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WO Houfbolds, both alike in Dignity,


In fair Verona, (where we lay our Scene)
From ancient Grudge break to new mutiny;
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes,
A pair of star-croft lovers take their life;
Whofe mif-adventur'd piteous Overthrows

Do, with their death, bury their Parents' ftrife.
The fearful paffage of their death-mark'd love,

And the continuance of their Parents' rage,
Which but their children's End nought could remove,
Is now the two bours' traffick of our flage:

The which if you with patient Ears attend,
What bere fhall mifs, our Toil fhall strive to mend.

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ESCALUS, Prince of Verona.
Paris, Kinfman to the Prince.


Two Lords, Enemies to each other.

Capulet, } Two

Romeo, Son to Montague.

Mercutio, Kinfman to the Prince, and Friend to Romeo.

Benvolio, Kinfman to Romeo.

Tybalt, Kinfman to Capulet.

Friar Lawrence.

Friar John.

Balthafar, Servant to Romeo.
Page to Paris.



[blocks in formation]

Abram, Servant to Montague.


Simon Catling,

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3 Muficians.

Hugh Rebeck,

Samuel Soundboard,

Peter, Servant to the Nurse.

Lady Montague, Wife to Montague.

Lady Capulet, Wife to Capulet.

Juliet, Daughter to Capulet, in love with Romeo.
Nurfe to Juliet.


Citizens of Verona, feveral men and women relations to Capulet, Mafkers, Guards, Watch, and other Attendants. The SCENE, in the beginning of the fifth Act, is in Mantua; during all the rest of the Play, in and near Verona.

Plot from a Novel of Bandella. Pope.

This novel is tranflated in
Painter's Palace of Pleasure.
Editions of this Play.
1. 1597. John Danter.

2. 1599. Tho. Grede for Cuthbet Burby.

3. 1637. R. Young for John Smethwick.

4. No date. John Smethwick. I have only the folio.



The Street, in Verona.

Enter Sampfon and Gregory, (with fwords and bucklers) two fervants of the Capulets.





REGORY, on my word, we'll not carry

Greg. No, for then we fhould be colliers.
Sam. I mean, an' we be in Choler, we'll

Greg. Ay, while you live, draw your Neck out of the Collar.

Sam. 1 ftrike quickly, being mov'd.

Greg. But thou art not quickly mov'd to strike.

we'll not carry coals.] A phrafe then in ufe, to fignify the bearing injuries. WARBURTON. This is pofitively told us; but if another critic fhall as pofitively deny it, where is the proof?

I do not certainly know the meaning of the parafe, but it seems rather to be to mother anger, and to be used of a man who burns inwardly with refentment, to which he gives no vent.

B 3


Sam. A dog of the Houfe of Montague moves me. Greg. To move, is to ftir, and to be valiant, is to ftand; therefore, if thou art mov'd, thou runn'st away.

Sam. A dog of that House fhall move me to stand. I will take the wall of any man, or maid of Montague's.

Greg. That fhews thee a weak flave; for the weakest goes to the wall.

Sam. True, and therefore women, being the weakest, are ever thrust to the wall:-therefore I will push Montague's men from the wall, and thruft his maids. to the wall.

Greg. The quarrel is between our mafters, and us their men.


Sam. 'Tis all one, I will fhew myfelf a tyrant: when I have fought with the men, I will be cruel with the maids, and cut off their heads.

Greg. The heads of the maids?

Sam. Ay, the heads of the maids, or the maidenheads, take it in what fenfe thou wilt.

Greg. They must take it in fenfe, that feel it.
Sam. Me they fhall feel, while I am able to stand :

and 'tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh.

Greg. 'Tis well thou art not fish; if thou hadft, thou hadft been Poor John. Draw thy tool, here comes of the House of the Montagues.

Enter Abram and Balthafar.

Sam. My naked weapon is out; quarrel, I will back thee.

Greg. How, turn thy back and run?

Sam. Fear me not.

Greg. No, marry: I fear thee !

cruel with the maids,] The first folio reads ciúil with the maids.


Sam. Let us take the law of our fides, let them


Greg. I will frown as I pass by, and let them take it as they lift.

Sam. Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at
them, which is a difgrace to them if they bear it.
Abr. Do you bite your thumb at us, Sir?
Sam. I do bite my thumb, Sir.

Abr. Do you bite your thumb at us, Sir?"
Sam. Is the law on our fide, if I say, ay?
Greg. No.

Sam. No, Sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, Sir: but I bite my thumb, Sir.

Greg. Do you quarrel, Sir?

Abr. Quarrel, Sir? no, Sir.

Sam. If you do, Sir, I am for you; I ferve as good

a man, as you.

Abr. No better.

Sam. Well, Sir.

3 Enter Benvolio.

Greg. Say, better. Here comes one of my mafter's kinfmen.

Sam. Yes, better, Sir.

Abr. You lye.

Sam. Draw, if you be men. Gregory, remember

thy swashing blow.

[They fight.

Ben. Part, fools, put up your fwords, you know not what you do.

Enter Tybalt.

Tyb. What, art thou drawn among these heartle hinds?

Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death.

3 Enter Benvolio.] Much of this fcene is added fince the first edition; but probably by Shake

Spear, fince we find it in that of the year 1599.

B 4



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