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report and recommendation, shall be forwarded to the district director, who shall sign the report, either approving or disapproving the recommendation. If the decision of the district director is that the proceedings be terminated, the respondent shall be so informed.

§ 342.8 Appeals.

Should the district director find that the certificate, document, or record was fraudulently or illegally obtained, he shall enter an order that it be cancelled and the certificate or document surrendered to the Service forthwith. Written notification of such action shall be given the respondent, with a copy of the decision, findings and decision of the district director, and he shall be informed of his right of appeal in accordance with the provisions of Part 103 of this chapter.

§ 342.9 Notice re 18 U.S.C. 1428.

The notice to surrender a cancelled certificate of citizenship or copy thereof, prescribed by section 1428 of Title 18 of the United States Code, shall be given by the district director in whose district the person who has possession or control of such document resides. [28 FR 9282, Aug. 23, 1963]


§ 343.1 Application.

A person who lost citizenship of the United States incidental to service in one of the allied armies during World War I or II, or by voting in a political election in a country not at war with the United States during World War II, and who was naturalized under the provisions of section 323 of the Nationality Act of 1940, as amended, or a person who, before January 13, 1941, resumed United States citizenship under the twelfth subdivision of section 4 of the act of June 29, 1906, may obtain a certificate evidencing such citizenship by making application therefor on Form N-580. The appli

cant shall be required to appear in person before an assigned officer for interrogation under oath or affirmation upon the application. When the application is approved, a certificate of naturalization or repatriation shall be issued and delivered in person, in the United States only, upon the applicant's signed receipt therefor. If the application is denied, the applicant shall be notified of the reasons therefor and his right to appeal in accordance with the provisions of Part 103 of this chapter.

(Secs. 103, 332, 343, 344, 405, 66 Stat. 173, 252, 263, 264, 280; 8 U.S.C. 1101, 1103, 1443, 1454, 1455.)

[23 FR 9125, Nov. 26, 1958, as amended at 32 FR 9635, July 4, 1967]



343a.1 Application for replacement of or for new naturalization or citizenship paper.

343a.2 Return or replacement of surrendered certificate of naturalization or citizenship.

§ 343a.1 Application for replacement of or for new naturalization or citizenship paper.

(a) Lost, mutilated, or destroyed naturalization papers. A person whose declaration of intention, certificate of naturalization, citizenship, or repatriation, or whose certified copy of proceedings under the act of June 25, 1936, as amended, or under section 317(b) of the Nationality Act of 1940, or under section 324(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or under the provisions of any private law, has been lost, mutilated, or destroyed, shall apply on Form N-565 for a new paper in lieu thereof.

(b) New certificate in changed name. A naturalized citizen whose name has been changed after naturalization by order of court or by marriage shall apply on Form N-565 for a new certificate of naturalization, or of citizenship, in the changed name.

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(c) Disposition. The applicant shall be required to appear in person before an assigned officer for interrogation under oath or affirmation upon the application. If an application for a new certificate of naturalization, citizenship, or repatriation is approved, the new certificate shall be issued and delivered in person upon the applicant's signed receipt therefor. When an application for a new declaration of intention is approved, the new declaration of intention shall be issued and the original delivered to the applicant upon his signed receipt therefor. If an application for a new certified copy of the proceedings under the act of June 25, 1936, as amended, or under section 317(b) of the Nationality Act of 1940, or under section 324(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or under the provisions of any private law is approved, there shall be issued a certified positive photocopy of the record of the proceedings filed with the Service. When subsequent to the naturalization or repatriation the applicant's name has been changed by marriage, the certification of the positive photocopy shall show both the name in which the proceedings were had and the changed name. The new certified copy shall be personally delivered to the applicant, upon his signed receipt therefor. If the application is denied, the applicant shall be notified of the reasons therefor and of his right to appeal in accordance with the provisions of Part 103 of this chapter.

(Secs. 103, 324, 332, 343, 344, 405, 66 Stat. 173, 246, 247, 252, 263, 264, 265, 280; 8 U.S.C. 1101 note, 1103, 1435, 1443, 1454, 1455)

[23 FR 9125, Nov. 26, 1958 as amended at 32 FR 9635, July 7, 1967)

§ 3438.2 Return or replacement of surrendered certificate of naturalization or citizenship.

