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Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill (telegram).

1907. June 19

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root.... June 25

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Restrictions on importation, growth, and use of
opium. States that department desires to know
definitely whether Government of China will
join the Governments of the United States,
France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, and
Japan in appointing commissioners cooperatively
to investigate question of opium, including both
importation and production there. Adds that
France has not yet accepted.

Settlement of Lienchou indemnity. Incloses copy
of dispatch from consul-general at Canton relatíve
to execution of murderer of Mrs. Edward C.
Machle, one of the Lienehou massacre victims. The open-door policy in Manchuria-establishment
of custom-houses and opening ports of international
trade. Refers to his telegram of 19th instant and
incloses copy of note from foreign office announcing
opening of custom-houses at Dalny (Tairen), An-
tung-hsien and Tatungkou.
Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use,
of opium. Refers to department's cable of June 21
regarding proposed opium joint commission, and
states that he has called on Na Chung-t'ang and
explained purpose of the United States relative to
this matter, and strongly urged prompt acceptance
by China of proposed opium joint commission;
also incloses copy of his letter June 22, 1907, to
Prince of Ch'ing.

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June 29

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Mr. Bacon to Mr. Rockhill... July 2

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Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root.... July

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July 10

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Same subject. Incloses copy of imperial edict and
states that all opium dens in Peking, Tientsin,
Shanghai, Foochow, and many other places have
been closed, but that China has failed to carry out
treaty of 1903 with the United States.
Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights
in China. Refers to instruction No. 291 of May 10,
and says that notwithstanding fact that Chinese
Government has declined to discuss question of
revision of Article XI of treaty of Oct. 8, 1903, until
expiration of the ten years, as fixed by treaty, it
may be possible to reopen case at a later date with
Wai-wu-Pu with some chance of success.
The open-door policy in Manchuria-Establishment
of custom-houses and opening ports to inter-
national trade. Incloses copy of note from foreign
office concerning opening of certain cities to inter-
national trade.

Regulations restricting the importation of arms and
ammunition. Acknowledges dispatch No. 610, of
May 13, and incloses copy of correspondence with
Treasury Department regarding exportation of
firearms from the United States to China.
Payment of the Chinese indemnity-Return by the
United States of a portion of its allotment. Re-
fers to instruction No. 317, of June 18, and incloses
copy of telegram from Wai wu Puto Chinese min-
ister relative to the purpose of the President of the
United States to ask Congress for authority to re-
form agreement with China respecting the indem-

Reservation of American rights in the extension of
the Japanese concession at Hankau. Incloses
copies of correspondence between legation and
consul-general at Hankau relative to reservation
of American rights in extension of Japanese conces-
sion at Hankau.

Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use
of opium. Confirms telegram of even date relating
to opium commission and incloses note from foreign
office on the subject.

Same subject. States that he submitted depart-
ment's telegram to foreign office on the 21st, and
supported it by note based on Mr. Root's dispatch
No. 270. Also states that after several interviews
urging their acceptance he received note from min-
ister for foreign affairs stating that Chinese Gov-
ernment is not aware of methods to be followed in
making investigation, and therefore have no defi-
nite proposition they can consider or to which they
can reply.

.do.... Customs and inland taxation. Incloses copy of
note from foreign office relative to establishment of
customs stations by China at 2 points where
Eastern Chinese Railway crosses the frontier.














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Mr. Bacon to Mr. Rockhill July 11 (telegram).

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root.... July 18 Stamping of deeds for property purchased for mis


Same to same.

Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use
of opium. Directs him to endeavor to procure
China's agreement in principle to joint commission.
sionary purposes. Acknowledges instruction No.
299, of May 31; gives probable reasons for order of
Wai wu Pu relative to stamping of deeds for real
estate purchased by missionaries; incloses copy of
dispatch from consul-general at Hankau and
copies of correspondence between the legation and
Mr. Seabury, of Yale Mission, at Changsha, on the
subject. Governmental and educational reforms in China.
Refers to dispatch No. 593, of Apr. 24 last, and
incloses copies of 2 imperial edicts relative to
certain administrative reforms in the provinces of

Same to same (telegram).... July 24 Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use

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of opium. Reports that China accepts in principle
joint commission, with understanding that each
Government make investigation in its own terri-
tory on lines agreed upon by whole commission. Customs and inland taxation. Refers to his tele-

gram of July 8 and his dispatch No. 666, of 10th
instant, relative to conclusion of arrangement
between Chinese Government and Russian min-
ister for opening of custom-houses on frontier of
northern Manchuria. Governmental and educational reforms in China.
Refers to dispatch No. 670, of 18th instant, and in-
closes copy of memorial on reorganization of pro-
vincial government of China, together with copy
of regulations.

July 25 Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use
of opium. Reports more fully on subject-matter
of his telegram of 24th and incloses correspondence
with foreign office.

Mr. Root to Mr. Straight.... July 26

Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill... Aug. 2

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root... Aug. 9

Customs and inland taxation. Acknowledges his
No. 72, of May 21, and commends him for ability he
has thus far shown in question of exemption of for-
eign goods from inland taxation within open

Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights
in China. Acknowledges dispatch No. 631, of
June 3, and 659, of June 29, and expresses surprise
at blunt reply of Chinese Government concerning
negotiations for proper copyright agreement.
Expresses hope that at later date conditions will be
more favorable.

Governmental and educational reforms in China.
Incloses synopsis of regulations recently promul-
gated for municipal self-government of Tientsin.
Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill... Aug. 13 Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root... Aug. 15

in China. Acknowledges dispatch No. 642, of June
14, and informs him that copy of his dispatch has
been forwarded to American minister at Madrid,
with an expression of hope that Spanish minister
at Peking will receive instructions to effect agree-
ment for protection of United States and Spanish
trade-marks in China.
Governmental and educational reforms in China.
Incloses copy of an imperial decree published on
2d instant for encouragement of trade and indus-
tries, and copy of decree of Aug. 13.
Treaty between Japan and France relating to the Far
East. States that China has made formal protest
to France and Japan against clause in recent agree-
ment between them which provides for mutual
support in maintenance of peace and order in parts
of China adjacent to their territories, and says that
China states that matter pertains to her alone.
Adds that protest has not been replied to. Same subject. Reports more in detail on subject of
his telegram of this date.

Same to same (telegram).... Aug. 22

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Aug. 28

Same subject. Refers to his No. 707, and states that
China has received note from French Government
explaining most fully and satisfactorily agreement,
and stating that nothing in it was to be understood
as derogatory to majesty of China or infringing its
sovereign right. States that as Japanese chargé
called at Wai-wu Pu at same time as French chargé
it is presumed that assurances were given by him,
but minister of the Wai-wu Pu made no mention
of it.
















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Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill.... Aug. 28


Reservation of American rights in the extension of
the Japanese concession at Hankow. Acknowl-
edges dispatch No. 663, of 9th ultimo, and informs
him that department approves his instruction to
consul-general at Hankow relative to reservation
of American rights in extension of Japanese con-
cession at Hankow.

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root... Aug. 30 Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights

714 Same to same.

in China. Incloses newspaper clippings stating that proclamation has been issued by Shanghai taotaf for protection of British trade-marks from infringement in his district, and copy of his instruction to American consul-general at Shanghai suggesting that he endeavor to secure similar protection for American trade-marks in that district. Sept. 4 Stamping of deeds for property purchased for missionary purposes. Refers to instruction No. 299, of May 31, and his reply thereto, and incloses copy of note from foreign office agreeing to stamp deeds for property purchased by missionaries in manner suggested by the legation.


Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill... Sept. 10



Same subject. Acknowledges dispatch No. 669, of
July 18, informs him that department joins in views
suggested by legation relative to stamping of deeds
of conveyance of land purchased in China, and
approves his letter to Mr. Seabury of Yale Mission
at Changsha on the subject.

Mr. Denby to Mr. Bacon.... Sept. 25 Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copy

Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root.... Sept. 28

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rights in China. Incloses copy of proclamation
by taotai of Shanghai for protection of American
trade-marks in that district.

