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complain of the scantiness, or want of variety in his entertainment. The panorama of London, the conservatories, fountains and waterfalls, the grotto and marine cave, the Swiss cottage, rock, scenery, camera obscura, and cosmoramic views, supply as much amusement as can reasonably be expected, and occupy quite as much time, in their enjoyment, as the generality of people have at command.

The Swiss cottage has four apartments, fitted up in the manner in which cottages in Switzerland are usually furnished; and the attendant, a civil attentive man, habited in the costume of a Swiss peasant, helps to carry on the agreeable delusion, that Mont Blanc and the Lake of Geneva are at no great distance from the place. The view from the recessed window is of a very romantic kind. Mountains, rocks, pointed crags, and caverns ; waterfalls, lakes, and streams; with birds of prey, wild ducks, and creeping plants, are so agreeably blended, and so beautifully reflected in the water, that imagination has much to assist it in conjuring up all that is wild and wonderful in nature.

There is something in a waterfall that affects us in a different manner to other things, especially if it assume the ungovernable rage of the thundering cataract. The broad-breasted mountain, the rifted crag, the fearful precipice, are arresting: but the headlong torrent, dashing its foaming waters over the pointed rocks, adds heart-stirring motion to its imposing appearance, and creates a more active and turbulent interest in the mind. It seems a correct image of that glory for which so many jeopardize their bodies and their souls.

"O Glory! Glory! mighty one on earth!
How justly imaged in the waterfall!
So wild and furious in thy sparkling birth,
Dashing thy torrents down, and dazzling all;
Sublimely breaking from thy glorious height,
Majestic, thundering, beautiful, and bright.

"How many a wondering eye is turn'd to thee,
In admiration lost! short-sighted men!
Thy furious wave gives no fertility :
Thy waters, hurrying fiercely through the plain,
Bring nought but devastation and distress,
And leave the flowery vale a wilderness.


"Oh fairer, lovelier is the modest rill,

Watering with steps serene the field, the grove-
Its gentle voice as sweet, and soft, and still
As shepherd's pipe, or song of youthful love,
It has no thundering torrent; but it flows
Unwearied, scattering blessings as it goes."

The Swiss view, with the chapel erected in remembrance of the patriot William Tell; the Lake of Lucerne; the silver mine of Mexico; the missionary station at Malacca, with the AngloChinese college, where Dr. Morrison carried on his Chinese translation of the Holy Scriptures, and composed his Anglo-Chinese dictionary-all these have their several interests; and the visitor lingers, or hurries on, as his mind is impressed, and his associations are called forth.

Independent of the things immediately appertaining to the exhibition, there are many fortuitous circumstances, always occurring to the quick eye and active mind, that vary the scene and increase the amount of pleasure. A well-dressed young woman, perhaps, seats herself in Queen Adelaide's or the Stuart's chair; and it is plain, that, for the moment, she is fancying herself to be a queen. An ardent young man reclines at full length on "the bench of Napoleon Buonaparte;" his imagination supplies all that is wanted to make him an emperor, and a visionary diadem is glittering on his brow.

Nor are the more sober and reflective less likely to be moved to follow out their contemplative inclinations. Here a faded branch gives a colour to their shadowy thoughts; and there the willow, a scion of the one that bloomed over the St. Helena grave of Napoleon-that Napoleon whose body now lies in the splendid mausoleum prepared for its reception in the capital of France. While I note down these remarks, a spider is weaving his fragile thread-an emblem of the precarious tenure of earthly things-across the statue of Sir Jeffrey Hudson, the favourite dwarf of Charles 11., as it stands before me, near the dome and the fountain. We cling to our earthly hopes and worldly attainments as though they had the strength of a cable, when, alas! they are weak as a spider's thread; for life itself "is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." Happy, indeed, is he who can say, with sincerity and confidence, in the midst of all he possesses, "Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth; but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever," Psalm lxxiii. 25, 26.

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Many changes have taken place at the Colosseum since I penned down the foregoing remarks, and a great variety of entertainments been provided. Some time ago a glaciarium was introduced there, so that those who were fond of skating might pursue that amusement in summer as well as in winter. I used to skate myself; but the skating days of Old Humphrey are over for






THERE are many exhibitions in London of a much more attractive kind than that of the model of Palestine, or the Holy Land, near Somerset House; but hardly any more useful, especially to those who love their Bibles: for, like the panorama of Jerusalem, it deepens the conviction of the truth of Holy Writ in the mind of the visitor, and thus confers, instead of a temporary gratification, an enduring benefit.

It is not a pleasant thing to be deceived as to the correctness of a thing of this kind; but the model of Palestine is the production of one whose general character, and whose residence in the Holy Land for many years, afford a reasonable pledge to the public that every care has been taken to render it as accurate as possible.

The model is formed on a table, about eighteen

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