A certificate of naturalization or citizenship in a service file which was surrendered on a finding that loss of U.S. nationality had occurred directly or through a parent by reason of section 404 (b) or (c) of the Nationality Act of 1940 or section 352 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and which finding is no longer valid in view of "Schneider v. Rusk," 377 U.S. 163, or a certificate of naturalization or citizen

ship in a service file which was surrendered on a finding that loss of U.S. nationality had occurred pursuant to section 401(e) of the Nationality Act of 1940 or section 349(a) (5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and which finding is no longer valid in view of "Afroyim v. Rusk," 387 U.S. 253, or a certificate of citizenship in a service file which was surrendered on a finding that loss of U.S. nationality had occurred pursuant to section 301(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the provisions of which were extended by section 301(c) of the same Act to persons born after May 24, 1934, and which finding is no longer valid in view of the amendment to section 301(b) on October 27, 1972, Public Law 92-584, may be returned to the person to whom it was issued, notwithstanding the fact that he has since been naturalized or repatriated in the United States or abroad. If, after having been surrendered to the Department of State or to this Service, the certificate has been lost, mutilated, or destroyed as a result of either Service action or the action of that Department, a replacement certificate may be issued in the name shown in the surrendered certificate without fee and without requiring the submission of Form N-565. A surrendered certificate shall not be regarded as mutilated and a replacement shall not be issued solely because of holes made in it to accommodate an Acco fastener, unless the citizen declines to accept the return of the surrendered certificate in that condition and insists upon issuance of a replacement. When it is desired that the replacement certificate be furnished in a name other than the one shown in the surrendered certificate, the regular application procedure with payment of fee must be followed. The naturalized person shall be required to appear in person, if within the United States, before an assigned officer for interrogation under oath or affirmation upon the request for return of the certificate.

(Secs. 103, 324, 332, 343, 344, 405, 66 Stat. 173, 246, 247, 252, 263, 264, 265, 280; 8 U.S.C. 1101 note, 1103, 1435, 1443, 1454, 1455)

[32 FR 9635, July 4, 1967, as amended at 33 FR 4562, Mar. 15, 1968; 38 FR 5997, Mar. 6, 1973]

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A naturalized citizen who desires to obtain recognition as a citizen of the United States by a foreign state shall submit an application on Form N-577. He shall not be furnished with verification of his naturalization for such purpose in any other way. An applicant who is a claimant against a foreign government for property damage pursuant to the provisions of a peace treaty shall not be requested to furnish the name, official title, and address of a foreign official unless such information is available when the investigation of the applicant is conducted. The applicant shall be required to appear in person before an assigned officer for interrogation under oath or affirmation upon the application.

[32 FR 9636, July 4, 1967]

§ 343b.2 Number of applications required. A special certificate of naturalization is delivered to one foreign government official only. An applicant who desires recognition as a U.S. citizen by more than one foreign official, whether in the same country or not, must file a separate application for each certificate required.

[32 FR 9636, July 4, 1967]

§ 343b.3 Interrogation.

When Form N-577 presents a prima facie case, it shall be forwarded to the district director, without first interrogating the applicant, for issuance of the certificate. Interrogation of the applicant shall be conducted before the application is forwarded if he appears in person to file the application or if it is necessary in order to proper


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If the application is received by a Service officer stationed outside the United States, he shall, when practicable, interrogate the applicant before the application is forwarded to the district director in the United States having jurisdiction over the applicant's place of residence for issuance of the certificate. When such interrogation is not practicable, or is not conducted because the application is submitted directly to the Commissioner or a district director of the Service in the United States, the certificate may nevertheless be issued and the recommendation conditioned upon satisfactory interrogation by a State Department representative. When forwarding the certificate in such a case, the Secretary of State shall be informed that the applicant has not been interviewed, and requested to have his representative abroad interview the applicant regarding identity and possible expatriation. If identity is not established or if expatriation has occurred, the request shali be made that the certificate be returned to the Service.

[37 FR 7584, Apr. 18, 1972]

§ 343b.5 Verification of naturalization.

The application shall not be granted without first obtaining verification of the applicant's naturalization.

[32 FR 9636, July 4, 1967]

§ 343b.11 Disposition of application.

(a) Issuance of certificate. If the application is granted, a special certificate of naturalization of Form N-578 shall be issued by the district director and forwarded to the Secretary of State for transmission to the proper

(c) Disposition. The applicant shall be required to appear in person before an assigned officer for interrogation under oath or affirmation upon the application. If an application for a new certificate of naturalization, citizenship, or repatriation is approved, the new certificate shall be issued and delivered in person upon the applicant's signed receipt therefor. When an application for a new declaration of intention is approved, the new declaration of intention shall be issued and the original delivered to the applicant upon his signed receipt therefor. If an application for a new certified copy of the proceedings under the act of June 25, 1936, as amended, or under section 317(b) of the Nationality Act of 1940, or under section 324(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or under the provisions of any private law is approved, there shall be issued a certified positive photocopy of the record of the proceedings filed with the Service. When subsequent to the naturalization or repatriation the applicant's name has been changed by marriage, the certification of the positive photocopy shall show both the name in which the proceedings were had and the changed name. The new certified copy shall be personally delivered to the applicant, upon his signed receipt therefor. If the application is denied, the applicant shall be notified of the reasons therefor and of his right to appeal in accordance with the provisions of Part 103 of this chapter.

