The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volumul 1Cassell, 1892 |
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Pagina 218
... deeds with that proud brag of thine , That said'st , I begg'd the empire at thy hands . Tit . O monstrous ... deed That hath dishonour'd all our family ; Unworthy brother , and unworthy sons ! Luc . But let us give him burial ...
... deeds with that proud brag of thine , That said'st , I begg'd the empire at thy hands . Tit . O monstrous ... deed That hath dishonour'd all our family ; Unworthy brother , and unworthy sons ! Luc . But let us give him burial ...
Pagina 232
... deeds , Complots of mischief , treason , villainies , Ruthful to hear , yet piteousless perform'd ; And this ... deed of charity , To that which thou shalt hear of me anon . ' Twas her two sons that murder'd Bassianus ; They cut ...
... deeds , Complots of mischief , treason , villainies , Ruthful to hear , yet piteousless perform'd ; And this ... deed of charity , To that which thou shalt hear of me anon . ' Twas her two sons that murder'd Bassianus ; They cut ...
Pagina 235
... deed . [ Killing TITUS . Luc . Can the son's eye behold the father bleed ? There's meed for meed , death for a deadly deed . [ Kills SATURNINUS . A great Tumult . The People in confusion disperse . MARCUS , LUCIUS and their Partisans ...
... deed . [ Killing TITUS . Luc . Can the son's eye behold the father bleed ? There's meed for meed , death for a deadly deed . [ Kills SATURNINUS . A great Tumult . The People in confusion disperse . MARCUS , LUCIUS and their Partisans ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The plays of William Shakespeare, ed. by T. Keightley, Partea 37,Volumul 2 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1864 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Achilles Agamemnon Ajax Alcibiades Andronicus Antony Apem Apemantus art thou Aufidius Banquo bear blood brother Brutus Cæsar Casca Cassius Cleo Cleopatra Cominius Coriolanus Cres Cymbeline dear death deed Diomed dost doth Enter Erit Exeunt Exit eyes Farewell father fear Fool fortune friends give Gloster gods Goths GUIDERIUS hand hath hear heart heaven Hect Hector hither honour Kent King lady Lavinia Lear look lord Lucius Macb Macbeth Macd madam Marcius Mark Antony Mess never night noble Pandarus Patroclus peace Pisanio Pompey poor Posthumus pr'ythee pray Queen Re-enter Roman Rome SCENE Senators Serv Servant shalt shew soldier speak stand sweet sword tell thee Ther There's thine thing thou art thou hast Timon Titinius Titus tongue Troilus Ulyss villain What's word