A Cosmic Leap of Faith: An Authorial, Structural, and Theological Investigation of the Cosmic Christology in Col. 1:15-20

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Peeters Publishers, 2006 - 291 pagini
Among the array of christologies embodied within New Testament literature, the so-called "hymn" of Colossians 1: 15-20 offers a unique and invaluable contribution to contemporary theological and inter-religious discourse. This is because it conveys what is arguably the highest christological affirmation within the canon. Pizzuto contends that the hymn is a creative and faith-filled composition by the same deutero-Pauline author of the Colossians epistle itself and demonstrates that there is an inextricable relationship between the chiastic structure of Col 1: 15-20 and a proper understanding of its provenance, authorship and theology. Although the hymn echoes theological motifs consistent with Second Temple Judaism and loosely reflects a number of syncretistic influences, it is fundamentally the novelty of the "Christ-event," - the historical impact of Jesus of Nazareth - that has been most influential in determining the christological categories of Col 1: 15-20 and its larger epistolary framework. Pizzuto thus defends the overall integrity of the hymn against those who would assert that it reflects a pre-Christian or pre-Colossians origin. He concludes that Col 1: 15-20 represents something of a "leap" beyond Pauline christology into a new and unequivocal conviction of the cosmic implications of the Cross.

Din interiorul cărții


General Introduction
Mayerhoff and the Colossian Authorship Debate
The Significance of the Theological Content of Colos
Recent Contributions to the Authorship Debate
Discerning the Data the Pseudepigraphical Author
Stylistic Features of the Hymn the Tension Between
A Leap of Faith Continuity and Novelty in
General Conclusion
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