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Mr. Bacon to Mr. Morgan.... July 18


Mr. Morgan to Mr. Root..... July 29


Same to same..

Aug. 30


Cuban bonds of June 1, 1869. Incloses copy of a
Cuban bond, and instructs him to ascertain and
report to the department as to its value.
Same subject. Refers to instruction No. 143, of 18th
instant, and incloses copy of note from foreign
office relative to value of a Cuban bond.
Sanitation of Cuban cities. Incloses portion of Offi-
cial Gazette of the 27th, containing a decree issued
by provisional governor relative to national

Mr. Bacon to Mr. Morgan... Oct. 23 Cuban bonds of June 1, 1869. Instructs him to re

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port as to value of certificates issued by Cuban Gov-
ernment June 1, 1869.

Same subject. Refers to instruction No. 151, of 23d
instant, and reports on status of certificates issued
by Republic of Cuba under date of June 1, 1869.







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Regulations for preventing collisions at sea. See in-
struction of Jan. 30, 1907, to Ambassador Francis.
Administration of estates of Danish subjects de-
ceased in the United States. Says he is instructed
by his Government to inquire whether Govern-
ment of the United States would be willing to enter
upon negotiations for convention by which consuls,
vice-consuls, or consular agents of Denmark in the
United States would be authorized to administer
estates of Danish subjects deceased in the United

Mar. 19 Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights
in China. Asks whether the United States Gov-
ernment would be willing to conclude an arrange-
ment with Government of Denmark for reciprocal
protection in China of trade-marks of citizens of
two countries.

Mar. 25

May 2

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Same subject. Acknowledges note of 19th instant,
and informs him that Government of the United
States is willing to conclude an arrangement with
that of Denmark for reciprocal protection in China
of trade-marks of citizens of either country.
Administration of estates of Danish subjects de-
ceased in the United States. Acknowledges note
of Feb. 25 relative to negotiations for convention
by which diplomatic and consular representatives
of Denmark in the United States may be author-
ized to administer estates of Danish subjects de-
ceased in the United States, and says that this
Government has entered into no treaty with any
foreign country granting rights in question, and
that it is not considered desirable to establish a
precedent in this regard.

Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use
of opium. Acknowledges Mr. Brun's note of the
26th instant, in which he inquires whether the
United States Government prohibits export of
opium, morphine, and hypodermic syringes to
China, and if so, in what manner. In reply he
states that United States Government simply con-
sents to prohibition by Chinese Government of im-
portation into China of morphia and instruments
for its injection.

Mr. O'Brien to Mr. Root.... May 23 Regulations concerning commercial travelers. Ac

Mr. Clan to Mr. Root....... May 27

knowledges circular instruction of Apr. 12, and incloses copy of an extract from an edict of June, 1839, relative to regulations in force in Denmark concerning treatment of commerical travelers and admission of samples. Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights in China. Refers to note No. 671, of Mar. 25, and says that necessary instructions have been sent to Danish consul at Shanghai authorizing him to protect American trade-marks, duly deposited in Denmark, against violation by Danish subjects in China, and expresses hope that necessary instructions will be given for protection of Danish trade-marks.









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The Second Peace Conference. See note of Mar. 5, 1907, from Mr. Bacon to Mr. Nabuco. Review of the transactions of the customs receivership of Santo Domingo during the second year of its operation, Apr. 1, 1906, to Mar. 31, 1907, with collateral exhibits and remarks. Financial affairs in the Dominican Republic. Incloses copy of act of National Congress signed by the President on May 14, declaring a loan of $20,000,000 for the amortization of the debt of Republic and redemption of certain concessions for public good.

Convention between the United States of America and the Dominican Republic providing for assistance of the United States in collection and application of customs revenues of the Dominican Republic, the enabling act, and other correspondence relative to the interpretation and enforcement of the treaty. Incloses copy of resolution adopted by the Dominican Congress on the 3d instant, approving the Dominico-American convention signed on Feb. 8, and copy of communication addressed to minister of foreign relations relative

thereto. Same subject. Acknowledges note transmitting copy of resolution of the Dominican Congress approving pending convention between the United States and the Dominican Republic, together with copy of letter from minister of the interior to minister of foreign relations on the subject. Same subject. Refers to dispatch No. 15 of June 11, and incloses extract from Gaceta Oficial relative to approval of Dominican Congress of DominicanAmerican convention of Feb. 8.






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Proclamation by the Presi- July 25 dent.

Mr. McCreery to Mr.

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Same subject. Incloses extract from Gaceta Oficial of July 24, containing ratification of DominicanAmerican convention by Dominican President and protocol of exchange. Dominican trade-mark law. Incloses copy of trademark law passed by Dominican Congress, and states that it would be great convenience to legation and consulate-general in Santo Domingo to have law in printed form for distribution to American inquirers.

