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I-129F (1-1-77) Petition to Classify Status of Alien Fiance or Fiancee for Issuance of Nonimmigrant Visa.

I-130 (1-1-77) Petition to Classify Status of Alien Relative for Issuance of Immigrant Visa.

I-131 (4-1-76) Application for Issuance or
Extension of Permit to Reenter the
United States.

I-134 (3-1-76) Affidavit of Support.
I-138 (11-5-70) Subpoena.

I-140 (1-10-77) Petition to Classify Preference Status of Alien on Basis of Profession or Occupation.

I-141 (4-21-69) Medical Certificate.

I-147 (1-26-56) Notice of Temporary Exclusion from the United States.

I-151 (7-1-72) Alien Registration Receipt Card.

I-171C (2-1-74) Notice of Approval of Nonimmigrant Visa Petition or of Extension of Stay of H or L Alien.

I-174 (3-1-65) Application for Crewman's
Landing Permit.

I-175 (4-1-75) Application for Nonresident
Alien Canadian Border Crossing Card.
I-180 (9-1-71) Notice of Voidance of Form I-

I-181 (4-1-75) Memorandum of Creation of
Record of Lawful Permanent Residence.
I-184 (4-1-58) Alien Crewman Landing
Permit and Identification Card.
I-185 (1-1-77) Nonresident Alien Canadian
Border Crossing Card.

I-186 (6-1-72) Nonresident Alien Mexican
Border Crossing Card.

I-190 (3-1-75) Application for Nonresident
Alien Mexican Border Crossing Card.
I-191 (2-26-76) Application for Advance Per-
mission to Return to Unrelinquished Do-

I-192 (2-25-76) Application for Advance Per-
mission to Enter as Nonimmigrant.
I-193 (3-23-76) Application for Waiver of
Passport and/or Visa.

I-196 (5-3-76) Application for U.S. Citizen
Identification Card.

I-197 (5-1-76) U.S. Citizen Identification

I-202 (12-24-52) Authorization for Removal.
I-212 (2-24-76) Application for Permission
to Reapply for Admission into the United
States after Deportation or Removal.
I-221 (7-1-73) Order to Show Cause and
Notice of Hearing.

I-221S (8-26-76) Order to Show Cause, Notice of Hearing, and Warrant for Arrest of Alien.

I-243 (9-27-75) Application for Removal. I-246 (2-27-76) Application for Stay of Deportation.

I-256A (4-1-76) Application for Suspension of Deportation.

I-259 (10-1-69) Notice to Detain, Deport, Remove or Present Aliens.

I-259A (2-12-55) Agreement by Transportation Line to Assume Responsibility for Removal of Aliens. (One-time basis.)

I-259B (4-1-70) Agreement by Transportation Line to Assume Responsibility for Removal of Aliens. (Continuing basis). I-260 (6-1-73) Notice to Take Testimony of Witness.

I-284 (12-20-66) Notice to Transportation Line Regarding Deportation and Detention Expenses of Detained Alien.

I-286 (9-1-75) Notification to Alien of Conditions of Release or Detention.

1-287 (4-10-72) Special Care and Attention for Alien.

I-288 (2-20-62) Notice to Transportation
Line Regarding Deportation Expenses of
Alien Completely Ready for Deportation.
I-290A (4-1-76) Notice of Appeal to the
Board of Immigration Appeals.

I-290B (3-26-76) Notice of Appeal to Regional Commissioner.

I-290C (9-30-66) Notice of Certification.
I-292 (5-1-76) Decision.

I-296 (3-15-76) Notice to Alien Ordered Excluded by Immigration Judge.

I-305 (5-1-76) Receipt of Immigration Officer-U.S. Bonds or Notes, or Cash, Accepted as Security on Immigration Bond. I-310 (4-16-62) Bond for Payment of Sums and Fines Imposed Under Immigration and Nationality Act (Term or Single Entry).

I-312 (4-15-76) Designation of Attorney in Fact.

I-323 (3-15-77) Notice-Immigration Bond

I-328 (6-5-74) Order on Motion to Reopen.
I-342 (2-15-77) Determination of the Immi-
gration Judge with Respect to Custody.
I-351 (6-1-74) Bond Riders.

I-352 (10-14-76) Immigration Bond.
I-356 (9-27-75) Request for Cancellation of
Public Charge Bond.

I-391 (3-14-77) Notice-Immigration Bond

I-408 (9-1-68) Application to Pay Off or Discharge Alien Crewman.

I-410 (5-1-75) Receipt for Crew List.
I-418 (7-1-74) Passenger List-Crew List.
I-420 (3-15-67) Agreement (land-border) Be-
tween Transportation Line and United

I-421 (6-29-58) Agreement (overseas) Between Transportation Line and United States.

I-425 (3-24-77) Agreement for Preinspection at Places Outside United States. I-426 (5-1-65) Immediate and Continuous Transit Agreement Between a Transportation Line and the United States of America (special direct transit procedure). I-485 (1-10-77) Application for Status as Permanent Resident.

