The Tragedy of MacbethOxford University Press, 1998 - 249 pagini Dark and violent, Macbeth is also the most theatrically spectacular of Shakespeare's tragedies. Indeed, for 250 years - until early this century - it was performed with grand operatic additions set to baroque music.In his introduction Nicholas Brooke relates the play's chaning fortunes to changes within society and the theatre and investigates the sources of its enduring appeal. He examines its many layers of illusion and interprets its linguistic turns and echoes, arguing that the earliest surviving text isan adaptation, perhaps carried out by Shakespeare himself in collaboration with Thomas Middleton.This fully annotated edition reconsiders textual and staging problems, appraises past and present critical views, and represents a major contribution to our understanding of Macbeth. |
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Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
Tragedy of Macbeth: With Introd., and Notes [explanatory and Critical, for ... William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1887 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
actors allusion ambiguous apparitions Appendix audience Banquo Bernini Birnam blood BULL Caravaggio century Compositor Cymbeline dagger darkness Davenant Davenant's death deed Dent devils DOCTOR Donalbain dramatic DREXEL Duncan Dunsinan edition editors Edward the Confessor emendation English Enter Macbeth equivocator Exeunt Exit Exit Ghost F Space fear Fleance Folio Ghost give hath Heaven Hecate Hecate's Holinshed i'th illusion Jacobean Johnson King King's Men Knock LADY MACBETH LADY MACDUFF language Lennox lord MACBETH MACBETH Malcolm manuscript means Middleton Muir murder nature night o'th pause performance phrase play POPE possible prefix presumably printed proverb reference Richard III ROSS ROWE scene Scot Scotland SECOND WITCH seems sense Seyton SEYWARD Shakespeare sleep song speak speech spirits stage Steevens suggested Thane Thane of Cawdor theatre thee THEOBALD THIRD WITCH thou thought three lines ending tion verse vols Weïrd Sisters weyard William Shakespeare Winter's Tale witchcraft words YALE younker
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