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so when a Soul is filled with Grace, and Comfort, and Affurance, what is he fit for but Glory? To go to enjoy God in that full Meafure that the Saints and Angels do? But you have Mercy distilled out, some Drops in one Sermon, and fome in another, that your Souls may be still filling up 'till you are fit for Glory: If you were full at once, you would not need any more Ordinances. But now the Soul faith, I bless God for his Ordinances, for I have received some Comfort by them; O that I had a full Affurance! O that I could fee more of Chrift! O that I were perfect in Christ! O that I could love him as the Saints do that are in Glory! If you could, then you need not come any more to Ordinances. You fee in a Cloud a bright Side and a dark Side, in Ordinances you have Peace and Joy: Ay, and you have Temptation, that you may long for another Ordinance, that you may have Peace and Comfort; so you are led from Ordinance to Ordinance, you are led from Duty to Duty, 'till you are brought to Glory. So when you have received some Revelations of Chrift, you long for Ordinances again, that you may receive more: I say, a fincere Believer that waits upon the Lord Jesus Christ, that waits for a Shower from Heaven, he may fee, that in every Complaint he hath Cause to rejoyce; he muft needs fee fomething; though he has a dark Cloud, he cannot but say, Truly he hopes to fee a bright Cloud also: He cannot but own that he hath some Glimmering of Hope that were never found before. Converfion, that was never found in a carnal Heart; as sometimes the Lord is pleased in an Ordinance to give unto the Soul at one Time one Promife, and at another Time another.

another. If a Man had a Field of Corn, and should thresh and grind it at once, could he eat it all at once? No, but a little and a little at a Time: So the Field of the Promises is a large Field, when you come to Glory, all the Fields will be bound up, and all the Promises will be accomplished, and you will have your Souls in that glorious Paradife of perfect Blessedness : But now the Lord is pleased to drop in one Promise at one Time, and another at another. The poor Woman at Canaan defired to be under Christ's Table to be fed with Crumbs. They that wait on Christ for Crumbs, shall not miss of having their Fill at last. A poor Soul in Christ gets at one Time one Promife, and at another Time another, and so is carried on till the Harvest is white; when you are ripe for Glory, there will be a perfect Accomplishment of all the Promises; but in the mean Time we must wait for those great and precious Promises, 2 Pet. i. 4. Hereby are given to us exceeding great and precious Promises, that by these you might be Partakers of the divine Nature: Exceeding great and precious Promises, but these Promises drop down as you have need; hereby are given to us exceeding great and precious Promises; great incomparable Grace, Love and Mercy are wrapt up in them, at one Time one, and another Time and other is dropt into the Soul. The Sons and Daughters of Sion that wait on God in a Way of Duty, O the fweet and precious Promifes that they have given them! As Ruth followed Boaz's Feet at Night; to spiritualize this, Who was Ruth but a poor Gentile? She was a Moabitisk Woman. O how good it is to be waiting! It is the Believer's Duty to be waiting on the Word, and and all the Means of Grace, and what should he do at Night? Lie down at Christ's Feet, leave him not 'till you are married to him, nor then, 'till you are brought home to Glory, while you enjoy him fully: So I fay, wait on him gleaning in his Field, and you shall have sweet divine Comfort and Confolation from him at laft.

Secondly, As for Promise, so for quickening your Hearts by his Spirit, when you cry with David, Pfal. cxix. 25. Quicken me for my Soul cleaveth to the Duft. The Lord is pleased fometimes to come in with quickening Grace to your Souls, that you find your Heart quickened and revived like a dry Tree or Plant after Rain: So the Soul complains, I am like a barren Wildernefs, I do not find my Heart afcend up to God, my Heart is even cleaving to the Duft, but he defires quickening; Quicken thou me according to thy Word; thou hast promised quickening Grace, therefore I wait for Quickenings, fo a Soul faith, O that I had Christ! Could but my Soul taste him! Could my Soul experience his Revivings! And in waiting have you not found his Quickenings, when you have confeffed your Soul was free among the Dead.


Again, Have you not found new Strength to believe in Chrift? You have gone Home fometimes, and said in your Hearts, I will never doubt more, I will never give Way to Unbelief more, I will never to my dying Hour misbelieve the Promises of God, for bis Promises are fure, and bis Mercies never fail. I could fing with the Pfalmist, Praise the Lord, far bis Mercies endure for ever; praise the Lord, for bis Goodness never fails And can witness what the Pfalmist faith, Pfal. cxxxviii. 2, 3. I will worship towards thy holy Temple, and praise thy Name, for thy loving-kindness and for thy Truth; for thou hast magnified thy Word above all thy Name; in the Day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with Strength in my Soul. In the Day that I cried, that I waited upon thee, immediately I had new Strength from thee: When my Heart was faint, when my Soul was in a languishing Condition, I cried unto thee, and thou strengthened me with Strength in my Soul; I had Strength to believe, I had Strengh to wait, I had Strength to hope, and I had Strength to live upon Chrift for all. Have you not experienced this, that you have come weak to an Ordinance, yet have found Strength, as one that hath drank new Wine ? Therefore the Lord is pleased to give you Strength, that you may go from Duty to Duty, from Mercy to Mercy, from Peace to Peace, O you that wait on Chrift in a Way of Dependence for new Reviving, and new Manifestations to your Souls, what Comfort will it be to you, though you have little Strength, to go from Strength to Strength ? The Lord hath promised it, Pfal. lxxxiv. They shall go from Strength to Strength 'till they appear before God in Sion. This was spoken of the willing Ifraclites; many tarried at home to worship Jeroboam's Gods, they would not come to Jefuralem, the Journey was too far, and the Cost and Pains too much; they would rather ferve the Calves that Jeroboam had fet up: But the godly Ifraelites went to Jerufalem; and what did the Lord do for them? See Verfe 5. Bleffed is the Man whose Strength is in thee, in whose Heart are the Ways of them; whole Heart is found believing and waiting for Christ, whofe whose Heart is united to Christ, and found waiting in his Appointments: What then? They go from Strength to Strength, every one of them in Sion appeareth before God; not one shall faint by the Way; every one shall appear before God in Sion if they have never fo far to go, as fure as if they had but a Mile to go: So it is in this Day of our Gofpel Worship, in our waiting on Chrift in the Means; the Soul faith, I have many Duties on my Hand to perform, and I do not know how to do them; but if your Soul defires to believe in Christ, to live in Christ, to rowl upon Christ, to wait on him in his Ordinances, you shall go from Strength to Strength; you shall every one come to Glory, tho' you go through the Vally of Bacha; though you have dark Places, and barren Places, you shall have Wells of Salvation, and they shall refresh your Souls. Chrift will be dropping his Comforts and Grace, that you shall be filled with Comfort; you shall go from Strength to Strength, 'till you appear before God.

Again, As for your Strength, fo for your Victory and Conqueft over Corruption: Have not you found in your waiting, that the Life of Chrift hath been manifeft in the Death of your Corruptions, in your Conqueft, that when you have cried out, Owretched Man or Woman! O how unfit to wait on Christ! O how dark and dead am I! Yet have not you through the Grace of Chrift, found the Life of Chrift made manifest, that you have gone away conquering and victorious? Though you do defire to live upon Chrift, yet you have not brim full of him at once, but do receive your Joy and Comfort from him, Drop by

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