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with fixed and solemn purpose, he set himself to search out the mystery, resolved to perform the indispensable work, as soon as he should understand how it was to be done.

Several days passed away in this fruitless search; the hope of success expired within him. And one day, his burdened, sinking spirit, came reluctantly to the conclusion, that it was in vain for him to attempt to study out the process of a sinner's coming to Christ for pardon and peace; that he could not learn it from the Bible-he could not obtain the knowledge of it from his minister and christian friends, and he could not comprehend it by his own reasonings. That he was a guilty, justly condemned sinner, he still deeply felt. That his help was in Christ alone, he knew. One thing appeared to be all that remained in his power to do, and that was to leave it to Christ to deal with him as he pleased, and to place himself in his hands for time and eternity.

This one act was the commencement of a new era in the life of that young man. That mysterious problem, which he had so vainly tried to solve, was now seen written out in his happy consciousness. The first impulse of his joyful heart was, after pouring forth his gratitude to his Redeemer, a desire to go and tell his friends how simple and plain a thing it is for a sinner to come to Jesus. Since that time, he has gone far away to teach the benighted heathen the knowledge of the blessed Saviour, whom he thus found precious to his soul.

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Christ says, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Reader, have you heard him invite you? Has your heart accepted his gracious call? Have you fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before you in the Gospel? The way of life is a plain way. Oh, do you come at once to Christ. "Behold, the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world."



Not long since a young man, in the vigour of health, with the fairest prospects of a long and prosperous life, was thrown from a vehicle, and conveyed to the nearest house in a state that excited instant and universal alarm for his safety. A physician was called. The first question of the wounded youth was, "Sir, must I die? Deceive me not in this thing." His firm tone and penetrating look demanded an honest reply. He was told he could not live more than an hour. He awaked, as it were at once, to a full sense of the dreadful reality. "Must I, then, go into eternity in an hour? Must I appear before my God and Judge in an hour? God knows that I have made no preparation for this event! I knew that impenitent youth were sometimes cut off thus suddenly, but it never entered into my mind that I was to be one of this number. And now, what shall I do to be saved?" He was told that he must repent and believe on


the Lord Jesus Christ. "But how shall I repent and believe?" There is no time to explain the matter. Death will not wait for explanation! The work must be done. The whole business of an immortal being in this probationary life is now crowded into one short hour, and that hour is an hour of mental agony and distraction. Friends were weeping around, and running to and fro in the frenzy of grief. The poor sufferer, with a bosom heaving with emotion, and with an eye gleaming with desperation, continued his cry of "What shall I do to be saved ?" till in less than an hour his voice was hushed in the stillness of death. Thus he died, "having no hope."

Reader! is your position similar to that of this young man-without God, and WITHOUT HOPE ?


WHAT WILT THOU SAY WHEN HE SHALL PUNISH THEE?— Wilt thou say thou wast taken by surprise, without being warned; and that therefore judgments came unlooked for? The very heathen cannot say this; for as the creatures instruct them, so conscience warns them. Being destitute of the written law, they are a law to themselves; and according to their different conduct their thoughts accuse, or else excuse, one another. Certainly, then, this plea will not avail for those who sit under the sound of the gospel, and enjoy the clearer light of God's holy word. The forbearance and longsuffering of God towards sinners is truly astonishing. He was longer in destroying Jericho than in creating a world. The sword is lifted up in the hand of justice, which says, as the king of Israel to the prophet, "Shall I smite? Shall I smite?" But mercy stays the streke. The gathering clouds give previous notice of the overwhelming storm; and various means are used to rouse and awaken us, before the decree goes forth to kill and to destroy. Never did one man bear with another as God bears with us all. With much "long-suffering he endures the vessels of wrath fitted for destruction;" and he will be "justified when he speaketh, and clear when he judgeth." O sinner, did not God plead and expostulate with thee; did he not tell thee what would be the fruit of thy doings? Did he not "hew thee by his prophets, and slay thee by the words of his mouth." How often did he say, "O do not that abominable thing which I hate!" Did he not send his ministers, one after another, rising up early and sending them? Did he not stand at the door and knock? Hadst thou not at times a fearful expectation of that wrath and indignation which is ready to overwhelm thee? I appeal to thine own conscience, whether it did not often reprove thee for thy sinful ways, telling thee that the end of those things is death? O sinner, "what wilt thou say when he shall punish thee?"-Beddome.

WHAT WILL BECOME OF ME?-Thus exclaimed a poor woman, some time ago, who was just convinced of her lost state as a sinner; her eyes were just opened, and she saw that she was justly condemned by God's holy law,-exposed to his tremendous wrath, and excluded from happiness and peace. "What will become of me?" She felt that she deserved death, was exposed to it, and knew not how to escape from it. "What will become of me?" She feared hell, desired heaven, but knew not the way to it. Reader, have you ever made the discovery which this poor woman did? Have you ever felt as she did? Have you ever asked the question, "What will become of me?" If you die in your sins you must perish. But you need not perish. Go at once to the Lord Jesus, confess your sins, place your dependance on his precious blood, and look for eternal life through his merit and mercy. Have you done so? If you have, I will tell you what will become of you, when you die angels will receive you, a place in heaven will be appointed you, and glory, honour, immortality, and eternal life will be your endless portion.

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"CHRIST IS MINE."-Many of our readers must have heard of the gentleman who took his friend to the roof of his house to show him the extent of his possessions. Waving his hand about, "There,” said he, "is my estate." Pointing to a great distance on one side, "Do you see that farm? Well, that is mine." Pointing again to the other side, "Do you see that house? That also belongs to me." In turn, his friend asked, "Do you see that village out yonder? Well, there lives in that village a woman who can say more than all this." "Ah! what can she say?" "Why, she can say, 'CHRIST IS MINE!"" Indeed she was the richer of the two.

CAN I BE SAVED?—Yes; but do you know and feel that you are lost? That as a sinner you are justly condemned by God's holy law, and that your polluted heart and life must be offensive in his sight? That you need pardon for your crimes, and to be sanctified by the power of the Holy Ghost? Without pardon you must be eternally condemned; and without holiness you must be eternally unhappy. But you can be saved. Jesus is ABLE to save to the very uttermost, and he is WILLING to save all who are really willing to be saved by him. He has promised that he will in no wise cast out. He assures us that whosoever will may come. Therefore you may come, you may come immediately, you may come just as you are, you may come for pardon, peace, holiness, and eternal life; and if you come to him as a poor sinner, ask of him as an act of mercy, plead with him as one in earnest, and expect from him because he has promised, you will receive and be saved. He saves the vilest. He saves for evermore. There are no limits to his power, and his Gospel welcomes every coming soul. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and THOU SHALT BE SAVED.

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