But, in the grofs and scope of my opinion, Mar. Good now fit down, and tell me, he that knows, Why this fame ftrict and most observant Watch Hor. That can I; At least, the whisper goes fo. Our laft King, 7 who by feal'd compact, Well ratified by law AND beraldry,] The fubject spoken of is a duel between two monarchs, who fought for a wager, and entered into articles for the just performance of the terms agreed upon. Two forts of law then were neceffary to regulate the decifion of the affair: the Coil Law, and the Law of Arms; as, had there been a wager without a duel, it had been the civil law only; or a duel without a wager, the law of arms only. Let us fee now how our Did author is made to exprefs this fenfe. -a fear'd compact, Well ratified by lary AND he raldry. Now law, as diftinguished from heraldry, fignifying the civil law; and this feal'd compact being a civil law act, it is as much as to fay, An act of law well ratified by law, which is abfurd. For the nature of ratification requires that which ratifies, and that which is ratified, fhould not be one and the fame, but different. For thefe reafons K 3 I con Did forfeit, with his life, all thofe his Lands, Had he been vanquisher; as by that cov❜nant, That hath a stomach in't; which is no other, And terms compulfative, thofe forefaid Lands The fource of this our watch, and the chief head I conclude Shakefeare wrote," -who by feal'd compact Well ratified by law or beraldry. i. e. the execution of the civil compact was ratified by the law of arms; which, in our author's time, was called the law of healdry. So the best and exacteft fpeaker of that age: In the third kind, [i. e. of the Jus gentium] the LAW OF HERALDRY in war i pofitive, &c. Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity. WARB. 8 as by THAT COV'NANT, And carriage of the articles defign'd,] The old quarto reads, the articles, the covenants entered into to confirm that bargain. Hence we fee the common reading makes a tautology. WAR B. 9 And carriage of the articles defign'd,] Carriage, is import: defigned, is formed, drawn up between them. 1 Of unimproved mettle-] Unimproved, for unrefined. WAR • Full of unimproved mettle, is full of spirit not regulated or guided by knowledge or experience. 2 That bath a fomach in't :-] Stomach, in the time of our authour, was used for confiancy, refolution. us by the fame COMART; and this is right. Comart figniBes a bargain, and Carriage of fatory. 3 And terms compulfative,—] The old quarto, better, compul WARBURTON, Ber. Ber. I think, it be no other; but even fo 4 The Graves flood tenantlefs; and the sheeted Dead 6 Enter Ghoft again. But foft, behold! lo, where it comes again! • These, and all other lines printed in the Italick letter, throughout this play, are omitted in the folio edition of 1623. The omiffions leave the play fometimes better and fometimes worse, and feem made only for the fake of abbreviation. 4-palmy State of Rome,] Palmy, for victorious; in the other editions, flourishing. POPE. s Difafters veil'd the Sun ;-] Difafiers is here finely used in its original fignification of evil conWARB. junction of ftars. [Spreading his Arms. 6-precurse of fierce events,] Fierce, for terrible. WARB. that these 7 And prologue to the omen coming on. But prologue and omen are merely fynonomous here. The Poet means, ftrange Phænomena are prologues and forerunners of the events prefag'd: And fuch fenfe the flight alteration, which I have ventured to make, by changing omen to omen'd, very aptly gives. K 4 THEOBALD. Omen, for fate. 1f * If thou haft any found, or use of voice, If there be any good thing to be done, If thou art privy to thy Country's fate, Or, if thou haft uphoarded in thy life For which, they say, you Spirits oft walk in death, [Cock crows. Speak of it. Stay, and fpeak-Stop it, Marcellus.Mar. Shall I ftrike at it with my partizan? Hor. Do, if it will not stand. Ber. 'Tis here Hor. 'Tis here Mar. 'Tis gone. We do it wrong, being fo majeftical, And our vain blows, malicious mockery. [Exit Gboft. Ber. It was about to speak when the cock crew. If thou haft any found,] The fpeech of Horatio to the fpectre is very elegant and noble, and congruous to the common traditions of the causes of apparitions. According to the pneuma Th' tology of that time, every element was inhabited by its peculiar order of fpirits, who had difpofitions different, according to their various places of abode, The meaning therefore is, that all Spirits extravagant, wandering Out 'Th' extravagant and erring Spirit hies Mar. It faded on the crowing of the cock. 2 Hor. So have I heard, and do in part believe it. Mar. Let's do't, I pray; and I this morning know Where we shall find him most conveniently. [Exeun.. |