I-485A (12-1-73) Application by Cuban Refugee for Permanent Residence.

1-486A (6-1-73) Medical Examination and Immigration Interview.

-506 (4-1-76) Application for Change of Nonimmigrant Status.

(-508 (6-1-70) Waiver of Rights, Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities. 1-508F (6-1-70) Waiver of Rights, Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities (Under Sec. 247(b) of the Act and under the Convention between the United States of America and the French Republic with respect to Taxes on Income and Property). 1-509 (8-1-70) Notice to Alien of Proposed Change from Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence to Nonimmigrant. 1-510 (7-24-67) Guarantee of Payment. 1-512 (12-15-65) Authorization for Parole or Conditional Entry of an Alien into the United States.

1-526 (10-7-76) Request for Determination that Prospective Immigrant is an Investor. I-538 (6-1-74) Application by Nonimmigrant Student (F-1) for Extension of Stay, School Transfer or Permission to Accept or Continue Employment.

I-539 (4-1-76) Application to Extend Time of Temporary Stay.

I-570 (4-1-76) Application for Issuance or Extension of Refugee Travel Document. 1-571 (6-1-74) Refugee Travel Document. 1-589 (9-1-74) Request for Asylum in the United States.

1-590 (5-15-68) Registration for Classification as Conditional Entrant.

I-590A (10-20-69) Application for Classification as a Refugee Under the Proviso to Section 203(a)(7), Immigration and Nationality Act.

1-591 (9-27-75) Assurance by a United States Sponsor in Behalf of an Applicant for Conditional Entry.

1-592 (12-1-65) Declaration of Conditional Entrant at Time of Arrival.

1-600 (3-1-76) Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative. 1-601 (4-1-76) Application for Waiver on Grounds of Excludability under section 212 (g), (h), or (i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

I-612 (2-25-76) Application for Waiver of the Foreign Residence Requirement of Section 212(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended.

I-171C (5-1-71) Notice of Approval of Nonimmigrant Visa Petition or of Extension of Stay of H or L Alien.

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization's General Declaration.

MA 7-50 (4-70) Application for Alien Employment Certification. (Part I-Statement of Qualifications of Aliens (MA 750A)) (Part II-Job Offer for Alien Employment (MA 7-50B))

N-3 (6-1-70) Requisition for Forms and Binders.

N-315 (2-1-71) Declaration of Intention.

N-400 (5-1-73) Application to File Petition for Naturalization.

N-405 (7-1-70) Petition for Naturalization (under general provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act).

N-470 (1-22-73) Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes (under Sec. 316(b) or 317, Immigration and Nationality Act).

N-472 (4-28-72) Approval of Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes.

N-550 (12-1-69) Certificate of Naturalization.

N-600 (9-1-69) Application for Certificate of Citizenship.

SW-434 (7-1-73) Mexican Border Visitors Permit.

7507 (3-69) Bureau of Customs' General Declaration.

NOTE: For changes to this section, see "List of CFR Sections Affected."

§ 299.2 Forms available from the Superintendent of Documents.

The following forms required for compliance with the provisions of Subchapter B of this chapter may be obtained, upon prepayment, from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402: G-28, G-325A, I-20, I-92, I-94, I-95, I-129B, I-130, I-131, I-140, I-408, I-418 and I-485. A small supply of those forms shall be set aside by immigration officers for free distribution and official use.

[42 FR 36810, July 18, 1977]

§ 299.3 Reproduction of forms by private parties.

The following forms required for compliance with the provisions of subchapter B of this chapter may be printed or otherwise reproduced by an appropriate duplicating process by private parties at their own expense: I-20, I-92, I-94, I-95, I-408, and I-418. Forms printed or reproduced by private parties shall conform to the officially printed forms currently in use with respect to size, wording and language, arrangement, style and size of type, and paper specifications. Such forms shall be printed or otherwise duplicated in black ink or dye that will not fade or "feather" within 20 years. Printed or reproduced Forms I-94 must each bear a seven-digit sequential number which shall appear on

both the original and the carbon copy of the form. Beginning with the number 000 00 00 and continuing through 999 99 00, printed or repro

duced Forms I-94 shall repeat this series of numbers each time all the numbers have been used. [38 FR 21995, Aug. 15, 1973]






306.1 Persons eligible.

306.2 United States citizenship; when acquired.

306.11 Preliminary application form; filing; examination.

306.12 Renunciation forms; disposition.

AUTHORITY: Secs. 103, 306, 332, 66 Stat. 173, 237, 252; 8 U.S.C. 1103, 1406, 1443. SOURCE: 22 FR 9812, Dec 6, 1957, unless | otherwise noted.

§ 306.1 Persons eligible.

Any Danish citizen who resided in the Virgin Islands of the United States on January 17, 1917, and in those Islands, Puerto Rico, or the United States on February 25, 1927, and who had preserved his Danish citizenship by making the declaration prescribed by Article VI of the treaty entered into between the United States and Denmark on August 4, 1916, and proclaimed January 25, 1917, may renounce his Danish citizenship before any court of record in the United States irrespective of his place of residence, in accordance with the provisions of this part.

