WATTSON (R. A.) AND S. A. WATTSON, COPARTNERS, WESTERN (OLD SETTLER) CHEROKEE INDIANS, ET Радо 879 AL. (Appeals Docket Nos. 2 and 3) 665 Indian claims; res adjudicata; decisions of Indian Claims WOLF, GORDON J.... 285 Pay and allowances; flying pay of non-flying Army officer; 1850, September 27; 9 Stat. 496; Rogue River. 1853, February 14; 10 Stat. 158; Rogue River.. 1853, March 3; 10 Stat. 214; Rogue River.......... 1853, September 10; 10 Stat. 1018; Rogue River.. 1853, September 19; 10 Stat. 1027; Rogue River.. 1854, July 17; 10 Stat. 305; Rogue River.... 1854, November 18; 10 Stat. 1122; Rogue River. 1854, November 29; 10 Stat. 1125; Rogue River.. 1855, January 22; 10 Stat. 1143; Rogue River.. 1855, March 3; 10 Stat. 643, 674; Rogue River... 1855, December 21; 12 Stat. 981; Rogue River... 1862, May 20; 12 Stat. 392; Rogue River.. 1862, July 2; 12 Stat. 503; Rogue River_ 1866, July 25; 14 Stat. 239; Rogue River.. 1869, April 10; 16 Stat. 47; Rogue River.. 1874, June 20; 18 Stat. 109; Ancker. Page 1920, June 5; 41 Stat. 999; Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo.......... 184 1930, June 17; 46 Stat. 726; Sudametal Sociedad__ 789 1930, June 17; 46 Stat. 750; Petzoldt__ 291 1931, March 2; 46 Stat. 1496; Teichner and Maki.. 869 1931, March 3; 46 Stat. 1510; Stephano Bros.. 503 1935, August 30; 49 Stat. 1011; Central Excavators, Inc.. 1936, June 29; 49 Stat. 1985: 744 1938, June 23; 52 Stat. 973, 998; Capital Airlines. 1939, August 7; 53 Stat. 1254; Pontin Boat Corp. 1940, June 28; 54 Stat. 676; Sudametal Sociedad.. 1940, June 30; 54 Stat. 1235; Capital Airlines.. 1940, July 2; 54 Stat. 712; Sudametal Sociedad.. 850 488 789 850 789 1941, May 31; 55 Stat. 236; Sudametal Sociedad.. 789 1945, June 30; 59 Stat. 295; Teichner and Maki.. 869 1946, May 24; 60 Stat. 216, 218; Teichner and Maki. 869 Page 1946, June 29; 60 Stat. 343, 345; Perkins___ 778 1946, August 13; 60 Stat. 1049; Western Cherokee Indians, et al..... 665 1947, May 15; 61 Stat. 92; Briggs 638 1948, July 3; 62 Stat. 1421; Silas Mason Co., Inc. 1 Title 15, Section 606 (b); Sudametal Sociedad_ 789 Title 19, Section 1490; Sudametal Sociedad.. 789 Title 19, Sections 1592, 1610, 1618; Petzoldt. 291 Title 25, Sections 70, etc.; Western Cherokee Indians, et al___ 665 Title 26, Section 2198; Stephano Bros--- 503 Title 26, Section 3304 (a) and (b); Stephano Bros. 503 Title 28, Section 2071 (1946 Ed. Supp. III); Wagner Iron 607 Title 28, Section 2501; Siskind___. 809 Title 28, pages 3279 and 3281 (1946 Ed.); Wagner Iron Works.. Title 40, Section 276 (a); Central Excavators, Inc. 744 Title 41, Section 15; Kavounas 406 Title 41, Section 107 (d); Daubendick___ 209 Title 46, Section 883; Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo.. LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE COURT OF CLAIMS [PRIVATE LAW 457-81ST CONGRESS] [H. R. 597] AN ACT To confer jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon a certain claim of J. T. Melson against the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the claim of J. T. Melson, Craddockville, Virginia, against the United States (1) on the question of liability, if any, and (2) on the question of the amount of recovery, if any, for losses sustained as a result of the burning of timber and damage to marshland allegedly caused by fire started by a flare used in maneuvers by the United States naval forces August 6, 1943. SEC. 2. Proceedings for the determination of said claim shall be had in the same manner as in cases of which said court has jurisdiction under the provision of section 1346 of title 28, United States Code: Provided, That suit hereunder shall be instituted within four months after the enactment of this Act: And provided further, That this Act shall be construed only to waive the immunity from suit of the Government of the United States with respect to the claim of said J. T. Melson, his heirs, administrators, or assigns, and not otherwise to affect any substantive rights of the parties. Approved May 6, 1950. XX |