A Handbook of International Human Rights Terminology

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U of Nebraska Press, 1 ian. 2004 - 393 pagini
This newly revised, greatly expanded, and updated edition is the essential tool for navigating the language of international human rights related to law, jurisprudence, politics, diplomacy, and philosophy. Broadening the scope and enhancing our understanding of international human rights, the second edition of A Handbook of International Human Rights Terminology contains over four hundred new commonly used key terms and acronyms as well as corrections to terms that have taken on new meaning since the publication of the original. It also includes new treaty instruments and citations of important human rights instruments. Designed to be accessible to persons from different systems and regions of the world, this handbook fills an important void in the burgeoning discourse of international human rights and will become a vital reference work for specialists, students, and newcomers to this field.

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Despre autor (2004)

H.øVictor Condä teaches international human rights law at Trinity International University in California and at the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.

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