§ 306.2 United States citizenship; when acquired.

Immediately upon making the declaration of renunciation as described in § 306.12 the declarant shall be deemed to be a citizen of the United States. No certificate of naturalization or of citizenship shall be issued by the clerk of court to any person obtaining, or who has obtained citizenship solely under section 306(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act or under section 1 of the act of February 25, 1927.

§ 306.11 Preliminary application form; filing; examination.

A person of the class described in § 306.1 shall submit to the Service on Form N-350 preliminary application to renounce Danish citizenship, in accordance with the instructions contained therein. The applicant shall be noti

fied in writing when and where to appear before a representative of the Service for examination as to his eligibility to renounce Danish citizenship and for assistance in filing the renunciation.

§ 306.12 Renunciation forms; disposition.

The renunciation shall be made and executed by the applicant under oath, in duplicate, on Form N-351 and filed in the office of the clerk of court. The usual procedural requirements of the Immigration and Nationality Act shall not apply to proceedings under this part. The fee shall be fixed by the court or the clerk thereof in accordance with the law and rules of the court, and no accounting therefor shall be required to be made to the Service. The clerk shall retain the original of Form N-351 as the court record and forward the duplicate to the district director exercising administrative naturalization jurisdiction over the area in which the court is located.



312.1 Literacy requirements.

312.2 Knowledge of history and Government of the United States.

312.3 Failure to meet educational and literacy requirements.

AUTHORITY: Sec. 103, 66 Stat. 173; 8 U.S.C. 1103. Interpret or apply 312, 332, 66 Stat. 239, 252; 8 U.S.C. 1423, 1443.

SOURCE: 32 FR 9633, July 4, 1967, unless otherwise noted.

§ 312.1 Literacy requirements.

The ability of a petitioner to speak English shall be determined from answers to questions normally asked in the course of the preliminary investigation and preliminary examination. A petitioner's ability to read and write English shall be tested by excerpts from one or more parts of the Federal Textbooks on Citizenship written at the elementary literacy level. These textbooks may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Gov

ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, and are available at certain public educational institutions. The matter written by a petitioner shall be retained in his file.

§ 312.2 Knowledge of history and Government of the United States.

The test of a petitioner's knowledge of the history and form of government of the United States shall be given in the English language unless he is exempt from speaking English. The scope of the testing shall be limited primarily to subject matters covered in the Federal Textbooks on Citizenship. In choosing the subject matters and in phrasing questions, due consideration shall be given to the extent of the petitioner's education, background, age, length of residence in the United States, opportunities available and efforts made to acquire the requisite knowledge, and any other elements or factors relevant to an appraisal of the adequacy of his knowledge and understanding.

§ 312.3 Failure to meet educational and literacy requirements.

A petitioner for naturalization who fails to pass the English literacy or educational tests at the preliminary investigation or preliminary examination shall be afforded a second opportunity to pass the tests before the petition for naturalization is calendared for final hearing and, if needed, a final opportunity at the time of final hearing before the naturalization court.

[38 FR 8592, Apr. 4, 1973]



316a.1 Absence for which benefits of section 307(b) or 308 of the Nationality Act of 1940 have been granted; effect on continuous residence requirement. 316a.2 American institutions of research. 316a.3 Public international organizations

of which the United States is a member by treaty or statute.

316a.4 International Organizations Immunities Act designations.

316a.21 Application for benefits with respect to absences; appeal.

AUTHORITY: Secs. 103, 316, 317, 332, 405, 66 Stat. 173, 242, 243, 252, 280; 8 U.S.C. 1103, 1427, 1428, 1443, 1101 note.

§ 316a.1 Absence for which benefits of section 307(b) or 308 of the Nationality Act of 1940 have been granted; effect on continuous residence requirement. No absence from the United States which commenced prior to the effective date of the Immigration and Nationality Act, whether or not it continued beyond that date, in connection with which an application for exemption from the usual residence requirements under the naturalization laws was made under section 307(b) or 308 of the Nationality Act of 1940 and acted upon favorably by the Attorney General, shall be regarded as having broken the continuity of residence required by section 316(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, provided that satisfactory proof that the absence was for a purpose described in section 307(b) or 308 of the Nationality Act of 1940, is presented to the court, and provided that the provisions of section 316(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act are otherwise complied with.

[22 FR 9813, Dec. 6, 1957]

§ 316a.2 American institutions of research.

The following-listed organizations have been determined to be American Institutions of research recognized by the Attorney General:

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University (only in relationship to its research programs).

American Friends of the Middle East, Inc. American Institutes of Research in the Behavioral Sciences (only in relationship to

research projects abroad).

American Universities Field Staff, Inc.

American University, The, Cairo, Egypt.

American University of Beirut (Near East College Associations).

Arctic Institute of North America, Inc. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology.

Asia Foundation, The (formerly Committee for a Free Asia, Inc.).

Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA, Inc.), Tucson, Arizo


Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Inc.

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