Governmental and educational reforms in China.
Incloses copy of decree of the 20th of September
looking to establishment of what is considered
constituent or constitutional assembly. Same subject. Gives principal points of memorial
recently published by viceroy of Manchu relative
to reconciliation of Manchu and Chinese elements
of population, incloses copy of edict of Aug. 10,
and gives synopsis of edict of Sept. 27.
Same subject. Refers to dispatch No. 742 of Sept.
28, and incloses copies of two memorials of Sept.
30 dealing with subject of representative govern-


Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root.... Oct.


ment. Protection of foreign missions in China. Incloses
copy of edict on subject of protection of missions
in China.


Same to same....

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Mr. Bacon to Mr. Rockhill.. Oct. 14

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Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights
in China. Refers to dispatch No. 30, of Sept. 25,
and incloses copy of a dispatch from the chargé
d'affaires at Peking calling attention to the charac-
ter of the proclamation issued by the taotai of
Shanghai for the protection of American trade-
marks, and copy of his reply thereto explaining
why certain reference to Standard Oil Com-
pany's trade-marks in particular was dwelt upon.
Same subject. Refers to department's No. 343 of
Aug. 13, and incloses copy of note from Spanish
foreign office on subject of jurisdiction of Spanish
consular courts in China.
Governmental and educational reforms in China.
Refers to dispatch No. 745, of Sept. 28, and incloses
copy of edict of Sept. 9 on subject of abolition of
race distinctions as between Manchus and Chi-


Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use
of opium. See instruction No. 134, of Oct. 14, 1907,
from Mr. Bacon to Mr. Hill.
Customs and inland taxation. Incloses copies of
correspondence relative to matter of preferential
treatment accorded by customs regulations, in vio-
lation of treaty stipulations, to trade from Hong-
kong and Macão to open ports and ports of call on
West River, as against trade from Canton.
Governmental and educational reforms in China.
Refers to dispatch No. 750 of the 4th instant, and
incloses copy of edict of 19th instant, ordering
viceroys and governors to establish deliberative
assemblies in their respective provinces. Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights
in China. Refers to dispatch No. 642 of June 14,
relative to reciprocal protection of trade-marks in
China, and incloses copy of note from Spanish min-
ister at Peking on subject.

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355 Mr. Bacon to Mr. Fletcher.. Oct. 23

Stamping of deeds for property purchased for mis-
sionary purposes. Acknowledges dispatch No.
714, of the 4th ultimo, relative to stamping of deeds
for property purchased for missionary purposes in
China, and expresses satisfaction that Chinese
Government has agreed to stamp deeds in manner
suggested by legation.

359 Mr. Root to Mr. Fletcher.... Oct. 25 Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights

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Mr. Wilson to Mr. Denby... Oct. 30

Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root.... Oct. 31

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Nov. 2

Mr. Root to Mr. Denby..... Nov. 23

in China. Acknowledges dispatch No. 710, of
Aug. 30, and informs him that his instruction to
consul-general at Shanghai relative to issuance of
proclamation for protection of American trade-
marks is approved.

Same subject. Acknowledges dispatch No. 30, of
25th ultimo, and states that, in opinion of depart-
ment, it would be well to invite attention of taotai
of Shanghai to last paragraph of proclamation for
protection of American trade-marks, which forbids
only imitation of Standard Oil Company's goods.
Protection of foreign missions in China. Incloses
copy of memorials and copy of joint note to foreign
office asking for complete religious liberty for mis-
sions in China.

Regulations restricting the importation of arms and
ammunition. Forwards copy of note from foreign
office, inclosing copy of regulations governing im-
portation of arms and ammunition into China.
Says regulations were objectionable to foreign
representatives, and incloses copy of note addressed
to foreign office by diplomatic body relative thereto.
Sets forth the reasons why regulations are objec-
tionable to him.