Convention between the United States of America and the Dominican Republic providing for assistance of United States in collection and application of customs revenues of the Dominican Republic, and enabling act, and other correspondence relative to the interpretation and enforcement of the treaty. Confirms department's telegram of Aug. 8, and incloses copy of regulations promulgated by President for the government of the customs receivership under the convention, and directs him to call the attention of the Dominican Government to item 2 of said regulations. Political affairs in the Dominican Republic. Incloses copy of reply of president of the Dominican Congress to message of the President of the Dominican Republic.







From and to whom.


Same to same....

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Aug. 28 Convention between the United States of America
and the Dominican Republic providing for assist-
ance of the United States in collection and applica-
tion of the customs revenues of the Dominican
Republic, the enabling act, and other correspond-
ence relative to the interpretation and enforcement
of the treaty. Acknowledges instruction of Aug.
8, and incloses copy of his note to foreign office
transmitting copy of regulations promulgated by
the President of the United States for the govern-
ment of the customs receivership, and copy of
reply of the minister for foreign affairs thereto,
together with copy of notice of regulations pub-
lished in the Gaceta Oficial of Aug. 28.
Same subject. Confirms telegram of Sept. 12, and
incloses copy of act of the Dominican Congress
authorizing executive power to issue and sell
bonds to amount of $20,000,000.

Final report of transactions of the Dominican
customs receivership under the modus vivendi,
covering the twenty-eight months, Apr. 1, 1905,
to July 31, 1907. Text.

5 Constituent convention of 1907 and constitution
promulgated on Sept. 9, 1907. Reports that con-
stituent convention was called by Congress to
amend political constitution of the Dominican
Republic in its articles 6 to 104, inclusive, and
107 to last article, and incloses copies of decree
declaring necessity for amending constitution and
decree convoking convention.

Same subject. Refers to dispatch No. 46, of Oct. 5,
and incloses copy of constitution of the Dominican
Republic promulgated on Sept. 9, 1907.







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Sept. 19

Sept. 23


Mr. McCreery to Mr. Root.. Oct.

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Same subject. Instructs him to convey congratu-
lations of the President of the United States to the
President of Ecuador.



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.do..... Same subject. Informs the department that inaugu-
ration of Gen. Don Eloy Alfaro as constitutional
President of the Republic of Ecuador took place

on Jan. 1.

Same subject. Acknowledges note of Jan. 4, and
expresses appreciation of assurance of the Presi-
Ident of Ecuador of intention of Government to
continue to cultivate cordial relations now existing
between the two countries.

.do..... Same subject. Confirms his telegram of Jan. 3,
acknowledges department's of Jan. 4, and states
that the President of Ecuador was gratified and
pleased to receive good wishes and congratulations
of the President of the United States.
The Second Peace Conference. See note of Mar. 5,
1907, from Mr. Bacon to Mr. Nabuco.
Election of Gen. Eloy Alfaro as President of Ecua-
dor. Incloses copy of note from minister of foreign
relations of Ecuador expressing appreciation of the
President of Ecuador for good wishes of the Presi-
dent of the United States.
The Second Peace Conference. Reports that Ecua-
dor will be represented at the Second Peace Con-
ference by the Ecuadorean minister to France.
Arbitration of the difficulty between the Ecuadorean
Government and the Guayaquil and Quito Rail-
way Company, an American corporation. Refers
to former correspondence, says that revolution is
imminent owing to the railway problem, that
American investments are reported as in danger,
and asks instructions.







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Same subject. Refers to former correspondence on subject, and instructs him to say to Ecuadorean minister for foreign affairs that this Government regrets injury done to credit and good name of Ecuador by contemplated confiscation of Guayaquil and Ecuador Railway, to lodge a formal protest with the Government of Ecuador against proposed spoliation of property and rights of American citizens, and to give formal notice that the President of the United States is ready to name an arbiter for settlement of all controversies arising between the contracting parties. Same subject. Confirms legation telegram of 13th, acknowledges department's of the 15th, incloses copy of his note to minister for foreign affairs relative to contemplated confiscation of the Guayaquil and Ecuadorean Railway by the Government of Ecuador, and copy of reply thereto. Same subject. Says the President of Ecuador will name arbiter in railway question, and that the Government of Ecuador expresses hope that the President of the United States will do likewise. Same subject. Reports appointment of the Ecuadorean arbiter in the railway question, and awaits designation by President of the United States.

Same subject. Reports appointment of Cesar Borja as arbiter in railway question, to take place of Aguirre, who declined to serve. Says situation is improved as result of action of department, and adds that minister for foreign affairs of Ecuador has expressed a wish that the United States name an arbiter.

