The Plays of William Shakspeare ... |
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Pagina 5
... Death , 1594 Humorous Day's Mirth Summer's last Will and 1599 Testament . * A Knack to know an honest Man , 1596 . Two valiant Knightes , Clyomon and Clamydes , 1599 . Several dramatick pieces are also entered on the books of the ...
... Death , 1594 Humorous Day's Mirth Summer's last Will and 1599 Testament . * A Knack to know an honest Man , 1596 . Two valiant Knightes , Clyomon and Clamydes , 1599 . Several dramatick pieces are also entered on the books of the ...
Pagina 7
... death of his elder brother William , was crowned king of Eng- land in his father's life - time , on the 15th of July , 1170. He was frequently styled rex filius , rex juvenis , and sometimes he and his father were denominated Reges ...
... death of his elder brother William , was crowned king of Eng- land in his father's life - time , on the 15th of July , 1170. He was frequently styled rex filius , rex juvenis , and sometimes he and his father were denominated Reges ...
Pagina 9
... death of Saint Catharine , acted by the monks of Saint Dennis , rivalled the popularity of the professed players . Musick was admitted into the churches , which served as theatres for the representation of holy farces . The festivals ...
... death of Saint Catharine , acted by the monks of Saint Dennis , rivalled the popularity of the professed players . Musick was admitted into the churches , which served as theatres for the representation of holy farces . The festivals ...
Pagina 26
... Death , Hope , Faith , or the like , and as the common poetry of the times , especially among the French , began to deal much in allegory , at length plays were formed entirely consisting of such personifications . These were called ...
... Death , Hope , Faith , or the like , and as the common poetry of the times , especially among the French , began to deal much in allegory , at length plays were formed entirely consisting of such personifications . These were called ...
Pagina 31
... and it continued open , I believe , till the death of King Charles the Second . The disturbances which followed in Ire- land put an end for a time to all theatrical entertainments . 34 and 35 Henry VIII . c . 1 , OF THE ENGLISH STAGE . 31.
... and it continued open , I believe , till the death of King Charles the Second . The disturbances which followed in Ire- land put an end for a time to all theatrical entertainments . 34 and 35 Henry VIII . c . 1 , OF THE ENGLISH STAGE . 31.
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 3 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1805 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 3 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1809 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
acted actors ancient appears ascertain Aubrey audience Augustine Phillips Ben Jonson Blackfriars Blackfriars theatre Burbadge called Charles children of Paul's church comedians comedy Curtain daye death drama dramatick Drury Lane Earl edition Elizabeth England English stage Enter entertainments epilogue executors exhibited George Buc give and bequeath Globe hath Heminge Henry Chettle Henry Herbert Histriomastix interludes Item John Heminge John Shakspear Jonson King Henry King James king's company Lady license London Lord Chamberlain Lord Chamberlain's Majesty Majesty's March masques Master mentioned musick Mysteries Nicholas Tooley night parish Paul's performed persons piece play playes playhouse poet poet's pounds present printed probably prologue publick theatres Queen Red Bull reign representation represented Revels Richard says scenes servants Shakspeare's shillings Sir Henry Herbert STEEVENS suppose testament theatrical thereof Thomas Thomas Dekker thou tion tragedy verses Wentworth Smith William D'Avenant writer written