Does Your Bag Have Holes?: 24 Truths That Lead to Financial and Spiritual Freedom [With CD]Mount Lanai, 29 oct. 2007 - 320 pagini This original and ground breaking book beautifully blends principles, parables, and stories into an entertaining and inspirational read. An 80-minute abridged audio book on CD is included in the back of each 320-page book. This book has been endorsed by legendary football coach Lou Holtz, bestselling author Brian Tracy, 4-time Olympian Henry Marsh, billionaire Jon Huntsman, Stephen R. Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. William Danko, author of The Millionaire Next Door and many others. This book pulls together the principles of Christianity, personal finance, and success into one amazing resource. Cameron Taylor s unique style of writing is entertaining, yet powerful and to the point and contains parables, analogies and short stories that will touch your heart and mind. As you live the truths in this book, you will experience the joy of financial and spiritual freedom. |
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... inspired me to set new goals towards achieving true financial and spiritual wealth . The truths in this work taught by exposing the myths that wait to engulf people in their quest for financial freedom will be a blessing in my life for ...
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Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Principles and 6 Choices of Prosperity | 2 |
Faith is a Crutch for the Weak | 10 |
MYTH | 21 |
I Am Not Worthy or Deserving of Prosperity | 31 |
I Can Only Succeed Financially at the Expense of Others | 39 |
The Constitution Calls for the Separation of Church | 68 |
Rich People Are Proud | 145 |
CHOICE 3 | 154 |
Its Not Personal Its Just Business | 167 |
CHOICE 4 | 181 |
Everything Is a Result of Luck | 192 |
Failure Is Bad | 200 |
CHOICE 5 | 209 |
9 Out of 10 Businessses Fail in the First Year | 225 |
The U S Constitution Established a Pure Democracy | 77 |
Government has a Responsibility to Provide for the Poor | 86 |
The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer | 98 |
CHOICE 1 | 109 |
Everyone Is Entitled to a High Standard of Living | 124 |
I Know All I Need to About Money | 135 |
I Do Not Need Corporations or Trusts | 240 |
Thats Their Business Not Mine | 257 |
Endnotes | 272 |
Illustration Credits | 300 |