Don't Die a Caterpillar: The Power of TransformationTate Publishing, 2007 - 125 pagini Don't Die a Caterpillar: The Power of Transformation challenges the status quo when it comes to change. It is time for us to begin to profess transformation everywhere we have spoken change. With change, deliverance is temporary, but with transformation it is eternal. |
Introduction | 13 |
Chapter 1 | 15 |
Chapter 2 | 27 |
Chapter 3 | 39 |
Chapter 4 | 55 |
Chapter 5 | 69 |
Chapter 6 | 87 |
Chapter 7 | 105 |
A Bonus Last Chapter | 121 |
Endnotes | 125 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Adam and Eve Adidas apostles become the answer begin believe Bible Biblical numerology blessing body Brazen Altar butterfly called caterpillar children of Israel church Cocoon Stage comes confess Corinthians deeper deliverance Deuteronomy didn’t earth enemy everything faith Father flesh furniture Genesis give God’s God's executive God's perfect God's Word happens hear heart heaven Hivites isn’t John Joshua king Kingdom Kingdom of God lives Lord Lord's Prayer Luke manifest means mind of Christ mindset Moses move negative never go back Nimrod optimist ourselves pastor Paul pool of Bethesda positive pray prayer pressure problem profess prolegs promise Psalm realize reason Revelation rock Romans saith unto Scripture self-will Shittim someone soul speak spirit of fear talk tells things thou thought tion told transition and transformation transition to transformation tree trying understand verse walk wants