The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Volumul 2C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1809 |
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Pagina 8
... Milan . Antonio , his brother , the usurping Duke of Milan . Ferdinand , son to the king of Naples . Gonzalo , an honest old counsellor of Naples . Adrian , Francisco , } lords . Caliban , a savage and deformed slave . Trinculo , a ...
... Milan . Antonio , his brother , the usurping Duke of Milan . Ferdinand , son to the king of Naples . Gonzalo , an honest old counsellor of Naples . Adrian , Francisco , } lords . Caliban , a savage and deformed slave . Trinculo , a ...
Pagina 16
... Milan , and A prince of power . Mira . Sir , are not you my father ? Pro . Thy mother was a piece of virtue , and She said thou wast my daughter ; and thy father Was duke of Milan ; and his only heir A princess ; no worse issued.9 ...
... Milan , and A prince of power . Mira . Sir , are not you my father ? Pro . Thy mother was a piece of virtue , and She said thou wast my daughter ; and thy father Was duke of Milan ; and his only heir A princess ; no worse issued.9 ...
Pagina 20
... Milan : Me , poor man ! —my library Was dukedom large enough ; of temporal royalties He thinks me now incapable : confederates ( So dry he was for sways ) with the king of Naples , To give him annual tribute , do him homage ; Subject ...
... Milan : Me , poor man ! —my library Was dukedom large enough ; of temporal royalties He thinks me now incapable : confederates ( So dry he was for sways ) with the king of Naples , To give him annual tribute , do him homage ; Subject ...
Pagina 22
... - " now my story heightens in its consequence , " I have left the passage in question undisturbed . We still say , that the interest of a drama rises or declines . Steevens . Out of the dukedom ; and confer fair Milan , 24 TEMPEST .
... - " now my story heightens in its consequence , " I have left the passage in question undisturbed . We still say , that the interest of a drama rises or declines . Steevens . Out of the dukedom ; and confer fair Milan , 24 TEMPEST .
Pagina 23
... Milan , With all the honours , on my brother : Whereon , A treacherous army levied , one midnight Fated to the purpose , did Antonio open The gates of Milan ; and , i ' the dead of darkness , The ministers for the purpose hurried thence ...
... Milan , With all the honours , on my brother : Whereon , A treacherous army levied , one midnight Fated to the purpose , did Antonio open The gates of Milan ; and , i ' the dead of darkness , The ministers for the purpose hurried thence ...
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
ancient Antony and Cleopatra Ariel Ben Jonson Caliban called comedy Demetrius dost doth Duke edit emendation Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair gentle Gentlemen of Verona give grace hath hear heart Helena Hermia Johnson Julia King Henry lady Laun Launce lion lord lover Lysander madam Malone Mason master means Measure for Measure metre Midsummer Night's Dream Milan Mira mistress monster moon musick never night Oberon observes old copy reads Othello passage play poet pray Prospero Proteus Puck Pyramus quarto Quin Ritson scene second folio sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's shew signifies Silvia sleep song speak Speed Spenser spirit Steevens Stephano strange suppose sweet Sycorax tell thee Theobald Theseus thing Thisbe thou art thou hast Thurio Tita Titania translation Trin Trinculo unto Valentine Warburton word