(Secs. 103, 324, 332, 343, 344, 405, 66 Stat. 173, 246, 247, 252, 263, 264, 265, 280; 8 U.S.C. 1101 note, 1103, 1435, 1443, 1454, 1455)

[23 FR 9125, Nov. 26, 1958 as amended at 32 FR 9635, July 7, 1967)

§ 343a.2 Return or replacement of surrendered certificate of naturalization or citizenship.

A certificate of naturalization or citizenship in a service file which was surrendered on a finding that loss of U.S. nationality had occurred directly or through a parent by reason of section 404 (b) or (c) of the Nationality Act of 1940 or section 352 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and which finding is no longer valid in view of "Schneider v. Rusk," 377 U.S. 163, or a certificate of naturalization or citizen

ship in a service file which was surrendered on a finding that loss of U.S. nationality had occurred pursuant to section 401(e) of the Nationality Act of 1940 or section 349(a) (5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and which finding is no longer valid in view of "Afroyim v. Rusk," 387 U.S. 253, or a certificate of citizenship in a service file which was surrendered on a finding that loss of U.S. nationality had occurred pursuant to section 301(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the provisions of which were extended by section 301(c) of the same Act to persons born after May 24, 1934, and which finding is no longer valid in view of the amendment to section 301(b) on October 27, 1972, Public Law 92-584, may be returned to the person to whom it was issued, notwithstanding the fact that he has since been naturalized or repatriated in the United States or abroad. If, after having been surrendered to the Department of State or to this Service, the certificate has been lost, mutilated, or destroyed as a result of either Service action or the action of that Department, a replacement certificate may be issued in the name shown in the surrendered certificate without fee and without requiring the submission of Form N-565. A surrendered certificate shall not be regarded as mutilated and a replacement shall not be issued solely because of holes made in it to accommodate an Acco fastener, unless the citizen declines to accept the return of the surrendered certificate in that condition and insists upon issuance of a replacement. When it is desired that the replacement certificate be furnished in a name other than the one shown in the surrendered certificate, the regular application procedure with payment of fee must be followed. The naturalized person shall be required to appear in person, if within the United States, before an assigned officer for interrogation under oath or affirmation upon the request for return of the certificate.

(Secs. 103, 324, 332, 343, 344, 405, 66 Stat. 173, 246, 247, 252, 263, 264, 265, 280; 8 U.S.C. 1101 note, 1103, 1435, 1443, 1454, 1455)

[32 FR 9635, July 4, 1967, as amended at 33 FR 4562, Mar. 15, 1968; 38 FR 5997, Mar. 6, 1973]

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A naturalized citizen who desires to obtain recognition as a citizen of the United States by a foreign state shall submit an application on Form N-577. He shall not be furnished with verification of his naturalization for such purpose in any other way. An applicant who is a claimant against a foreign government for property damage pursuant to the provisions of a peace treaty shall not be requested to furnish the name, official title, and address of a foreign official unless such information is available when the investigation of the applicant is conducted. The applicant shall be required to appear in person before an assigned officer for interrogation under oath or affirmation upon the application.

[32 FR 9636, July 4, 1967)

§ 343b.2 Number of applications required. A special certificate of naturalization is delivered to one foreign government official only. An applicant who desires recognition as a U.S. citizen by more than one foreign official, whether in the same country or not, must file a separate application for each certificate required.

[32 FR 9636, July 4, 1967]

§ 343b.3 Interrogation.

When Form N-577 presents a prima facie case, it shall be forwarded to the district director, without first interrogating the applicant, for issuance of the certificate. Interrogation of the applicant shall be conducted before the application is forwarded if he appears in person to file the application or if it is necessary in order to proper

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If the application is received by a Service officer stationed outside the United States, he shall, when practicable, interrogate the applicant before the application is forwarded to the district director in the United States having jurisdiction over the applicant's place of residence for issuance of the certificate. When such interrogation is not practicable, or is not conducted because the application is submitted directly to the Commissioner or a district director of the Service in the United States, the certificate may nevertheless be issued and the recommendation conditioned upon satisfactory interrogation by a State Department representative. When forwarding the certificate in such a case, the Secretary of State shall be informed that the applicant has not been interviewed, and requested to have his representative abroad interview the applicant regarding identity and possible expatriation. If identity is not established or if expatriation has occurred, the request shali be made that the certificate be returned to the Service.


[37 FR 7584, Apr. 18, 1972]

§ 343b.5 Verification of naturalization.

The application shall not be granted without first obtaining verification of the applicant's naturalization.

[32 FR 9636, July 4, 1967]

§ 343b.11 Disposition of application.

(a) Issuance of certificate. If the application is granted, a special certificate of naturalization of Form N-578 shall be issued by the district director and forwarded to the Secretary of State for transmission to the proper

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