.do..... The open-door policy in Manchuria-establishment
of custom-houses and opening ports to international
trade. Reports that settlement of northern Man-
churian customs question has been reached by
Russian minister and the Waiwu Pu, in accord-
ance with which goods upon entering Railway
Zone will pay two-thirds of regular import duty,
this arrangement to be in force for one year.
Reciprocal protection of trade-marks and copyrights
in China. Acknowledges dispatch No. 37, of the
7th ultimo, inclosing copies of correspondence with
Legation at Peking relative to proclamation issued
by taotai of Shanghai for protection of American
trade-marks, and informs him that department
shares views of legation relative thereto.
Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use
of opium. Incloses copy of regulations issued with
reference to use of opium by officials of Province of

Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root.... Nov. 28

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The open-door policy in Manchuria-establishment
of custom-houses and opening ports to international
trade. Incloses official text of recent Russo-
Chinese agreement relating to establishment of
custom-houses in northern Manchuria.
Restrictions upon the importation, growth, and use
of opium. Acknowledges instruction No. 354, of
Oct. 14, and incloses copy of note from foreign office
relative to meeting of opium conference.
Customs and inland taxation. Acknowledges dis-
patch No. 759, of Oct. 14, and says the department
is glad to learn that under present arrangement,
as set forth in note of Prince of Ch'ing dated Oct. 8,
American trade at Canton will henceforth be able
to compete on footing of equality with trade of
Hongkong and Macao.
Regulations restricting the importation of arms and
ammunition. Acknowledges dispatch No. 777, of
the 2d ultimo. Approves his action in joining in
the protest of foreign powers concerning regulations
governing importation of firearms. Expresses
hope, however, that foreign representatives at
Peking will not convey impression that their Gov-
ernments are lacking in sympathy with Chinese
Government in its endeavor to prevent firearms
from reaching undesirable persons.
Governmental and educational reforms in China.
Reports that Chi-i-soa (“deliberative assembly")
held its first meeting on the 8th instant, and gives
the subjects discussed at said meeting.














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Mr. Heimke to Mr. Root.... Dec. 29



Mr. Bacon to Mr. Heimke... Feb. 12

Claim of Ricardo A. Deeb v. Colombia. Reports on
claim of Mr. Ricardo A. Deeb, an American citi-
zen, against Colombian Government, and incloses
copy of correspondence between legation and the
foreign office relative thereto.

Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of dispatch
No. 139, of Dec. 29, 1906, and informs him that the
department approves his action.

Mr. Bacon to Mr. Cortes..... Mar. 5 The Second Peace Conference. See note of Mar. 5,

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1907, from Mr. Bacon to Mr. Nabuco.
Same subject. Acknowledges note of 5th instant,
and says Colombia has accepted invitation to take
part in Second Conference, and adheres to second
and third conventions agreed upon at First Con-

Message of the President of Colombia to the Colom-
bian Congress. Transmits copy of message of Pres-
ident of the Republic of Colombia addressed to
National Constituent and Legislative Assembly
and reports made to that body by ministers of the

Provision for assembling of the Constitutional Con-
gress. Incloses copy of decree of Apr. 15, making
provision for assembling of next Constitutional

Claim of Ricardo A. Deeb v. Colombia. Refers to
dispatch No. 139, of Dec. 29, 1906, relative to claim
of Ricardo A. Deeb, reports that Government of
Colombia has issued resolution allowing claim of
Mr. Deeb in sum of $25,069, and incloses extract
of judicial decision in claim."
Denunciation of the modus vivendi concerning the
boundary between Colombia and Peru. Reports
that instructions were sent to Colombia chargé
d'affaires at Lima to notify Peruvian Government
of Colombia's denunciation of modus vivendi con-
cerning boundary between two countries.
Claim of the Chilean steamer Lautaro, destroyed
while in the service of the Department of Panama,
v. Colombia. Incloses copy of protocol between
minister for foreign affairs and Chilean chargé,
which settles claim arising out of the destruction
of the steamer Lautaro, under Chilean flag, while
in service of Department of Panama.
Boundary and navigation treaty between Colombia
and Brazil. Reports that Brazilian Senate voted
on 29th to approve boundary and navigation treaty
between Colombia and Brazil.












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