleventh chapter are an awful explanation of the four in the 2d chapter. The ten toes in Daniel's interpretation strongly applies to the ten horns supporting the fourth beast in the the 7th chapter, and likewise to the same ten assisting, or supporting horns of the woman in the Apocalypse. The "head of gold" in the 38th verse is a type, or emblem of the golden image ; remember, "the stone smote the image and mind " upon its feel.""In the days of these kings" (44th verse)at the time or period of their existence is a type of the


four great beasts" in the 7th chapter, when "the God of heaven will set up (or begin) a kingdom which shall never be destroyed.' No doubt the kingdom of Christ-the second advent-the millennium, or thousand years of happiness. See the four great beasts" (or kings) elucidated in the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th pages introduction,

Upon reading Josephus's history of the Jews, I found that he makes the period of Nebuchadnezzer's "eating grass like oxen," or mental derangement to be seven years; I therefore am mistaken respecting the "three years and a half," or "forty and two months," as mentioned in the 5th page of the introduction. My readers that have the opportunity of seeing Josephus's history (folio vol.) will be so good as to turn to the 2d chapter,

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