Same subject. Informs him that the President will name an arbiter in Guayaquil and Quito Railway Company case at an early date.

Same subject. Informs him that he has been designated by the President as arbitrator in Guayaquil and Quito Railway case.

Same subject. States that the Government and people of Ecuador are well satisfied at action of the President in naming him as arbiter in Guayaquil and Quito Railway case, and that newspaper comments are friendly.

Same subject. Reports meeting on Oct. 5 of arbitrators in Guayaquil and Quito Railway controversy, incloses copy of communication to Secretary of State signed by arbitrator of Ecuador and himself, and says similar communication was addressed to minister for foreign relations of Ecuador.












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Jurisdiction over offense of criminal libel committed by an American citizen in Egypt. States that one Nelken Waldberg, naturalized citizen of the United States, District of Columbia, April, 1888, publishes daily newspaper in Cairo, in which he attacks citizens and members of diplomatic corps; strong proof of blackmail is furnished, and it is desired by certain persons to expel Waldberg, who says he will apply for passport. Requests instructions. Same subject. States that no ground is disclosed for refusing passport to Waldberg, and that American diplomatic and consular officers exercising extraterritorial jurisdiction have no authority to expel or deport, nor can department confer such authority. Says that officers have jurisdiction to arrest and try American citizens for offenses of criminal libel, according to common law. Directs him to consult American judge, mixed tribunals. Same subject Confirms telegrams and incloses correspondence with Egyptian government. Same subject. Refers further to Waldberg's application for passport and his refusal to issue one.





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Same subject. Incloses memorandum prepared in office of solicitor bearing upon certain phases of American extraterritorial jurisdiction in China; also memorandum dealing with jurisdiction over offense of criminal libel committed by an American citizen in Egypt. Same subject. Acknowledges No. 148, approves action, and states that conduct and character of an American citizen may under certain circumstances influence department as regards discretionary act of granting a passport, but such considerations can not affect his status as an American citizen.




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Dec. 22


Mr. McCormick to Mr. Root. Dec. 24

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Mr. Root to Mr. McCormick. Jan. 12

Mr. McCormick to Mr. Root. Jan. 17

Claim of Messrs. Laurent & Lambert v. the United
States for losses sustained during the Spanish-
American war. Acknowledges note of May 25,
1905, and incloses copies of documents relative to
claim of Messrs. Laurent & Lambert for losses sus-
tained by them through acts of the Federal troops
during the Spanish-American war.
Accidental killing of Lieut. Clarence England, U. S.
Navy, by stray bullets from a French warship en-
gaged in rifle practice. Incloses copy of letter from
the Acting Secretary of the Navy, together with
copies of report and findings of naval board ap-
pointed to investigate the killing of Lieut. Clar-
ence England, U. S. Navy, by stray bullets from a
French warship engaged in rifle practice, and di-
rects him to take early occasion to bring the matter
in oral conference to the attention of the minister
for foreign affairs.

Same subject. Refers to instruction No. 219. says he left a memorandum with minister for foreign affairs relative to killing of Lieutenant England by stray bullets from French warship, and states that M. Pichon assured him that the United States could not feel more deeply than did his Government on the subject, and that he was already in conference with minister of marine relative to matter. Extradition of Frederick Lodge Jacobs, an American citizen, to the Argentine Republic from France. Informs him that American consul-general at Marseille reports arrest for fraudulent bankruptcy of Frederick Lodge Jacobs, claiming to be an American citizen, pending arrival of papers from Argentine. Instructs him to investigate and take whatever action he properly can.

Same subject. Referring to telegram of Dec. 22, relative to case of Frederick Lodge Jacobs, now detained at Marseille at request of the Argentine Republic, reports on case and incloses copy of note to minister for foreign affairs relative to matter. Discrimination against American meat products. Acknowledges No. 228, of Dec. 28, 1906, states that he transmitted to minister for foreign affairs copies of act of June 30, of forms of certificates, and of various regulations concerning inspection of American pork products, and incloses copy of memorandum from French department of agriculture relative to matter. Extradition of Frederick Lodge Jacobs, an American citizen, to the Argentine Republic from France. Acknowledges dispatch No. 204, of Dec. 24, incloses copy of letter from Mr. Frederick Lodge Jacobs, detained at Marseille at request of the Argentine Republic, informs him that department approves his note to minister for foreign affairs relative to matter, and instructs him to continue his efforts in behalf of Mr. Jacobs, and if still under arrest to ascertain by what law of France he is deprived of his liberty. Agreement between Great Britain, France, and Italy in regard to the importation of arms and ammunition into Abyssinia. Transmits copies of a Yellow Book issued by the French foreign office on the affairs of Ethiopía.









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