much to be Lamented: Passion so governs fome, as if their Tongues were set on Fire from Hell. Ninthly, Thinketh no Evil; he would do Evil to none, nor readily take up Evil of another, to have uncharitable Thoughts of him; he will not be ready to Charge his Brother rashly upon every Report. Tenthly, Rejoiceth not in Iniquity; he doth not rejoice in the Faults of others. Eleventhly, He rejoiceth in the Truth; he rejoiceth that Truth profpereth, and that an Innocent Person's Righteousness is cleared up. The Apostle in winding up the Marks of it, shews it is every way Excellent; it beareth all things believeth all things, hopeth all things; he beareth all things, all Evils he meets withal, he believeth all things good of his Brother, so far as Charity may not injure Truth. There be many that account themselves to have passed from Death to Life, which fall short of those Characters of Love: We may all Lament we find it so cold in our selves to them that bear Christ's Name and Image. I Beseech you, dearly Beloved in the Lord, be much in Love, for God is Love: To be a loving Saint, is a sign of a lively Saint; many Waters cannot quench the Fire of Love.. Eighthly, Let me Beseech you in the Name of the Lord, that you would set up Godliness in your Families; we can never expect Holy Assemblies while Godliness is neglected in Families. Children and Servants not being Instructed at home, is a great Cause of their being unprofitable under the Word Preach'd. Godly Instruction is too much neglected both to Children and Servants by Profeffors in our Age; I am afraid there are some that scarce a favoury Word drops from their Lips all the the Week to their Family. How can it be thought that unfavoury Spirits ever got good to their own Souls? They that keep all to themselves, it is to be feared have got little to themselves; the good Man brings forth good Treasure, New and Old. Let me intreat you, dear Chriftians, whatsoever Station you are in, whether Parents or Masters, whether Children or Servants, that you do not neglect private Prayer twice in the Day at least; if you have Opportunity to Pray oftner, do not flip such fair Seasons. * If you neglect private Prayer, do not expect to thrive in Godliness; God gives his Alms at Wisdoms Gate: And let me Beseech you that are Parents or Governors, keep up Publick Prayer in your Families, look to it, that you are not numbred among the cursed Families, that call not upon the Name of the Lord. The private House is the Christian's Chappel of ease, to Worship God in daily with his Family: The Church begun in a Family, and is upheld still by the Piety of private Families. If the Nursery be not preserved, the Orchard must needs in time Decay. We cannot expect that Family to thrive in Godliness, where Publick Prayer is neglected. What Praying Persons might some Children or Servants have been, had they been called to that Duty by Parents or Masters, when they were under their Governments! Methinks, if Persons love their own Souls, it should cause them to love and pity the Souls about them. It would be a great Cruelty in Parents, to spend all they get upon * The Mother would think the Suking Child not well, if it should forsake the Breast a whole Day; so mayeft thou think thy Soul is not right, that can pass a Day without craving any Spiritual Repast in Prayer. Mr. Gurnal's Compleat Chriftians Armour. them themselves, and let their Children starve. Employ some of that Talent that you have got for the furtherance of their Salvation: Should not you be willing that they should find the way to Heaven as well as your selves? They have as precious Souls as you, and if you have tasted sweetness in drawing nigh to God, will you deal so unkindly to hinder your Family of partaking of the Blessing with you ? If you Complain of yout Weakness in parts, or Bashfulness makes you backward to this Duty; I Answer, It is not your Weakness in Parts will be any hindrance of your Prayer's Acceptance with God, nor will it prevent a Bleffing from your Family; God looks at the Uprightness of your Hearts, not at the Excellency of your Expreffions; but if you would Study your own and Families Souls wants, you would as well know how to go about this Duty, as you know in their Neceffities in the World, how to go about your worldly Business to maintain them, and fupply their outward Wants. And as for Bashfulness, if your Children were Perishing for Bread, you would put on Courage to Beg with them, rather than let them Perish; how much more should you put on Courage to go with your Perishing Childrens and Servants Souls to the Throne of Grace to beg Grace for them, as ever you would have your Family thrive under the Publick Ministry, as ever you would have them in their Duty toward God and yourselves, as you would have Obedient Children and Faithful Servants, as ever you would have your Children and Servants separated from a vain wicked World, as ever you would bless God that you were their Masters or Parents in a dying Hour, keep up Constant and Publick Prayer with them in your Family. 4 ر Ninthly, Ninthly, Let me Intreat you to Love the Truth for Truths fake; think not the worse of it because most undervalue it; let not their low Esteem of the Truths of Christ damp your Affections to it; enquire not who is on your side, before you take it up, as the Pharisees did; Have any of the Rulers believed on him? Some, if they have not the most and highest on their side, think Truth not worth their owning. It is the Misery of many, they never made their Faith nor Religion their own; what is accounted best among Men, is always beft to them; it is what Men Teach, that is accounted best by most People, they adhere to it, more than they will to the Truth of Chrift, tho' the best Man Teach them. They that are most for Sinners Good, are not counted Good with Sinners; they that Preach Chrift freely to the worst of Sinners, are counted the worst of Men: Though Truth is come to a bad Market, and fold at a low Rate, and few Buyers, I beseech you, have never the lower Esteem of it, Buy it as your choicest Crown; if you hold fast the Crown of Truth, when Christ comes, he will give you a Crown of Glory, Many, Iam perswaded, that are convinced of the Truth, do not own it, because it goes in a mean Drefst Many will hold with every thing the Church that they are of holds, though they know nothing aright they hold: Such are for Performance or Omiffion, they will do as others do, but nothing from a right Principle: Beg of the Lord that you may fee the Beauty and Glory that is in the Truths of Chrift, that you may highly prize Truth, when you fuffer the greatest Reproaches and Evils for owning the fame. 1. Love Truth for its own Sake, Honour it for Christ's Sake, Commend it for others Sake, Follow it for your own Sake. Lastly, Let me earnestly Intreat you to Pray for me, that I may both in Life and Doctrine be a Burning and shining Light, that I may find the Power and Relish of those things upon my Heart that I give out to you and others, that I may be an Instrument in the Hand of Christ to bring many Souls to him, and Build up those that are brought in, in their most Holy Faith, and that utterance may be given me, with a Blessing from Heaven upon my unworthy Labours, that they may not be Vain, but that I may daily fee the Travel of my Soul; it is God alone can open Hearts, and unlock the Treafury of Grace in the Gospel, and make known the Mystery of the Gospel. It is not the Hand that Sows the Seed, but God's Blessing that gives the Increase. And if you would have me bear you upon my Heart before the Lord at the Throne of Grace, pray give me a Meeting oftner there, if you expect me to Water you, pray that I may be watered. People little confider what good they keep back from their own Souls, in not Praying for their Ministers: Many are readier to Reproach them, than to Pray for them, and to Rejoice in their Falls, than to Pray that they be upheld. How many that have Excellent Gifts and Parts do little Work for God, bring little Comfort to Souls? If shining, they are not burning Lights, they leave Cold Earthly proud Hearts: I think one Caufe may be, they have not been earnest at the Throne of Grace, that a Blessing may attend their Labours. People may be much in admiring such Minifters Gifts, when the Word they Preach takes |